Dave and Matt play Ravaged Star!

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@miniwargaming Жыл бұрын
9:25 - Gameplay Starts Here Ravaged Star: The Miniature Tabletop Wargame launches Nov, 7 here: gamefound.com/projects/miniwargaming/ravaged-star-tabletop-miniature-wargame?refcode=lp-xkirQRkW0UAoKyeenJg *Get the Playtest Rules on our Discord Server:* www.miniwargaming.com/playtest
@skynes Жыл бұрын
I have so much Ravaged Star on the brain I was dreaming about the playtest last night, and in that dream I suggested a possible "army wide rule" something kinda like a legion or chapter rule, but not that narrative-specific, just an army wide bonus that alters how you would play the game. Now I have no idea if I'd even want something like that for real, because the simplicity of the game is appealling to me, but I want to share what dream-brain thought up anyway. Veil's Caress - When an enemy unit is knocked below full strength, they take a shaken test, this is in addition to when knocked below half. This can trigger for each enemy unit only once per game. Veil's Shroud - All Veil Touched units count as being in Light Cover against shooting at Medium or Long range. I'm mostly impressed my dream was coherent enough to not only think up decent mechanics, but to think up pretty good names too!
@panakon366 Жыл бұрын
Scoring randomly when thetoken is pulled can be fun but I think it can be very weird scoring multiple times in the same round. The simplest way to do it is to not put the token in until the next round and if at the end of the round it has not been pulled yet you score anyways. This way there is always going to be exactly one scoring every round but it will be random to as to when.
@Tabletopreadygames Жыл бұрын
Or put the scoring token into the gag when half of the total models for the round have activated. This still would place urgency on taking the objectives but allow for more time for positioning and objective grabbing before the token could come out
@cookiecreep9204 Жыл бұрын
The scoring token made me realize that those can be used to spice up the scenario by a LOT! Like maybe add a wild token that when pulled, will drop a supply crate with a boost for whoever picks it up, or maybe the battle is taking place during an acid rain, and all units roll for damage when it's pulled? I love the idea even more, it can add so many cool scenarios! And loving the change to the shaken and boost, make it a little more important to shake units so wiping them out isnt the only option. For the grudgelings, I think they could have different targets, like the armored ones could deal better with infantry, maybe shooting out more hits with explosive shrapnel, while the blobby ones deal more damage, or penetrate armor better, so they are made to off themselves on too of tanks? Would make them both useful, and light armor on mobile mines would definitely be scary to see if they were likely to wipe out a light squad if they touch it.
@JerradZonna Жыл бұрын
I like your idea. You could easily spice it up further with a card deck of scenarios that you randomly pull before starting the game or start of each turn to change the scenario or add to it for more chaos. I think that could really add a lot of random flavor to each game if you choose to use it.
@gbgamer3949 Жыл бұрын
I loved the part when Luca came in. It's nice that you all respect each other that it's not a problem. Some bosses might get annoyed at that sort of thing.
@dornjr Жыл бұрын
Dave, seriously, maybe your best thumbnail ever. You're beaming with pride and inviting us to join in the fun. Congratulations!! 😊👍
@BigPashPlays Жыл бұрын
There is nothing as wholesome in all of Warhammer than Dave’s laugh
@Zych.Grzegorz Жыл бұрын
54:00 I'd suggest that rather than "red token can only be drawn X times during the round" just add X tokens to the bag - this way it's slightly more likely to happen, but also it removes a thing the players need to keep track of and you can have different values of X depending on the scenario.
@JerMar1820 Жыл бұрын
I love the whole pushback mechanic in RS, I always wanted one in 40K - pumped to use it and adds such a cool new strategic dynamic to the game.
@StabMEPleez3210 Жыл бұрын
Ooo nice, I've been waiting for gameplay! Very cool to see the progress y'all have made, from the initial announcement to minis on the table!
@FrankieRogersArt Жыл бұрын
I always get this lovely feeling of nostalgia, seeing the two of you play together. This game is looking great and the models are beautiful. I have no useful input as I don't play enough, I mainly paint XD
@inquisitorvuln Жыл бұрын
Matt I absolutely adore the tables that you make. They are so visually stimulating and immersive. Truly inspiring work, man.
@xerxesqinalin3508 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow ADHD sufferer, I love Dave's constant, "oh yeah, you just said that!" Love seeing you on the show, man.
@traversal6881 Жыл бұрын
Haha, I wondered if Dave had ADHD, I do too and recognised so much, lol. Like watching myself play.
@dazmaulwargaming Жыл бұрын
The game looks absolutely immense, I can't wait to get started and stick into playing. This is like the ultimate game for wargamers by wargamers
@daemonnexusknight Жыл бұрын
Whoo, Core won! I had a decent suggestion. :D I really love how open you guys are to the community and the feedback and it shows that you are really listening. The games thus far have all been fun to watch, so that says something about the game already.
@leesweeney8879 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the new rules. Will add the points I made to the new units this weekend, I bit under the weather.
