Deciding to Have Jaw Surgery

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Maddie Rose

Maddie Rose

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@mariellenstathopoulos967 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad other people think exactly like me! I have been having this debate with ALLL the same reasonings and I just cannot decide what to do 😣
@afnanibrahim662 3 жыл бұрын
ّI had my double jaw surgery two months ago, as you said it is such a struggle, the recovery process is not easy, the braces are so annoying. I am so glad I did the surgery but I am really dissatisfied about my chin, the surgeon convinced me to bring it forward, I was not ok with the idea and I wish I did not accept that, it is soooooooo painful, even now after two months of the surgery it hurts me a lot, I cannot talk or close my mouth because of the pain, everything else is fine, my TMJ symptoms are gone, my breathing is great, I am no longer snoring at night and my neck pain is gone, it's only the severe burning pain in my chin, I wish I did not do it, I would be fine by now :( I wish you the best with your journey, please try to discuss every single point about your surgery with the surgeon, if it is not necessary to do your chin I advise you not to do it because the healing of the chin bone takes longer. Good luck
@LauraAnne 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you’re sharing your journey on KZbin! The way you’ve split this video and discussed is very informative and will help many people plus it’s good to look back at yourself. I am grateful I shared my jaw surgery journey so far because it really does show and remind things I have gone through. I know it’s hard making the decision whether to go ahead or not and of course only you can decide but personally I knew I would regret it if I didn’t do it! x
@kzfingerprint 2 ай бұрын
Hi there! I have idiopathic condylar resorption - I just had double jaw surgery with a genioplasty, they also fixed my deviated septum. This was in America - it was $30k under medical insurance, the genioplasty was an additional $7k (100% out of pocket). This was a week and a half ago - I'm still very swollen and have no idea what I'm going to look like. It is a struggle. I have to get braces again in ~2 months - that will be another $6k.
@melisfilmt 3 жыл бұрын
I love how calm you are talking about this topic. I think it is a very emotional topic but you help a lot with the way you talk about it and with your video in general.
@TheAlStewartArchives 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Maddie - I can relate to everything that you are saying here. I'm 37 in the UK with an 11mm overbite - only found out that jaw surgery was 'a thing' 2 or 3 years ago, and as of yet have not made the decision to go for it, for basically all the reasons you state. There's a few questions/comments I have around your video: 1. I only started to suffer noticeably with sleep apnea when I was in my mid-30's; and have since been diagnosed with mild apnea via a sleep study. (This is definitely not due to a weight problem as I'm very skinny.) Once or twice a week I get a really 'bad' nights sleep and feel awful the next day, basically sleepy all day - I suspect this will only get worse as I get older and as I'm sure you know chronic sleep apnea is very bad for one's health. 2. I think it's a very positive thing that you have a life partner, soon to be a husband. One issue I have is that I'm single and my family are totally against the surgery; so I feel I'd be completely alone trying to recover. It's not to say recovery is easy for anyone, but you are in a good position in that regards. It's also probably better to get it done before you have kids if that's something that you are considering in the future. No time like the present. 3. Having said all that, I share all your fears regarding recovery and long term issues. Apart from not liking the way it looks, and the sleep apnea, my teeth are healthy and I have no jaw pain. I read stories of people being in pain/discomfort many months and in some cases years after surgery and I admit it does scare me. 4. Regarding the sleep apnea/snoring - you may have heard of CPAP machines; well I was told by a sleep doctor that my receding jaw would make it difficult to wear one. It's something I still may try, but it again points to surgery being the best long term solution. 5. Could you share approx how much the surgery is private? And do you have any indication that, beyond speed, going private might give a better result? I read some things on the forums about 3D scans/modelling that might not be available on the NHS vs private but I don't know how true that is. I too would like to visit more than one doc - did you just book the doctors yourself and get an X-ray with each one, or did you get two referrals from your ortho with the xray that your ortho took? Best of luck with whatever you decide!
@maddierose4552 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for your detailed response! 1. Yes, I'm expecting my breathing and snoring to get worse as I get older, particularly if I get pregnant or put on weight. 2. Yes, the surgeon wanted to make it clear that there would need to be someone around to look after me pretty much full time for the first few weeks. Even if your family are against the idea of the surgery now, once you are committed would one of them be able to be around for the first couple of weeks at least and help you out? 3. Yup - it's scary! I guess that's the judgement - whether that pain is worth it for the long term benefits. I have to say I'm thinking it probably is. 4. I've never heard that receding jaw makes CPAP machines harder! I'm not really happy with the idea of using one long term, especially with a partner in the same room... 5. Currently I'm only looking fully private. I don't think there would be a difference in result. Many surgeons do the same surgeries on the NHS and privately. 3D scans/modelling are not standard for orthognathic surgery because it's just too hard to predict how the movement of bones will interact with your facial muscles. I had one referral from my orthodontist to the surgeon that he works with. I then separately went to another orthodontist (just paid for a consultation) who doesn't normally work with surgeons but showed me what he could do if I didn't want surgery. I then asked my original surgeon to email me the X-rays and I took those to a separate surgeon that I also just booked independently for a consultation.
@TheAlStewartArchives 3 жыл бұрын
@@maddierose4552 Thanks for the info Maddie! You are correct that if I did go through with the surgery my family would support me but my folks are almost 70 and I'm not sure if I want to put them through that! Your point about not wanting a CPAP machine long term is a good one, I agree completely. Thanks for the info about the 3D scanning, or lack of it - I read these things on the internet and it's hard to know what is and isn't true! I've subbed and look forward to seeing more of your journey!
