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Deadlifts For The Dark Gods

Deadlifts For The Dark Gods

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@korokokujin8270 Ай бұрын
The Lasgun has destroyed almost every enemy of The Imperium of Man. It's unfortunate that we are stuck fighting the ones it couldn't" - Disgruntled Guardsmen
@PodreyJenkin138 Ай бұрын
This is an amazing quote and it should be legit canon and included as a quote in something
@Boon2Dock Ай бұрын
It is paraphrase of a legit quote I think.
@PodreyJenkin138 Ай бұрын
@@Boon2Dock well I like it 😂
@cleanerben9636 Ай бұрын
@@Boon2Dock everything is legit, so long as awe believe it
@kira68200 Ай бұрын
hey GW themselves have said it, "everything is canon"
@AHersheyHere Ай бұрын
A skirmish is won by courage. A battle is won by tactics. A campaign is won by logistics.
@nil981 Ай бұрын
A war is won by economics.
@tonarsilverwolf6485 Ай бұрын
yet all benefit from all 3
@loremasterdasmodeus8285 Ай бұрын
​@@tonarsilverwolf6485 its a package.
@tonarsilverwolf6485 Ай бұрын
@@loremasterdasmodeus8285 very true
@Ben-jl2rh Ай бұрын
Guilliman quotes this everyday
@Zakvadr1995 Ай бұрын
I forgot where I read it, but a Chaos lord mentions that despite being clad in power armor, it takes more than super human will to charge into a wall of Lasgun fire. I think the quote went something like “Any man can run into combat, Legion Astarties have no fear of it… but only a fool charges into a thousand Lasgun bolts and expects to walk out the other side intact. That is the strength of the Guard, not their skill, but the overwhelming numbers and ordinance they can call on.”
@gsst6389 Ай бұрын
Bro thats litter y bricky end quote 😂, you prob got it from there
@Peter_Turbo4 Ай бұрын
That’s a quote from an *Iron Warrior.*
@popovski4385 Ай бұрын
@@gsst6389 you do realise that bricky reads lore from the books? or did you actually think he came up with the quote
@gsst6389 Ай бұрын
@@popovski4385 No, that at the end of one of his videos he saids a quote that gose something along the lines of “the fool who scufs at the power of a las gun, hasn’t run into a open field of 1000 of them”
@petercocchiara659 Ай бұрын
@@gsst6389 That's from the adric epsiode on the lasgun
@lordcommanderklaus1636 Ай бұрын
A modified Long-Las set to overcharge, to use the entire magazine in a single shot, tends to punch a hole through a number of things.
@scrooba_man5270 Ай бұрын
even astartes
@towpics6388 Ай бұрын
@darkranger116 Ай бұрын
I can imagine the Tallaran warriors know how to consistently pop off full-mag shots and reliably recharge them in the constant sunlight and heat of the desert homeworld.
@Nempo13 Ай бұрын
Kriegers have entire groups set to deploy deep in enemy lines using hellbore lazguns set to their highest settings. they only get like 16-30 shots. If they shoot too fast the pack explodes. It is powerful enough to kill two Astartes in a shot by blowing through their armor. However they are normal dudes and only a few shots. They don't live too long but any who do usually get promoted as it is part of the track to become officers. Do not belittle the has many configurations including a titan sized version. It gets belittled a lot when the thing is scary efficient and effective.
@jezzofprezz5207 Ай бұрын
Just picturing chaos marines dropping onto a guard battlefield in a drop pod, about to disembark when a beam of white hot hate punches through the door, steve and Jerry before punching out the other side.
@maxamps45 Ай бұрын
"The Demolisher, the Vanquisher, even the mighty Deathstrike Missile Launcher pale in comparison to the sheer firepower of trillions of lasguns unleashing hell in unison."
@Neoth40k Ай бұрын
Trillion is a very big number
@mememmemsmewad Ай бұрын
@@Neoth40k Dont you mean krillion?
@Neoth40k Ай бұрын
@@mememmemsmewad NO THAT WAS MY TRUE NAM---
@bogustoast22none25 Ай бұрын
Congrats, you somehow enslaved a demon by learning their true name… the Grey Knights and inquisition are on their way.
@BazingusBoi Ай бұрын
I am staunch in my belief that the guards infantry are the ultimate counter the imperium has to the eldar, literally just 'you can dodge one shot, how about all the shots'
@literalsarcasm1830 Ай бұрын
"One Lasgun doesn't do diddly. But fifty Lasguns, that's a shitload of diddly."
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
A squad can bring a heavy bolter if they like. There is silly amounts of heavy weaponry in a guard platoon if you want. Then you can add company-level support guns.
@Angaraman Ай бұрын
oh, one lasgun does a lot more than diddly. In terms of actual destructive effect, they're about on par with a 50 cal. It's just that everything the Guard fights is either wearing a mile of arrmour plating, covered in high tech shielding, or is as big as a bus and heals as fast as Wolverine.
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
@@Angaraman I compare the S3 lasgun with the S3 autogun. And I think of the autogun as a mass-stamped space-M16. Another T3 human becomes a casualty half the time before armour/cover. Most opponents are going to be a chump ork with only T4 and a t-shirt, and a crappy little 'nid with a fleshborer. Or a chaos cultist with a stolen pistol and attitude. You can give your guard army heavy weapons on squad level and whole heavy weapons sections on company level. The guard is the largest operator in the galaxy of heavy bolters. Give them a plasma rifle if you like.