@elmaspelusa Жыл бұрын
One possible way to score mid round would be trough the boost tokens. Instead of activating a unit and its boost you choose to score the objectives, which pairs well with the forced alternation after a boost and the extra boost tokens for the losing player. This will give the active player points if they are in a dominant position on the table or the possibility to do something strong to obtain that position. Another possible game mechanic that comes to mind its the possibility of, once per game, draw three tokens and choose which one to activate, even one of your opponent. Thats sounds like a cool "Its now or never" moment without being too powerful, but has obvious strategic advantages. In any case keep having fun and congrats for the game, miniatures look gorgeous!!
@DrohmBT Жыл бұрын
Man ive been fans for a long time since like storms of ixya if i remember the spelling. Im excited for the future of this game. I know ill be getting into it with my friends if i can rope them. Also while not technically Matt v Dave nids vs chaos, but still happy to see you two.
@kungaentertainment Жыл бұрын
You could make a hybrid point scoring which is derived like this: Whenever a unit dies (all of it's models), score points - owner of the unit gets either none or half of points of what they have captured, the other non-owning player gets full points. Additionally, I think having ~2 of the first ~4 rounds randomly selected ahead and score DOUBLE point value at their end for both players would give it additional layer of "Now it's time to capture aggressively" This way You could rush some capturing early and do couple potshots along the way as You aren't likely to be in close range yet that early anyway, and then mix holding points and wiping enemies hard. I always find it strange that ONLY capturing points yields point victory even if You are to obliterate the enemy army, and since the rules lean to faster paced and aggressive closer-range combat, why not make that a part of what triggers the scoring :) Bonus idea: Unlocking stronger boost abilities by having enough points. This would give additional incentive to get points asap.
@deggz4 Жыл бұрын
With deployment, I liked Dave's idea of pulling from the bag. But it could also be like, each player lays out the tokens for the squads they wish to deploy in round one. Then player one chooses one of their OPPONENTS tokens that they want player two to deploy, then you alternate until all are deployed. Could create some interesting tactics forcing players to deploy and counter deploy before the game even starts
@acococombo Жыл бұрын
An idea for scoring! Players can choose to score their points when a “commander” token is drawn. This makes for risky gameplay or take what you have. Will influence army mustering, player may want more commanders to have more control of scoring. Also increases the value of commanders so you opponent has even more reason to take them out. Cheers!
@AlexDC93 Жыл бұрын
For Objectives I think it makes sense to provide a number of options as there is no need to limit it to a specific system. I think another way to have constant scoring may be to have objectives accumulate tokens each turn and each time a unit interacts with an objective they harvest the resources and gain that many VP. This way you can have immediate scoring, can give different objectives different values and also if an objective is being ignored then it gradually becomes more and more valuable throughout the duration of the game.
@AlexDC93 Жыл бұрын
Also it may be worth having some asymmetric missions for more narrative variety. So for example one player adds three objectives into their own deployment zone and the attacking player has to take control of two or more before the game ends. Which fits a bit of a take the city style narrative.
@MastaDRD Жыл бұрын
28:00 I really like the randomized objective scoring token idea. If it needs to be refined then do it but don't CUT it completely, it's suuuuch a good concept! (Maybe not in every mission, but in some of them!) Actually, having a token like this that does mission-specific stuff is a great concept, I'd expand on this.
@MastaDRD Жыл бұрын
So 39:55 or so.... with Matt getting 6 unit activations in a row. I've been championing the one bag system in place and I still do. However, I thought of a potential concession to the people who aren't as fond of it/who are afraid of long single-player chains like this. So, what if.... you set a hard cap of 3 consecutive activations per player? If you pull a 4th, you redraw just the same as after you get a Boost. This way, you can still chain-activate, but with a limit. 3 in a row still feels great for the active player and dangerous for the opponent (usually) but it prevents it from getting too feelsbad. (If 3 feels too small, set it to 4.)
@MastaDRD Жыл бұрын
54:00 For the recurring mission-specific token. If you want a bit of randomness rather than a hard limit, say it goes back in on a 3+, then a 4+, then a 5+, then a 6+. First time's very likely, second time's 50/50m third time's unlikely, fourth time is very unlikely, and so on.
@RoginusD51 Жыл бұрын
Awesome battle report! What about scoring when the HQ token is pulled and at the end of the round? If you pull a boost token you can still activate the HQ. The HQ token still remains in the bag and when you pull it scoring happens. Or if you pull the HQ token first, scoring happens then the HQ activates. Use the extra token as a special mission token. Or an environmental effect like dense fog for the rest of the round. Can't wait to see the next report, great job!
@reapingjoker4198 Жыл бұрын
Great clutch by Dave, I was on the end of my seat. For the scoring, maybe score when half of the total units on the field have activated and score again at the end of round.
@kevinjhubert Жыл бұрын
Yesssss! So excited for more games that aren't I Go U Go.