@ashbellbooks 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh we are real similar! I’ve been having trouble finding people on KZbin who have similar situation with DJS - lots of underbites so I also have been documenting my journey as well. I didn’t have an underbite as a kid though - my teeth were edge to edge but my jaw kept growing and even at age 25 it is still growing which is strange but it’s given me a lot of TMJ, my maxillary is slanted, and I have an overbite and one side of my jaw is much longer than the other which makes it impossible for me to keep my mouth closed.
@maddierose4552 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it seems like underbite is much more common! Us overbites will have to stick together :-D
@brucedonnelly5209 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Relatable. Great set up.
@gemmaj1091 3 жыл бұрын
Your story is pretty simular to mine. Braces then retainers I grew out of ending in a over bite again they way I ate was awful I can totally understand that. I'm 36 and decided last year that I had to do this journey to get my confidence back. I've currently had braces for 3 months. The spacers and braces are far more painful as an adult and the soft food diet has been in place since I had spacers. I miss food so much. 2 days ago I had my wisdom teeth removed in prep for jaw surgery. This is not a good place for me right now. I'm in a lot of pain with a mouth full of stitches and on a liquid diet again. I now have to recovered from impacted wisdom tooth surgery for at least 6 months before they will book my double jaw surgery. It's a very painful process I'm not going to lie but watching my teeth already move Is very satisfying. I wish you all the best on your decision and just remember that it is going to be worth it in the end. In regards to NHS that's the route I'm going. The whole process from me agreeing to having braces has been 2 years but I spent 14 months waiting due to covid otherwise I would have been straight in. My surgeon does both private and NHS and the care is no different and the waiting list isn't that long. Like me you are fully entitled to get NHS funding as it's medical not cosmetic. When worrying about getting married in braces once they are on and settled you will embrace them and have a beaming smile as you know your on your journey. I doubt they will remove them for a short time to get married as teeth will revert back very quickly when not being held in place. I wish you all the very best
@user-rh5zh2wf3t 3 жыл бұрын
This is also very similar to my case, must I add this comment is extremely informative! May I ask, how long in total your braces wear is due to be before surgery. As I can suspect, it is probably coming near to the time for you to have the surgery since this comment, if you have not already, may I leave my best wishes. Also how long is the braces wear expected to be after you have the surgery done as well? The braces side of things is really a huge concern of mine, I’ve been absolutely dreading the idea of getting them once again after all these years.
@gemmaj1091 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-rh5zh2wf3t thank you for your kind wishes. I am yet to have surgery. The list for surgery has been held up due to covid and I'm currently looking at between Jan and March of next year. Which will mean I will be in braces for 14 months before surgery and they expect approx 6 months after surgery. Then 12 months of retainers. But I will have to sleep with a retainer for life. That I have to get refitted every 2 years at my own expense from my own dentist as I will be discharged from the hospital by then which is around £200 a time for mould and new retainers . Don't let the braces put u off. I have almost forgotten im wearing mine now. They are a pain to keep clean at times especially if you eat out but over all I'm having a very positive journey. My wisdom teeth took a lot longer than I expected to heal which was not fun. I ended up with 2 lots of antibiotics. I've found wearing braces as an adult not a problem in fact I've seen so many other adults mostly females with them on I don't know if I never looked before or noticed but it's really common now. I can't wait to fully feel happy with my smile and feel like the process was worth it. Good luck in your journey
@jillsuzanne9022 3 жыл бұрын
Same same on the jaw line. Looking in the mirror straight on I am fine but profile pics... ugh. I have joint pain, that is the only reason I am considering surgery. But that being said, previous to the pain, jaw surgery/chin implant would be the surgery I’d say I’d consider for cosmetics... but never seriously considered.
@maddierose4552 3 жыл бұрын
Joint pain can be a good reason for surgery, just depends on the case whether it fixes all issues. You should talk to a surgeon! It's not just about cosmetics.
@e-kaurkaur8234 3 жыл бұрын
I am in the same situation .. I need just surgery but scared to shit ... I was told by my consultant that surgery will not fix the sleep issues etc or pain in the jaw..I don't know if they just want to discharge me ...hence the weird answer. I have sever overbite and had it all my life ..I won't have anyone to be looked after by after the surgery. Had the braces for few years just need the surgery..but not sure if I will b happy with the results
@alejandrob.4961 Ай бұрын
pain, blood and anxiety, but it's worth it
@angieng3018 3 жыл бұрын
I am a chinese and had double jaw surgery because I had underbite and regretted it..after 3 years I am still struggling to accept my new face. You are white and have strong features maybe you would good look after the surgery. All the best.
@maddierose4552 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear you regretted it. What went wrong for you? I hope you are feeling better about it now.
@angieng3018 3 жыл бұрын
@@maddierose4552 I could not accept my new look . I looked worse than my original face. It was like my whole world collapsed and couldn't walk with confidence and head up high . Anyway, I think you would look great after the jaw surgery. Trust me. All the best 🙏
@miscellaneouscell 3 жыл бұрын
I know that I would like this surgery, but I am scared of the permanent nerve damage or loss of sensation. Right now the surgery would be for cosmetic reasons only.
@soulcatcherone 3 жыл бұрын
@carina17153014 2 жыл бұрын
How are you? Haven’t gotten a video since sarpe I hope you are doing well.
@AnupamChutia-x5y 3 жыл бұрын
Come to india mem.. dr sunil rechardson face hospital.. u realy hv best result...
@clairehuelin2967 3 жыл бұрын
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