@dragonseatcheese8727 18 күн бұрын
@@Angaraman I like how everyone says this despite the fact most lasguns (in the vast majority of iterations) are shown to be nowhere CLOSE to the level of a .50 BMG. The ORIGINAL .50 BMG was designed to punch straight through up to an inch of steel. Which is likely what many of the pieces of armor we see in 40k are made out of. Modern .50 BMG will probably make quick work of 2-3 inches. If lasguns were CLOSE to that output as a standard, there would be nowhere you could hide due to the sheer number of them just eviscerating everything. And 400 of them firing at just about anything would rip it apart regardless of nearly any level of armor. Because what I just described is very similar in application to the main weapon of a Bradley, except it's firing WAY faster and they're putting WAY more energy down range. They are almost unanimously no more effective than 30-06. Still terrifying, because it would be like every single person having an M1 Garand with a 60 round capacity. But nowhere close to the output of an AM rifle of any stripe.
@AremStefaniaK 17 күн бұрын
you make them sound like a whole damn lot of bros who just share their waifus
@Living_Life242 Ай бұрын
In terms of both numbers and reliability there really isn’t anything that compares to the humble lasgun. When you have armies of soldiers in the billions and supply lines can be spotty at best, the fact that you can ensure that everyone has a gun that will basically never run out of ammunition is a Godsend. Think of it like this. What would you rather have in the zombie apocalypse: a rocket launcher with 2 rockets, a minigun with a single drum of ammo or a .22 pistol with infinite ammo and will rarely jam.
@vihuynhquang5204 Ай бұрын
Just a small notice: almost everything can be killed with these weapons. Unfortunately, you’re fighting those it can’t kill. Mainly Necron, Chaos Astartes, and Orks on steroids - they’re spamming numbers like crazy recently …and incompetent chains-of-command
@cmmpr111 Ай бұрын
Billions is a bit small.
@ecosveros5075 Ай бұрын
​​@@vihuynhquang5204 problem is, lasguns CAN kill all of the above. Necrons and Orks can only take a few shots before succumbing. Chaos space marines are different but still killable. There is a story out there where a lasgun put a small hole in their power armor, and the guardsmen figured "focus fire on that spot". They lost a couple guardsmen but a fairly small squad of around 10-12 was able to take out a khornite space marine.
@falseprophet1415 Ай бұрын
Just to clarify....A Lasgun's "standard" charge shot is actually the equivalent of an armor-piercing .308 rifle round, at least according to the math. But don't take my word for it. I forget where I read that bit.
@RealCodreX Ай бұрын
Two words: Plasma Rifle. Better, more reliable, stronger, and when given acces to the imperiums resources; cheaper too!
@Warlord_Gruktak_Rukrak Ай бұрын
A gun is still a gun
@thegametroll6264 Ай бұрын
" only as powerful as a flash light" My lasgun in dark tide can one shot with a clean head shot. 😮
@Eye_Of_Odin978 Ай бұрын
​@@thegametroll6264 Yeah, the games kinda underestimate how good the Lasguns can be. Even if they're not super powerful, they can fire for days provided you have enough charge packs to rotate into sunlight or campfires to recharge. Being able to last long in a prolonged fight is always gonna be a plus.
@justinkemp4019 Ай бұрын
It either scratches or kills a spacemarine, authors are inconsistent
@teobratuteodor1728 Ай бұрын
@Daginni1 21 күн бұрын
The AK-47 might be the infamous weapon of rebels and terrorists; their favored tactic being ineffective 'spray and pray', but in the hands of a competent fighter it can be devastatingly accurate also. Its all about training.
@6-4crusader55 Ай бұрын
The problem is anything that could be killed effectively with lasguns has was exterminated thousands of years ago
@KalashVodka175 Ай бұрын
Not exactly true since most common enemies of the Imperium can be killed via lasgun fire reliably or at least semi reliably. Orks are not lasgun-proof, they are tough but even a single lasgun is enough to kill one with sustained fire at a distance quite well. Tau armour isn’t lasgun-proof, altho its pretty good and equivalent to carapace, sustained lasgun fire will pnch through it Eldar is much the same for most aspect warriors and guardians Most common tyrannid breeds are vulnerable to lasguns; and even when the hive mind makes nids that are more thermal resistant its never enough to make them lasfire proof just a bit more resistant (and more susceptible to projectiles as a drawback) Rebel humans and chaos cultists can be killed readily with lasguns Only exception is necrons
@alex_ho Ай бұрын
It's funny when people say things like this because it's obviously not true, otherwise why still keep an apparently outdated weapon around? Wouldn't the Astra Millitarium upgrade the average arsenal of the infantry if that's the case? Evidently these guns still work.