@sekliley7587 Жыл бұрын
You could do scoring style as a random rule for each game, for instance one could have a token that is put back in the bag after it scores a round, one that has the token removed after it scores until next round, one that scores at the end of the round, and one that rolls a die after X number of activations to see if objectives score. Of course it doesn't have to be random it could get fixed into place for instance at a tournament. This would set up multiple ways that people would have to approach a mission and plan accordingly.
@bubbahms1 Жыл бұрын
Random Scoring idea: each army has a "War Lord" (like in 40K) which is a Commander/Character selected before the game who's leading the army. When the War Lord activates, VP are calculated. At the end of the battle round, VP should also be calculated. I first thought to say every time a Commander activates, but then I thought players may just load their army with the max number of Commanders so they could maximize points. This will ensure that scoring happens at least three times during the round, and give the players some strategic control (do they activate the "War Lord" now, or later, assuming they have more Commanders in play, to get more VP).
@julienb4036 Жыл бұрын
Hi Miniwargaming team. Here is my feedback, for what its worth: Nice streamlining of rules, very quick/fast pace. D10s are great idea. I liked that scoring could occur at any time as well as at the end of the game. One aspect of the game that blocked me was the drawing which units can activate. I would have preferred to be able to plan the sequence of unit activation for elite, support, core etc. At least for the *first turn*. This would provide a sense of design and tactical flexibility. But you can imagine the chaos of battle impacting the flow afterwards. So players could simply make a pile of tokens and as they 'use' each one they place it in the bag. Once all the pile has gone, the players add the objective scoring token into the bag and draw from the bag/pouch. Each player can have a bag/pouch to draw from and take it in turns to draw. So there is no feels bad as it is impossible for one player to go 4 times in a row. On a side note do you plan to make any angellic and elven style forces? The miniatures look great! I would love to play a technical army that rewards movement.
@netghost07 Жыл бұрын
Actual Gameplay starts at 34:15
@jackfair4758 Жыл бұрын
If people are concerned about feeling the 3d printed tokens... coat them with clear acrylic or similar material.
@nootherdestiny Жыл бұрын
I play some games that use bag pull tokens (Arkham Horror LCG for example). They just have cardboard ones that are a standard size for board gaming that you can get plastic cases for to seal them in and make them last forever pretty much. Makes them completely smooth and prevents wear. Here's hoping they keep them as a standard size that you can buy some sort of cases for them so they don't wear out.
@godsvendetta117 Жыл бұрын
So I'm not sure why everything can be flush?
@andrewbakescakes9684 Жыл бұрын
Personally, the tactile sensitivity in my fingers ain't keen enough to pick up those things, I think. But others might have more sensitivity in their hands. All that aside though, seems like it would be obvious if one person is feeling up the tokens.
@MastaDRD Жыл бұрын
I mean just.... fill in the negative space and have slightly thicker line indents? The token will still distinctly show the icon and you can paint them, etc, but it'll feel flat to anyone without god-tier finger nerves. (And really, what hobbyist has fingertips unscarred and unscathed?)
@leesweeney8879 Жыл бұрын
These are not production, just place holders.
@DemonAce18 Жыл бұрын
My idea for scoring before the end of a round I would recommend after X amount of units have been activated you score. X = 1/2 the number of units not destroyed that is counted at the start of the round. So if there are 10 units ( 5 from each player) after the 5 of the units have been activated you score, if 2 of the 10 are destroyed you still have to activate 5 units to score but for the 2nd round you have to activate 4. The idea can help you plan that after a specific number of activations you try to score and for games that have 20+ units on the board, you could set it to be for every X units that have activated you calculate the score. In theory, you could have it set to score multiple times per round. If there are 20 units between both players at the start of Round 1 you could have it set for every 5 units activated it activates you could score up to 4 times in the round, but you could also set it to active for every X, in this case, 5, tokens pulled you still score so that even if you destroy a unit their token is still in the bag. Granted making this type of scoring based on the number of tokens pulled relies on the fact that you don't remove tokens from the bag when a unit dies. So if a core unit dies you move a core token from the bag for the controlling player, but if that is not in the rules then going by number of tokens pulled (including boosts) can work.
@stax6092 Жыл бұрын
For the Scoring you could do after half of all units have activated you can just have the point scoring. Since we are pulling activations out of the same bag, I think it would create that randomness whilst also being strategically accountable for the game. I also would like to mention that I think it's a good idea to have a recommended amount/kind of terrain for each scenario instead of table size. That way your deployment and terrain aren't butting heads with eachother during set-up. This is strictly a streamlining time thing though. I think coming out of the Ground and being able to fire is fine, IF you can't do anything else. Which in RS's case should be a non-issue. Also, love the Scorpion Gorkog. It's so rare to see actual Scorpion-like Aliens in games, and it's one of the oldest of body plans the earth ever had so it's nice to see a Super-evolved version. Makes me consider getting Gorkog, I won't cause I am not a big fan of Hive-mind Alien Creatures, but would defintiely pick up those models if they were on a shelf. Something about Leaders is making some part of them a clearly different colour is a great way to help. For quick discernment, it takes an extra bit to notice pose and weapons, but it takes much less brain recognition power to notice a clearly different colour on a large spot. Just something to consider for your Bat-Reps.
