Day 3!🥳 Enjoying landscaping!😍 Volvo ECR88D grading top soil, upgrading lawn!

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Norwegian Earthmovers

Norwegian Earthmovers

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@Gerri69 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! I just read your response to Jacob! That sounds like quite the journey. I'm glad you were able to dig yourself out of that. Not many people would be able to do that and would just give up. Wishing you the best of luck with continued recovery 😄❤❤❤❤
@MrYukon2010 2 жыл бұрын
Great job man!
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!😍🙏🥳
@ypebanbung-michael8865 2 жыл бұрын
still enjoying watching your videos
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!🙏😍 It means a lot to me, especially when I’m operating a small machine like this!🥳 I understand that it’s not as fun to watch this kind of work, compared to large scale earthmoving projects! So I’m grateful that even this kind of stuff is interesting enough to watch as well, for some people!🙏😊
@arzamumma1202 2 жыл бұрын
viewed 9-8-22 from USA Hi Bernard ....Hey it has been awhile since seeing you load rocks. I read you explanation what happen, in your reply to Jacob. You are young enough to fully recover, but it will be a slow process. Do what you can BUT don't push yourself too hard. Good to see you back Bye for now : )
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Arza!👋 Yes, it has been a while since I was swinging rocks..😅 Thank you for your kind thoughts, it means a lot to me!🙏😊 I have finally realized that I just have to live with this disease for the rest of my life, but the fact that I don’t deny it anymore, has just given me a lot more motivation to be better at taking care of my own health!😅 So I have almost become a training addict during the last 5 months, as I both feel and see a surprisingly large difference in my physique!🤪😄 It is inspiring to feel better, and life without pain is a great motivation to keep on getting stronger!😍🥳 Both my medical treatment and my disease, affects my muscles and bones in a negative way, but I have now learned that physical activity and training has a great positive impact on the side effects that I have suffered.🙃 So I do my best, with help and opinions from physiotherapist, to balance my pursuit of a better health!😄 Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it!🙏
@FeedingCook 2 жыл бұрын
keep spirit and stay safe
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!🙏😍💪🥳
@jacobzycek1695 2 жыл бұрын
Can i ask what made you unable to countinue with the 390?
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Hi!👋 Of course you may ask!😅 I caught an autoimmune disease back in 2018, and was suddenly turned into a “vegetable”..😝 After a lot of treatments, I was well enough (at least, I thought so🤪) to try to come back to work. I started to work out on my own with a personal trainer at a gym, and did what I could to retrieve a better health!🙃 This went ok, and I was fully back at work within a year from I was hospitalized for 17 days!🥳 My life was ok, and turned great when I found a new girlfriend 😍 I had a great time at work, and at home! Then came Covid..🤪 I have been under treatment at the hospital 4 times a year, and has been taking cortisone and various other medications since October 2018. This is treatment to lower the capacity of my immune system, so I was told to isolate myself due to contamination risk..😝 My health was ok until gyms closed all over the country, I suddenly felt how much regular training meant to my body!🫣 And then I got 3 Covid vaccines during the summer 2021. They threw the 3.rd one in about the day I was supposed to get my infusion treatment in August. I had to wait until the end of October’21 with that infusion, something that made me feel worse by the day.🙈 So almost 3 months on overtime, I finally got pumped full with the “some kind of chemo” therapy that I get every 6 months…two days later, my entire body is in fierce inflammation..😝😅 So I haven’t worked since, until now.🙃 November and December was spent in bed or on the couch.. Everything was painful, and I also got some additional struggles, as my testicles swelled up, and some other issues forced me to live a life on oxy and other heavy pain killers.