@KalashVodka175 Ай бұрын
@@alex_ho They still work. Peoples just see lasguns and think « wait, it can’t kill this extremely rare breed of supersoldiers that the vast majority of guardsmen won’t ever face in their fighting life… it must mean the lasgun is shit! » Completely ignoring the very fact that most enemies the guards fight die very handily to lasfire I guess peoples forget that space marines are super rare; and that ork nobz are the officerd and elites of the greenskins not their basic infantry, or that hive tyrants are not the basic unit of the nids but gaunts are; or that CSM aren’t a common threat but regular cultists and traitor guards are everywhere I think the only faction the lasgun is whoefully unsuited to fight is Necrons because Necron basic infantry is essentially lasproof unlike the basic infantry of every other factions
@OK-yy6qz 20 күн бұрын
Lasguns are infantry weapons. Any infantry unit in the Setting can be killed with Lasguns:Orks, Cultists,Eldar,Fire Warriors and Tyranids. Necrons,Space Marines and Chaos Marines can also be killed with Lasguns. Granted it may take dozens or hundreds of shots but there's millions of Guardsmen for every Necron/Space Marine/Chaos Marine. That's of course without accounting that the Guard has heavier weapons to deal with Heavier units
@KalashVodka175 20 күн бұрын
@@OK-yy6qz Preach
@dagdamor1 Ай бұрын
A present-day country with lasguns would be terrifying. That level of damage with that level of simplified logistics, with zero bullet drop for maximum point-and-shoot lethality? Another nation would need a ton of other advantages just to draw even with that country.
@nowanimportant8887 Ай бұрын
Considering it leaves a visible beam of light, the only downside to this is that you cannot do some long-range sniping unless you have a way to reposition very quickly.
@PodreyJenkin138 Ай бұрын
​@@nowanimportant8887some lasguns fire more star wars type "blaster" las blasts that Aren't a full connected beam, they are less common and less powerful but they exist
@nowanimportant8887 Ай бұрын
@@PodreyJenkin138 Still, terrible for fighting from concealed positions compared to regular ballistic weaponry. At least with a regular bullet, it will be much more difficult to pinpoint its origin point due to not leaving a bright trail.
@PodreyJenkin138 Ай бұрын
@@nowanimportant8887 100% agree and it's often pointed out in books that it's a drawback
@Tienkou111 Ай бұрын
Also the shot would lose all of it’s power burning the impurities and particles in the air in relatively short distance… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Smoke screens would gain a completely new tactical purpose! 😶‍🌫️
@ATable4You Ай бұрын
"it can be recharged by a myriad of other methods." >That one trooper that seems to have no need for any additional magazines and has a strange "glow" about them. **Inquisitorial and unsanctioned Psyker stare**
@arya31ful Ай бұрын
>Turns out he uses an archeotech called "Hot Plate" to charge his power packs. > Intense Mechanichus stare.
@ATable4You Ай бұрын
@@arya31ful "the Dwarves send their regards." **Fortnite dances on the corpses of Tyranids and Chaos Marines alike.**
@Sturmensky Ай бұрын
It's always good to remember that the lasgun is a genuinely horrifying and powerful weapon. The issue is that it exists in 40k, where galaxy-devouring abominations and literal portals to hell are a thing, and plenty of things are similarly - if not more - horrifying.
@redacted5736 Ай бұрын
Not to mention that the guard and it's predecessors already killed everything that the Lasgun was effective against
@alyassuppaleridhil7892 Ай бұрын
Lasguns are probably more used in rebellions and petty inside wars, than against the alien and heretical abominations the Guard unfortunately comes across with.
@skylarc6063 Ай бұрын
Yeah, the last line of the short "can easily blow apart human limbs" If the lasgun would be brought into modern day, it would be like a soldier having an autocannon with no recoil.
@Sturmensky Ай бұрын
@@redacted5736 I swear that's also a quote from one of the books... Either way, a sentence that beautifully encapsulates both the lasgun and the setting as a whole - in all its horribleness.
@arya31ful Ай бұрын
​@@redacted5736 And they were doing it using Autoguns. Lasguns might be responsible for defending realms of man for a long time, but it is the good ol' AKs and ARs that helped conquer the galaxy for The Emperor.
@m.t.fguard8309 Ай бұрын
I love how in one of the books a Tau was talking about how inferior lazgun was for him only five or six chapters later in the book to have his entire left arm severed by a single shot
@kogorun Ай бұрын
Well, lasgun is inferior to Tau's plasma rifles. Still doesn't mean that Tau battle armor is that great
@UnknownSquid 23 күн бұрын
@@kogorun The armour that a Tau FireWarrior wears is superior to the what the majority of the guard wears in multiple different ways. Key difference is just that Fire Warriors are fielded in comparatively far lower numbers. And yeah, Lazguns are still plenty good enough for taking them on. On their end, the Tau also have effectively infinite ammo for their pulse rifles, since by their standards micro fusion reactors are common basic kit issued to every squad to recharge their cells with. Rather than being something so special that it's basically reserved for powering Space Marine's armour .
@plmokm33 22 күн бұрын
@@UnknownSquid The Tau pulse rifles also have a physical ammo component, a little piece of metal is what's turned into the plasma. They don't just straight up run on electricity.
@UnknownSquid 22 күн бұрын
@@plmokm33 That's true yes, although the slugs are at least very tiny. A standard magazine for a pulse rifle contains between 250 to 400 shots. And being a simple solid slug made of common silicon and ferrite, it's also something that the Tau are more than capable of producing in the field with only basic equipment. I have been wondering how many shots per battery charge they get though. Since I don't recall seeing solid information on that.
@plmokm33 22 күн бұрын
@@UnknownSquid iirc it was like 60 shots I think? I think they carry battery packs that auto-recharge once hooked back to the armor.
@yopoxikeweapescai9066 Ай бұрын
We were born to inherit the stars
@lijamenethil Ай бұрын
No. We are given a chance to conquer them.
