@@DavidTsai 爬山初心是前些年疫情期間想背狗女兒去登武陵四秀 寶貝是一隻3.5kg馬爾濟斯小型狗 曾跟我們夫妻在海外生活ㄧ年半又回台 為了這個motivation 這三年來爬遍中北部中級山 羊頭加上兩次的鋸山 寶貝在我完登回台北家那個周末就離世了 As you know carrying pet is illegal for government police currently Even this policy n regulation is very weird , really passé I & my pet ought to be the hacker
@DavidTsai Жыл бұрын
@@lujiasteven 真是替你感到惋惜,但也為你的狗女兒感到欣慰,有這麼用心的主人!!! 我跟Rebecca都很愛動物 也喜歡看到人愛動物的畫面!會讓我心情很好! Yes, I know it's the regulation, and I am not quite sure about the meaning of it. I love seeing dogs running and enjoy the forest (because that environment is where they should originally be living)
@lujiasteven Жыл бұрын
@@DavidTsai Thereby this. Policy is very ridiculous