Dead on Time Play Through

  Рет қаралды 339

Skot Jervis

Skot Jervis

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Пікірлер: 4
@buildaggedonarmanaziie4462 Ай бұрын
Also, I would make a Left 4 Dead 5, with 4 characters from Dallas Texas, who would be - David: A young teenage boy, he is 17 years old, black, he is like 6 feet tall, he has a white shirt with a red line across it, like from his upper right chest down to his left hip, and above that line would be the King, from like cards with red dimonds around him, and below that same red line would be the Queen, from cards with black spades around her, and he has a black jacket, and blue jeans, and red, white, and black shoes, and he has a pointy hair style, like what looks like dreadlocks, but short and they only stick up in every direction, he is good at focusing and dealing with people, and he listens and is willing to listen, he can be hard-headed at times, but he gets serious at times when it calls for it, and he is there for his team Kaliea: A young teenage girl, she is 16 years old, black, she is 5 foot 7, she has a purple short sleeve shirt with golden glittery things around her chest area, and she as a light black short sleeve cover, like a jacket, but it has no zipper, and it looks like it is netted, with like spacing and stuff like that, and she wears skinny dark blue jeans, and high heel boots, and she has short brown hair down to her shoulders, and she has eye liner, and other sorts of makeup, and lipstick, and she is well mannered, and she tries to keep it together although she is scared, but she functions better with her team, and she is a team player, and she sticks with and is there for her team. (David and Kaliea are a couple, and they are good people, like David worked at movie theater, and he had part time jobs before that, and he is alright in school, and he was a former boyscout and camper, so he can opperate in some things, like the woods and things like that, and Kaliea is very good in school, she gets mainly straight A's most of the time, and was pursuing a legal career, and she used to babysit people and her younger brothers and sister, so she is good with dealing with people, and under stress) Abriann: He is a young teenage boy, he is 17 years old, black, he is 6 foot 1, and he wears a red short sleeve shirt with white lines up and down and a small blue shield on the upper right chestal area, but he also has that short sleeve shirt over a long sleeve white shirt, and he wears jeans, and white shoes with red trims, and he is knowledgeable and understanding, and he comes up with some ideas to help the team, and he is there for his team. Dainnia: She is a teenage girl, she is 17 years old, black, she is 5 foot 7, she always tries to look on the bright side of things, and she tries to keep the team together, and she keeps with her team, and she is there for her team, and she can becomes strong willed, confident, and serious when push comes to shove, she wears a green lepord pattern short sleeve shirt, with tight light purple pants, and short high heel boots with like fur on the ankle part, and she has eye liner and other makeup, and purple lipstick, and she has long black hair, and she has golden water droplet earrings. (Abriann and Dainnia are a couple and they are good people, Abriann is a good student, he gets mostly B's, he does not have any job, but he is knowledgeable about things like cars, because he always liked cars, and he used to help at his uncle's mechanic shop, and he also used to help his dad with the car, so he is knowledgeable about manual labor, and he used to take care of his little brother so he can deal with people and comfort them to an extent, and Diannia is a good student, with A's and B's and she is knowledgeable on many things like science and math, and she has knowledge about some other languages, history, locations, laws, and other useful things) They go through the states, from Texas up, going through the middle of the United States, and then around to like New York, and other states like that, and they are a young, but strong and knowledgeable team who can overcome anything together. Left 4 Dead 3 would be from 2011 to 2012 Left 4 Dead 4 would be 2015 to 2016 Left 4 Dead 5 would be in modern day I would create more special infected as well, like: 1. Shagg-Rat; The Shagg-Rat is a person who has been infected with the Green Flu in the game who will go through a mutation where their hair just grows out rapidly and all over, like their hair on their head, their facial hair, hair on their back, hair on and under their arms, hair on their legs, just hair everywhere, either men who grew a lot of hair pre infection, or even older individuals who use hair growth supplements to grow more hair, so the virus takes that