@PALACIO254 Ай бұрын
​@@lijamenethil don't deny your birthright the galaxy belongs to humanity
@arya31ful Ай бұрын
It is said that there is no sign of precursor species in this galaxy. Because we are the Precursors. Let others who came after us gaze in awe at our creations.
@yamibakura8597 Ай бұрын
The Stars are our Inheritance, the cosmos our birth right. When we leave the cradle of Earth and stride across the universe, the Galaxy will tremble and weep for joy, for the true Heirs have finally come.
@jojo_sanders5342 Ай бұрын
This gives the same feeling of "we are here to save you, do not resist" ​@@PALACIO254
@andrewgause6971 Ай бұрын
"He who derides the power of a lasgun has never had to charge an open field covered by ten thousand of them."
@Peter_Turbo4 Ай бұрын
-an Iron Warrior
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
Marines in Epic need to sit in a battle taxi.
@andrewgause6971 Ай бұрын
@@SusCalvin In fairness, that's just being smart. There's a reason we use IFVs today. XD
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
@@andrewgause6971 In Epic you need to move infantry across large battlefields. Without trukks, rhinos, chimeras etc they are not going anyplace. They are not much safer in a rhino, but faster. It's not as evident in the normal scale where armies start in contact.
@andrewgause6971 Ай бұрын
@@SusCalvin Ahhh. I see. I have to stick to the books and video games, as I do not have access to the "GDP of a third world country" required to get into the actual table top. Let alone Epic. But it is good to know there is that element of realism to things. :) Thank you!
@Tyranid_Hive_Mind Ай бұрын
Lasgun is love, lasgun is life
@Haloister Ай бұрын
To remind folks who may have forgotten, the lasgun is an energy based anti material rifle. Every guardsmen is rolling around with a recoiless Barrett .50
@diarmuidosullivan7391 Ай бұрын
No - its consistently described as a 30 cal. Something like 30-06 or 7.92x57 is the equivalent. The larger end of the kinds of rounds used in WW1 and WW2.
@thebighurt2495 Ай бұрын
You're thinking of a 40k Sniper Rifle or even lower-end Autocannon
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
I compare them with autoguns. Both are S3, and an autogun is equivalent to a current automatic rifle. Lasguns used to have -1 armour reduction and the best ammo roll of 2+.
@brandonhughes4571 20 күн бұрын
Lasguns are basically dealing the same ish damage as an autogun according to the lore (or rather imperial armour books). They most definitely aren't 50 calibre weapons.
@SusCalvin 20 күн бұрын
@@brandonhughes4571 S3 is pretty much the "basic" Strength of an attack. I think grot guns or a ratling punching you are weaker. S3 is also the average human Strength, if a bloke gets you with a close combat weapon like a sword or bayonet. The scale in the miniature game does not deal much with calibers. Above an S3 lasgun or autogun is an S4 bolter. And below that a grot gun. So it can be a bunch of calibers I guess. In the tabletop RPG Dark Heresy you could get hand cannons specifically. If you want to swagger around with a deagle. The game exploded with kit lists after a while.
@Dakooties Ай бұрын
"If the Emperor protects He does it with Cadian steel and massed Las fire!"
@circeowaggles 22 күн бұрын
What do you mean 'if' heretic?
@HomemdaFaina 18 күн бұрын
@@circeowaggles what you mean heretic, little hummie?
@nacidocoqui Ай бұрын
"The Legionnaire that scoffs at a lasgun has not charged across an open field against a hundred of them." - Maor the Scarred, Siege-Champion of the Skargiven, Warhammer 40,000: Black Crusade
@tonybaloney8401 Ай бұрын
"Though the lasgun may be outclassed by the higher tech of xenos weaponry" *shows a single shot gunpowder based kroot rifle*
@skylarc6063 Ай бұрын
Its insane that a lasgun is jokingly called a 'flashlight', but if it was brought to modern era, it would be like every soldier having a 40mm auto cannon with no recoil given how easily it can blow apart the body
@Haloister Ай бұрын
Yep! Things an energy based recoiless anti material rifle at base and can be turned *UP* to go well beyond that.
@Subject-106 Ай бұрын
Yeah, because a majority of any other Sci Fi weaponry brought to the present day wouldn't be considered overpowered by any standard. 🤡
@davehood2667 Ай бұрын
thing is the guy who put that in his novel apparently thinks a 9mm can blow limbs off too.
@servermeta 20 күн бұрын
@@davehood2667 i mean depending on the load and where you hit its THEORETICALLY possible just extremely unlikely
@Orpheus6428 19 күн бұрын
The mocking moniker of flashlight could have come about because the jokester was only considering it being used against targets that even bolters take some work to get through, like orcs or tyranid genestealers and chaos marines, but never think about everything smaller than what we usually see Astartes fighting. They too, also seem to forget the power adjustment switch. Or other varients like Hotshots. Lasguns are incredible, and funny enough, can be fitted with a flashlight. Double flashlight.
@johnhiggins1746 Ай бұрын
Tbh with trillioms of gaurdsmam that little lasgun shot turns into a fucking deathstar ra
@Judge_of_Anubis05 Ай бұрын
My recon lasgun vld in darktide made me fall in love with the humble flashlight because it a flash of red light thats the last thing a crusher sees before being mowed down in seconds. Crits and burn stacks forever.
