Dark Souls and Elden Ring are Overrated and Overhyped by Endless Lies

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@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Never has a souls fan described or named what's the skill these games require. The fact that you are just implying that coping data and then pasting it somewhere is a skill, is the most clear indication that you are a lifeform way lesser than humans and most animals as well. Imagine being proud of having the functionality of a broken record, to the point that you need to brag about it to everyone on the internet. Apparently by your definition if you stare at a wall for 10 hours you are a skilled wall starer. A parrot is a skilled speaker even if it has no clue what it's saying and never tried to practice it's speech. So is a record even though it's just an inanimate machine made by someone who actually had skills. Drinking from the toilet is a skill and people who aren't willing to do it is only because they have skill issues, are bad at it and they need to git gud and are also jealous of those who can, according to souls fans. There are many synonyms of the word skill: expertise, expertness, adeptness, dexterity, ability, prowess, mastery, competence, competency, capability, efficiency, aptitude, artistry, art, finesse, flair, virtuosity, experience, professionalism, talent, cleverness, smartness, ingenuity, versatility, knack, readiness, handiness, know-how. Most of them don't even remotely fit your definition of skill. Reading a completely nonsensical gibberish book and memorizing it doesn't mean you mastered anything or you became skilled, or an expert at anything, or you acquired an ability, became more competent or efficient at anything, or you finessed anything, or you got any kind of experience, readiness for anything or you know-how to do anything. You just stored completely pointless data in your brain and you can parrot it for no reason at all. It doesn't help you with anything anywhere at any point. When you mention the list of your skills to someone, if you mention that you have memorized a book of gibberish, then you are insane and pitiful/laughable. Maybe someone will create a video game that asks you to write down the content of that book and you will play it and beat it to feel good for yourself after wasting all that time to memorize an entire book. The rough textbook definition of skill is: the ability to do something well. You can argue that you can memorise generally, but i don't know if the word ''well'' fits anywhere here. Every lifeform has basic memory. Is basic breathing a skill too? If you are not dying from lack of oxygen or choking on your spit, it means you are doing it well and you are a skilled breather right? I guess everyone is, but if that's the case then who are the bad breathers? Can we really say that we do something well if there is no one beneath us to compare them with us? Everyone can actually beat these simple games. There are people who whine because they don't get handled free instant gratification like game journalist and they proceed to call these games hard because they are not just lazy when it comes to their job, they are also lazy when it comes to thinking why exactly they failed and what were they really playing, so they just proceed to simply call the games hard. An inaccurate word spouted from their mouth out of pure laziness. Then there are smart people who drop these games early on because they realise how boring they are. If you take the least skilled game journalist and physically force them to finish any of these games, they will definitely succeed. Same will happen if you force a grandma who never touched a video game and pretty much anyone, since there is no actual skill requirement nor a talent. A genuine skill would be something that can actually be carried on to other things like depth perception. You can walk, run, drive any machine whether ground, aerial or underwater and play many video games well, such as platformers. The higher your skill level of depth perception, the better you become at all of those and there are also many other things you can do with that skill as well.
@Loremaster28 2 ай бұрын
ok bro im done your just rage bating at this point and its clear with you calling people sub human. im out. hope you find something in your life that makes you happy instead of seeing yourself as above other people. Arrogance and dumb pride are not a good look chief but hey what else can I expect from someone who see people enjoying something and has the need to "dunk" on them for enjoying something.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Pattern recognition as a skill would be to recognize trends or a deeper meaning through logical data analysis. For example recognizing the pattern of numbers that start from 1 and keep increasing one by one like counting, is not really a skill since everyone can recognize it immediately, even kinder garden kids. Storing data of patterns you simply see and then applying it with a single button through pure trial and error instead of using your intelligence is not a skill. Everyone can do that. Same goes for timing. You don't time through reflexes which is an actual skill. A game that requires timing and rhythm would be Guitar hero. You press the buttons based on your reflex skill through the visuals and by following the rhythm acoustically using your ears, you can play the game with your eyes closed and rely on your hearing skills. Rhythm is a regular repeated pattern of movement or sound. The patterns and movements are irregular in Souls games. The bosses can use their attacks at any order and combination they like. You don't increase your general skill of pattern recognition or timing or rhythm in any way by playing souls games. You apply all the data that was stored through pure trial and error and that's it. It happens by the means of animation patterns, timing a button with said animation patterns purely by memory. It's like you are trying to argue that you increase your eyesight skills just because you used the basic functionality of your eyes to play the game and needed to see what you had to do to achieve victory.
@Loremaster28 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming "you can play the game with your eyes closed and rely on your hearing skills." same with souls games thats why people do blindfolded runs 😭 dude your just describing every video game that is not a puzzle game 😭
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
​@@Loremaster28 YOU DON'T RELY ON YOUR HEARING SKILLS AND THE GAME'S RHYTHM IF YOU PLAY SOULS GAMES WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. YOU RELY ON MEMORY THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR EXCEPT THIS TIME IT'S ACOUSTIC INSTEAD OF VISUAL. THERE IS NO ''regular repeated pattern of movement or sound'' WHICH IS WHAT RHYTHM IS. THE ENEMIES BEHAVE IRREGULARLY AND ATTACK IRREGULARLY AS WELL. THEY CAN USE TONS OF COMBOS AT ONCE AND OTHER TIMES THEY JUST STAND THERE. After hearing something that MIGHT represent an enemy attack you might try to take a wild guess at dodge rolling through it not even knowing the RIGHT DIRECTION WHICH YOU GUYS DEFEND SO MUCH AS IF IT REALLY MATTERS, you will most likely fail unless you are lucky and you will get hit and if your character makes a noise that resembles taking damage you will know you got hit. If not, you will only know after you die, that you were taking damage all these times you attempted to roll. It's a very similar process to the normal visual gameplay which is still trial and error purely, except if you are using only your hearing with inconsistent attacks and completely inconsistent and possibly misleading noises is WAAAAYYYY more tedious. Most good video games have SOME trial and error, just a little bit, until you acquire the skills needed. That includes some puzzle games by the way, but once you get the basic skills, you focus on improving them and the games turn to skill based. The trial and error is minimal and it's gone after a while unlike souls games where the entire combat is BASED AROUND IT. There are no skills to acquire because they are basic functions that you already had before touching the game. If you play all games by brute forcing them through pure trial and error memorization, which is possible by the way for pretty much everything, even chess, then you never acquire the skills they try to teach you. That's a YOU PROBLEM. Now for the love of god please stop the weaseling because it's late at night and it's frustrating.
@Loremaster28 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming the cognitive dissonance is crazy bro, look im done you just dont like fun or want to instantly be good at something idk what to tell you. trail and error are how you get better at ANY game hell not even games ANYTHING THING PERIOD. you start out bad you find out how to play properly though trial and error then you learn. but its clear you are wither one just rage baiting or you are drinking some koolaid either way theres no point talking to you 😭 have fun being toxic im out
@beri4138 2 ай бұрын
"basement dwellers thinking they have infinite time in their basement and their parents are immortal" is a crazy insult tbh
@caulshivers1029 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like very specific projection to me.
@vivicalls 2 ай бұрын
holy shit unironically you made me realize alot of bs about the dark souls franchise and elden ring
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Glad i could help. There are 2 more videos in the description playlist for extra info.
@vivicalls 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming i already watched the other videos thanks
@christianbaker3564 2 ай бұрын
I think the fromsoft fanboys need to be studied. The fact they rush to defend products from a company backed by mega corps and thats had the mainstream community hyping them up the entire time will never make sense to me 😂.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
I have studied them enough to make an entire series dedicated about their game and them. Part 4 will be out soon where i will analyse the psychology of the souls like players.
@christianbaker3564 2 ай бұрын
@SolonGaming And I'll be watching! Keep up the great content man cause I'm subscribed.
@williammurray7453 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but have you been paying to Western media at all? This is some astounding projection. The Souls games are hyped up as difficult by these tourists chasing views but they shit on anything being released lately. It's okay if people don't like the games but that doesn't mean the games are bad and streamers are a ridiculous example to fall on.
@christianbaker3564 2 ай бұрын
@williammurray7453 Dude why do you from NPCS always do this🤣? I make a comment about blindly defending a series that doesn't need it and you literally just did that. Plus where did I say the games were bad in my comment? You literally just can not help yourself
@waltersreads 2 ай бұрын
@@christianbaker3564 that’s true that happens all the time lol
@jebril Ай бұрын
Act man saying these games dont have bullshit difficulty has to be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, like the developers do everything in their power to make you die at least once to something and there’s lots of examples of that.
@jubei7259 4 ай бұрын
In all fairness to Act Man, him saying 'dodge' twice was him making a 'Dodge Ball' joke from the movie. Ultimately, I think it's fine to enjoy something, just as it's equally fine to not enjoy something. I just don't think hurling pejoratives like a chimp flinging shite at the zoo to be particularly constructive is all.
@SolonGaming 4 ай бұрын
Using a goofy quote from a goofy movie to describe the combat is not doing it any favours. You can enjoy whatever you want, but when an entire cult is made by endlessly repeating the same lies, then we have a problem. My so called ''insults'' aren't even insults actually. You will see what i mean in part 4.
@whiskeybuddha1995 2 ай бұрын
@SolonGaming Just when I thought you couldn’t be more predictable, you prove me wrong. You’re my favorite person right now. You make me less critical of myself and realize it could be so much worse. What I wouldn’t give to be there when you have that first moment of self realization. You’re gonna be curled up the fetal position
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
​@@whiskeybuddha1995 Implying you have ever been critical of yourself, lmao. Stay low cringelord.
@grass324 2 ай бұрын
"like a chimp flinging shite at the zoo" 🤣🤣🤣
@Dmitry_Medvedev 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunate that your comment section was raided by braindead zoomers. After playing actually well-made action games (NINJA GAIDEN, DMC, BAYONETTA, NIOH), I can't go back to Souls.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
That's what i am trying to tell them. I don't even want to stop them from enjoying souls likes or anything, just be open minded to actual skill based games and stop repeating the lies about souls being masterpieces or the definition of hard.
@charlieink 3 ай бұрын
Oh my god 😭 too hard for someone I see.
@BazusoHawk 2 ай бұрын
I actually had the opposite experience. I was a big fan of character action games like dmc, bayonetta, ect. and was recommend Dark souls by a friend. I beat it and never got what the big deal was. If I want to play a combat rpg I'd rather play Dragon's Dogma or Monster Hunter. At least those games have interesting combat...
@grass324 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming >"I don't even want to stop them from enjoying souls likes" >proceeds to insult the entire fanbase manipulating like it's the worst game ever made lol shut up
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@grass324 Awww poor little baby cries and get insecure when the slop he consumes gets called out.
@crazycowpoke 2 ай бұрын
I agree with you. I’ve played most FS games and none of them are hard as FS idiot fans claims. Elden Ring is boring, clunky, empty, with almost the same shit like previous FS games. Calling this a masterpiece just because they’ve added a mount, changed the story and made it open world is fcking idiotic. I’d give it a 5/10.
@nonamehere1123 6 ай бұрын
Bro speaks fluent yappanese
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
You just have zero comprehension skills
@husky6672 6 ай бұрын
​@@SolonGaminglearn to speak proper english sand person.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@husky6672 My English is fine, i just have an accent. Learn to get out of your basement moldy person.
@charlieink 3 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming He's not talking about your voice he's saying your arguments are dumb and repetitive. Someone's insecure.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@charlieink I was replying to a different person who told me to learn to speak. Someone has comprehension issues.
@Κασσάνηρ 2 ай бұрын
Which of the games have you played and which do you consider the best? Also WHERE IS PART 4?!
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
I will make an entire tier list video with all the souls likes. Be patient
@KoyomiMojo Ай бұрын
The lobotomy joke was fantastic.
@16bitboo3 6 ай бұрын
How would you consider the combat system in Punch-Out? NES or Wii versions
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
I believe i answered you in Part 1.