@stax6092 Жыл бұрын
For the Boost Token's Morale rule. I think an already Boosted unit would still be fine to ignore the Shaken Test but if the unit hasn't activated maybe a Shaken Unit can't be boosted OR the Boost uses an extra action to shake off the shaken. Also, can we call poison "Venom" instead? Would feel more accurate.
@anthonydelia444 Жыл бұрын
For the scoring through-out an idea did pop into my head. When you successfully claim a crystal, you score on all of your crystals. Since there are a finite number of crystals on the board, even if you get lucky and get a lot of activations early and claim a lot of the close objectives for points, the only way to keep scoring is to push into enemy territory.
@kungaentertainment Жыл бұрын
I find it strange that "Armor Piercing" is negated by "Armored" and works better on units w/o armor :D Almost seems as if the "Armored" should be additional protection that can be then removed with AP.
@blacktemplar5970 Жыл бұрын
Are youbgoing to have different table layouts as in corner vs corner or hammer and anvil etc also will you have rules for terrain?
@williamhenry9439 Жыл бұрын
Maybe a bit late to the party, but an idea for the scoring could be when you draw your commander token you score points. If your commander is dead, you can do sub commander. If no sub commander, whatever your last activation is. For example only thing left is a core unit, that one scores when you activate it. That way you score throughout the game, or at the end of your turn. Just a thought.
@SgtHouse Жыл бұрын
I love these videos of showing behind the scenes of how creating a game works!
@zigryd123 Жыл бұрын
Gorkhogs (i don't know how to write this - Space Bugs) are the best models i have ever seen! 😁
@zigryd123 Жыл бұрын
I just hope i will be still able to buy them at the end of the month - i need to wait for my salary 😆
@briancrothers2163 Жыл бұрын
Congrats on this guys!!!!
@andrewsciacca8317 Жыл бұрын
Add 2 red tokens for scoring into the bag each turn seems fair. Like the D10s to determine action results. Fine tuning seems to be in order with more games played. Concept and minis are amazing! Looks and feels like you used a "This is not a test" concept and made it your own for Science Fiction!
@camojoe83 Жыл бұрын
Idk why, but dave gives me mucho "Uncle Rico" vibes. "...right over them mountains!... I swear..."
@GreenBlueWalkthrough Жыл бұрын
Great video and I love the progress you have made espesally on the main game mode very unique! Which how I do special rules is have a few no more then 10 universal spiecal rules that every unit can do and each unit/rule has it's own rule that can come on a card so you only need the universal rules on a sheet of paper and the cards for your army.... So it's a mid approach as apposed to having only universal rules which means if you need to add a new rule you'll need a new endtion of the game like chain of command/Pathfinder. And only unit rules then you need a massive rule book that has all the current rules in it to go with your core books for tornments... How ever in normal play you just show your opponent your cards like pokemon TCG. So I suggest the mid aproach as it's more fleable and you cab play it etheir way.
@austindemars7102 Жыл бұрын
@miniwargaming A way to score during the game. An A.I. driven creature that moves/attacks randomly. Killing or capturing the creature can add buffs or detriments or add to the player score
@Trumentality Жыл бұрын
One thing you could do would be make a list 2-20. Each player secretly rolls before game and consults chart to see what secret mission they obtained. (Easy to update a list to make new missions, and could go up to 0-100 easily doing percentage dice. Example would 05 - Agent Rendezvous - move with 8" of an enemy unit but do not attack that unit. Little RPG'y type of feel and can create some very interesting game actions!!!! Also can be done very easily with cards you can sell as mission packs hehe. As soon as you complete you draw a new one. Now you have to decide if you want to kill to prevent the other player from scoring or go after your own!!
@karlkhaos5877 Жыл бұрын
In the event of multiple tokens of the same color are pulled with none of them resulting in a boost token, the player may choose to discard the most recently pulled token and search for a boost token, however the boost may not be applied to a unit that shares a unit type shown on the discarded token.
@sapperdaddy3035 Жыл бұрын
Spent 500 on the first kickstarter…. Now I have to drop a grand 😂 Great work guys! Can’t wait to own everything
@tabletopchuck512 Жыл бұрын
@robnoel9306 Жыл бұрын
"Working the bag." My wife entered the chat lol.
@Lord-Coscoglio Жыл бұрын
I'm only 45 minutes into the video as I write this but I'm just trowing out some ideas before I forget. For scoring, have normal scoring at the end of each turn as well as when the scoring token is pulled, but have the scoring token double as the looser's boost token. This way when you pull the token, you score and right after that, whoever is loosing immediately gets a boost action (or if players are tied no action is taken). Also for consistency, if you wish to have multiple mid-turn scoring, I would not put the token back in the bag when pulled (as no other token works this way) but rather put multiple scoring tokens in the bag at the start of the turn (maybe you could also make so you cannot pull 2 scoring tokens right after the other, and must pull again if that happens)
@Weifuknigt Жыл бұрын
I believe the simple solution is to count the scoring token even if it’s the last token pulled . The rule being the score token only counts in this manner in the rare instance it isn’t pulled at least once before .