@Orpheus6428 19 күн бұрын
Gawd, the MkII brrrt, the MkVI laser pointer or the MkVII limb blaster. And yeah, the secret spice of Infernus 3 or 4 to turn it into a Hotshot at home.
@kaworusilentpaw7246 Ай бұрын
@et3inuyasha Ай бұрын
Lasguns actually have decent armor penetration as well.
@TemplarX2 Ай бұрын
You meant lascannon. Lasgun not really. Against organic though lasgun is great.
@et3inuyasha Ай бұрын
@@TemplarX2 Depends. If it's in lore, the lasgun's only virtue is massed fire, because GW hates any Imperium faction that isn't a post-human super-soldier wearing blue. Don't know about the wargame, but if I remember correctly, las weapons get bonus penetration in Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader.
@TemplarX2 Ай бұрын
@@et3inuyasha If you manage to concentrate many lasguns, it basically acts like a lascannon. But armour are usually moving and it's hard to have many infantry to do that. Lasguns aren't great for most part against armour. You need a lascannon for that. Lasgun is basically an anti infantry weapon; against the nids, the generic orks, other humans it works great. But not against necrons, spacemarines and armour.
@et3inuyasha Ай бұрын
@@TemplarX2 Think we were thinking about two different things. When you said 'armor' I think you were thinking tanks, IFVs or other vehicles. I was talking about body armor. The Lasgun's an infantry weapon first and foremost. Bigger targets call for bigger ordinance, I agree. Point I was trying to make was that laser weapons are usually shown to have better armor penetration than other like-sized weapons in game mechanics. But, again: It depends on who's writing.
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
Old edition lasguns had -1 armour reduction. The 3+ of a marine went to 4+. And conveniently reduced 6+ flak to nil. This was removed in 3rd I think, and reserved in hellguns.
@aniketchavan1798 Ай бұрын
All fun and games until the sky turns red with Lasgun Fire. --some chaos warlord.
@Newchaos190 20 күн бұрын
Everybody gangsta until all the lasguns are pointing at you. --another chaos lord probably
@zerofighterfairy Ай бұрын
Dont forgot its big brother, The Lascannon.
@thomassmart4227 Ай бұрын
I miss Charing my charge packs in a camp fire. Back when I was serving as an inquisitors acolyte in a campaign to prevent a chaos rebellion. Good old dark heresy
@braith117 Ай бұрын
A single lasgun ain't diddly, but a hundred lasguns? That's a whole lot of diddly.
@SusCalvin Ай бұрын
The S3 of a lasguns needs to beat T4 and a 3+ save lowered to 4+.
@knighttemplaroftentacult7123 Ай бұрын
The one laughing at the power of humble lasgun, never tried to run across the field with thousand of 'em.
@redraider9547 Ай бұрын
Who ever has made fun of a lasgun has never had to run through a firing line of over a thousand of them
@Replic09 26 күн бұрын
or a billion
@Replic09 26 күн бұрын
Try survive Imperiums Assault with over 100k Tanks
@Replic09 26 күн бұрын
200 Millions of Guardmens
@joshy9140 Ай бұрын
Guardsman ‘I have a lasgun’ Chaos marine ‘one of those does nothing!’ Guardsman ‘what about a trillion?’ Cue screaming and many versions of ow from the marine
@alexh3974 Ай бұрын
Yup... 1 guardsman...weak. 30 all open up at once and mag dump.... That's alot of las
@PsychoTy1998 Ай бұрын
"For every one of us that falls, 10 more will take his place"
@gigaus0 Ай бұрын
You missed one detail, and it does matter for making some sense of the story: All common las guns-- not heavy or hellgun-- have a built in variable setting similar to Plasma guns. The reason that Las guns can be overcharged to explode is because they are locked into 'safe' mode by the AdMac, and overcharging it is simply turning on other settings without taking it off safemode. Outside AdMac control, namely pirates and chaos, the safe mode guard is removed, allowing the user to properly overcharge it increasing it's damage and ammo consumption, or max charge which quads the ammo used but effectively bridges the gap between a normal las gun and a hellgun, with the former being able to fire more quickly for just slightly less damage.
@jackalhackle3008 Ай бұрын
Meanwhile the necrons…. “Aw, adorable”
@Mastercio Ай бұрын
I mean... when you can bend and shape law of the universe with just science then yeah... xD Still, outside necrons and eldars, Lasgun is completely fine weapon.
@aaabbb-zc7sx Ай бұрын
all the other hundreds of races who died to the lassguns : 💀💀💀
@jamie_d0g978 Ай бұрын
Still dies when hit by a thousand of those monkey weapons lmao
@Dragondeeznutz-zh5ob Ай бұрын
​@@jamie_d0g978necrons don't die they just respawn
@Haloister Ай бұрын
​@@Dragondeeznutz-zh5ob Counter point, Demolisher Cannon.
@jusquanorthwind1016 Ай бұрын
In a galaxy overrun with gigantic world eating bugs, hyper-aggressive sapient fungus, Post-human super soldiers powered on hell magic, and numerous other threats, the lasgun is almost a mere flashlight. Even still, the men and women of the Astra Militarum fight on. It’s quite admirable.
@smoketinytom Ай бұрын
What I love about the Las-Weapons... Just upscale every part and you've gone from Rifles, to Anti-Tank, Anti-Air and even Orbital defences.