🤪 I just hated my life, and had to do something! So in January, I kicked myself out the door, and nearly crawled to the gym..😄 Pushed myself through the pain, while I luckily got a lot of help by various doctors and therapist! I caught Covid in March, and had a major setback, but I was lucky enough to be sent to a new hospital, where I got a lot of new and great advice!😍🥳 New tricks has gotten me back from feeling like a vegetable, and since June, I have been averaging 10 hours of workouts during every week!😍 I was enlisted to a work related recovery program in July, and have had great help by several physiotherapist with superb experience! It’s through this program I have started to work now, where the therapist measure my gains through daily training!🥳 So I work some hours a week now, as well as I train with them parallel to my work!😊 I am currently at better health than I have been for at least 20 years now!😅 So the trick is to work slow while I train hard!💪 I am done with my 12 weeks in recovery in 4 weeks now, so my employer and I J’s started to plan my return to the company now!😍 So I really hope that I just keep getting stronger these weeks, so that I finally can climb into a large Cat again!😅 Turned out to be a long story, even when I tried to be short..😂 But my story isn’t simple and short, even when I just write down fragments of my experience in life..🤪😆 Hope it made sense! Thanks for your curiosity!🙏😊 Being open about my struggles, is kind of a therapy for me!😄
@laloarroyo7045 2 жыл бұрын
No more loading trucks at the mountains??.
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Hehe, my only goal these days, is to come back to large blast piles to load rock again.😅 I have struggled against an autoimmune disease for the last 10 months, and now I’m finally strong enough to try to operate excavators again!🙃 But I have to do it slow, so I have gotten a deal through a work related recovery program, to work some hours with low intensity while I’m training with physiotherapist!😄 So, a small excavator is better than no excavator, and I get to scrape some “rust” of some old skills of mine at the same time.🥳
@bjrnlvjomas8083 2 жыл бұрын
Godt jobbet, både på denne jobben og med helsen. Jeg er også en av dem som gleder meg til du klatrer opp røysa i 390 igjen. Men det er også morsomt å se hvordan du håndterer denne Volvoen. Jeg er også spent på det ferdige resultatet. Blir det grønt😀 hva er det som har ødelagt for gresset her? Salt?
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar!😊🙏 Jeg gleder meg veldig til å prøve meg i røysa igjen selv, alt jeg har drevet med mens jeg har vært hjemme, koker ned til det!🙃 Øker pent med arbeidsmengde nå fra neste uke, men det føles som at det skal gå fint uten utfordringer!🥳 Så får vi se da, hva jeg blir satt til om 5-6 ukers tid, når jeg endelig reiser ut på rigg igjen!😄 Tror ikke det er noen stor maskin i gang noe sted akkurat nå, men det kommer prosjekter der det tyngste stjålet skal igang nå etterhvert!😍 Så enn så lenge så koser jeg meg med Volvoen her, så får en se hva slags maskiner en vokser inn i fordelt over de neste to mnd.😅 Hehe, ja nå må en håpe det blir grønt her vel.🙃😄 Vet ikke hvorfor gresset ikke har grodd her, kan ha vært mangel på kalk og gjødsel, men det kan også ha vært for mye av det..🤪 Tror ikke det er pga salt heller, for da hadde man ikke hatt stripen uten vekst inntil veggen heller. Så er nok noe med surhetsgrad i jorda, eller mengde gjødsel, kanskje også grad av vanning etter at det ble sådd sist.😄 Nå fikk vi en del ekstra å drive med langs bygget også, skal ta bort alle trappene på langsidene av bygget, og løfte opp og legge betong hellene på kortsiden på ny. Så blir nok ikke sving med det første.😅
@djekppup3342 2 жыл бұрын
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!🙏😍
@Joran_Olsen 2 жыл бұрын
Når ser vi dæ i 390’en igjenn? 🫡
@norwegianearthmovers 2 жыл бұрын
Hei!👋 Jeg håper jo å kunne klatre opp i en større maskin igjen før jul!😅 Tar turen sakte men sikkert opp i størrelse og arbeidsmengde nå, så håper jeg at jeg vil tåle fullt kjør i steinrøysa igjen om et par mnd eller noe.😅
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