@zombiedad Жыл бұрын
Is there a practical narrative reason for the objectives and scoring? I love narrative reasons in gaming
@MrRedx55 Жыл бұрын
I believe that the name of the game is called ravaged star, because a shooting star gives them powers, like the boost in game is increased power from the ravaged star, so the objectives could easily be rock from that ravaged star that gives them more powers
@zombiedad Жыл бұрын
@@MrRedx55 Nice. Thanks. That is super cool. I will seek out more lore. Thanks
@nootherdestiny Жыл бұрын
If they're going to be cardboard tokens, just ensure they're a good size so people can use coin covers/capsules on them. That way they can remain unmarked, clean, and last pretty much forever. If a cover/capsule is damaged it can be easily replaced. With the scoring token I feel like it is a good idea to reduce how much it can trigger as Matthew suggested. It might be good as a scoring mechanic for specific scenarios rather then all, mainly because some scenarios it might be harder to gain/lose objectives through a round. It seems like it would better fit scenarios where objectives are shifting constantly throughout a round. The only thing I'm thinking is spacing the token out more. There are a few ways this can be accomplished that I can think of. 1. Set a limit of activations before it goes back into the bag. Having to keep it out of the bag can be annoying to keep track of as you may forget it though. At the minimum it could be a "can't be pulled twice in a row" thing. 2. Have some event place it back into the bag if it isn't already in there, maybe pulling a specific type of token like boost tokens. This would make it more infrequent but maintain it's randomness. 3. Only have it initially in the bag once someone has captured an objective. When an objective is captured or changes hands, place it back into the bag if it isn't in there. This would heavily incentivize players to play the objectives. About the range increase on some weapons past 8" for if they come on during turns, I don't have an issue with it either way, the weapons will just need to be adjusted with that in mind. If a unit can come on from off board and one shot another unit straight off the bat, it is a feels bad moment as there isn't any real counter play except to screen which then slows a game down and reduces interaction between the players. So I think it's OK if a unit has a weapon that could wipe another unit, that it might not be able to come on and shoot it immediately. Bringing on reserves should be more about positioning for future turns or applying pressure somewhere, not to prevent a unit from being attacked and letting it have a free alpha strike on something. For the die rolls, I think you should try to put down a flat surface to roll on, whether it's just something flat or a dice tray/box. D10's don't sit as well as D6 and are far easier to cock. Though I get you're just experimenting and doing a live game to test these things. Just watching the game (and the other few I've seen) as an overall thing, the time to play doesn't seem that much different then 40k, it's just that the scale is a bit different and where time is lost is different. Instead of planning while your opponent has their turn, you can only have vague/general plans up until you get to activate something and then need to adjust at that point as a lot can change before you can activate something. The token drawing also slows the game down, especially around the times where you need to pull an opponent's token after a boost draw and it just doesn't want to be drawn, it also happens in later rounds after you lose some units and keep drawing tokens you can't use. I'm glad you don't have re-rolls, no stratagems, no real gotchas. The scale seems good, not a tiny skirmish but also not 100+ models per side. I do think that some of the bonuses for rolling 7+ or 8+ or whatever can be a bit strong compared to the baseline of the unit. Reaping seems very strong as well as anything that doubles damage or massively increases armour pen. I realize games can be skewed by spiking rolls etc, but still some of these felt a bit too much. It might just be the case that these numbers need to climb a bit, or not having special rules stacking, or making them only happen on criticals or other conditions like range. I like that units are good at some things and don't want to take that away, I also don't want to take away the excitement of rolling spiking a roll and getting a big payoff, I just think some things are perhaps a little strong at the moment. Maybe I just don't like reaping that much as an example, you could just build it into the weapons stats instead (better accuracy or less accuracy but more shots), and maybe add extra AP at the high end instead as those weapons seem better at weight of fire.
@14identify Жыл бұрын
This is going to be a long comment, but to expand on a rule idea comment I made on another video. I think an infantry keyword that would help them feel like they still matter after taking a big hit: Unyielding[x]; Raise the defense value by X if this unit is below half and not shaken. Unrelenting[x]; Add X attacks to this unit's (shooting/melee) attack characteristics if this unit is below half strength and not shaken. Again, the idea here is to represent the grit and determination of an injured commander or a bloodied squad. I feel like this would make things like infantry feel a little more useful.