@kingcooling8218 Ай бұрын
The one thing a lot of people seem to forget about the Lasgun is how it’s practically the perfect weapon for a force such as the Imperial Guard. Out of every weapon in the setting, there isn’t any better weapon for the guard. Sure it will struggle to kill a space marine, necron, or Ork by itself, but the thing is that it’s never just 1 lasgun firing, it’s hundreds of thousands of lasguns firing. Not to mention that logistically, it’s the best weapon ever devised. If you were in charge of maintaining an army 1 trillion strong, having a weapon that is dirt cheap to produce, is super reliable, has a large magazine capacity in a compact power pack, can be recharged by leaving it in a thermal generating environment, and is powerful in vast numbers (which if anything is what the guard will always have) that is countless resources that you can dedicate to other things like food, supplies, or even better weaponry.
@overlord1676 Ай бұрын
Bolters and the other weapons of the same family are demolition level equipment so they can afford to be less convenient in exchange for raw power and a quick job. On the other hand a normal soldier doesn't need all that power but a rifle that will work even under the most unfavorable situations. In Vietnam an AK47 worked even after a mud bath while the M16 was often jamming, anyone can see the results
@sunnyztmoney Ай бұрын
Thats a myth. Ak47 is worse in mud, dust, and sand conditions. The only reason the m16 jammed was due to faulty 1st gen magazines that were meant to be disposable but the troops kept using them causing feed lip issues, and the fact that originally they were told that the m16 had self cleaning ammunition. The ak47 is inferior to the m16 platform
@Haloister Ай бұрын
A bit of an unfair comparison, the M16A1 was basically sabotaged by top brass because they were pissy that a "civilian rifle" had replaced their beloved M14. So the troops weren't given what they needed to actual service their weapons. Your point still stands because the AK is still the king of reliability, but every time I see someone mention the A1's teething troubles I get this urge to correct them.
@overlord1676 Ай бұрын
@@Haloister my comment was based on an experiment that compared the Ak and the M1 after both being immersed in mud, so I was talking about the unreliability on the heat of the moment when you obviously cannot clean it. I didn't knew that the M1 was treated so badly big the higher ups
@wyatttyson7737 Ай бұрын
The Lasgun statline has been unchanged since, what, the beginning of the game? 1 shot, 2 at half range, S3 AP0 D1. I, for one, think GW needs to give it a second firing mode, 1 shot S4 AP-1 D1 , with Heavy.
@dimagoloborodko6106_va Ай бұрын
the second mode is way too op, imagine a 20 guardsmen squad with lethal hits, it would be broken af
@MrAlecthomas Ай бұрын
This is actually a thing in the Horus heresy game. Las rifles have two modes volley(range 30", str 3 and heavy 2) and blast charger (range 18" str 6 and heavy 1) ap works differently in HH so doesn't translate.
@wyatttyson7737 Ай бұрын
@@dimagoloborodko6106_va Yeah, real OP, an entire 3 AP-1 auto wounds. 11ish regular hits, plus 3 Auto wounds, comes out to about 8-9 wounds on a Space Marine. Considering the AP-1, even outside of cover you’re still talking about 4+ sv, meaning realistically 4-5 failed saves or 2 space marines dead. Meanwhile, 20 lasguns currently equate to 40 shots, 5 auto wounds and 15 other hits, 5 of which wound, leading to around 3 failed saves. For 120 points. The difference is literally a single marine.
@DeadliftsForTheDarkGods Ай бұрын
That's what hot shots are for! In the books a single las bolt will do basically nothing to space marine armor and I've even read times where it doesn't do anything to the skin so maybe a buff if there's a mass of them shooting but that's why they have first rank fire second rank fire :).
@Peter_Turbo4 Ай бұрын
That my friend, is the Solar Auxilia.
@jaynoir5727 Ай бұрын
Also if you add a flashlight it becomes twin linked
@Blundabus1337 Ай бұрын
A single lasgun shot does diddly. Trillions of them do a whole lot of diddly.
@guesswhat399 3 күн бұрын
I always love the sounds that Lasguns make in most games. The crackle after in Darktide, is just *Chefs kiss*
@hypnotoad5861 Ай бұрын
And yet we call these things flashlights. Welcome to 40K!
@bluntlyhonest6803 Ай бұрын
"If you do not fear the Lasgun, you have not faced down one-thousand of them at once". - Chaos warriors
@elloiamunderthewater Ай бұрын
“Yo guys” “what” “I just found an infinite ammo glitch”
@usov656 26 күн бұрын
If you think about it, a lasgun is the dream weapon of any army: 1-Rather simple and rugged in construction despite being an energy weapon; 2-performs about as well as a ballistic weapon of similar size, while being more reliable in general (no need to clean the barrel, no bullets being chambered and ejected, meaning the firing system can be fully enclosed, etc); 3-its ammo is the dream of any army logistics officer (batteries or power packs that also work with basically any other las type weapon, and can be used for other needs when needed, such as powering computers, tools, appliances, etc); 4-works just as well in zero g and in low oxygen environments (basically no recoil, no propellant used). 5-instead of needing specialized ammo like armor piercing rounds, you can dial the power of your shots up to deal with harder targets, at the costs of having less "rounds" to fire overall. 6-ammo is basically infinite if you have some of those fancy power packs capable of regenerating energy over time. No need to haul ammo crates around either, you can charge it off some random generator, your vehicle, solar panels, etc. All you need are spare batteries/power packs for when they burn out or go through too many cycles. Really, any real world military would salivate at the thought of having anything close to a lasgun.