and makes hair grow rapidly and all over and the hair will strengthen a little bit a little like quills, but the Shagg-Rat will also lick and rub bile on their hair so that it can stick up their hair kind of like a gel, and when it dries it will become harder and pricklier like a quill. Now, because of the amount of hair on this special infected it can not run, otherwise, it will trip, so it is a lie and wait kind of infected where it will hide in bushes around corners and behind doors and things, and when a survivor gets close to it it jumps up and grabs them in a bear hug digging it's pointy hairy quills into the survivor, which will do 2 to 5 points of damage every 2 seconds that it is still holding on, it has to be knocked off instead of shot off, and even after it is off the bile will stick some hair quills to the survivor's body which will lead to irritation and pain, which will cause 2 points of damage for 5 seconds. 2. Hunch-barrier; The Hunch-barrier is an individual with Hunchback who was infected with the Green Flu and the virus mutated them to where their hunchback is increased along with their body composition, so they mutate to walk on all fours, their heads are sucked into their body to where they don't have a neck anymore, they get big kind of like the Tank, but more like a turtle kind of thing where their back is hunched and added skin and muscle and stuff, but they are slow moving and really they are what other common and even special infected can hide behind to avoid gunfire, because it acts as a blockade and it has 12,000 health. 3. Lengthers; The Lengthers are individuals like basketball players who are really, really tall and lengthy, and they get infected with the Green Flu, and the virus mutates them to grow and extend and elongate their arms, legs, torso, and neck, to where it is like a Slenderman lengthy type of appearance, it would be the tallest infected ever, like 15 maybe 20, feet tall, (that is an exaggeration, but they would be taller than 6 foor 6, maybe up to or over 9 feet tall, but they are still really tall nonetheless), and because of their pre infection life of being a basketball player they can turn and weave and jump high and things like that and so that is boosted for the lengther where they can out maneuver and out-run certain things like some gunfire, like jumping out of the way of a one shot type of weapon like a grenade launcher or a shotgun or a sniper, things like that, and they are too skiny and lengthy to the point of being a little like a stick or a twig to where it is not like the Tank where it is just a whole big target, you have to be precise on where you shoot or you will miss every hit, especially if it is jumping around and maneuvering everywhere. Now they don't usually scratch and attack like the typical stuff, they could do that and it would cause 5 points of damage because of their elongated fingers and fingernails, but they mainly use their size and length to be scouts, like looking for survivors over rooftops, when I say "rooftops" I mean rooftops of 1 story houses, but they can also look into the windows of 2 story houses, and over trees and just over taller areas, and it is better to take them out descretly with a sniper or something before they spot you and they then inform the horde, and with their long arms and hands they can pick up things if they aren't heavy and throw them at survivors, like Gas cans, gas tanks, maybe even some common infected or body parts of common infected, or maybe even the small jockey. Just things like that. Lengthers can be male and female depending on how tall and how active they were in their pre infection life. 4. Rider-Souge; The Rider-Souge is a person in a wheelchair who got infected with the Green Flu, and the virus mutated them into this thing that is like keeping the upper body, like the chest and stomach areas, and strinking and strivling the lower body and especially the legs to where the legs are just strivled up tiny things hanging from the tailbone lower body area, and extending the arms so that they become the main point of locomotion and the neck extends outward as well kind of like the spitter, it will look like a zombie human ostrich, but this thing can do several different things, it can attack you just like the Jockey except it bear hugs you with it's arms and bites you instead of riding you, and the bite causes 7 points of damage every 4 seconds. It can ride on the backs of common infected and jump on you if you shot the common infected that it is riding on at close range or if it gets into close proximity to you, and it can alert the horde if it gets away from you, like if you see it on it's own and you don't kill it or if you kill a common infected that it is riding on and it gets away, things like that.