@swupwa Ай бұрын
sekiro combat is bad af 99% rely on L1 but if you use prosthetic arm for combo to make game interesting boss will input read and charge you
@dantozy 2 ай бұрын
We know it’s you, Ubisoft employee #596
@YoutubeResearch-cp2tu 4 ай бұрын
I agree that From's games don't require "real" skill except memorizing patterns and pushing different buttons at the right time. Apart from YT-ers saying: Oh man so hard, I don't really think that. But I am of the opinion that everyone has a different standard of a "good" game. Like finding a certain RPG game a better game than cardgames. So I think you saying Elden Ring isn't a good game is fair, but not objective unless everyone handles the same defenition of a good game on a numerical scale with relevant parameters. I do think a number of people follow the herd-mentality but some do not and just play the game, because they want to spend their time playing something that takes a bit of effort (memorizing) to beat or overcome. Other play the game because of the visuals (talking about ER) and crafting a story by themselves (this covers immersion for a part). Feel free to share some insights I might have missed.
@SolonGaming 4 ай бұрын
The KZbinrs calling the games hard can be for many reasons. 1) Trying to make excuses for their incompetence. 2) Trying to justify their fake rage reactions. 3) Their inability to understand what's actually happening and calling it hard out of frustration for having a bad time. Card games have a blatant flaw called RNG. It handles victories to lucky players instead of skilled ones. Most of them anyway. There are so many different genres out there to satisfy people's tastes. Taste is subjective. Even if a genre is bad, it's not necessarily because it's the genre's fault. It might be because of the devs being unable to create something ground-breaking. Elden Ring has a lot of charm especially for someone who loves exploration, but the gameplay is just as bad as any other souls like, with a few exceptions. There are standards as to what is considered good story and character writing and good world building when it comes to story based pieces of media just like there are standards for what is considered deep, fluid, polished and replayable gameplay when it comes to video games.
@YoutubeResearch-cp2tu 4 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Good points. Although I do agree there are standards for different aspects of games I haven't found one that everyone applies with the same metrics. (maybe that's just me though)
@YoutubeResearch-cp2tu 4 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming "Card games have a blatant flaw called RNG" I didn't propose this example to mean cardgames are skill based, just an illustration that people's taste differ greatly as does their opinion on what a 'good' game entails.
@YoutubeResearch-cp2tu 4 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming "Even if a genre is bad, it's not necessarily because it's the genre's fault" but do you imply that It IS objectively bad ? Like on what grounds are you saying this ? (by comparing it to other games ??) I am just curious to know.
@YoutubeResearch-cp2tu 4 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming "There are standards as to what is considered good story and character writing and good world building". Am I right to think these standards for you are other games you've played or is this my misconception ?
@kenlen8029 26 күн бұрын
I like The Act Man but I like the insults and little jabs used throughout this video more. Basement Dwellers in shambles.
@rerease 4 күн бұрын
Know that despite my disagreements, I am anything but subhuman. If you think otherwise, I have the right as a functioning citizen to report your channel for hate.
@SolonGaming Күн бұрын
You have no rights.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
24:35 act man isn’t a basement dweller tho, he goes the gym and knows martial arts. He makes pretty mid content imo, people watch it because of the quality editing and a unique way of reppresenting his points.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
''he goes the gym and knows martial arts'' I need proof, especially about the martial arts. He is one of the most soulless content creators and suffers from similar mental illnesses as basement dwellers. Also his ''Alpha male'' persona is very pretentious, it fits his name well. Penguinz0 goes to the gym regularly and is still a turbo basement dweller. Going to the gym doesn't really fix your mindset. It's like leaving one basement/prison and going to another.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming (kzbin.info/www/bejne/p2TWlXuoZ9OHmrMsi=7lRCEkASvq-Bqmul I don’t think he has a “alpha male” persona, he just seems like a chill dude being himself, I wouldn’t call him a soulless either it’s clear he puts effort into his content. I wouldn’t describe Critical as a basement dweller I don’t think basement dweller have any friends, he’s just a degenerate.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
He does pretend to be an ''alpha'' at times. He is soulless because he ALWAYS takes the side of the majority and he has ZERO principles. His entire content is gathering arguments from a trend, taking the side of the ''winners'' and pretending he knows what he is talking about when in reality he put zero thought effort. Dude the guy almost died after doing 19 push-ups. He also has another video trying to break 10 wooden broads and broke his forearm. The broads being completely rigged, they were already damaged in the middle hence the way they broke. He needed like zero strength and only some precision and he still failed miserably. The dude is a total amateur and an embarrassment to martial artists. Looks like the typical nerd whose parent forced him to do some sports and he barely tried because he was bored watching everyone else. Charlie was never leaving his house until recently and he was a super cringe-lord. Anyone can make friends when they have money and fame, not sure how real they are though.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
I just read his comment section and i cringed so hard. Absolute childish yes-men and worshipers. Zero clue about what they saw and they think that was impressive. He gathers the audience he deserves with the videos he makes. Just a soulless clout chaser.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming “guy almost died after doing 19 push ups” they weren’t normal push ups. “The board being completely rigged” how do you know? “The dude is a total amateur” he made an amateur mistake he admitted this in a video, and from what I’ve seen he’s pretty skilled and he’s been doing martial arts for a decade plus. I don’t get why you’re hating on random KZbinrs that aren’t even close to the worst out there.
@Yuuni3D 2 ай бұрын
You didn't expose anything lol, the game just isn't for you. Take all thr red lines off of your wall and play something you enjoy.
@whiskeybuddha1995 2 ай бұрын
That’s one of the things that’s killing me. I think this dude really believes these videos are going to make him blow up as a content creator. Then again, he actually could bc ppl with really bad and arrogant takes go viral sometimes so he has a chance to blow up I guess
@MarkerMurker 2 ай бұрын
You know, you bring a unique perspective and some good points. But all the insults got really grating... Like there was really no reason for doing that to get your points across. Just seemed like padding after a certain point.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
The reason is, they must be humbled and since i have proof about their lifestyle which i will reveal in the next part, you will realise these words desrcibe them accurately. Thanks for the honest feedback.
@Milnip 3 ай бұрын
Penguinz0: There is now a dedicated jump button! ER Fans: 👁👄👁
@KingsGoated 2 ай бұрын
“Overhyped by endless lies” is crazy. Just like how you have your opinion, the majority have theirs which is Elden Ring and its DLC are damn near perfect. It’s not a lie, that’s what they think
@grass324 2 ай бұрын
ignore this channel he's just a narcissistic crying baby yapping in front of his walls
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
@@grass324 Wow you just described souls fans perfectly. I hope one day you develop self awareness and stop projecting.
@KingsGoated Ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming yeah good luck getting an audience when you’re replying like this. Don’t be a damn hypocrite. You’re making a critique of a video game expecting people to watch but all this video boiled down to is a manchild complaining about the game and its community. You’re no better, get yourself off a goddamn pedestal. I never said the souls community was better than you, I simply stated they can have their opinion without needing to be called liars or sheep that hop the bandwagon
@KingsGoated Ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming get off your pedestal, you’re no better than the people you bash in your video. You haven’t made a single point without bias playing a factor, and you defend yourself by calling people who enjoy something “liars” and “sheep”
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
@@KingsGoated You just made a generic vague comment. You haven't actually made a point, you called me names in a desperate and miserable attempt to defend you slop consuming activities and you try to pretend it's me who is like that. Funny.
@swupwa Ай бұрын
what do you think about wo long fallen dynasty i was kinda off about they gone mainstream i.e copying sekiro ( i was kinda upset tbh they are great devs)
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
Same. I was very disappointed because i was expecting open world Nioh. Instead i got another parry simulator like Sekiro. The magic doesn't do much in that game and there isn't much tech to deal with enemies and situations. Team Ninja has fallen off lately with their souls likes.
@swupwa Ай бұрын
​yep its like budget problem or something hope they bounce back@@SolonGaming
@kaico5265 6 ай бұрын
All you do is criticize other games over and over again. Just let other people enjoy their games. It’s fine to voice an opinion. But calling an entire fandom “braindead” and constantly insulting them is just sad
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
How am i stopping anyone from enjoying a game? Your problem is my insults and not the tons of lies and BS?
@kaico5265 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Look everyone is allowed to have an opinion. And it’s fine if you don’t like a game. Because I don’t like games that some of my friends think are masterpieces. Elden Ring is a tough one. Because I’ve seen very different takes on the game. The game isn’t perfect and I’m not here to tell you that it is. I love it a lot, and it’s probably in my top 3 but I do have my complaints about it. I understand your frustration with the fanbase. The dumbass NPCs that think that just because you don’t like the game that you’re bad at it. That’s absurd imo. “You just don’t understand Miyazaki’s vision” drives me insane. But you can’t generalize the entire fandom. Yes, some are frustrating, if not most. But man, games are made to have fun and to kill time. And while you might say that Elden Ring is a waste of time, I can just say that that’s absolutely every single game in existence (or most of them, I guess educational ones don’t fall here)
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@kaico5265 The souls-like combat is objectively a waste of time because it doesn't incentivise any thought or skill. It desperately needs improvement. Also i can recognise the difference between sane fans and worshippers. You can see the comment section of my Part 1 of these series for that.
@kaico5265 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming I can understand that the combat may not be the greatest, and it also closes itself to new players And yes, the worshipers are very dumb
@paras10thst 6 ай бұрын
What games do you like?
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, just take a little look at my channel dude.
@charlieink 3 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming So just Triple A games? Ok. I'm not denying the difficulty of the games you like, and Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry are pretty well made, but undeniably souless. Plus a price on the same level of Elden Ring? it's just not the same.
@Ag1mAm 3 ай бұрын
@@charlieink but the enjoyment is much bigger on those games. look at the people while they play elden ring, they literally only enjoy the game when they kill a boss. 98% of the game is boring and people only play it as an achievement. This has nothing to do with how hard the game is, i myself loved remnant 2 and completed it on all difficulties without cheesing it and that game is actually good. Not that you should care about what i am saying but stop lying to yourselves about elden ring. Try and break the game dont like. Graphics 6/10, music 6/10, story 5/10, combat 4/10, map design 7/10... the game is a 6/10.
@charlieink 3 ай бұрын
@@Ag1mAm I can tell you I genuinely enjoy exploring, dungeons and looking at the beauty of the game. Not mainly just the bosses.
@ronnster8000 2 ай бұрын
​@@Ag1mAmI love exploring the world and fighting regular enemies just as much as I enjoy fighting bosses not to mention the crazy and fun shannangains that go down in pvp
@wrapsnap3044 15 күн бұрын
I can't believe he's praising a game for a jump button 😂
@EnclaveAgent 2 ай бұрын
I can't imagine being so bad at a video game that I made an hour long video crying about it
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
The fact that you would cry over being bad at a video game in general tells me all i need to know about you.
@BazusoHawk 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Exactly. Just because someone doesn't like a game doesn't mean they're not good at it. If all you do is praise everything Fromsoft makes then how will they ever make better games? I beat elden ring and thought that game was absolute trash. Same old tired combat, reused enemies, mediocre stealth, and a pointless open world. How is this a master piece again?
@jebril Ай бұрын
The game isn’t that hard and isn’t that good. I swear ER fans think the only reason anyone could possibly criticize the game is that they find it too difficult.
@eastwingwine8119 19 күн бұрын
actual facts, I myself play souls games most of the time because they're fun, I play Elden Ring, it's actually my most played game for me as of now but never at any point i felt that this game is that much of a masterpiece everybody claims it to be, in fact ER is probably the most bs souls game when it comes to balancing and boss design, even its pc perfor. is garbage, idk why people overlook stuff like this when they would nitpick the smallest flaws in a different game, i like souls games but i really dont like meat riding the franchise, what is bullshit in fact, is bullshit. DS3 was great.
@TheMrfoxguy 2 ай бұрын
Those youtubers are so overrated dont know what people see in them
@paulalexandernaylor 3 ай бұрын
This guy deffo gets shit on for a living lol
@taeborobor70 6 ай бұрын
nice essay you need to get big
@gara1779 6 ай бұрын
I haven't watched your whole vid but by now I seems to me that you are not very experienced about the game. Many of your complaints are about aspects of the game you consider boring or simple, and some of these takes make me think you haven't really played the game and you're just criticizing how the game based on other people's experience, I think you should give It a real try before calling people who play this game lobotomites.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Are you serious? I played almost every souls like out there and i will do a Lies of P playthrough soon for all to see if you still have doubts.
