Deathless | Pastor Tommy Miller

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Legacy Church

Legacy Church

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@johnsoko400 Жыл бұрын
When I first acknowledged His life in me many decades ago. There was this sense and impartation that I have eternal life now. It was never preached, never heard it shared. People thought I was weird when I told them I don't need to die, I have eternal life. This qas life changing for me. I have lived a life disease free and if there is any challenge would declare the Father's life on it and it would go. Boy, we need to awaken and get hold of this truth. Then shall we manifest as sons of God and rule in this life. Thank you for the message
@thesecretsanctuaryfarm Жыл бұрын
As a fellow pastor and more importantly a Son of God. This message was received and enjoyed thoroughly. Thanks brother..
@sellappanpalaniappan5602 Жыл бұрын
Awesome message! Thanks Tommy!
@reginamecco2915 Жыл бұрын
The soul has no life in itself, it's a bridge between our Spirit (in Jesus)and our body. We are Gateways for Heaven to enter earth
@tableoffriends-fromthetabl3097 6 ай бұрын
If the soul (of Adam) has no life in itself, then we have to deal with the obvious text, "He breathed into Adam the breath of life(s)." The word "life" is plural in the Hbrw. To say that Adam is a 'living soul' is something less than God's own life in Adam (spirit, soul and body), is to validate the Serpent's lie ("There's something God has kept from you...") as true. Adam forfeited that life in his spirit by disobedience... which is the free-will option every human made in God's image possesses. This freewill possibility doesn't require we distort Adam's life in God (prior to disobedience) as "a vacuum". We have been made to always require God's life in us via relationality, not independence and self-containment. All that said, we don't have to "go there" to understand that to " reign in life" is for here and now, not just then and there.
@reginamecco2915 6 ай бұрын
@@tableoffriends-fromthetabl3097 engage Jesus directly and ASK HIM your questions.
@digitalwealthmaker Жыл бұрын
Amazing word! Read the book and about to read it again love this.
@MicSessionsNLifeLessons Жыл бұрын
Bro! 😱🤯🤜🏼🤛🏼✝️💯🔥
@anitanagpal3708 9 ай бұрын
AWESOME! Watching from Delhi, India.
@jenniferviolette317 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Just wow!
@sellappanpalaniappan5602 Жыл бұрын
From Malaysia! In sync with you!
@racheladkins6060 Жыл бұрын
Powerful stuff!
@DonKeathley 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent message
@newcreationcollective-tomm6233 2 жыл бұрын
Honored Dr Don! Thank you!
@racheladkins6060 Жыл бұрын
ALL creation includes Animals and plants!
@kmanley21 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Great truth!! Thank you!
@joshclaypoole5300 Жыл бұрын
Serious questions. Why wouldn’t the disciples have known this and Paul? Because they they died? Also, why does it say it is appointed to man once to die then the judgment? Thanks for explanation
@carryhisglory 9 ай бұрын
Valid points I've also thought of, but here's what I believe the Lord has given me on that: Isaiah 9:6 says there will be NO END to the increase of God's government and kingdom. That "increase" can't be referring to souls being added to the kingdom because that will come to an end after the millennium - so it must be referring to (yet not limited to) an increase in the revelation, understanding and experience of God's kingdom or domain (which includes His power, holiness, love, wisdom, knowledge, etc. and our inheritance in Him). Yeshua said in John 16:12 that he had MUCH MORE he wanted to share with his disciples but they wouldn't be able to handle it or bear it (they had no grid for what he wanted to share with them). Like he told Nicodemus, (paraphrase): if they couldn't understand Heavenly things that had earthly parallels, how would they understand the things of heaven that had NO earthly or natural parallels? Bc revelation is progressive in nature (as the increase of his government is), what great theologians and mystics like Paul or John experienced & knew, as glorious as it was, was certainly limited. I say revelation is progressive because Yeshua said that when the Holy Spirit would come, he would lead or guide us into all the truth. Yes, 2 Peter 1:3 says God has given us everything we NEED pertaining to life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us, but that does not mean he revealed to us everything He COULD have or WANTED to reveal to us. Think about it: If Old testament saints who lived under the first covenant (who only "saw" through types and shadows) were told in clear terms what believers would have in the NEW Covenant in Messiah, they would have said, "Where is THAT in the Bible (Torah)?" They simply would have had no grid for understanding or apprehending the glories of the "Promised Land" yet to come. As Yeshua said in Matthew 13, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.....Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did NOT see it, and to hear what you hear, and did NOT hear it." And when Paul quotes Isaiah 64 in 1 Cor.2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has any mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love him," he ADDS (by the Spirit): For to US God REVEALED them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.....Now we HAVE received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, SO THAT WE MAY KNOW the things freely given to us by God......." And again, the glorious truths and revelations that were shown to him (2 Cor.12:7) were only the BEGINNING stages of unfolding revelations that Yahweh would bring to His Ekklesia or Church throughout the ages. Paul knew this, as he said in Romans 8: For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that WILL BE revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God TO BE revealed. He also said in 1 Cor.12: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror (or we see through a glass darkly); THEN we SHALL see face to face. Now I know IN PART then I SHALL know FULL, even as I am fully known (in other words, he was admitting that what he knew at that time was nothing compared to what he WOULD know). This surely means that some of the statements Paul made were coming from his limited perspective, as amazing as his perspective was. John also knew this when he wrote in 1 John 3:2, it has NOT YET been revealed to us what we SHALL be.... So, applying all of this to the idea of being deathless or being clothed with immortality (BEFORE Yeshua returns): Didn't Paul say that death will be the LAST enemy to be put to death, and that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God? And doesn't Revelation 20:14 say death & Hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire (which happens AT THE END OF THE AGES)? Yes, the problem is that we insert our own assumptions into these texts. When Paul says physical death will be the last enemy to be destroyed, does that HAVE to mean that until then, there will be NO saints along the way who dared not only to believe for immortality for themselves in THIS life, but who actually LAID HOLD OF IT (by faith through grace of course)? I personally believe there are people living on the Earth today who have been alive for many hundreds of years, perhaps since Yeshua's day. Why can't the Lord be taken literally when he said ALL things are possible for him who believes, and that with God ALL things are possible? Didn't the Lord say many times, "May it be done unto you AS you have believed, or ACCORDING TO your faith"? I truly believe we are going to see many believers catch the revelation this pastor is teaching - that because we are one with Christ, and his spirit that raised him from the dead not only dwells in us, but gives life to our mortal bodies, by faith we can access immortality in the here and now, not relegating it to a time in the future or the "sweet by and by". Call me crazy, but the Lord dropped this into my spirit a few years ago when reading John 11:25-26, that if I'm willing to receive it, I will never physically die. I say, yes Lord, be it under me according to your word!!!! But I will repeat: people like Paul had a limited amount of revelation or were writing from the level of revelation they were given at that time. There is not ONE thing that he or any other author of scripture wrote that was false or untrue, the point is, as noted, they were seeing through a glass or mirror darkly, as Paul acknowledged. What the authors of scripture wrote was 100% true, and they were NOT lacking - not concerning what God willed for them to know and write about for that era. Lastly, when Paul says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven or God, that must mean human flesh cannot receive it in its fullness, not without dying because of the weight of God's glory. But this is where the subject of TRANSFIGURATION comes in, glory hallelujah - where our physical body is glorified and therefore enabled to take on the fullness of God's glory and kingdom within us (that's where another assumption is made that that can't happen until the Lord returns). 1 John 4:17 says as Yeshua is (in his resurrected and glorified state, not as we see him in the gospels), so ARE WE in THIS world. In other words, as he said in the message, a born-again believer identifies with Yeshua, the last Adam and a life-giving SPIRIT, not with the first Adam, merely a living soul. Watering that down to make it more palatable & comfortable for us (as we do with many scriptures) is NOT right! At this point this is becoming a dissertation, Lol! Anyway, hope some of these ramblings helped
@joshclaypoole5300 9 ай бұрын
Man thanks for this reply I’ll take some time and read it all and check these scriptures out as well. You took your time explaining this and I appreciate your reply
@prophetvoice7355 2 жыл бұрын
Great word
@carryhisglory 9 ай бұрын
Isaiah 9:6 says there will be NO END to the increase of God's government and kingdom. That "increase" can't be referring to souls being added to the kingdom because that will come to an end after the millennium - so it must be referring to (yet not limited to) an increase in the revelation, understanding and experience of God's kingdom or domain (which includes His power, holiness, love, wisdom, knowledge, etc. and our inheritance in Him). Yeshua said in John 16:12 that he had MUCH MORE he wanted to share with his disciples but they wouldn't be able to handle it or bear it (they had no grid for what he wanted to share with them). Like he told Nicodemus, (paraphrase): if they couldn't understand Heavenly things that had earthly parallels, how would they understand the things of heaven that had NO earthly or natural parallels? Bc revelation is progressive in nature (as the increase of his government is), what great theologians and mystics like Paul or John experienced & knew, as glorious as it was, was certainly limited. I say revelation is progressive because Yeshua said that when the Holy Spirit would come, he would lead or guide us into all the truth. Yes, 2 Peter 1:3 says God has given us everything we NEED pertaining to life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us, but that does not mean he revealed to us everything He COULD have or WANTED to reveal to us. Think about it: If Old testament saints who lived under the first covenant (who only "saw" through types and shadows) were told in clear terms what believers would have in the NEW Covenant in Messiah, they would have said, "Where is THAT in the Bible (Torah)?" They simply would have had no grid for understanding or apprehending the glories of the "Promised Land" yet to come. As Yeshua said in Matthew 13, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.....Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did NOT see it, and to hear what you hear, and did NOT hear it." And when Paul quotes Isaiah 64 in 1 Cor.2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has any mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love him," he ADDS (by the Spirit): For to US God REVEALED them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.....Now we HAVE received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, SO THAT WE MAY KNOW the things freely given to us by God......." And again, the glorious truths and revelations that were shown to him (2 Cor.12:7) were only the BEGINNING stages of unfolding revelations that Yahweh would bring to His Ekklesia or Church throughout the ages. Paul knew this, as he said in Romans 8: For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that WILL BE revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God TO BE revealed. He also said in 1 Cor.12: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror (or we see through a glass darkly); THEN we SHALL see face to face. Now I know IN PART then I SHALL know FULL, even as I am fully known (in other words, he was admitting that what he knew at that time was nothing compared to what he WOULD know). This surely means that some of the statements Paul made were coming from his limited perspective, as amazing as his perspective was. John also knew this when he wrote in 1 John 3:2, it has NOT YET been revealed to us what we SHALL be.... So, applying all of this to the idea of being deathless or being clothed with immortality (BEFORE Yeshua returns): Didn't Paul say that death will be the LAST enemy to be put to death, and that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God? And doesn't Revelation 20:14 say death & Hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire (which happens AT THE END OF THE AGES)? Yes, the problem is that we insert our own assumptions into these texts. When Paul says physical death will be the last enemy to be destroyed, does that HAVE to mean that until then, there will be NO saints along the way who dared not only to believe for immortality for themselves in THIS life, but who actually LAID HOLD OF IT (by faith through grace of course)? I personally believe there are people living on the Earth today who have been alive for many hundreds of years, perhaps since Yeshua's day. Why can't the Lord be taken literally when he said ALL things are possible for him who believes, and that with God ALL things are possible? Didn't the Lord say many times, "May it be done unto you AS you have believed, or ACCORDING TO your faith"? I truly believe we are going to see many believers catch the revelation this pastor is teaching - that because we are one with Christ, and his spirit that raised him from the dead not only dwells in us, but gives life to our mortal bodies, by faith we can access immortality in the here and now, not relegating it to a time in the future or the "sweet by and by". Call me crazy, but the Lord dropped this into my spirit a few years ago when reading John 11:25-26, that if I'm willing to receive it, I will never physically die. I say, yes Lord, be it under me according to your word!!!! But I will repeat: people like Paul had a limited amount of revelation or were writing from the level of revelation they were given at that time. There is not ONE thing that he or any other author of scripture wrote that was false or untrue, the point is, as noted, they were seeing through a glass or mirror darkly, as Paul acknowledged. What the authors of scripture wrote was 100% true, and they were NOT lacking - not concerning what God willed for them to know and write about for that era. Lastly, when Paul says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven or God, that must mean human flesh cannot receive it in its fullness, not without dying because of the weight of God's glory. But this is where the subject of TRANSFIGURATION comes in, glory hallelujah - where our physical body is glorified and therefore enabled to take on the fullness of God's glory and kingdom within us (that's where another assumption is made that that can't happen until the Lord returns). 1 John 4:17 says as Yeshua is (in his resurrected and glorified state, not as we see him in the gospels), so ARE WE in THIS world. In other words, as he said in the message, a born-again believer identifies with Yeshua, the last Adam and a life-giving SPIRIT, not with the first Adam, merely a living soul. Watering that down to make it more palatable & comfortable for us (as we do with many scriptures) is NOT right!
@debramaccagnano3457 Жыл бұрын
One question I have is this…God created everything perfect…how can we determine Adam to be flawed? Is it man judging Adam?
@RjB555 Жыл бұрын
Good question.
@dynamicloveministries334 Жыл бұрын
@racheladkins6060 Жыл бұрын
So all my Christian friends who died of cancer your saying it’s their fault?
@dynamicloveministries334 Жыл бұрын
12:22 Hi. Thanks for the reference could you please send me a link or reference to the conspiracy you are referring to. I would like to study the literature.
@raisingamazingkids Жыл бұрын
@dynamicloveministries334 Жыл бұрын
I have a question. How does an ever increasing financial life look?
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