@SkotJervis 27 күн бұрын
Damn man, you have put a sheet-ton of thought into this! I say we connect with the right people and make it happen. I'll take 20% of the profit 4 the moral support :)
@buildaggedonarmanaziie4462 Ай бұрын
I wish that there was a Left 4 Dead 3 man. If I made the Left 4 Dead series, here is what I would do next. I would make Left 4 Dead 3 -- the characters would be a members of a university in Philadelphia, there will be the 4 characters; McGiaver: A professor, he is white, 5 foot 9, like 32 years old, kind of has a gut, but not that fat, he has a checkered light blue and white button up shirt with a red tie, and black dress pants, a slick-back hair style with red framed glasses, and kind of a long face, he has a kind of trying to be tough persona, but he does want to be there and do what's best for the team, and he will be there for his team. Alice: A young freshman female student who is white, 5 foot 6, 18 years old, has a black and blue stripped sweater, (stripes going from left to right, or horizontal), blonde hair to her shoulders, glasses, a wide nose, (I don't know why I thought of that), she wears joggers, and skinny jeans, she is shy and scared of the situations, so she is clingy with her teammates and she looks at them for support, but she will not hesitate to retaliate and shoot if her or her teammates are in danger. George: A security guard who is black, 5 foot 8, 47 years old, is fat, like a little fatter than Coach, he has a white uniform on with a name tag, and his shirt says "Campus security" on the back of it and he has a radio on his right shoulder, and like dark blue pants with a silver line down the sides of them, with what looks like a utility belt of standard security gear, although there is nothing in any of them, and he has a very serious attitude and is determined to tell people off and put them in line if they ever step out of line, but he tries to hold the team together. Rodney: A skinny boy, 5 foot 7, he is 20 years old, he is like a delinquent drinking and using drugs, and partying, just a delinquent college kid, so he has kind of an attitude, kind of like Nick, even worse than Nick, he has long curly black hair, and a light green shirt, with like a picture of a grizzly bear on it with red words in cursif saying "Hunter" with a black sleeveless jacket, with the zipper open, and brown shorts with like 6 pockets, and he wears black shoes with a red trim on the sides -- They start at the university, and the university has football players, so they keep fit, and they work out on their legs, like running and stuff, so there would be a mutation where it is the early charger designs, but a hunched over figure, a big head with increased bone structure to ram into things, arms on the sides like a dinosaur, and big legs that just let it make sharp turns and things like that, like if you turn a corner it will immediately follow you swiftly and make those sharp turns everywhere. And so they go down through like Georgia and Florida and places like that to get to New Orleans, and they go to beach resorts, and farms, and woods, and things like that. Like going on the docks at Miami, calling it "Dead Sea" or "Peer Pressure" or things like that, and through all of the resort buildings, and then on a farm, to the barn and then running through the woods behind them. Next I would make Left 4 Dead 4, and that would be like -- The characters would be city occupants from California; Malinda: A police officer, she is a hot blonde, pointy nose, (I don't know how I came up with that), hair length to like the middle of her back, and she has two bands of hair on each of the sides of her head slinked on her shoulders, she is 5 foot 11, 42 years old, has a black police uniform, a round star badge, a radio on her right shoulder piece, and a police utility belt on her uniform, she is serious at times when it calls for seriousness, but she can also be gentle to her teammates. Orion Barn The 2nd: A small time crook, he is skinny, black, 5 foot 6, 18 years old, he has a black beanie on his head, he has a white shirt with the picture of a sunrise on it, with green italics saying "Sun shine" he has a leather biker style jacket over that, he has black jeans, he wears black and white shoes, and he has a fingerless glove with spikes on his right hand, and a glove with only a finger slot on his index finger for his left hand, he is a wild person, always saying something, even in the most inappropriate of times, and sometimes he acts like he wants to leave, but when push comes to shove he is there for his team. Jancarlos: A construction worker, he is 5 foot 9, 27 years old, decent weight, he is spanish, he has a light mustache, like it is just growing in, he might have a small mole on his left cheek, he wears construction suits, like a red shirt with a contruction vest over it, he wears a white hard hat, white shoes, and jeans, and he is a team player, relying on his teammates, and being there for his teammates, because he believes that sticking together will help them to survive, and he is able to use a sludge hammer as a malee weapon. José: A taxi driver, he is spanish, he is 5 foot 9, 31 years old, decent weight, and he has like a red long sleeve sweater, and skinny cackies, with white shoes, he is a team player and is there for his teammates, but he will put people in their place if they get out of line -- They all have to go around the United States, because the states closest to them are blocked off from public access by the military and stuff like that, so they have to go around through upper states by Canada, like Michigan, and moving around to New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Georgia, Florida, and so on until they get to Texas, and they go through buildings, subway stations, train stations, some gated communities, other suburbs like areas, police stations for like guns and stuff, a little bit of everything. And I would make special zombies, like... Sick zombies. Like if someone had the flu, or a cold, or mainly mucus, like how mucus becomes bronchitis, where it becomes thick and sticky, and give that to a zombie, like both males and females and they have runny noses and big looking pimples or sores with puss or the mucus, and things like that and they can sneeze and spit out this sticky, gooey, thick yellowish-green mucus, and the mucus won't hurt survivors, it will just slow them down, like when you are on low health and you becomes slow, it has that effect, just you could be at full health and the gooey mucus just slows down your moment to that extent for about 5 to 7 seconds, during which common infected can catch up faster and beat up the survivor who has been covered in the mucus, and that sticky mucus can going into and gam guns and chainsaws, so it can also relinquish survivors of their weapons, however malee weapons like bats, axes, swords, machetes, and crowbars, won't have that kind of effect, and should you kill one at close range it will explode, a little like the boomer, except you will get covered in the sticky mucus and that will trap the survivor in a vulnerable state, like where they cannot move at all, they can't pull out any weapons, they are just stuck to either the floor or walls, and this will last for 20 seconds, and during that time other normal infected can beat up the survivors, but burning acid from a spitter would dissolve the gooey mucus if a spitter spits on someone who is already trapped in mucus. And like if these sick zombies are seen, they will behave kind of like common infected, staggering around the place, but it will be sneezing almost all of the time, and releasing some of the sticky, gooey mucus onto the floor or walls, depending on where it is sneezing. Tell me what you all think.