@kiss4luna 3 ай бұрын
these game tubers are lying all the time or every now and then
@ProjectileGrommet Ай бұрын
11:23 did bro not beat renalla?
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
I clearly say ''if the mechanic allowed you to respec for FREE'' and i mean at all times not needing to beat certain bosses at certain parts of a game. Like Code Vein.
@nothingatall162 Ай бұрын
And i don't enjoy other games than soul games manchild
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
Git gub scrub. It's because you have zero skills and the only functionality you have is basic memory f-slur child.
@nothingatall162 Ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Get good for what? get good isn't gonna help instantly, It takes more than That, also i do have skills and a functioning brain
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
​@@nothingatall162 Sounds like a skill issue and you must also be talentless. If you had skills you would be able to enjoy the games i consider hard and good. If you refuse to get good at them, then you will always remain a scrub. Me along with millions of our community members will always keep looking down on you. We will keep harassing you until you succumb to social pressure and become identical to us. In all seriousness though, why did you call me a manchild?
@michaelsmelt5218 3 ай бұрын
What's your opinion on sekiro brother?
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
Someone already asked me and i answered them in my part 3 video which you can find in the description. I also plan on making a souls like tier list video explaining my takes for all of them.
@ibewither5051 2 ай бұрын
“40+ hours pretty much impossible for a first timer”, dude’s just bad a Dark Souls.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
40+ hours for a first timer back when the genre wasn't even formed and there weren't many souls-likes. Also he said he quit halfway through and restarted which means he is bad by the logic you guys use, but still all that took him less than 50 hours. Imagine being this disgustingly dishonest.
@ibewither5051 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming oh, dishonest when you moved the goalposts like the fallacy-ridden joke you are? “First Timer” in your video had NO such caveat. It implies “First Ever Playthrough”, and “40+ hours being impossible”. My “First ever playthrough” was less than 26 hours long and I had no previous experience with a souls game before. Thus proving, it is not only possible but likely! At least you’re much more eloquent in text than on video. Idk how much of that is actually you, but good job nonetheless.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@ibewither5051 '' It implies “First Ever Playthrough”, and “40+ hours being impossible”.'' That's exactly what i meant. What goalpost did i move? Are you high? So in your very first playthrough of a tedious and cryptic trial and error game you managed to take a wild guess about all the problems the game presents you and that guess of yours was correct so fast and so consistently that you beat the game in 26 hours. All of that while not using any online help or any of the cheese that i mentioned in my part 1 video. You just rushed the game to the bosses somehow knowing where to go and what to do and beat everything underleveled and were lucky putting the few levels to the correct stats(health) to withstand damage and wear proper gear as well. You have better chances of winning the lottery. I mean, the fact that you think these games are skill based after playing them and even watched my videos where i explained how they are not and you think someone would take more time just because they are ''bad'' speaks volumes about your intelligence in the first place. The amount of weaseling and mental gymntastics you guys will do to stroke your fragile egos is truly pitiful.
@jebril Ай бұрын
@@ibewither5051You have brain rot if you believe a newcomer to Dark Souls would beat the game in 40 hrs lmao. Tbf Actman said 40+
@kenlen8029 26 күн бұрын
Dude you should make an NBA2k video
@SolonGaming 26 күн бұрын
@AM-wv5qy 3 ай бұрын
Agreed these youtubers never ever go deep into searching for games thats actually fun let me give an example markplier first played the buckshot roulete and all other youtubers just played the same game these guys need to stop pretending like they care about the game they are playing while they all just want views
@alexmaganda5827 5 күн бұрын
it is the most overrated bandwagoning shit ive seen in a while
@spyrex3988 2 ай бұрын
Git gud💀
@Maxx__________ 6 ай бұрын
These are excellent bad takes.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Excellent insightful comment.
@friedonionsandgarlic 6 күн бұрын
thank you. fuck souls like games and most aaa games. they are all the same bland crap
@friedonionsandgarlic 6 күн бұрын
people raved on elden ring but never played breath of the wild or totk... sigh
@moonlightostrich3690 3 ай бұрын
you can only get views by baiting lmao. all these youtubers big and small get themselves opinions made for a tweet and turn them into video essays.
@tomas60952 2 ай бұрын
elden ring its a 10 out of 10
@JimmyContreras-fn2ym 3 ай бұрын
Elden ring is hard but the dlc just sucks when it comes to difficulty for bosses
@ПётрПавловский-щ1х 6 ай бұрын
turkish accent
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
It's actually Greek... but i do work as a Turkish translator sometimes so it might be some of it as well.
@husky6672 6 ай бұрын
​@@SolonGaminggreek has fallen, u disgrace ur ancestor
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@husky6672 Are you seriously schizoposting on my channel? Your entire existence is a failure. You haven't even smelled a woman in your life and you whine with like minded grown ups about it in a channel.
@borka0545 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGamingbro if you cant take a joke you are not gonna make it out with the channel. Take the L and shut up
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
​@@borka0545 Your entire life is a joke and you will never make it out of your basement. You previously made one of the least intelligent comments i have ever seen. Don't even bother to convince anyone you have a brain.
@Slay3r164 6 ай бұрын
Fromsoftware games have always been genre defining games, from a rich story line to some of the most challenging boss battles ( like isshin ashina in sekiro, malenia in elden ring ). I have played sekiro 3 times back to back it's that good, elden ring also has endless replay value with arguably some of THE deepest lore. I've never played any souls game because I saw a popular youtuber play it, i am a genuine fan of Fromsoft and their style of games ( art direction, lore, abilities, world building) also all of these games are genuine experiences to experience and to say that these games were " overhyped " and they are " overrated " just because you didn't like the game and dog piling on the games because of few flaws is kinda stupid.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Did you watch my Part 1 video where i explain all the flaws these games have?
@Slay3r164 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming listen every game has its flaws no game is perfect so it does not matter, over all as a cohesive experience is what matters when it comes to story rich games.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@Slay3r164 So you admit you have zero gameplay standards. Good to know.
@Slay3r164 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming whatever floats your boat man, If you have sky high gameplay standards good for you, these games are entertaining and worth every bit of hype you're blind to it that's all
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@Slay3r164 You are the one blind to them, since you are wilfully ignoring every gameplay flaw there is. I am not concerned about whether you enjoy these games or not, you just shouldn't lie about them.
@Cuda-the-Dog 6 ай бұрын
Yeah i think when most people agree that it is a great game and you dont like it the problem is probably you, wich is fine you can have your options but whats the point of making a video about it. Just play games you like and dont play games you dont like its pretty simple. And your point that people just liek it because everyone else does and they dont have a mind of thier own is just stupid. People just simply have different taste. Your opinion is not the objective truth on the matter.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
People agreeing about something doesn't make it an objective truth. They are wrong and have been lying for a very long time. Try looking at it from the opposite perspective, you can like something even if it is bad, but that would of course require you to have a brain of your own first instead of being a herd chaser.
@Cuda-the-Dog 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming yeah I agree subjective opinions can't be objective facts, that's why you are wrong. The glaring issue with your opinion is that you think people would sink a hundred plus hours into a game just to follow the crowd. I never played a single Fromsoft game until Elden Ring because I believed people when they said that the games were extremely hard. I would actually disagree, their games are really not that hard they just aren't easy like most modern games. Sure some people just trend chase, but that does not make up the vast majority. Most people enjoy some games and dislike others just like anything else. You don't become the game of the year just because of people chasing trends. Good luck with your channel this is the last comment.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
​@@Cuda-the-Dog ''The glaring issue with your opinion is that you think people would sink a hundred plus hours into a game just to follow the crowd'' You are wrong, i never said that. You made a false assumption. People really do like these games, that just doesn't mean these game are good. You have comprehension issues. Also game of the year literally means the most popular game of that year, not the one with the best quality. I even have a video about the game awards, but again, you are not very smart to realise these things.
@anotherhappylanding4746 2 ай бұрын
​@SolonGaming if everyone enjoys a game, then by definition it is a good game because opinions on games are decided by people and most people discreet with you
@izzydarkhart4144 2 ай бұрын
I am confused at the actual point of this video. You do not like the game, and that is okay, man. Be better than the people you are upset with, not worse. It just makes you look childish and small.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
What was wrong about me? I got angry because the amount of nonsense and BS was unfathomable
@anotherhappylanding4746 2 ай бұрын
​@@SolonGamingthan just fucking ignore the game and it's community christ almighty
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@anotherhappylanding4746 Just let them keep lying and influencing right?
@anotherhappylanding4746 2 ай бұрын
@SolonGaming Who tf cares, If the series is as shit as you say then once people are tricked into playing it they'll stop playing it once they realise it's shit, otherwise they are all stupid for liking it and if that's the case then its pointless arguing with stupid people, and literally no reason for getting involved just ignore it lmao
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
​@@anotherhappylanding4746 There are sane people who can see through the flaws and i will make a video with ideas about creating a really good souls like. I believe the genre can be improved and we don't need to convince the mindless drones for that.
@charlieink 3 ай бұрын
How can you say that the combat is basic, and the open world is useless? The combat gives you an incredible amount of options to choose from, with hundreds of builds, and infinite combinations. It's like a snowflake, no two builds are the same. And you're points about difficulty are completely cancelled out by the fact that you can ALWAYS go somewhere else in the game to level up. You can completely miss stuff like the underground for sure, but you discover it by PAYING ATTENTION. Even ignoring the gameplay which probably some of the best I've played, the story and world is just as important in game like these. SO if you pay attention, and are invested enough in the game YOU bought, you'll find it no problem. Plus, you CAN respec your entire class. after you beat renalla you can allocate all of your levels to somewhere new. Your points about how most things should have been in DS1 is the most invalid one out there. They had half the size of the team they have now, with half the time, and half the money. It was a game that didn't get truly popular and recognized for years. And when it did, things then began to take off so they could actually add the stuff they have in Elden Ring. 'Everyone plays the same way' is just a stupid claim that I won't even get into. The main thing that pisses me off is that you same MoistCritical has 0 points, but so do YOU! Every thing you say is either, they're braindead or stupid. 0 arguments. would have been a respectable video/criticism if you gave actual arguments, but nothing you can do about stupid people doing stupid things. Not everyone needs a map marker to tell them where to go. On that logic, you couldn't even beat a Lego game.
@eggmiths3642 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I'm amazed at all these 3 attack movesets, there's a fucking world to explore out there lmao
@charlieink 2 ай бұрын
@@eggmiths3642 ?
@eggmiths3642 2 ай бұрын
@@charlieink !
@charlieink 2 ай бұрын
@@eggmiths3642 no like what are you talking about
@eggmiths3642 2 ай бұрын
@@charlieink Should I try German?
@witchcraftdahlia4789 6 ай бұрын
Lol, i Saw the title, clicked it and IMMEDIATELY reported the video. 😂 Just say you suck bro. Just like Quantum, just say "Im bad at games that ACTUALLY required skill and effort to be played"
@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast 6 ай бұрын
Hate to break it to you, but series like DMC and Ninja Gaiden require actual skill unlike soulsborne. There's more to them then dodge rolling and poking your way to victory. Also, why not just play your precious souls games instead of trashing someone who has a different opinion than you?
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Another baby who has mental breakdowns just by reading video titles. Stay in your basement kid.
@witchcraftdahlia4789 6 ай бұрын
@@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast Why not just NOT play the game you hate rather than trash it? And no, DMC does not require more skill than souls games 🤣 and I LOVE the DMC series, funnily enough even the DMC: Devil May Cry. Ninja Garden sure, but DMC? Nah, I've played every DMC game, I've played all but Demon Souls.