@lockjaw467 Жыл бұрын
Hearing the exploding grudge mites and wondering what you think of other grudge mites being able to selectively take the damage of another friendly grudge mite to detonate themselves. This way, if the cluster gets in a really bad spot they can maybe at least get off some damage and perhaps open up board space for friendly units to fit in the gap to bolster their unfavorable matchup. Not sure how that meshes, just a thought
@panakon366 Жыл бұрын
You can really expand this system to do some crazy stuff with special tokens like having a time bomb objective that explodes when e of its tokens are drawn and one player has to disarm it before that. Or a unit that has a powerful orbital bombardment ability that is very strong but when its activated you choose a location and drop a token in the bag and the strike happens when the token is drawn. As a side note, i find these battle reports much more enjoyable to watch than 40k ones.
@NickWebb-lc6ry 11 ай бұрын
Im about to spend some money on this, have no stress guy's this game is looking amazingly fast and fun! People are gonna buy the hell out of this. I actually really like taking turns with the tokens in the bag and some fun tokens like scoring and boosts. I feel super confident it will be tight and fun.
@Ezra40k Жыл бұрын
The scoring token is given to the first player who then must use it to score before the end of the round. After it it scored the other player then takes possession of the token and must use it to score. Penalties for not using it. Kind of like in Twilight Struggle.
@knoxminis1211 Жыл бұрын
It's great that you are involving the community with the creation of the rules. Very different than another company/system that comes to mind.
@DeakanFrost Жыл бұрын
I'm so looking forward to seeing how this game turns out. Looking forward to more matches so you get a greater insight into how the armies work. Want to know how my Veil Touched will be in the end.
@andrewbakescakes9684 Жыл бұрын
Like the "measuring from unit leader" idea.
@benbaddour1162 Жыл бұрын
Maybe once the last commander token is drawn score the points for controlling objectives?
@Tabletopreadygames Жыл бұрын
Have you thought about a reserve mechanic? Such that you could pull a token and hold it instead of using it, draw a new token. In future draws if a token of yours is drawn and you have a reserve you cannot put another in reserve. the reserve could be used as a replacement for a token drawn of your color. something like this might provide more tactical options
@ethanhunstiger4868 Жыл бұрын
I think the “anti-armor” keyword should just ignore armor rather than ignoring saves entirely. It feels a bit to strong otherwise. Also, and this is more of a style thing, but I think “cleaving” would work better than “reaping”. That way you have the three most common, or the seemingly most common, attack keywords of “cleaving”, “piercing”, and “crushing”. I just like those as a bit of a trinity. Edit: Could also make a “deflect” keyword as the ranged “parry” equivalent.
@benbarnes8273 Жыл бұрын
For redeploy some units like the worm could have ambush instead that allows that unit to be deployed in attack range, maybe ambush could only be used to deploy close to units that have activated/moved that turn(maybe using boost could allow for the ambush to be used on any unit regardless of if it has activated)
@dicedoom7162 Жыл бұрын
what if you then pull the token first? before any other units have been activated?
@benbarnes8273 Жыл бұрын
@dicedoom7162 then it deploys with normal rules unless its a boost
@benbarnes8273 Жыл бұрын
For scoring how about holding an objective for a number of pulls based on size. So small you score 1 point after holding for one token pull after taking the objective. Medium 2 pulls for 2 points and 3 points for a large objective. You score points continuously throughout the turn to encourage the opponent to try and take the objective back. Holding the objective in your zone allows you to score the no man’s land objectives but it doesn’t score. Taking your opponents home objective prevents them scoring any other objectives until it’s taken back
@michaelgalusha5158 Жыл бұрын
As far as the random scoring token system what if the special boost token for losing can either be used as a boost token or as a scoring token. Then the player that is behind has an extra option for catch up. If you get ahead on objectives and pull it you can either boost activate a unit or score and pull again. It's a risk of getting ahead on score but maybe behind on board.
@Stonehorn Жыл бұрын
If the colored tokens were in a bag with absolutely no light, there would be no difference, since there is no light to reflect colors. It’s not until the light hits the tokens that they have color. So in effect, it’s schroedingers token, its both green and blue until it’s removed from its magical bag of darkness.
@WurrzagDaPrawfut Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this report. For scoring I like the randomness of the token but what if it is only once per round and if never pulled score at end of round + each warlord specifically has a once per game boost action to activate scoring. Possibly this action does the same scoring as the token (both players score points) or since it would require using a boost on your warlord and only once per game maybe it only scores points for the player using the ability. Keeps scoring randomized but prevents unlucky runaway token pulls and gives warlord the “play the scenario” tactical option. Gives even more incentive to play smart with your warlord while trying to off your opponents. Lastly hope to hear what the plan is for other armies soon. Not specifically models yet but I would LOVE to be able to proxy my 40k armies into this game rather than the other way around…. Just saying I am really hoping there are some Egyptian-esk scary bots lurking in the fringes of this universe.
@vorsadelta7752 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps 'Boosted' units when capturing objectives score them immediately whilst non-boosting units at the end of the round?
@mrdrdelaney5009 Жыл бұрын
Scoring - Can you have an "event score bar" that increases as the round progresses (kind of like a building storm)? Each unit that is drawn increases the "event score bar", but not every unit has the same impact on the "event score bar". You could have the event score bar as a percentage and once you reach XYZ percentage it scores. Maybe?