@buildaggedonarmanaziie4462 Ай бұрын
Also, I would make a Left 4 Dead 5, with 4 characters from Dallas Texas, who would be - David: A young teenage boy, he is 17 years old, black, he is like 6 feet tall, he has a white shirt with a red line across it, like from his upper right chest down to his left hip, and above that line would be the King, from like cards with red dimonds around him, and below that same red line would be the Queen, from cards with black spades around her, and he has a black jacket, and blue jeans, and red, white, and black shoes, and he has a pointy hair style, like what looks like dreadlocks, but short and they only stick up in every direction, he is good at focusing and dealing with people, and he listens and is willing to listen, he can be hard-headed at times, but he gets serious at times when it calls for it, and he is there for his team Kaliea: A young teenage girl, she is 16 years old, black, she is 5 foot 7, she has a purple short sleeve shirt with golden glittery things around her chest area, and she as a light black short sleeve cover, like a jacket, but it has no zipper, and it looks like it is netted, with like spacing and stuff like that, and she wears skinny dark blue jeans, and high heel boots, and she has short brown hair down to her shoulders, and she has eye liner, and other sorts of makeup, and lipstick, and she is well mannered, and she tries to keep it together although she is scared, but she functions better with her team, and she is a team player, and she sticks with and is there for her team. (David and Kaliea are a couple, and they are good people, like David worked at movie theater, and he had part time jobs before that, and he is alright in school, and he was a former boyscout and camper, so he can opperate in some things, like the woods and things like that, and Kaliea is very good in school, she gets mainly straight A's most of the time, and was pursuing a legal career, and she used to babysit people and her younger brothers and sister, so she is good with dealing with people, and under stress) Abriann: He is a young teenage boy, he is 17 years old, black, he is 6 foot 1, and he wears a red short sleeve shirt with white lines up and down and a small blue shield on the upper right chestal area, but he also has that short sleeve shirt over a long sleeve white shirt, and he wears jeans, and white shoes with red trims, and he is knowledgeable and understanding, and he comes up with some ideas to help the team, and he is there for his team. Dainnia: She is a teenage girl, she is 17 years old, black, she is 5 foot 7, she always tries to look on the bright side of things, and she tries to keep the team together, and she keeps with her team, and she is there for her team, and she can becomes strong willed, confident, and serious when push comes to shove, she wears a green lepord pattern short sleeve shirt, with tight light purple pants, and short high heel boots with like fur on the ankle part, and she has eye liner and other makeup, and purple lipstick, and she has long black hair, and she has golden water droplet earrings. (Abriann and Dainnia are a couple and they are good people, Abriann is a good student, he gets mostly B's, he does not have any job, but he is knowledgeable about things like cars, because he always liked cars, and he used to help at his uncle's mechanic shop, and he also used to help his dad with the car, so he is knowledgeable about manual labor, and he used to take care of his little brother so he can deal with people and comfort them to an extent, and Diannia is a good student, with A's and B's and she is knowledgeable on many things like science and math, and she has knowledge about some other languages, history, locations, laws, and other useful things) They go through the states, from Texas up, going through the middle of the United States, and then around to like New York, and other states like that, and they are a young, but strong and knowledgeable team who can overcome anything together. Left 4 Dead 3 would be from 2011 to 2012 Left 4 Dead 4 would be 2015 to 2016 Left 4 Dead 5 would be in modern day I would create more special infected as well, like: 1. Shagg-Rat; The Shagg-Rat is a person who has been infected with the Green Flu in the game who will go through a mutation where their hair just grows out rapidly and all over, like their hair on their head, their facial hair, hair on their back, hair on and under their arms, hair on their legs, just hair everywhere, either men who grew a lot of hair pre infection, or even older individuals who use hair growth supplements to grow more hair, so the virus takes that and makes hair grow rapidly and all over and the hair will strengthen a little bit a little like