@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast 6 ай бұрын
@@witchcraftdahlia4789 Why would I play a game I hate? Also, utilizing DMC's combos on the fly, swapping styles with Dante on the fly, and mixing-matching combos on the fly requires more skill than spamming the dodge roll in soulsborne. Cope harder.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast The guy who reported a video without even watching it, tells you to play a game before hating it and i guarantee if you played them and still hated them(which is what i did) he would be like: ''If you hate them why do you play them?''. The pure hypocrisy of these people is unreal.
@heideknight7782 3 ай бұрын
As someone who enjoys playing Soulslike games and thinks that most of them are good games there is one point mentioned in the video I agree with: there is 'no' skill required at all to beat all these games. They have in fact a very simple combat system and what you need to do most of the time is to dodge or block an attack and learn the timings when it is your turn to attack an enemy. If one really is looking for games which require skills to make the player character perform certain actions then there are way better action combat games than Souls, like DMC (mentioned), like Ninja Gaiden, like Bayonetta and others. However, it is on purpose that the combat system in Souls games is easy. They were never meant to be difficult action games in the first place, and it is a mystery how the meme that Souls games are ultra hard has been spread over the years. One can also see that players and streamers developed a whole range of challenge categories for these games (speedruns, no-hit runs, no Estus runs, SL1, etc.) in order to even get a little sense of challenge from Souls games (me included, btw). And this alone shows that if you play them normally they can not be overly difficult in the first place. I think that players who think that skills are required to beat Souls and Soulslike games do not really understand the type of game they are playing. For me, Souls games are more like fast strategy games than action combat games where the player is meant to learn what needs to be done in order to overcome the challenges. Like beating a boss or getting to the next bonfire. They are, in fact, Metroidvania games with RPG elements. As an example, one of the final bosses in Elden Ring, the Godskin Duo, can be a very difficult challenge (if not unfair) if you do not experiment enough to find their weakness. Once you did (spoiler: sleep status effect!) the fight will get ridiculously easy. And I think that this is how most of the challenges in the Souls games are meant to be solved. You carefully observe and experiment with your abilities and test for enemies's weaknesses and then you will be able to easily beat the games. I think it is unfortunate that the Souls games have become popular through streamers who do those different types of challenge runs with artificial self constraints to present their viewers some spectacles. While I am one of those who actually enjoy watching them, I feel like that the majority of the audience is indoctrinated by this with the believe that the games are difficult and that you need to play them in a certain way (dodge roll spam, git gud, do not get hit!). And this is very unfortunate. As an example, many players seem to have forgotten that one of the most effective defensive options in combat is blocking with a shield. Raising a shield is often much faster than a dodge roll and does not cost too much stamina with proper upgrades. However, if you watch streamers playing a Soulslike game it is 'very' rare (to say the least) that someone ever uses a shield with the purpose of blocking attacks (and not just for parrying). I believe the reason for this is founded in the 'git gud' meme that at some point started to take over to characterise the 'right' playstyle in Souls games. I think this is a pity and also reduces Souls games to skill check games which they are clearly not. They are much more than that. And one will only be able to see this if not listening or following those players who think the whole meaning of playing a Soulslike game is to 'git gud'.
@robiocraft 3 ай бұрын
I think this is the best comment with the most well defined point for it all
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the feedback. Figuring out cryptic weaknesses through trial and error doesn't require strategy though, so that's my disagreement. You should probably check out the rest of my parts about souls games.
@heideknight7782 3 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Yes, there is a good portion of experimenting (trial and error as you say) needed in order to make progress in boss encounters in Souls games. And you will probably die many times before you figure out how things go. This is entangled, however, with creating strategies at the same time to beat a boss.To stay with the Godskin Duo as an example, once you got probably killed many times by the Noble's roll attack you will at some point notice that he can get stuck on one of the pillars, giving you a huge window to get in some free attacks. So you build the strategy to only fight the Noble and never the Apostle in the bossfight, because the Noble's second phase is much easier to punish. And this is in line with your remark made in this video (I guess?) that Souls games are knowledge (and not skill based) games. If I want to skip the trial and error phase and directly want to build my strategy (using my current build) to beat a boss I can also look up all the possible exploits and weaknesses of a boss on the (eg) Fextra Wiki pages telling me everything I need to know. For me, however, the process of finding out the viable ways to fight a boss is one of the things I like about Souls games. I very much like to experiment until I find the proper strategies on my own. Sure, you will get killed many times in this process. But this is what makes these games appealing to me: die and retry. But not with the purpose to 'git gud'. If you die more than, say, five times with the same approach to a boss you will notice that something is not working out well and you need to try out something different. So this is quite the opposite to the 'git gud' mentality which assumes that if you can not beat a boss with an improper or bad build you are not skillful enough as a player.
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
@@heideknight7782 Strategy requires logical thinking and planning many steps ahead. Throwing stuff on a wall to see what sticks is not strategic. Planning one step ahead with one thing when you only used your eyesight to find out what works instead of your brains can hardly be called strategy. I will be making a full analytical video explaining the distinct difference between ''skill'' and ''trial and error'' soon.
@heideknight7782 3 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Ok, I am looking forward to watch this video. I also liked to watch your video about Armored Core 6. I played this one last year and it is so heavily flawed (as a mech game) that I was really surprised that it got so good reviews across the board. There is one thing which we probably have different opinions about regarding Souls games. You say, I think, (correct me if I am wrong) that the approach of having to make progress by the "trial and error" approach is a bad design in these games. That it shouldn' t be that you have to repeat bossfights and other activities over and over again to make progress. That the game punishes you a hundred times before you can figure out how things work. For me, as mentioned, this is actually what I like about Souls games.That (at least in your first playthrough) you have to test many things. So you need to accumulate knowledge instead of building skills to beat the game like in a pure action combat game, for instance. You could also argue that it is not reaction based but cognitive skills (memorising boss moves and the like) which are required to beat a Souls games. But you should notice that some players (like me) actually enjoy this "trial and error" process the Souls games force one to go through. And, in fact, there is some enjoyment in figuring out how one can manipulate a boss to do certain moves and so on (or generally understanding enemie's AI's) by a trial and error approach. To approach the games from a scientific perspective rather than only wanting to develop skills. I clearly understand, though, why you think that this is bad when you see Souls games as being some kind of action combat games (which they are only to some extent).
@josevictorribeirolisboa7576 Ай бұрын
None of FS games are hard, they might be about as hard as reading a book. Its boring and takes awhile but its not "hard".
@SolonGaming 5 күн бұрын
The main thing is, if a book is good, you will enjoy reading it regardless if it's a challenging one that makes you think a lot. If a book is made to be as long and tedious as possible to give the illusion of difficulty without requiring any actual thoughts, it's just an objectively bad book. Then you have all the nobodies with no accomplishments in life who read it, trying to gaslight you that the only reason you are not reading it, is because it's too hard for you.
@ncuriousmediator9434 2 ай бұрын
Dunkey may have said the word "hard", but if you listen to what he says after that everything are complaints about poor balancing, including the rune amounts. So what he really said is that the game is not actually difficult, just poorly balanced, which leads to unfair deaths, which makes it "hard", which is his idea of a joke. I think it would do you well to not include Dunkey in any serious videos since he tries really hard to have everything he says be facetious and any substantive points made are just jokes that didn't land.
@ihaveasecret9539 9 сағат бұрын
Hate for Souls games and their fans needs to be way more common. Overrated games and obnoxious fans.
@Ralfatus 4 ай бұрын
So, to be short, yes, in most cases this guy is right. I don't want to spend to much time on this.... Are these guys "meatriders", yes. They are biased towards the game. Donkey guy does give some points, as to the bs in these games, but that actman guy.... lost hope So regarding to the part 1, I do think there are instances where these games can be hard, but at the most part, not fair, frustrating, and poorly balanced. It's as if the devs want you to through as much pain and bs as possible. Some people don't want to hear it but these games are deeply flawed. If you like them, fine. I put myself through Ds2 3 times, Ds3 twice, bloodborne twice, Elden Ring once, now i'm doing Ds1. New releases are plauged with almost the same issues as their predecesors. Are they playable, yes. Do enemy weapons hit you through walls, yes.....lol About the video, you did raise some good points, however most people will turn the vid after so many insults, so i think if you'd tone it down a bit, maybe some would reach the end. Overall good vid, hoping to see part 3. :)
@SolonGaming 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the honest feedback. Always appreciate the sane people of this fandom, because they are technically the only ones that have any chance to incentivise the developers to improve future souls-likes. As for the insults... Well that's the funny part, they are not even insults actually, despite my tone. You will see what i mean in the next parts.
@PessiIsPinished 2 ай бұрын
Just ignore all of these little children in the comments my man
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Don't worry, barking dogs never bothered me, especially those i can't even hear.
@MourningSin 3 ай бұрын
you Finna end up just like quantum
@whiskeybuddha1995 2 ай бұрын
You gotta have subscribers for that to happen. This clown has 100 subscribers. 50 bucks he lives with his parents
@FineWine-v4.0 10 күн бұрын
Nope, Quantum is rage-bait
@Elden-Bear 7 күн бұрын
@@FineWine-v4.0there are two parts of being a good youtuber in these terms -information (he didnt even play these games so he fails it) -form of talking (he just rants and rants like a child using memes from 15 years ago) i completely respect his opinion, but this is obvious ragebait
@SolonGaming 5 күн бұрын
@@Elden-Bear Are you seriously implying i didn't play these games? The rants are fully deserved when the reviewers are acting like impressionable 10 year olds.
@Elden-Bear 5 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming dont worry, your ragebait doesnt get through me
@MilkPridd 7 күн бұрын
After falling off from gaming years ago I ended up buying a high spec PC for work. Heard about Souls games. Never played one before and the God tier glazing got me interested. Elden Ring came on sale so I thought I would jump on the hype. Like the art direction, its beautiful from far away but it's just a superficial beauty and that superficiality extends to absolutely everything else in the game. Without the strong art direction I'm not sure as many people would care. It's so boring and empty and tedious. I found it to be an unacceptable time-sink because the game gave me no reason to care about the world. There is no story other than cryptic, word salads from bosses. I played 50 hours and I have no idea the motivations of any of the characters. NPC quests are the worst i've ever experienced and can only be completed if you are autistic. Everything is copy pasted and enemy scaling is terrible. I quite liked the bosses at first but once you've fought one, you have literally fought them all. They feel identical except each of them has a bullshit move that is frustrating to learn. Like fighting a series of grotesque ballet dancers. First starting the game I decided I would take on the Tree Sentinel. Get me some of that Soulsborne boss dopamine. As a souls noob it took me hours of perseverance memorising the attacks. Finally beat him and..... I was just relieved it was over and felt like ultimately, even though it was an achievement and a win that I could have invested those hours into something more productive. It never got any better. Right up until Margott at the base of the Erd Tree. I just thought "why am I still doing this?" and put the controller down. I couldn't put my finger on why I was having such a bad time, even though the boss moves were flashy and their art design was pretty cool. Then I watched a KZbin "souls veteran" show his process of level 1'ing a boss. The big secret?: he just died 165 times until he had memorised the dance. If a veteran and a noob approach a boss in exactly the same way then there really can't be any meaningful skill component to these games. You just learn when to press roll and when to press jumping R2 and hope the hitboxes are fair. The frustration people feel comes from the fact that every time you fight a boss you start from zero. It doesn't matter that you spent all that time learning the previous boss. Nothing you did before matters and it won't matter this time either.
@SolonGaming 7 күн бұрын
Your story is appreciated. Most people don't have the intelligence to understand what they are even doing and just get intoxicated on the feelings like animals. I highly recommend you to watch my Part 1. Link in the description. I also have 2 videos coming up soon. One that clearly explains what skill is and how it works and another one that analyses the psychology of the souls like fans.
@MilkPridd 7 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming I'm starting to think a lot of DS players seem to have a strange videogame version of Stockholm Syndrome. Thats why they can never articulate exactly what skills they have actually acquired or what it is they are enjoying. I've just finished watching your series so far. Lots of good points made and letting the KZbinrs videos play out properly so they can develop their points before you critique them shows you aren't just baiting fanboys for clicks... I've subscribed and i'm looking forward to seeing the next two parts when they drop. I was actually thinking that a good complement to your first 3 videos would be a video describing what skill really is.
