Så viktigt det här att gå utanför sin comfortzone för att bryta mönster osv. Härligt med Gran Canaria ☀️ ~ Njut av er vistelse där 💚
2 күн бұрын
Tack Miranda ❤️
@helenwildros26737 күн бұрын
Tack för en bra video!🙏❤️🌟✨🌸 Mycket igenkänning med det här att det kan vara utmanande. Jag har upplevt mycket tung energi och mörker tidigare, och det kan vara väldigt utmanande att gå igenom. Viktigt med acceptans, som ni sa, speciellt om man känner självtvivel, som man gör ibland. Tack för all peppning och stöttning! 🙏❤️🌟✨🌸
5 күн бұрын
Tack fina du 🧡⭐️
@RolfAndersson-oj9tn6 күн бұрын
Fantastisk video🙏 Stor hjälp,har varit tung och låst i några dagar och får fantastisk hjälp av min älskade själsfrände och en rejäl push av er,tack 🙏❤️👍😊Yes
5 күн бұрын
Tack, vad fint att höra Rolf 🙏☺️
@MariaPettersson-w5t2 күн бұрын
Taaack för Era Ord å Tips som är så Häärliga att Höra.....Vi behöver höra de om å om igen....Kramar till Er Turturduvor....
2 күн бұрын
Tack fina ❤️
@madeleinejimenez65666 күн бұрын
Tack ska ni ha! 🌐💙💙💙🌐
5 күн бұрын
Tack Madeleine! 💙⭐️
@lisamyattsson2226Күн бұрын
❤❤❤🙏tack ! Viktig lugnande hjälpande läkande video .
19 сағат бұрын
Vad fint att höra Lisa ❤️
@barbrolindgren72597 күн бұрын
Tusen Tack !! Detta var såå bra !! Kram ❤❤❤
5 күн бұрын
Tack Barbro ❤️
@RalfK-eq5ex8 күн бұрын
5 күн бұрын
Tack Ralf 🙏
@ceciliacelestian3927 күн бұрын
Hög igenkänning ❤
5 күн бұрын
Vad fint att höra Cecilia! ❤️
@eva-britthurtig54988 күн бұрын
Varmt Tack💗🙏
5 күн бұрын
@linalindholm56234 күн бұрын
2 күн бұрын
Tack 🙏
@xiam30006 күн бұрын
Spot On: Being a “people-pleaser” or a “Empath”, “Emotionally-centered”, without any “Self-Awareness” (is in reality) a Dis-ease. it was for “No-Reason-At-All” That the Greatest Esoteric Teacher of our Time (said That): “Emotional love Evokes the opposite”, and? “Emotional love is weakness”, “Hope of Feelings is Slavery” (He also said that) “Love without knowledge is demonic”, this is exactly “the point” (that most people who fall for this “Empath” “Emotionally-centered” (dis-ease) will not understand. Why? Well? Because this Goes back to the “Fundamental Truth” (of All true Religious-Beliefs) That is “The Divine” or “The God-Source”, “The Christ”, “The Kingdom of God” is (in reality) a so called *TRANSCENDENTAL* (Reality). That is? *DIRECT* a “opposite” (Reality/world) in relation to the so called “Ego/False personality” (That concept of the “Ego” is also very misunderstood) as I have also tried to explain (Several times), “The concept of the Ego” (is not only “The mind”, but it is (the whole concept of *Esoteric* Defintion of “The False personality/False identity” (That is exactly That *WHOLE* concept of “The Ego/False personality” From the *Esoteric* teachings we will learn (That) “The False personality/The False identity” (That is? “The Ego”) meaning? “That”-“Who”-“We”-“Are”-*NOT* (is “not only” “The mind” “Thinking/Thoughts” “The intellect/Reason/logic”, but it *Also* (include the “concepts” of “Emotions” “Senses” “instinct” etc, That is (pretty much) *ALL AND EVERYTHING* (That is “related to” the concept of “The False personality/The False identity” which is Defined (within the Esoteric Teachings) as *Exactly* (that) “The Second world” (The *ORGANIC BODY AND INNER WORLD*) Now? This Esoteric concept of “The Ego” (which not only “include” “The mind”, “The emotions” “The insticts” and “The Senses” and *E V E R Y T H I N G* (That is “related to” “The organic body and the inner world”) This is “The Ego” (the false personality/The false identity) WHY is That?… Then? if “Everything” “I” (as the “False personality/False identity”) is “not me”? Then?… “WHO AM “I” (well?) Now We are getting “somewhere” (near the point) of this… Well? WHO/WHAT is “The Real Self” “The Real identity” “The Real I” (then?) if “Everything “I” as “The False personality/False identity” (as “The Animal”) “Second world” “Organic body and inner world” (is *NOT*) “my true identity” or “my true self” (Then?) WHO AM “I”?… Well? first of all, Let examine some (very obvious truths) That is Even “Declared”, “Very Obvious” (within the Bible)… WHAT did it say? (within the so called “New Testament”) If you have Read this/Heard this (and if you have “understood” this “very obvious truth”, then its “Very obvious”) it said: “YOU *Are NOT* “A part of this world”, (Neither AM I, “A part of this world”), I came “To take you *OUT OF THIS WORLD*… (and Finally) “The Last” “very obvious statement”; “THE *KINGDOM OF GOD* *IS NOT* (“A part”) of “This world”…. (WHAT “The Hell”? Is “Jesus Christ” Himself saying??? “The Kingdom of God is *NOT* “A part” of “This World”??? (well?) To a person that is “identified” (with “The False personality/False identity”) a person who is “identified” (meaning? *Unconscious* within a “Waking-sleep”) “Believing/imagining” (That “They are” *What-They-Are-*NOT* (as “The second world” (False personality/False identity) as “The Animal” (organic body and inner world), this is (of course) 100% “impossible” (for That would mean?) In reality? “Everything” (that) “They imagine/believe” (“They are”) is (in reality) What-they-are-*NOT* (as a identified *Unconscious* “waking-sleep” “Self-loving” (False personalty/False identity) as “The Animal” organic body and inner world” (identitifed Unconscious “waking-sleep” False personalities/False identities)… Yes? The Reality of “God” “The Divine” “The Divine God-source” “The Kingdom of God” “The Christ” etc… is 100% “impossible” (“To understand”) from a “False personality/False identity” (unconscious identified “Waking-sleep” “perspective/understanding”), Why?… Because “The Second world” (exist/function/operate) within “The First world” (that external/outer world), that is? “The Domain/world” (of “The Second world” organic body and inner world, “Animal” (False personality/False identity) identified “waking-sleep” (“Domain” or “Reality”) which is also called? “The Time-Space” “Reality/World”… Then?? WHAT “world/reality” exist “Above/Beyond” (“The Time-Space” “Reality/World”)… that is “unaccessible” and “unavailible” (to “The Second world”) Why? Because “The second world” (The Animal) “The organic body and inner world” *EXIST* “within” The so called “Time-Space” “Reality/world” (meaning?) The Real world, That is? *THE WORLD OF CONSCIOUSNESS* *THE WORLD OF THE SPIRIT AND THE SOUL* (*DOES NOT*) “exist” “Within” (The so-called) “Time-space” “Reality/World”, That is? THE WORLD OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE WORLD OF THE SPIRIT AND THE SOUL (exist) within the so-called *ZERO-POINT-FIELD* or the so called *TRANSCENDENTAL* (Reality/World) That is? *ABOVE/BEYOND* The (so called) “Time-space” “Reality/world” (That is WHY) “The Kingdom of God, *IS NOT* “a part” of “this world” (and that is WHY) “The God-Source” “The Divine” “The Christ”-*CONSCIOUSNESS* (is *Not* “a part” of “this world”) Guess WHY its so “very obvious” (to “Everyone”) That Eternal Truth? “The Kingdom of God” (is *NOT* “A part” of “this world”) That is WHY (its so “very obvious”) The Statement (is also “very obvious”) Why Christ said? “You *ARE NOT* “A part” of “This world”, Neither AM I “A part” of “This world”, I came *TO TAKE YOU *OUT* “of this world”, “I AM” *FROM ABOVE* “you” are “From Below”… (and so on). This is “not very hard” to (Truly and Really) Understand The very *OBVIOUS* “Truth/Reality” (stated in the bible)… What did Gurdjieff say? As related to the concept/Reality of True Love/Real Love (That is?) *UNCONDITIONAL LOVE*? Well.. He said That? “Love of *CONSCIOUSNESSS* Evokes The same”, “Faith of *CONSCIOUSNESS* is Freedom”, “Hope of *CONSCIOUSNESS* is Strength”… and? “Real Love is a *COSMIC FORCE* (That flows through us)”… Now, Then?… What did He Say as Related to this “World of Consciousness” (That is?) “The Real World” (The World of The Spirit and The Soul)? That is? What He (defined) as the so called “Third world” (The world of Consciousness) The world of “The Real I” (The World of the True Self/True Being)? *Add to this* the (Esoteric concept) of "THE OBSERVER" (The *Non-identified* *Non-Attached*) OBSERVER of *The Real I* The True identity/True Self/True Being)... This is the (exact) Statements made by Gurdjieff (as Related to “The World of Consciousness”, “The Third world”); “The “I” in a real man, represent that totality of the functioning of his general psyche whose factors have their origin in the results of contemplation, or simply, in the contact *BETWEEN* (the factors) of his inner world and of his outer world”… “The third world is his own world, depending *NEITHER* upon his “outer world” *NOR* upon his “inner world”: that is to say, it is *INDEPENDENT* of the caprices of the processes that flow *IN HIM* as well as of the imperfections in these processes that bring them about.” --G.I. Gurdjieff Q: "so what? is this achievable in any way?" A: Yes? But it require "Self-knowledge" (Know Thyself), also, the "willingness" "To know" (Thyself), and the "willingness" (To know, To understand, To Be), Require what is called "conscious effort" and "intentional sufferings" (to struggle *Against* "That" False personality/False identity identified unconscious "waking-sleep") is "Be the Non-identified/Non-attached Observer (of The Real I), meaning? "not" (That) Unconscious identified "waking sleep" "self-loving" "false personality/False identity" (organic body and inner world), which is Not "your true identity/True Self"... That is? (To BE your True Self, is To BE "The Observer") The Non-identified/Non-Attached Divine Presence of The Consciousness-*Field* (That-is-Who-you-truly-Are)...