quills, but the Shagg-Rat will also lick and rub bile on their hair so that it can stick up their hair kind of like a gel, and when it dries it will become harder and pricklier like a quill. Now, because of the amount of hair on this special infected it can not run, otherwise, it will trip, so it is a lie and wait kind of infected where it will hide in bushes around corners and behind doors and things, and when a survivor gets close to it it jumps up and grabs them in a bear hug digging it's pointy hairy quills into the survivor, which will do 2 to 5 points of damage every 2 seconds that it is still holding on, it has to be knocked off instead of shot off, and even after it is off the bile will stick some hair quills to the survivor's body which will lead to irritation and pain, which will cause 2 points of damage for 5 seconds. 2. Hunch-barrier; The Hunch-barrier is an individual with Hunchback who was infected with the Green Flu and the virus mutated them to where their hunchback is increased along with their body composition, so they mutate to walk on all fours, their heads are sucked into their body to where they don't have a neck anymore, they get big kind of like the Tank, but more like a turtle kind of thing where their back is hunched and added skin and muscle and stuff, but they are slow moving and really they are what other common and even special infected can hide behind to avoid gunfire, because it acts as a blockade and it has 12,000 health. 3. Lengthers; The Lengthers are individuals like basketball players who are really, really tall and lengthy, and they get infected with the Green Flu, and the virus mutates them to grow and extend and elongate their arms, legs, torso, and neck, to where it is like a Slenderman lengthy type of appearance, it would be the tallest infected ever, like 15 maybe 20, feet tall, (that is an exaggeration, but they would be taller than 6 foor 6, maybe up to or over 9 feet tall, but they are still really tall nonetheless), and because of their pre infection life of being a basketball player they can turn and weave and jump high and things like that and so that is boosted for the lengther where they can out maneuver and out-run certain things like some gunfire, like jumping out of the way of a one shot type of weapon like a grenade launcher or a shotgun or a sniper, things like that, and they are too skiny and lengthy to the point of being a little like a stick or a twig to where it is not like the Tank where it is just a whole big target, you have to be precise on where you shoot or you will miss every hit, especially if it is jumping around and maneuvering everywhere. Now they don't usually scratch and attack like the typical stuff, they could do that and it would cause 5 points of damage because of their elongated fingers and fingernails, but they mainly use their size and length to be scouts, like looking for survivors over rooftops, when I say "rooftops" I mean rooftops of 1 story houses, but they can also look into the windows of 2 story houses, and over trees and just over taller areas, and it is better to take them out descretly with a sniper or something before they spot you and they then inform the horde, and with their long arms and hands they can pick up things if they aren't heavy and throw them at survivors, like Gas cans, gas tanks, maybe even some common infected or body parts of common infected, or maybe even the small jockey. Just things like that. Lengthers can be male and female depending on how tall and how active they were in their pre infection life. 4. Rider-Souge; The Rider-Souge is a person in a wheelchair who got infected with the Green Flu, and the virus mutated them into this thing that is like keeping the upper body, like the chest and stomach areas, and strinking and strivling the lower body and especially the legs to where the legs are just strivled up tiny things hanging from the tailbone lower body area, and extending the arms so that they become the main point of locomotion and the neck extends outward as well kind of like the spitter, it will look like a zombie human ostrich, but this thing can do several different things, it can attack you just like the Jockey except it bear hugs you with it's arms and bites you instead of riding you, and the bite causes 7 points of damage every 4 seconds. It can ride on the backs of common infected and jump on you if you shot the common infected that it is riding on at close range or if it gets into close proximity to you, and it can alert the horde if it gets away from you, like if you see it on it's own and you don't kill it or if you kill a common infected that it is riding on and it gets away, things like that.
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