@pavan5395 2 ай бұрын
I'm with you on all the points made in the video and had similar thoughts in general regarding the fanbase but I have to admit the amount of stuff you know about these games makes me think you played a shit ton of them which is funny. I stopped liking the series after Demons Souls and Dark Souls because of lack of innovative mechanics and repeating the same thing again and again. Back in the days of ds1 nobody knew about these games and even though the games were not mechanically complex, they were interesting just because of how many new things were present overall and I was hoping it would get more popular but that was the worst thing to ever happen as they just became homogenised "design by committee" sequels. As it turns out the worst things in life are not being denied of what you want but actually getting it and then it being a bad version of what you were hoping for.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
I did play a lot of them. I take my research very seriously, especially if i am going to bring down one of the most cancerous fandoms.
@RonnieMyers777 2 ай бұрын
Lots of enemies, but they constantly respawn Story is vague Combat is slow & clunky with cheap bosses Lots of cheese, the game is basically trolling you
@roveldo3436 3 ай бұрын
Souls veteran here Demon souls: 20 hours Dark souls 1: 120 hours Dark souls 2: 250 hours Dark souls 3: 700 hours Sekiro: 20 hours Bloodborne: 5 hours(did not finished it) So let me start with the things that I disagree. -I disagree with that "art does not play a role in games as much as the core gameplay" statement, although I mostly agree with you on this. I must say that there are many instances that people just love a game by how it looks. Some of my friends loved the game just by it's art due to they work in art industry and this aspect of the games let them play and finish the game. So sometimes, just sometimes, art may topple the need of an actual good gameplay loop. I believe this does not make them uneducated in games. So I disagree with you that a game should revolve around gameplay and any other aspects should become the second priorities. I think your point here is subjective. People enjoy what they enjoy. -I dont think memorizing or reacting to a combat scenario does not make the game's combat inheritly bad,lesser or lacking. There are many combat styles in games and we cannot expect them to please %100 of their player base. Games are not complex as we paint them to be, there are no games that require special cognitive skills to overcome a challange. There may some instances where users are requested more cognitive skills to overcome a challange than the others but that does not make the rest of the games "not-worthy". So I dont know what threshold you refering to when you say the combat of the souls game are lacking in terms of depth. I think souls combat system just happens to be okay. I believe you point here is subjective. Things that I agree with you and plus my own ranting about the games -Every aspect of the souls games are the same. All of the souls games are the copied versions of the Demon souls, the first game. So I dont understand why people rant about Call Of Duty or Assasins Creed games are just repetions but souls games offer fundamentally different in each game. They are just reskins, people should admit this. Sorry. -Developers do not learn from their mistakes. At this point I dont think they are even aware of the flaws of the games since every fan-boy glazing the game and tries to hid their flaws by mindless positive feedback. I mean, if you take responsbility and inform the developers and then maybe they would have a chance of fixing these flaws. Players are so afraid of giving critical feedback since somehow these games are their holy, it makes impossible for developers to fix those mistakes. Although I dont think developers care that much since as you have said in the video, how do you miss your balancing mark by %70. They have literally nerfed mimic tear by %70 and it's hilarious. It just proves they launch their games without any proper testing pipeline. I mean they have introduced a "Quit to desktop" button in Elden ring after whole 14 years of development. They really pushed their creative limits with that button. -The lore is implicit and has no way of actually proving with facts(up to a point). I would really want to think that Miyazaki seriously wanted to make the players draw their own history lines and force players to imagine their own version of the lore BUT I dont think it was his intention since there are tons of lazy content, mechanic and the lack of honest effort to put things right. So I dont undersand why people positively claim that the lore desinged this way. No sir, it's not. It's a way of cutting from the budget and letting players to connect pieces together via item descriptions. I really believe there's a concrete story behind each game but I dont think it's that complex of what souls fans make it out to be. I really enjoyed the lore dump Vaati Vidya gives but everytime I watch the lore videos, I feel like it was responsbility of the whole game to deliver that story. It's a game, we should not be responsible of reading every item description and cross examine them to make out of something logical about it. -The overrated hype. It's a joke, I really believe most of the "basement dwellers" felt being accomplished and being proud of themselves for the first time in their lives when they beat a boss in the game or finish the game. I feel like these games really exposed many hidden daddy issues players have. So they praise it blindly and calling these games are masterpieces. They are not, they may offer someone or high number of someones a unique experience but it does mean that they perfect. -Elden ring the overrated souls game. It's a souls game where all the traversing distance just multiplied by 10x, gave the players the means of traversing that distances with torrent(the horse/steed) and making the playtime multiplied by 4x. Fake sense of accomplishment. Still the universe of all other souls games feels much bigger since all Elden Ring has bunch of caves at the end of the roads and legacy dungeons with copy pasted bosses/monsters at the end of the each dungeon. Like how many times do I have to kill the "Red Wolf Of Radagon" ???. It was a cool boss that indicates Radagon had a loyal pet so making it a special character in the game, but seeing it for 5x time in the wild and in the dungeons take away that feeling. Their environments are dead, having a single set of texture for a landscape that covers the 30 hours of the game does not make it a openworld. I dont know where this openworld hype come from. The other thing is reviewers gave this game 10/10 and the dog shit DLC "The shadow of the mid-tree"?. This is the entry where the most amount of copy pasted content are dumped down the players throat and they still give it a 10/10 ? What the F*ck? Now now, I must say that I really enjoyed the games. I somehow found that traversing the worlds of these games really soothing and enjoyable. I would personally give them 9/10 based on how they made me feel like I am somewhere else. BUT this does not mean that I can overlook the facts that I have just wrote above. I dont know why people so afraid of telling that the game they enjoy is flawed. They are flawed to the bone and I am afraid Miyazaki do not care/see the problems the games have. It does not make you a lesser person if you declare that something you love is flawed. I am really angry at people about why they just overlooked the flawed parts of the Elden Ring and declare it that it's a 10/10 game and PERFECT. The game cannot even become near of the complexity of the Red Dead Redemption 2's open world. The next game Miyazaki produces will be a game that has the same flaws as the Elden Ring does and I will be forced to suck it up while you still cheer him as your jesus.
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the entire feedback. Gameplay should be number one priority in a video game since you can just look everything else the game offers online without buying it. You buy a game because you want to PLAY it. As for the combat and difficulty, i have an entire video coming up and i will explain everything there.
@longtran1551 10 күн бұрын
LoL players don't take showers and so do ds players💀
@Martin-qd4eh Ай бұрын
ive tried to play elden ring and sunk like 10 hours into it and whats so frustrating to me is that apparently there is a grand story that ties everything together - however it just seems so inaccesible. I remember coming across a carriage being pulled by 2 massive giants with a giant sword stuck in there ribcage funktioning as leashes to the carriage and i remember asking myself "what is this thing? where is this thing coming from? are these giants being forced to do this? - the swords imply yes - yet another giant in the castle manages to pull out the sword, yet these two dont - why is that? whats in the carriage? is this the normal way of logistics in this world or is this a special transport?" and after killing the giants and looting the carriage none of my questions got answered and thats just so sad und frustrating to me and its the reason i dont enjoy these games
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
The fandom likes to pretend it's all so deep and so well connected and makes up stuff about lore but once the DLC got released it pretty much exposed that people had no idea what they were talking about and neither does Miyazaki. Outside of the main story lore, the rest of the game is just random artistic expression that doesn't have any real meaning.
@botondkunos1774 Ай бұрын
To be fair, the lore does have its' peripheries, less developed parts. Some of it is even remnants of cut content. There is a better defined core to it that is deserving of attention. The cryptic nature of the lore better suits the post apocaliptic world of Dark Souls, Elden Ring would've benefitted from being more "concrete" since the world isn't in that bad of a shape.
@NineToFiveGamerUC0079 8 күн бұрын
Yea this has been my issues with these games, they're horrible at conveying the story.
@elijahfyffe5176 2 ай бұрын
The funny thing is, DS2 actually uses the game’s features to mix lore and gameplay. As well as making the game change based on NG cycle. It also made rolling less effective than spacing and strategy. AND THEY HATED IT!
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@grass324 2 ай бұрын
They only hated the adp stat cuz it kinda ruined with the gameplay on how it used to be. The new enemies in NG is cool though.
@Κασσάνηρ 2 ай бұрын
Noone hates dark souls 2 for mixing lore and gameplay. We hate it because of bad hitboxes, ugly environment, boring bosses, trolly deaths and nonsensical world design.
@waltersreads 2 ай бұрын
Everything you’re saying is true
@TheStiff47 2 ай бұрын
I agree with you, I’ve seen my brother and best friend play so many hours of Dark Souls 1-3, Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring… but I still just don’t get it. These games all feel the same to me, give or take a feature or three. Even games that are souls-like have done their versions better, like God of War Ragnarok. Or even Jedi Survivor. One big issue for me is how the present the “story” of the Fromsoft games, which is horrible. The internet and influencers have fooled the people who can’t think for themselves that these games are the pinnacle for some reason. EDIT: Maybe they should put all of their efforts into trying to master a game like FF7 Rebirth, that would really impress me.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Funny thing is, Souls games trained them to think and play action games in a certain way. If you watch my very first video of my channel you will see what i mean. I will also further expose that mentality of theirs in my next part.
@sepulcher8263 2 ай бұрын
I don't really find FF7 that interesting.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@sepulcher8263 Which one of the FF7 games are you talking about, because they all play differently and have different stories as well.
@sepulcher8263 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Any of the Modern ones.
@TheStiff47 2 ай бұрын
@@sepulcher8263 the world of FF7 is very rich with lore and characters. Have you tried the Remake games? The combat is also very good and keeps you on your toes. Rebirth is especially good.
@hitori_4 Ай бұрын
W hating
@TotinosOtherBoy 3 ай бұрын
Nice bait
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Nice cope
@whiskeybuddha1995 2 ай бұрын
Please dude, say something that hasn’t been said 1000000000 times before. Just try it, you might actually like the way it feels. Just the tip, you won’t even have to clench
@fukunaga-kane 2 ай бұрын
imagine not having your own opinion
@lewisdawson4816 2 ай бұрын
This is ironic saying it has endless lies considering the way you are framing Charlie’s opinion on the game. These are not his opinions at the beginning he is saying this is what other people are saying.
@og_mante5138 4 ай бұрын
The “GitGud” community ain’t gonna like this one😂
@EMIN3MShady910 2 ай бұрын
Games are supposed to be fun. Elden ring/souls type are just not that. Not everyone is looking to put in countless braindead hours just to go ahead and do that again. But the reviewers rave like no game comes close to the greatness of such games. That is fanboy behaviour. Good take.
@Loremaster28 2 ай бұрын
maybe different people find different things fun? and thats ok? if you dont like it thats fine but it is personally one of my fave games prob top three of all time.
@eastwingwine8119 19 күн бұрын
ER fanboys are crazy, i play it myself but...its fanbase is a different breed, mfs be actin so sophisticated and like a higher life form defending bullshit
@Lxca-fi4np 2 ай бұрын
Not going to lie but this video made me laugh, keep making videos man 😂✌
@Mark-fo6hz Ай бұрын
man i agree with u, but my advice, don't be too aggressive with the die hard fans, it will only make u look bad.. dark souls is just outdated, slow combat sytem which is my main issue, and tedious boss fights.. as long as u played competitive fast paced mmos like dragon nest or bdo and experience the pvp, even fps mmos, playing against mindless enemies will just become a chore, this applies to most single player games.
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
@@Mark-fo6hz Well that's the thing, the fans haven't played many games. They are clueless. They got into one franchise they were told is the hardest one, they died a lot and that was enough to convince them. They think they actually accomplish something by beating these games. If being a die hard fan requires you to beat these games by creating the most pointless artificial challenges and then you need to brag about them and pretend you're superior to others then the hardcore fans need to be forcibly humbled. Their lies must end.
@hankwoomer7898 6 ай бұрын
holy yap bro, trash takes
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Very insightful comment
@FEAST4 Ай бұрын
Lots of facts and lots of entitled cap & cope other thn that masterpiece
@BANKAIT Күн бұрын
@SolonGaming Күн бұрын
You can't. You have birth issue.