@Atoll-ok1zm Ай бұрын
There's a lot more than power involved in considering an army's weapon. But even the perfect gun in a trillion hands isn't enough in 40k.
@dueinuremom5082 Ай бұрын
I hate that you don’t see the ease of recharging las guns more often.
@benparrish672 Ай бұрын
The soldiers in white look like Cobra from GI Joe
@Mare_Man Ай бұрын
"Any legionary who scoffs at the humble lasgun has never run across a field against 100 of them."
@Technoanima Ай бұрын
Yes. Just like in real life, just a shot in the wrong place and now the precious space marine can't see and/or feel his leg.
@zeonmx Ай бұрын
Equivalent of getting stung by 1000 bees
@marduke45 Ай бұрын
remember: its not how strong your laser pointeecis, its how many you havr
@dummjokke207 Ай бұрын
This just makes me want a darktide like game but as foot soldiers and with mass multiplayer
@Zapinc9 Ай бұрын
They say in an emergency, guardsmen can throw their lasgun packs into fires to recharge them. If they survive the battle, they are repremanded for damaging equipment.
@winterknight3619 Ай бұрын
Those who scoff at a lasgun has not charged across an open field against a hundred of them.
@eggabacon 28 күн бұрын
So basically the AK-47 of the Warhammer: 40k universe
@houselightkell 27 күн бұрын
You know a sci-fi world is føckin insane when a literal laser rifle is their equivalent of a STEN
@silverseth7 16 күн бұрын
It's The Emperor's Flashlight. Shine the light of the emperor upon thy enemies.
@ForfeMac Ай бұрын
One flashlight does diddly. 100 flashlights? That's a whole lot of diddly.
@Bangcat Ай бұрын
Back when i ran a 40K Space marine themed group in a game as Chapter Master I said I'd even keep a las pistol hanging around. Sometimes a small low calibur thing is just enough, and the power packs can be re charged by throwng them next to a fire. May lower the over all life of the battery pack, but yout ake what youc an get in a pitnch, and bolter ammo doesn't last quite as renewably as las shots with some hanging around battery packs you can cycle over and over from next to the fire and back into a gun.
@xFrankie107x Ай бұрын
Those who scoff at the power of the lasgun have never had to run through a field of a thousand of them.
@fearthewolf1175 Ай бұрын
Lasguns might be the peak a standard rifle might achieve. But too bad it’s in a universe where there is always something to overpower another overpowered concept
@fishy1856 Ай бұрын
Lasguns aren't weak, everything in 40k is just batshit crazy
@mrmister2974 Ай бұрын
A bolter is no match for 100 lasguns. If the imperium invested more in the gaurd, they would make the astartes look like pimped out clowns. Well, more so than they already do anyway.
@chupacabra304 Ай бұрын
A gorillion lasers each with the power of a .50 cal is a horrific prospect for any being
@fence03 Ай бұрын
*runs out of charge* Guardsman one: “watch this.” *hold Lasgun up towards the sun* *head explodes due to enemy fire*
@djashovel Ай бұрын
I wonder how many imperial guardsmen joins the tau ( Because if you think about it the imperium How it basically works in its current state Is making a lot of people turn against it Because simply how bad they treat people Especially in the military )
@nightelf2487 Ай бұрын
Plenty. But sometimes you have good commissars, leaders and even planetary governors that actually makes it harder for the tau to infiltrate due to genuine loyalty and respect instead of being solely run by fear.
@alyassuppaleridhil7892 Ай бұрын
Many, as in probably billions, but for the Imperium that's just a small number in the statistics screen. Like they've got it worse, 10k years ago.
@Sgtgump9873 Ай бұрын
Heresy to even suggest that people would betray the emperors light to cavort with filthy xenos
@dario9793 Ай бұрын
​@@Sgtgump9873 But what if the xenos have big breasts?
@nightelf2487 Ай бұрын
@@dario9793 nothing is bigger than the breast of the god emperor, talk like this further and I’m calling the commissar and that inquisitor looking at you right there.
@w4rd3n14 27 күн бұрын
lasguns are good against 99% of xenos only problem is the 1 % are the ones that are left.
@anneliseolsen6896 27 күн бұрын
There is a reason why my old gaming group used to joke that lasguns are flashlights that are used to morse code message "you are ded" at the enemy forces. It may be one of the weakest weapons on the tabletop, but by The Emperor, there are enough Guardsmen in an army to give even Space Marines (of any flavour) a good challenge.
@herbderbler1585 Ай бұрын
Lasgun in tabletop: flashlight Lasgun in lore: .50BeamMG
@megan00b8 Ай бұрын
People underestimate just how powerful the fact you can recharge a lasgun power pack by throwing it in fire is. Logistics are the main make or break part of wars, something made painfully obvious by the current conflict in Ukraine where Russias rapid progress ground to a halt the moment their supply lines ran dry. Lasguns do not suffer this issue. Any guardsman in any shithole that has any flamable material at all can recharge the power packs of a lasgun with no issues. Hell in some australiaesque environment you'd just put it on a big rock and let it simmer for some time. And don't even get me started on the accuracy benefits of practically no bullet drop, no recoil, and instant shot travel time. You point at the target, shoot, and as long as your crosshair is on the target when the shot leaves the gun you hit. Plus it has no moving part which allows them to make it super sturdy. Even an utter idiot could use the gun to devastating effects with no issues. Then they give it to millions of professionally trained soldiers. This is why the Astartes may be the Emperor's sword, but in the franchise of Warhammer 40000 it is in fact the imperial guard that is His hammer.