@Trumentality Жыл бұрын
My suggestion is to give dave props for staying healthy!!!!
@leesweeney8879 Жыл бұрын
Love the Random Score, if it has not come up towards the end of the game, You can plan for it. Having Main and Secondary Missions might work, Score Once a Turn Token comes Out. Score Secondary at end of the Turn.
@myrkulwargamer4785 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion two dice bags and alternative turns will work. First round looks simmilar to WH when one player is just waiting, looking and rolling for saves.
@matthewcraig5464 Жыл бұрын
Nerdy FYI “focussed light” is not the same thing as a laser. A laser is a coherent monochromatic beam of light. Since it’s coherent it doesn’t necessarily need to be focussed. (which you can focus non-coherent chromatic light IE glasses lenses).
@worldofazeroth Жыл бұрын
Could potentially add a max thing with the tokens where if opponent gets 2 or 3 times in a row, opposing player can go next or something idk, you can also simply have two bags and avoid the issue altogether.
@christisking2373 11 ай бұрын
I might be late to the show, im just now learning about Ravaged star - which explains Dave and Matts inexplicable absence from Battle Reports the last few years... my 2 cents so far: -Models look amazing 100% will be buying an Army - Unique enough to make them distinct from other tabletops; and yet Generic enough to be used as Proxies in other games...perfect aesthetic balance if you ask me. -much lower barrier to entry then some other popular games (cough cough GW); -appreciate fully molded Mini's with little/no assembly - everyone knows the fun part is painting and playing. ...I look forward to this game developing further with new rules, factions and models in the future.
@Diregoblin Жыл бұрын
Idea for points during the round: Each time an Objective is activated add a scoring token to the bag. When an objective token is pulled from the bag each player scores for any objectives they control (is their color). The scoring token is not added back to the Bag. At the end of the turn, all scoring tokens have automatically been removed and scored. Thex are not added back into the bag for the next round. To continue scoring points new objectives must be activated. You cannot activate an objective already fully controlled by you, and in future rounds you should be motivated to activate more objectives you do not already control, since otherwise you will not continue to score, since both players only score when a scoring token is pulled.
@Apokalypsi333 Жыл бұрын
For scoring, maybe you can score when you pull a boost?
@jstray2321 Жыл бұрын
Okay so here's a thought on the whole leaderless thing: Why not make this a faction specific trait that any unit in a unit which appears leaderless can nominate any unit to be a leader on any movement or charge action. In this scenario, that kind of feels like the buggy-type drone like thing that could happen. Like there is no real leader, they just decide collectively and instinctively who to follow. IDK it just seems kinda cool with the bug type factions. Could do this with robots as well and then you don't have to worry about some of the ramifications or balance of it all. It becomes part of the faction strategy. Thoughts?
@Tomtv2442 Жыл бұрын
EVERY 25%+1 Of tokens played score points - this will impact play the later into the game you score. 1st round wont matter too much 3rd round will. The randomness is on the tokens played. This will also even out small elite armies vs horde armies. The smaller elite focus on killing units the horde focus on points - however the elite STILL have to capture points to deny the captured points.
@mystictirend1222 Жыл бұрын
For the Objectives: Currently as it is, Commanders feel.....sort of lacking? Outside of Boosting to activate auras, they tend to be sorta like weaker units. Why not have it so that whenever you finish a Commander's activation, you score any objectives you control. Pros (as far as I can see): - You could even try and build a list towards objective control by including more commanders at the expensive of your units to actually score and hold them. - You don't have to worry about a never-ending draw for points - it lets the players have more agency about how often they score - can even boost a commander to try and force a score right then and there. Cons: - Dictates listbuilding to incentivize commanders - swarmy factions can snowball a score over a more elite faction - Interacts strangely with units that can activate a unit more often? - Doesn't really solve the fact that you can still draw multiple scores in a row.
@Goblinfoo Жыл бұрын
When you pull the token for a unit that was killed that round, maybe make it a boost token so it doesn't just get discarded? Could be helpful if a player was able to kill a couple units with back to back activations.
@matthewparker2810 Жыл бұрын
You could make each player scoring a function of the army leader. That way it's still random but each player has a chance to impact their scoring rather than it being a snapshot. Ie. One player scores 3 objectives and then the other who gas none has a chance to change that for themselves in their own activation cycle.
@viktorgabriel2554 Жыл бұрын
you could have it score every 4 tokens pulled or it scores after 2 boosts are drawn? then i am thinking like at the end of the 4th activation or at the end of the second boost activation this would make it so that you now have an even bigger choice to make involving your boost token do you attack whit it or score a point whit it. ill be honest that first turn showed a really fun mechanic in the drawing forcing you to act thus taking away some of the silly buggers where people just hide until they get to shoot
@Squiggly_Bob Жыл бұрын
What if by default you score at the end of the round but the special boost token that you put in for whoever is losing also allows them to choose to score early at the end of the turn in which it's used, as though their army is finding a moment to seize the advantage back! Also, I think the armored mites should have better AP, and the unarmored ones should have extra damage, seems more appropriate. Another option is for one to have a bigger explosion range...
