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Brendan Boswell

Brendan Boswell

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 26
@soupdragon1 14 сағат бұрын
I purchased a clone when i was in China in 2012 £70 still running still looks fine bet none of these last 12 years.
@marcocastagnetti7086 2 сағат бұрын
This reminds me decades ago when people would take out an advert in a well known magazine cleavely advertising a watch you have never heard of for thousands at a huge discount. but in reality it was just a poor quality watch, things have moved on since then, now we have the Internet which makes doing your research much easier than it was back then.
@philjones352 21 минут бұрын
I'm not really surprised about this. I noticed Debenhams stock a range of watches recently so stopped to look. Almost all of them were name slap fashion garbage like Tommy Hilfiger in the 2 - 300 quid range. Admittedly not as sneaky as their online luxury watch antics but it was disturbing that almost everything they were selling was 20 to 30 quid AliBaba stuff with a 'fashion' name slapped on the dial.
@simon0044 5 сағат бұрын
I thought Debenhams went bust years ago?
@rcthor1066 14 сағат бұрын
I looked at these. Proper rubbish watches and massively overpriced. They are made in China btw. Stührling watches are designed in Brooklyn, New York, and manufactured in Shenzhen, China. The brand's name comes from Max Stührling, a Swiss watchmaker from the late 18th century who specialized in complications like moon phases, chronographs, and perpetual calendars.
@tigerv88 5 сағат бұрын
I think the best advice is always do your research, no matter the purchase price. Just hope someone hasn’t put one under your tree Brenny 😅 Have a great break and thanks for the videos this year.
@MrPagnu 5 сағат бұрын
Ha ha I’d say “misswatch” rather than wristwatch thank you Brendan for bringing us some laughs
@MichaelRimmer-qx8jp 4 сағат бұрын
Incredible that you can buy an actual Rolex for what they what to charge for these.
@LuxLooks 12 сағат бұрын
I hope nobody would pay $5K for these!
@Thunderbirds-models 3 сағат бұрын
I think debenhams are doing this with lots of things on there website, it appears they are employing back street dealing, what a shame after having a good highstreet reputation...... making hay comes to mind
@gregderuiter583 3 сағат бұрын
Sturhling is worth about £80. Chinese movements and Chinese manufacturers. QC is awful it’s pot luck if you get one that works properly or not.
@StevenMilne-f8r 11 сағат бұрын
Why do you keep pronouncing it wrong? It's not called 'Grevil'.
@antonytapiero1168 6 сағат бұрын
.. Evil
@rsfan9296 11 сағат бұрын
These people who wear replicas always seem to have an excuse. Doesn’t feel safe so he wears a clone? How’s that safer? The street robber going to loop it, maybe take the caseback off for a gander before he clubs you over the head? Just an excuse as they are too cheap to buy the real thing but want a flex 😂
@MichaelRimmer-qx8jp 4 сағат бұрын
@@rsfan9296 correct, all the excuses are waffle. They’re funding criminal enterprise but desperately trying to justify it.
@arnoldd7073 4 сағат бұрын
@@rsfan9296 or maybe they don't care enough abiut the brand name and just like thr design of the watch? Or maybe they can't afford the luxuty brand. Point is, don't be a snob
@JohnBowman-ut4dz 14 сағат бұрын
Hi Brendan very entertaining video your reaction s are great 😄 some how I don't think any of your subscribers are going to buy these watches. I do get the point your making and totally agree with you but if people are stupid enough to buy one of these watches with out doing research they are going to pay to learn. Thanks John 👍.
@craigmcbride526 14 сағат бұрын
Gar Baj ❤
@vinceconn1935 2 сағат бұрын
22 minutes of blah repeated over and over again, could have been compressed into 5 minutes tops.
@BrendanBoswell 2 сағат бұрын
You are too kind ☘️
@puppiTube 14 сағат бұрын
I agree with them being total and utter garbage. But NOBODY comes into my business and dictates the prices. Nobody whatsoever. I set the prices in my stores, I set the prices of my wares. If someone CHOOSES to pay those prices, even at a marked down price that I 'set' as my 'retail' price, without respect to anywhere else, that's on them. They can of course exercise their discretion and shop elsewhere. In fact, I might even suggest it to them .. hey, they might have chosen my insanely and grossly over-inflated garbage at extremely massive rip off prices because it was convenient to them? Who am I to be the judge? Shady? Yep. Disgusting? You bet your ass. Proper? Not in a million years or anywhere in the multiverse .. but if it were my store? Again, I set the prices so get nicked lol Reminder to all: Caveat emptor. Love ya work Brenny lol
@arnoldd7073 4 сағат бұрын
You're wrong, you would be breaking ASA guidelines and the consumer protection act. You're smug caveat emptor declaration does not protect you
@สมชายใหญ่เสมอ-ฝ2ฤ 14 сағат бұрын
Spot on again Brenny Lad.🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
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