Just to share according to Buddhism - Karma means the consequences of one's own actions of body, speech and mind. You get what you sow. Hence, our experiences of happiness and sadness, unhappiness is created by us. 根据佛法的观点 - 业力是指一个人的身、语、意的行为的结果 - 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。因此,我们的快乐、悲伤、不快乐的经历都是我们自己创造的。 🙂🙏
I had just discovered your channel and watched a couple of videos. I always thought that you all are one those kind religious individuals helping individuals in traditional ways but shockingly you all are more towards from media beliefs in chakras, universal and etc. please keep up with the mighty meaningful works❤❤❤👍👍👍