@tumee8783 Ай бұрын
Angry light
@therandomlaniusedward2140 Ай бұрын
Lasgun is basically "ultimate infantry weapon by monkey's hand"
@jkfiref1744 Ай бұрын
Everybody gangsters until there was no sun light.
@djashovel Ай бұрын
Here's an interesting question Can any alien species in warhammer reproduce with humans like Easy is example the tau ot Eldar
@fouzaialaa7962 Ай бұрын
no its hearsay ,and also genetics dont allow it ,unless you splice genes
@isaacdaffer1711 Ай бұрын
Genstealer Patriarchs do it, and I think that all the other Genstealers can do it as well, but that’s it.
@nobleman9393 Ай бұрын
Funnily enough, the Tyranids.
@Tyranid_Hive_Mind Ай бұрын
Yes. Yes they can
@rory8182 Ай бұрын
good question. Tyranids can, that is a known fact Eldar might be able to (see the half eldar Ultramarine who dances in and out of canon) Typhus (of the Death Guard) was half some flavour of Xenos if memory serves
@arcturus9276 Ай бұрын
No thanks, I prefer my shovel pls
@pentacosttb2565 Ай бұрын
It’s basically a 50. Cal with zero recoil or drop, and a near infinitely rechargeable magazine the size and weight of a smartphone. They’re astonishingly good weapons that would dominate most other settings.
@Kazmahu 19 күн бұрын
I remember a quote to the effect of "Anyone who scoffs at the effectiveness of a lasgun hasn't had to charge across an open field into a battalion of them."
@MKojiro Ай бұрын
The real problem with lasguns is what they *would* do to the terrain. If you can dump enough heat into a limb to slice it off in a fraction of a second, that same heat will set most things on fire. That is to say, anything like a jungle, forest or most cities would easily be set on fire by a few shots. Massing such weapons, such as an army and firing thousands of shots would put so much heat into the area you'd have an inferno almost anywhere not explicitly made to be fireproof.
@StarKnight619 21 күн бұрын
just a random fact In StarFinder there is a weapon called the Laser Rifle and it uses Charges which are batteries. These very batteries can be used to power other items, including power armor. If you read through StarFinder, you'll find dozens of references to warhammer 40k in it, and thats just in the Core Rule Book
@colbycoolby1592 15 күн бұрын
I think it's imperative to remember that when the lasgun is pitted against anything more that cultist/Tau body armor it doesn't do squat. However anything at that armor level and lower stands no chance against a singular lasbolt.
@jamesfreeman3617 11 күн бұрын
Depends a hot shot or longlaz have been shown to one shot orcs or take out space marines by punching into the weak points in the armor
@HiopX 15 күн бұрын
Mean while on Krieg: Everyday I'm shoveling
@FabianT117 24 күн бұрын
Imagine having a weapon that could cut off a humans limbs, but it only as much as tickles the xenos you're shooting at. Must be terrifying
@jacoporegini8841 19 күн бұрын
@Doktor_CC Ай бұрын
Ah the good ol' reliable 'Cadian Flashlight' it's perfect.
@andrewwallace5237 25 күн бұрын
The Lazgun has to be my favorite fictional gun. It’s so cool
@malcolmliang 19 күн бұрын
Wouldn't surprise me if some guy from the Pentagon saw this and actually got funding for research by now.
@thijshagenbeek8853 16 күн бұрын
The guard has the enviable abillity to throw enough shit at the wall untill some of it sticks.
@nerddotcom5817 Ай бұрын
"That Lasgun you hold in your hands has exterminated 99% of the galaxy, but unfortunately for you soldier, we're up against that remaining 1%. Glory to the first man who dies, for there is only war!" -Bricky
@Xaxp 25 күн бұрын
A lot of people don't talk about this, but Lasguns are so common in the Imperium's war machine, and so ubiquitous in its armies, that it is one of the few technologies actually UNDERSTOOD by the AdMech. That is a much bigger deal than you may think.
@stevengreen9536 23 күн бұрын
Astra Militarum in training: This is my lazgun. Their are many like it but this one is mine. I will maintain and protect my lazgun as it guards my life.
@dracobruhma Ай бұрын
Best part. No recoil. You may laugh, but recoil throws off aim. If all you need to do is aim and squeeze, your proficency in shooting grows, achieving consistent lethality with each trigger squeeze.
@nosrin1988 13 күн бұрын
Remember, the planet broke before the guardsmen did.
@chester1882 Ай бұрын
Oh so you made a 2+ save? Now do it 50 more times Abbadon
@AudreyBelrose-kz5lw 13 күн бұрын
Tech priest: Come on flash varlet, use the laz peck as a grenade.This unit trice dare you
@Darkhero32100 Ай бұрын
"those who scoff at the power of a lasgun has never run through a field of a thousand of them"
@noahmehringer29 14 күн бұрын
He who doubts the humble Lasgun has never had to face a wall of a thousand of them
@imjustsaiyan7450 23 күн бұрын
Backbone of most of my Necromunda gangs, that and autopistols
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