@swupwa Ай бұрын
Penguinz0 milking game over fking jump button meanwhile dmc 5 he says boring dialogues tf? only game to this day whose world is so immersive has to be witcher 3 that game did great job of story telling and it has really good different role play scenarioes than whole fromsoft franchise and witcher 3 dlcs are way more insane too
@SolonGaming Ай бұрын
Yeap. The combat in witcher 3 is bad though and the game has a very slow start.
@swupwa Ай бұрын
​​@@SolonGamingyep i remember devs saying game was more focused on story aspect plus they were indie devs at that time
@MakioGoHardio Ай бұрын
He didn’t say the dialogue was boring, he said it was cringe and wasn’t like the older more goofy games, which is honestly a bad take he also said he liked dmc4 more than dmc5, I think he hasn’t played the older games in years so he either doesn’t remember it or has Ross tinted glasses.
@Ma1q444 Ай бұрын
Ds1 and demon souls only good games
@robiocraft 3 ай бұрын
This guy > comments of flaws in the game > sees a person enjoying the game despite the flaws > feels the need to be toxic towards the person because of their taste
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
Enjoying a game while understanding it has tons of flaws is one thing. Overhyping a game while ignoring it's flaws and constantly lying is another.
@Aye-Em 3 ай бұрын
I think he made the video because it’s very frustrating to watch all the content creators and gamers alike praise something so much and then turn around and be hyper critical and point out every single flaw in a game that isn’t beloved to them. Atleast that’s my issue.
@kiss4luna 3 ай бұрын
@@Aye-Em same here. and i try to study this game, passed 102 hours this week, watched maybe a hundred tutorial videos? i think the basic mechnic in this game is just using over leveled monsters to crush you, if you are lucky enough to find some game gliches you can use them to break the game mechanics and beat the boss. but this is not fan at all to me
@setht4808 2 ай бұрын
​@@SolonGaming no one has a responsibility to point out flaws that they most likely don't even interpret or view as flaws. Literally all you are doing is calling people out for liking a game when you personally dont like it. People "dont need to be blind to pretend to like it" you iust need to stop being so bitter and realise that people have their own opinions, also the "six minutes elevator" thing is an exaggeration he made, its a minute and 30 seconds.
@billjacobs521 2 ай бұрын
@@setht4808 Actually, reviewers DO have a responsibility to point out flaws--it's literally their job.
@saraakthefgomaster7694 3 ай бұрын
I just cant with this video. I kept watching and waiting for good points, and while some were there, it just came off as nitpicky and pedantic, like taking the actmans early video gag as fact when anyone could see it was made for cokedic effect. This was an hour long video that couldve been narrowed down further and focus on key points (the combat is not hard if you go and build something to trivialize it). You called the content creators lazy for their react content but this is basically the same type of commentary? I guarantee if you cut out the insults you throw left and right then this video would he half its length. Theres too much in this hour long thing to go through so I'll be back with timestamps.
@saraakthefgomaster7694 3 ай бұрын
(1/4) 0:29 - It's clickbait, just like your video title which baits in souls fans. You see that in every YTer these days. You say yourself that it's mostly joking (comedic) but then narrow onto the YT viewers. This is fallacious because, no matter what, the YT comments of YTers will contain wank-offs, people who praise the YTer. This exists in every type of content and is a moot point. 0:56 - Now you're going after another franchise entirely, purely out of subjectivity. Who are you to say that these are bad games when they clearly have a large fanbase? That's just needlessly antagonizing other fanbases. You then proceed to talk about how fanbases can be manipulated, that's true, but this ignores that people usually watch YTers who naturally align with their own biases. Was this point supposed to be about how the souls genre ended up being known online as `the hard game` because of these influencers? This ignores that this was a reputation it had even before YT was a thing. 2:40 - On the Dunky point. I agree with the point that cheese and poor balancing exists in Souls games. However, just because it is possible, doesn't mean that it's how most people experience it. The casual player isn't going to farm vast amount of souls or look up ways to cheese every boss. The flaw is there, yes, but it isn't as big of an issue as you point out with this example. 3:21 - He starts with that point to preface what everyone's thoughts are before giving his own. That's a standard thing to do. Calling it sheep-minded and saying Charlie doesn't have a brain of his own is baiting outrage where you could've just said `I disagree with the majority`. 4:20 - "They learned absolutely nothing" is incredibly subjective. What did you want from future souls games? The statement here implies that they didn't learn from their mistakes, but what if they didn't consider these `mistakes` to be mistakes at all? Once again, pedantic. 5:20 - Charlie made a point in that the open world exceeded his expectations, and you've spun that to a tirade about the combat. You made a good point about a lot of enemies being reskin in different areas, but that's a standard practice in gaming. In RPGs especially, you find stuff like different colored slimes. In regards to mastery, that's just objectively wrong. You can say the same thing about fighting games where all you need to do is mash buttons when attacking and blocking when needed. In practice, it gets much more difficult in the middle of it all. The fact you say it isn't stimulating is what confuses me. Yet another subjective remark. Just because you don't find dodging and hitting things for big numbers to be stimulating doesn't mean someone else does. Inb4 you say that only monkeys on a tricycle find that stimulating. 6:15 - Again, subjective. Boring to you, not boring to others. The dungeons lack of variety however is a point I agree with, but not by much. Having too many unique dungeons is an unrealistic expectation in a game as large as Eldern Ring. 6:50 - You somehow spun Charlie's "Woah, okay, this is deep, how LARGE is this new area I've just found?" into "Wow this is so fucking boring I'm staring at the screen while waiting for the elevator." That's some talent right there. It's six minutes. Come off it. 7:20 - There is NOTHING wrong with saying "I'm enjoying my experience so far." As a professional review, sure, but this creates a conflict with a prior point from you. You say that souls games are all the same and by playing for five minutes you've learned everything there is to know. What's the issue here? He's played more than that, so clearly he's learned everything he needs to know about the game. Why bash on that when it aligns with your point? The insults man, they're just so pointless. Why have them here? They only detract from any meaningful point and cause a VAST majority of viewers to see this as nothing but a hate piece, even with the few good points. 8:30 - No shit the first Tree Sentinel encounter is difficult. No shit it's avoidable, that's the point. It's meant to paint a picture to the player. Here's a thing you can fight, or don't, your choice. If they beat it, hurray. If they lose, they have two options, walk around it or continue trying to fight it. There's nothing more to it than that. It sets expectations. The way you're looking at it is pesimistic to assume the common player doesn't have the capacity to make these decisions and instead run head first into death like a lemming. 9:09 - Then you just go off on a guy who is happy to have beaten a challenge. Even more needless insults. Why do you keep adding these? Also, the clip you show with him falling into the void, anyone with two braincells can tell that he was trying to glitch the game and skip around the boss wall. Yet again, you bring up the point of memorization not being a skill. This is still wrong. It is a learned skill. This same logic applies to exams. `Just get 100 by memorizing the learning material. It's not that hard.` Nah. That's objectively wrong, otherwise we'd have fuck tons of nurses. Yes, I'm equating nursing board exams to a video game, but if your logic can't hold up to the extremes, then it was illogical to begin with. Then there's a good point. Nobody watches a review to hera a reviewer brag about their skills. HOWEVER, it is still good to know if a reviewer is actually good at the game and not IGN levels of game journalist. The remarks after this point is just complaining. 10:20 - Yet again, needless. No shit you can make things artificially difficult. It's true everywhere as you brought up, so why bring it up at all if it's common knowledge?
@saraakthefgomaster7694 3 ай бұрын
(2/4) 11:13 - A good point. An easy way to respec without restarting the game would open up so many gameplay paths for the player. It's the main reason why a majority of modern Pokemon ROMHacks have the ability to modify IVs, EVs, movesets, and abilities on the fly. People like customization if it's easy to do. 12:25 - This I agree with too. It doesn't add any depth but it's a nice little accessibility option for people who struggle doing exactly that. However, calling the devs stupid for not having it from the start is just rude. Take Pokemon for example. Why didn't they have Physical/Special split from Gen 1? Are they stupid? No, it just wasn't an idea they had until then. Another good point poisoned by needless toxicity. But then you went on to say that there were ever only two playstyles in souls games; spam magic from range or spam dodge rolls at close range. Okay sure let's be reductive as fuck. Puzzle games only have one playstyle. FPS games only have one playstyle. DMC only has one playstyle (combo them to death). Reductivism at its finest. 13:26 - PVP. This is true in PVP. There are players in PVE who don't spam the best moves because they want to use their favorite moves. Never use PVP as an example because the nature of PVP leads to METAs. No matter what, there will always be a META. Everyone uses META in PVPs. You can make a point about the META being boring and the devs need to do balance changes to switch it up, but that's a common factor in every competitive game. 13:55 - Subjective. The 30 FPS lock is definitely a bad thing, but it isn't the be-all and end-all of graphics. That's the inherent gamer elitism talking. 15:35 - Again with the insults. So many insults that drive away anyone even willing to listen to your points, except haters, who probably don't even watch your video and mindlessly agree. Charlie is being hyperbolic with "I can't imagine a better souls game" which you took as a way to insult him. It's literally a way of saying "I like this game" and nothing more. And you have zero ground to stand on with disparaging his content when anyone can easily look at THIS video as a way to do the exact same thing. Every good point you make is degraded by regurgitating insults about the content creators in this video and their viewers. Middle schooler air head who refuses to grow up? Ironic, considering you've been doing the equivalent of saying fuck and shit every minute. Have some self-reflection. Then you make a point about him being bad with FF7Re's combat. Chief. Have some self-reflection. You can make the same point about this being pointless memorization, wherein all you need to do is know the exact combo to, in your words "literally kill every single enemy and boss, including the hardest super boss in the game in a couple of seconds if you are really good at the game." Just replace the latter part with "if you memorized which skills/spells to use and in which order" and you have the same thing you've been disparaging about souls games this entire time. 16:45 - This is the single dumbest point so far. Why? Because it ignores that people change their minds. Also, refer to the very first counter point. It's click bait, just like your video title. Even your memorization point here ignores that people can forget. Don't tell me you remember every little mechanic of every game you've ever played? If so, you should've went into Harvard. 17:55 - That entire segment was for hyperbolic comedic effect. Bro. Even then, you clearly assumed he beat in in 40 hrs. What if he finalized his opinion after 40 hrs. ALSO, it said 40+ hrs, which means he spent a MINIMUM of 40 hrs, not exactly 40. Nitpicking. 19:40 - Chief this is everybody. Everybody looks up guides no matter the type of game if they can't beat it after X amount of tries. That's common sense. There's no shame in doing so, but for those who don't want to do so because it feels more rewarding, more power to them. That's their right. 20:09 - "Another Noob that gets internet help." I thought it took no skill to play these games? Why call someone a noob, someone who lacks skill, if there was no skill to begin with? Perhaps look in the mirror. On the hypocrite point, you'll find that even you are a hypocrite if it serves your interests. See prior point. 20:50 - Nothing for YOU. Horror Puzzle games are just an atmospheric experience and nothing more. The gothic horror aesthetic in souls games serves the same purpose, to set an atmosphere of an unforgiving world that can easily kill you. The point is not to scare the player but unsettle them. You stated "trying to just stay alive" in this part. Is that not a fundamental part of horror? No? You say that the fear only comes from losing progress, but you can say the same thing about horror games like Outlast. 22:32 - Subjective. Also, irrelevant. If every boss in gaming doesn't matter because you can beat them, then even the bosses in FF7Re don't matter because they're made to be beaten. Such a non-point it's unreal. Oh, and another tirade about the gameplay, which is also subjective. I get that you don't find satisfaction from overcoming a boss, but you don't need to hammer it home for the nth time in this video.