@paulrichardson1985 Жыл бұрын
For scoring have say 3 scoring tokens in the bag. Only score when the 2nd one is drawn or at the end of the round. So it’s still random but it allows for some planning?
@menoth76 Жыл бұрын
I am really looking forward to Ravage Star. Question where do I get sweet terrain like that. That table looks amazing!
@Krasiph Жыл бұрын
LOVE the change to have boosts only remove shaken, not do that plus boosting. Very healthy change to keep shaken meaningful.
@Krasiph Жыл бұрын
I also do like the big list of USR. However, I don't get strong "faction vibes" from the unites yet. They all feel somewhat interchangeable. I can see that they are all sharing a common pool of rules which yes, does make the game easier to learn and play. But I would love to see some rules that really are unique to the armies/factions themselves. Idk where those rules would exist, and idk if they need to be as granular as having multiple detachments / sub-types in a single faction (like Space Marine Chapters), but having some sort of mechanical payoff to the narrative identity of a faction would be nice.
@Krasiph Жыл бұрын
The change to shaken is perfect. Keeps it simple but still impactful. I like it still allowing you to do stuff, but only 1 thing, and not able to contest. Absolutely perfect.
@Krasiph Жыл бұрын
Two scoring mechanism ideas. First, keep the score token, but don't replace it. Instead put a number of score tokens into the bag equal to the round number. That was as the game progresses, their are more opportunities for scoring points. This means the game shifts from wanting to kill / engage enemies to securing objectives as the unit count goes down. Alternatively, scoring happens at the end of a round (after the last unit has activated) and after a Warlord activates. So a warlord does their thing, and at the end of that activation, scoring happens. This might be interesting because it interacts with a "Slay the Warlord" style of play where removing a warlord reduces the chances to score.
@jhmciver1 Жыл бұрын
When a commander activates score points. Maybe have some elites have a boost ability option to tally points.
@cerohero1 Жыл бұрын
Huge fan of the random mid round scoring
@watchfulistudio1201 Жыл бұрын
The token pulling is very clumsy especially when you pull a boost and you have to keep drawing until the appropriate token is pulled. Not to mention the boost token throws off the tokens no longer matching the units in play. The randomness of token pulling is absolutely the main reason why I never played bolt action and it would dissuade me from playing this game. The miniatures look nice and you can tell that 40k heavily influenced the game mechanics. I like the idea of trying to compete with 40k and give the community something else to try and play. I wish you all the best success. It may not be my thing for the concerns addressed above but I do think it deserves a place at the sci-fi table. :)
@warlordscorch3128 Жыл бұрын
This may be a stupid question to put in the comments about the campaign on after we make a pledge would we be able to add more onto it even after the campaign run?
@samthompson2980 Жыл бұрын
Awesome batrep! Mind reaper Matt with goggles 😂😂❤❤ commented a few times before as requested - random scoring felt better by end of battle than when suggested but max 2 / 3 times per game and vary by scenario? Love seeing you two play together again 😁😁
Wow this is amazing. OK guys I’m trying to get caught up Matthew are these figures that you created? Are these 3-D print it is this a game that you guys created? This is amazing.
@johnweiland7861 Жыл бұрын
Have you guys thought about any more factions to come? I know you have veil touched which I have wholeheartedly embraced but what about humanity as a future option too.
@lorddraconum Жыл бұрын
I like the idea of the Gorkog being able to come up from the ground and attack something. Gives them a surprise element on the table. But would that be two strong unless someone could respond to it.
@joekerr7216 Жыл бұрын
I think that would be an excellent boost power. That gives them the ability but it makes it rarer and more fun
@Buckdodgers Жыл бұрын
I have to admit, these models look AMAZING!!! Which factions look the most like Chaos Daemons and World Eaters?
@Commanderbos Жыл бұрын
They have 3 factions currently Veiled touch (chaos marine vibe) Immari (space dwarfs) And Gorkog (bugs)
@ThelastofNazarick Жыл бұрын
​@@Commanderbosnow all they need is elves so I can repub if hate elves
@traversal6881 Жыл бұрын
@edgardomartinezmeade7306 Жыл бұрын
suggestion: make the loser's boost token also the score token and add a number of this tokes equal to the nomber of players instead of just one to the bag, the first time it comes out it will only give points and it gets thrown back to the bag, then when it comes out again it works as a boost with the rule that the next token drawn must be one of the opponent's tokens and it remains on the field next to the unit as a marker like any other boost token until the round ends, this means that each round you can score up to the nomber of players each round and it makes that in big games with multiple players the score gets drawn more often and gives more chance to the looser to fight back
@cristianmeiler4031 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the colours, inks have different weights, so if you are capable of differentiating about 100th of a gram by hand, you could cheat
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