""We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." -- Herman Melville. Participate in the Lovestead community by commenting below.
@cajunpeachreads12 күн бұрын
🌠💝The may well be my favorite vlog of the year! Just so much goodness in it- all the babies, fur, feathered, scaled and web-footed! Healing and celebratory pizza! The coziness of just listening to you talk about things bookish and otherwise. In December I was proud that when I got together with my Stepmother for a weekend to have Christmas we were able to talk about my Daddy and laugh at some of the silly things he said and did his last few days (example, he kept wanting a screwdriver and would then aim it at the tv and would say "chung" 🤣) and neither of us dissolved into tears or being sad.
@ladylovesteadreads12 күн бұрын
Awwwwww, thank you! And that is wonderful about your Christmas. I have heard that with grief, you can get to a point where remembering your loved one will bring you joy. You will feel thankful that the person was in your life and feel happy remembering them. It sounds like you are heading to that point in your journey which is amazing! Granted I'm sure it can fluctuate and we will always have points of sadness, but I am so glad you are experiencing the joy part, my friend. Thanks for coming to my pizza party. 🍕🍕🍕💙💙💙
@mrfrancyofficial14 күн бұрын
⭐⭐⭐I LOVE YOUR MONTHLY VLOGS JESSICA! THEY ARE SO WARM AND COZY!!!⭐⭐⭐ Hi and Hello to all the beautiful guest stars of this vlog! Haha. I love that they too get their 'air time' haha. I really love the premise for "I might be in trouble" it just sounds very different to what I've read before and yet also very compelling! Thank you for showing your time during the Christmas Watch-a-thon. We'll try to add Home Alone and Home Alone 2 to the 2025 edition! Love that you're reading Amish Candy Shop! I love that series so much! Beautiful hybrid of Cozy and Mystery! Totally appreciate what you said about Kelly Bishop's Memoir. Definitely not the best written, but still a good experience listening to her tell her story! I really appreciated what you said about sharing things we go through on the discord as well as how reading can very much be a spiritual journey (1 100% agree). Ok this comment is already an intro to an essay length, so I'll stop here, but just know this video gave me all the 'warn fuzzies' I needed thank you so very much! xoxo.
@ladylovesteadreads13 күн бұрын
I love, love, love essay comments! lol. My babies love being on camera, as they should. 😅😅😅 Hooray for Home Alone during the '25 watchalong. Amish Candy Shop is so enjoyable. I just LOVE Jethro the pig. So happy you got warm fuzzies. xoxox
@miel_d_abeja14 күн бұрын
Your Blockbuster card brought back so many good memories. 😊 Happy New year.
@ladylovesteadreads13 күн бұрын
Yesss!!! Those were the days. lol. Hope you're having a good year so far, Miel. Read any good books lately? xoxo
@amy_harboredinpages13 күн бұрын
I love these vlogs, with the books, nonfuzzy🐸 and fuzzy 🐶furbabies🐱, and fauna children🌿! I was out of work from my surgery for two to 3 weeks and nooooo stress! So I got it! I'm so glad you are enjoying ClockWork Angel, and getting familiar with Tess, Will, & Jem. I aloso really liked the steampunk feeling of that trilogy. December 2024 feels so far away today, but I'm sure I succeeded in something... 😂😂😂🍕🎉
@ladylovesteadreads13 күн бұрын
Awwww, yay thank you! Yes, I feel pretty attached to Tessa, Will, and Jem after spending this much time with them. lol. Thanks for joining my pizza party. 🍕🍕🍕
@patg771414 күн бұрын
OMG!! I miss going to blockbuster~ friday nights with your friends and choosing a movie to watch AHH the nostalgia!
@ladylovesteadreads14 күн бұрын
I KNOW. We had several different video rental places and Blockbuster was like, the high class place. lol. I always felt SO COOL. 🤣🤣🤣