@saraakthefgomaster7694 3 ай бұрын
(3/4) 24:35 - What a way to start a point, by insulting once more. It really is impossible for you to make a point without them, huh? I don't even know what your point with this insult train is other than displaying peak basement-dwelling energy. Once again, memorization is a skill objectively. I'm fascinated as to why you think it isn't. Your point about depth is pointless too. Depth, described in gaming, is how many decisions a player makes in the moment. The options listed prior by the Actman show how many decisions could be made. You're seeing simplicity in the base mechanics and narrowing on that alone. Any dev can tell you that making a simple mechanic to design around first is the basics of game design. The fact that you only focus on the dodge rolling is yet another example of you being reductive. 26:00 - They're not ignoring the point. Those `bullshit bugs` and `trolly deaths` are included in the lesson of learning from your mistakes. Just walk around it. Avoid those deaths. Neutralize them before they become a problem. Oh, it looks like there are more decisions than just dodge rolling. Who knew? 26:45 - We love being reductive in this video about the builds. Yeah, and in FPS games, all that's different is the gun you use. The good point here though, is something you already expanded on, the lack of an easy respec option. As such, this was yet another needless segment. "A massive waste of time" in your words. 27:52 - Yeah, here we go. This point was built and based on a comedic intro segment that may or may not even be true, considering you're equating `More than 40 hrs` to `Just 40 hrs`. Moot. The point on the game being unfun to the point he needed to restart is yet another assumption. What if he played those 40+ hours and then played again? We're tunnel visioning on the most pointless of aspects here. Oh, and some more insults for seasoning. Tasty sandwich. Chief you have SO many insults that, even one of your comments replying to brain dead raiding zoomers, where you say that you just want them to be open minded to other games, holds NO weight. Why? Because you're doing nothing but insulting them. Come off of it with this "I just want what's better for you" nonsense. This is toxicity and nothing more. You aren't any better than the elistists who insist on making everyone play games as they were intended. 29:43 - I like how we hyperfocus on doubling as a form of emphasis and treat it as an error. Classy. 30:17 - Good point on microtransactions, but you're putting words in Actman's mouth. He took a jab at every game that has them. He didn't say the game is good because of a lack of microtransactions. You did, then complained about it with moral grandstanding. 30:55 - God these insults. Okay, there is NO need for easy or hard modes in games. There aren't any in FPS games or fighting games, yet those have large followings. Same with MOBAs and puzzle games. The only souls-like that has an `easy mode` is that recently released crab one where you can give the player a one-shot gun. Are the prior game genre's incompetent and don't know how to balance their games? By your logic, yes they are. Your point on the mimics being hilariously OP is valid. However, game balancing is still a hard task. There are entire teams built solely to keep an eye on game balance in competitive games. In developing, there are oversights. Even in old but beloved fighting games, infinite combos exist but definitely weren't intended. The fact that they fixed it should be commended, but I guess you're too busy throwing insults to care about that. 33:05 - My guy, this is gameplay for even old SNES games. This is how racing games work. This is how FPS games work. This is how fighting games work. You memorize your available options, then learn how to do it. It leads to decision making and problem solving. That's the skill. That's the gameplay. The only exception are puzzle games, but in those, it's more about intuition on a linear path. 33:53 - Wise people learn from other's mistake. Smart people learn from their own mistakes. Stupid people, do NOT learn, not whatever you just spewed. Smart people can still suffer through pain and learn. How people realize what constitutes as mistakes depends on the task. 34:45 - We're using B-Roll footage as proof that Actman has no skill and is a scrub. Okay dude. Also, scrub? I thought we needed the game to be skill-based to have scrubs? Surely we aren't just being pedantic... again. 35:25 - Because this is a known phenomenon. People are more willing to be bullshitted by AI than they are by other human beings. PVE gamers are more willing to be shat on by hard bosses while PVP gamers are less willing to stomache BS, because they seek an even playing field. This is the rationale, not whatever stuff you spewed about basement dwelling is. 37:00 - I guess we spin human kindness into a negative. We're really going down that route aren't we? Again with the scrub comment in a skilless game. Weird, huh? Not as weird for the kind invaders though, because they literally gain nothing from just leaving. The invader probably wanted a fair fight, see prior PVP player mentality point, and left when he wasn't getting it. That's all. Also, nah. They aren't hating you for your skill. The vast majority of your comment section hate the fact that you're insulting for the sake of insulting, like these content creators and community personally killed your dog and shagged your mother. Oh, and even more basement dwelling comments, how pleasant.
@saraakthefgomaster7694 3 ай бұрын
(4/4) 39:50 - You underestimate how tutorials, even something as blatantly obvious to the common gamer as a plunge attack, are necessary. You can learn from it, as it is now ingrained as an option in the back of your mind. I'll be honest, after seeing how insult ridden this video is, I've no intention of watching the prior video of yours in this `series`. 40:52 - Clearly he's played more than just souls games, based on the screenshot you used. This point only serves to try disparage and hate on the character and integrity. Insults upon insults upon insults. Not a single point without them. Also, he's a game reviewer, he HAS to play these `casual` games because that's what gets him the views. A little critical thinking goes a long way. 41:27 - God another good point veiled with insults. Yeah, that boss is purely thematics to me. It isn't something that's fun to watch either. Did it need the moron insults? No. At this point I'm a broken record with how many times I need to point out how these insults get in the way of illustrating your point. 42:24 - That he did, but you know what? It really isn't that deep. You can just play a game to have fun. If anything, it proves his point. He wants everyone to have an untouched first time experience. Some would want that, but some don't. After that first experience though (after being killed by the boss a few times) he looks up some guide or help. Did that, in any way, contradict his point about the first time experience? No. These two things-`an unsullied first time experience` and `getting help online`-are not mutually exclusive. Why would they be? One focuses on the FIRST encounter and the other is AFTER that. 43:14 - For fucks sake. Not even one second. Are you telling me that you've never died in a game due to a shitty camera? Shitty cameras are a tale as old as time. What should've been a comedic moment for the video, you've turned into yet another insult. There wasn't even a point there to make! That was just an insult through and through! 10/10 I'm in awe at thy prowess. Truly a master wordsmith. 43:47 - I guess we're ignoring the sense of exploration then. Cool. Have you considered that, because you `wasted so much time because I could've looked up a guide`, the reason people suggest to look up guides when you're struggling is to prevent this sort of negtaive reaction? I can see an argument to why the game should be designed in a way where this shouldn't have been a factor. However, what did you want? A Skyrim-esque Clairvoyance spell? A HUD marker? A straight stone path? If it seems like I'm mocking your gameplay experience, then I suppose you shouldn't have had almost forty minutes of insults to damper my mood enough to use them. I'm pretty sure anyone whose reached this point in the video have had their day made infinitely worse. 45:15 - I wish I could remove my brain after listening to this. You made the same point as the Actman, but with a more antagonistic perspective. You should've just said "This is a bad thing because X" and moved on. 46:15 - Good points. The levels are good, but when they're bad, they're unbelievably bad. 46:43 - Uh, they do? Being cautious around the corner and thwarting an ambush is the reward. Someone less inteligent would run right in. You've brought up trial-and-error before. For arguments sake, I'll disagree just to bring up more arguments from you if any. There is an argument for intelligence lowering the time it takes for trial-and-error. Namely, in the approach. You can try option A, but after failing, try option B. However, a more inteligent player may realize early on that option C is better. That's the intelligence I believe exists. 47:40 - Subjective. Clearly, millions of players disagree. 47:50 - Fair enough. 48:07 - Uh, they did? It's 100% possible to ignore and run right through all enemies in souls games and go straight to bonfires. However, to do so on your first playthrough is impossible. Oh, back to the insults. Fun. 48:55 - Subjective. Also, why are we bringing up a tirade on real life fighting in comparison to soulsborne games? Did someone bring that up? Was it in the video? No? Just apropos from nothing? Okay then. 50:00 - This I don't get. Why is it a waste of time? It could've been a loading screen. Would that have been preferable? I'm pretty sure it's just doing the same thing a regular loading screen would have done; unload previous area and load new area. If anything, this is more immersive. 50:35 - Chief, they're praising a game world, not saying it's better than the real world. Back to basement dwelling comments I guess. Somehow include a tirade of character movement too. Now there's a good point. Shame you focused on insults rather than expand on it. 51:14 - I guess we're ignoring the technological limitations of the time then. Also, subjective once again. 51:33 - Yeah I'm with you. Fuck the walking sections. However, I disagree on cutscenes. I just think they should add things to do in these walking sections. 52:44 - Subjective, on your point. I'm agreeing with Actman here, but this is just a setting fatigue after playing so many of them. 52:55 - Disagreeing because, for some people, good characters can make or break a gaaming experience, mostly in JRPGs. Yet again, this segment could've done without the insults, but honestly idk if `nerd` is an insult anymore. 53:55 - Dude, come on. The ending is meant to be one of those `we are the last ones standing` kinda deal. This was a nothing burger of a point. But spoiling the final boss is pointless. The criticism on the boss fight is valid. The insults, again, aren't, but I sense you're getting tired on calling them stupid. You only called the community stupid once this time. 55:10 - Again, subjective. This is the moment people reflect on their experience and, while your reflection ended with you hating it, others enjoyed it for what it was. That's all that is. And now I'm here at the end of this monolith of a timestamp comment. I'll be honest, I'll never watch another one because I straight up got a miniature headache after being bombarded by headaches. Dark Souls is still a game that influenced many people. It isn't fair to call everyone basement dwellers. The few good points this video made were drowned out by an endless see of hate and negativity that it's honestly shocking how one man can have the time to put into such a nothing-burger of a video that serves to do naught but shame, nitpick, and be pedantic. Truly, an awe-inspiring creation from the heavens. I will not be back.
@jaybn4350 Ай бұрын
Awesome breakdown
@rGGdom 2 күн бұрын
I've been watching these "Elden Ring is not that good" videos for a while now, and what I can gather from them is that most experienced Souls fans are not that impressed, while the rest of us are. To be clear, if you are an experienced Souls player, I have nothing against your point, I understand where you are coming from since none of this is new to you. Besides, no piece of work or art is perfect and can be subjected to criticism. But I also see some criticism that I sincerely not understand. For example, the whole "the combat system is too simple" thing I find it funny. First off, how would you make it more complex, taking into account that the player will do lots of exploration and traversing in this game? A more complex combat system for a game like this I think would be unbearable, since you would get extremely tired of having to heavily engage with every single enemy, or at least with the most powerful ones. Do people complaining really think this thing through? I don't know, maybe is my lack of gaming experience since I didn't game for lots of years due to adult commitments. But I think some gamers need to understand that one game alone cannot do or achieve all the things at once, and you may have to put your own biases aside when "reviewing" a piece of work.
@SolonGaming 2 күн бұрын
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has a very complex combat with an open world and tons of enemies. Getting tired of a complex combat instead of enjoying it... really? If stimulation is tiring to people, they don't get to scream ''skill issue'', cause they are clearly projecting.
@rGGdom 2 күн бұрын
​@@SolonGaming you have a point, but let's also consider lots of people criticize ff7r combat system for being too complex and overwhelming. But I understand you were responding to people saying things instead of stating those things yourself as a review.
@SolonGaming 2 күн бұрын
@@rGGdom It's sad that humanity finds ff7r combat system hard now, especially since it has great tutorials and an easy mode. If anything i wanted the game to have an actual hard mode to pick at start and an entire brutal mode New Game+. You don't find many challenging games anymore and the pretentious plus hypocritical souls fandom is making things even worse.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
30:59 I don’t think fromsoft wants to balance their games, you choose how hard you want the game to be. It’s another thing many people love about the games, the difficulty options are baked into the game instead of being options in a menu.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Having options that are totally game breaking or completely pointless is a clear sign of poor/non-existent balancing.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGamingyes the games are unbalanced, some people prefer that instead of a difficulty option. Like imagine if ER had a difficulty option and when discussing BS moves like WFD, some souls autist will say “skill issue lower the difficulty or git gud” it’d be so lame.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@MakioGoHardio There is such a thing as good balancing. Difficulty doesn't mean increasing the enemy stats. Enemy placement, A.I. and aggressiveness are the right way to make a game harder. Metal Gear Solid games are a good example of that. Soulstism is already going strong with the fandom anyway.
