先日(1月末)に伺った、トレーラーハウスステイが楽しめる「Moving Inn Tokachi 北の森」の滞在記、第一弾です。真冬の十勝は気温が−10℃から−20℃台で、サウナや露天風呂などは厳しいのでは……と思っていたのですが、むしろここでしかできない体験を実感できて非常に良かったです。外はもちろん超!寒いのですが、冬の十勝は基本的にお天気が良いし、室内はどの場所もとても暖かくしてあって、とても快適に過ごせました。そしてMoving Innスタッフの皆さんの気遣いが素晴らしかった……! Moving Innではドローンもレンタルできるということで、Mavic 3で久しぶりに空撮も楽しんできました!Moving Inn滞在記は、第三弾まで続きます。 This is the first episode of my stay at Moving Inn Tokachi Kita no Mori, where you can enjoy a trailer house stay, which I visited at the end of January. In midwinter in Tokachi, the temperature is in the -10 to -20℃ range, and I thought it would not be easy to enjoy the sauna and open-air baths, but that was a wonderful and unique experience here. Outside, it was so cold, but the weather in Tokachi in winter was fine, and all the places inside were warm and comfortable. And the Moving Inn staff was so great and helpful! Moving Inn also offers drone rentals, so I got to enjoy aerial shooting for the first time in a while with my Mavic 3! Staying at Moving Inn will continue in Part 3.