I never forget the interview you made in HK Cable TV when you were promoting "I'm OK". The interviewer was called Brian. You played different kinds of musical instruments and sang songs like We are the Champion, Sweet Home Alabama, etc in the TV program. You were charming. It was the time we could not see your performance and news on internet so easily. Many people like me were looking forward to seeing you in HK.
@seki37573 жыл бұрын
@danh63133 жыл бұрын
@buddhaburrito3 жыл бұрын
i'm ok 絕對是改變人生的一張專輯 從小學聽到現在30歲 小學聽的時候當然都很ok 雖然現在長大了沒那麼ok 但聽到陶喆說要記得i'm ok 又再次被救贖 謝謝陶喆
陶喆是像我这样的中国大陆音乐爱好者的偶像。我身边真正喜欢音乐的人都一直认为陶喆是台湾最好的音乐人,没有之一。想反驳的朋友请扪心自问:华语乐坛还有谁能是真正的singer/songwriter,又不那么pop,歌词不cheesy,有R&B,而且唱功一流(吐字清晰有belting),用吉他写歌,现场尽量不放backing track?除了陶喆,我就问一句,还有谁?? David, lets meet up in LA