@MakioGoHardio 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming I’m interested in the Metal Gear series, it’s been talked and praised so much that I want to try one of the games. The main thing unbalanced about ER is summons, I’ve heard this idea that instead of summons as an easy mode they should’ve just added Sekiro revives, I personally think it’s a better solution to make the game easier and the player will still have to engage with the mechanics, it’ll also make trial and error less tedious.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
​@@MakioGoHardio Start with either MGS 3(or wait for the remake) or MGS 5. Those are prequels so don't worry about the story. I will make a video explaining all the possible ways the souls games can improve without alienating the current audience.
@cadevente2213 2 ай бұрын
Interesting... Get good
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Get good at what?
@MYSTYRIUM442 3 ай бұрын
Got Gud
@capnphuktard5445 2 ай бұрын
These games are trash
@dogidogediggidydogedd957 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I played Ds1 and Bloodborne and right now on ER, and I have to say elden ring ISN'T a 10/10 as many reviewers says, It doesn't make any sense how a rat can deal more damage than boss, the crucible knights are literally stronger than some bosses in the game, the game uses repetitive enemies like the watch dogs, Misbegotten enemies and so on, and some who literally you can find the more you progress in the game, The gargoyles for example are used 3 times as boss fights, or those Erdtree creatures snakes, I also dislike how they put summons on the game, since once you get mimic tear. Gg wp to litteraly every single boss, I din't watch the video just 10 minutes of it. Going to watch more of this later.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
If you check out my part 1 where i analyse the mechanics, i mention all that, so maybe you want to start from there. You can find the entire series in the description.
@dogidogediggidydogedd957 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming I did see your videos and honestly you do mention good points, but honestly I find you insulting DS fans just because they enjoy this game is just childish, I don't enjoy some games but doesn't mean I will call them idiots and call the game bad. I see you have played all Souls games, but did you actually enjoy it? Or are you just doing this rant to insult the devs and the community? Because honestly making 3 episodes of criticizing the game is just pointless. Many of the points you pointed were obvious and some Souls fans can see it. You weren't forced to play the game in the first place. Overall I know Many From software try hard fans just say the classic "Git Gud" or "You are trash" without giving any opinion about your points you mentioned,which, it's ironic because if I said to someone, why is dark souls so good? Then the person will just explain the most basic gameplay in a game, kill, earn stuff and XP, and level up and repeat. And the person who asked why DS is so good. Simply says "is that it"? Because really unless you Google most of the stuff you will have no idea what is the Lore about. ER is also extremely similar to Ds1 story, even The first Elden Lord looks like Gwyn from Ds1, even the pose.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
@@dogidogediggidydogedd957 To be fair they are not exactly insults. I have proof about their lifestyle and i will show it in part 4. This is the only part where i ''insult'' them anyway and it will all make sense later on. They also need to get humbled. You can enjoy whatever you want as long as you don't lie. I played many souls likes to make sure i can fully understand the depth of what these games offer along with the feelings they can convey to the players.
@dogidogediggidydogedd957 2 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming Fair enough
@eggmiths3642 2 ай бұрын
@@dogidogediggidydogedd957 Were talking guys that literally identify as "Souls Players" trolling and berating anyone who dare says a thing about a series of corpo sponsored trash done on purpose to be annoying and create outrage, the game creators don't qualify as designers of entertainment and those clows are not deserving of being considered humans let alone have respect for them.
@jeremyallen5974 13 күн бұрын
What I don't understand is why Fromsoft's manbaby fanbase is constantly screaming 'git gud!' When the stat system is expressly designed to fuck the player over as they level up. A competent game (for the sake of argument, Torchwood) would have the player start off getting small boosts when leveling up their stats but then have the gain amounts increase as the player invests in a particular aspect of their character. Fromsoft doesn't do that. Instead they just flip the system around as a half assed band aid fix for the lack of proper scaling
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
You should watch the other parts of this series of mine which you can find in the description and read my pinned comment as well. The ''git gud!'' spamming is done by failures with shattered ego who fully convinced themselves that the games they play are the definition of ''hard'' and ''masterpiece'' and they need constant validation to cope with the reality that they are actually miserable failures.
@jeremyallen5974 13 күн бұрын
@@SolonGaming I can't help but wonder if they'd defend a game as shitty as Rascal on the PS1 if their overlords demanded it
@SolonGaming 13 күн бұрын
@@jeremyallen5974 Of course. As long as someone is able to beat that game after getting lucky with it's cancerous controls, they can pretend everyone else refuses to do so only because they lack skill. That's how their brain works.
@doer-5533noflex 2 ай бұрын
Criticism and crying are not the same thing 😅 hope you keep it up though i havnt laughed this hard in a long time thank you
@eggmiths3642 2 ай бұрын
Crying is when me no like
@joshuaevans9693 2 ай бұрын
Hey just so you know you said sum about people not understanding sarcasm/satire on Charlie’s segment he said sum about a 6min elevator ride😂 imagine being so gullible to actually believe that you don’t know Charlie at all.
@StarsAndSticks 26 күн бұрын
Try as I might, I don't think I'll ever be able to resonate dark souls games and especially not the fanaticism with which the fans treat the games
@SolonGaming 25 күн бұрын
The fanaticism would requires to do the picture i used in my Part 3 thumbnail.
@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast 6 ай бұрын
I'll leave a comment (or a few) spelling out my impression of your video after I'm done watching it. But one thing I'll say, as I'm watching it right now, is that people seem to conflate difficulty with quality. It's very easy to make a game difficult, but it's hard to make a game that well-designed and difficult.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
That and also people confuse difficulty with time consuming. One requires actual talent and honed skills and the other can be done by anyone who just has the time to do it. For example, staring at a wall for 10 hours is ''hard'', but no one with a brain would waste the time needed to do it nor would call it an accomplishment.
@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming It's quite clear, from the youtubers you selected for your example, that said "reviewers" are not actual gamers and haven't played anything aside from mainstream slop. They simply tell their mindless fanbase what they want to hear so they can maximize revenue through selling merchandise, getting sponsorships from game companies (i.e. Raid Shadow Legends), getting subscribers on both their youtube channel and other monetary outlets (i.e. Patreon), and making as much money as possible by chasing the algorithm to maximize views. As such, anyone who takes them seriously is a normie NPC and should never be taken seriously on anything. As for Soulsborne, I can forgive someone if they just got into gaming and don't know any better. But for anyone who has knowledge of the medium and chooses to play these glorified shovel ware games instead of actual good games (i.e. emulating old consoles like PS1 or PS2) gets no pass from me. They're a certified moron that no one should take seriously. All the blank statements they make (i.e. "It's unlike anything we've seen before", "The difficulty is immersive", "The game tries to kill you", "The community is so cool", etc.) can be applied to any game. There's nothing specific about these hollow statements that makes them applicable to Dark Souls specifically (or any Soulsborne game for that matter). But yes, these games require no skill nor brains. It's merely memorization. Even the biggest dope can memorize something if given enough time. A dog can instinctively memorize to come when beckoned and a monkey can memorize a special bell to ring when it wants food. Again, nothing inherently special. Intelligence requires critical thinking and problem solving, neither of which is present in any Soulsborne game. It's glorified trial and error. That's it. You go in, die, memorize moveset, and spam dodge roll while chipping away at some enemy or boss's health. It's mindless and this is how the entire series is. It's no wonder it became popular - true quality games don't get universal praise since they don't appeal to the lowest common denominator like fromslop games do. These idiots who claim "U-ugh, you can't just go and charge in" fail to realize the same can be applied for DMC 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, God Hand, etc. The following games I listed require actual skill to beat. It's not merely memorizing enemy patterns or move sets, it's knowing when to use certain moves and in what order to string them together. It's not mindless dodge rolling and chipping away at their health. Said games present a much higher skill ceiling than any fromslop game ever did. If I were to hand a controller to one of them and challenge them to beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on hard difficulty, they'd die way more there than all the times they died in fromslop games combined. Ninja Gaiden 2 throws a lot at the player and expects you to figure out what moves you should chain together to be the most effective depending on a given enemy. There's a reason why I love JRPGs (especially from PS1/PS2 Era) - they require skill and problem solving abilities. They also interweave interesting narratives into the gameplay. They don't hold your hand nor do they all have guides (i.e. good luck finding much of a guide to Xenosaga and its combat system). While it's hack and slash, it's not mindless button mashing either. Depending on the JRPG, there's the abilities each character has along with how you order them in a formation and when to use certain moves and so on. Long comment, but fromslop fans really are mindless cattle at the end of the day.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
KZbin hid your comment due to insults i suppose, but i can still see it by sorting the comments by Newest first. You could easily do an overview of these games yourself apparently.
@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming I plan on it. I'll be using text though. I'm working on a video regarding synthetic man. To me, he's just a larper. His only "credibility" is calling out wokeness...something another youtube named Ptolemy did for years and was largely ignored. Synthetic Man, as I'll show, as contradicted himself many times and is a "rules for thee, not for me" kind of guy. Also, he apparently has a GF (i.e. Thoma's sister) and is not a Doomer. I always suspected this, but yes...he was always playing a character to carve out his own niche and maximize potential revenue. Ptolemy will be a million times better as he is completely honest about his views and doesn't ever cater or present himself as some kind of doomer to attract an audience.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@Gnostic_Oppai_Enthusiast Interesting. I did call his entire audience roleplayers the last time after i decided to never come back and they got mad and tried to frame me and dehumanise me. I even told them that if i were to mention all the things wrong with Synth and his fans, i would have to make a video way bigger than Mauler's, but i honestly don't care about them. I have my own career to focus on. I might watch your video though. I am not sure how many people might be interested in it, since he has many blind worshippers who actually think he is actually going to be the leader to change the country. They are on full copium.
@blasphemy47 3 ай бұрын
Holy shit i never knew Moist made a video on ER and it was this bad. His "review" is as shallow as one can get. I have no idea how this guy has so many subs.
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
He is one of the oldest KZbinrs and some of his old videos are funny. He became a clout chaser after realising it's what gets him lots of views with no effort.
@hazereynolds7872 3 ай бұрын
I mean he has a fun personality, is genuinely a good dude, Laid-back, and Goofy. It's one thing to disagree with someone but another to insult their character, do better​@@SolonGaming
@SolonGaming 3 ай бұрын
@@hazereynolds7872 It's not insults if the words describe them accurately. You will see what i mean in an upcoming video.
@Artemi099 2 ай бұрын
​@@SolonGamingalright then you sound like an Indian. Ain't an insult because it's accurate lol
@vacuousssin6552 6 ай бұрын
Git gud.
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
Another NPC produced from the same factory who can only parrot the same line.
@kyanstupid8302 6 ай бұрын
Git gud
@vacuousssin6552 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming I'm just being intentionally inflammatory because I KNOW NPCs like you get pissed when faced with the truth that they're bad at a game
@SolonGaming 6 ай бұрын
You are the NPC and it's as clear as daylight. You and your buddies just can't say anything coherent and need to repeat the same lines over an over again and pretend like you are making a point. Also the fact that you think the game requires skill after me making 2 whole video explaining clearly how they objectively require zero skill means you are either at peak copium lying to yourself or you never had the intelligent to even comprehend what i am saying.
@vacuousssin6552 6 ай бұрын
@@SolonGaming all I hear is whining 🤣
@LiTee3 2 ай бұрын
people really falling for this bro haha nice job grabbing attention
@promark5317 Ай бұрын
"In Soviet Russia, Dark Souls plays YOU"
@thosebloodybadgers8499 4 ай бұрын
Do NOT allow bro to find out you have an opinion or he'll make a 2+ hour video series DESTROYING you with FACTS and LOGIC lmao
@K3V1N1T0 2 ай бұрын
Synthetic man is NOT watching little bro 😆
@wrimbo2883 2 ай бұрын
I feel like FS should've stayed with the Sekiro gameplay or at least create a mix for Elden Ring. I felt a bit disappointed when the game came out and they learned nothing from Sekiro.
@SolonGaming 2 ай бұрын
Same honestly. Sekiro is not even that good but it was a good step forward from the usual dodge roll simulator.
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