@Beingbethunes14 сағат бұрын
Awwww yay!!!!! That makes my heart so happy to hear! I can’t wait to see the pics, I bet you look amazing!
@edwardleecaliforniausaСағат бұрын
Good morning all happy Thursday and I enjoy your channel and you all amazing supporter happy vlogmas day
@Beingbethunes2 минут бұрын
Happy Thursday Edward!!!!! Hope your days is just as bright and sunny as you are!!
@jamietipton574310 сағат бұрын
Kyle add about 3/4 teaspoon of almond extract or less pending if you like almond, or try vanilla.
@Beingbethunes2 минут бұрын
Thank you!!! I loooooove almond 😍
@leavenothingbutfootprints764814 сағат бұрын
Yessss!!!!!!!! I love tiny living. We don’t need alot to survive. IMO, where I come from, people have to keep up with the Jones. That’s a sad lifestyle trying to please other people than please yourself
@Beingbethunes2 минут бұрын
We definitely appreciate this lifestyle and don’t see us going back to hoarding so many things. It was amazing to see how many things we had to get rid of when we moved into the bus 🫠
@jamietipton574310 сағат бұрын
Might be time to get a few rolls insulation and staple in. Surprised it’s not done. You are on top of things.
@BeingbethunesМинут бұрын
For sure! We actually got some news this week that means we won’t be here for much longer 😬
@spankyham960713 сағат бұрын
I am glad the temps have been good up there. Looks like beautiful weather for the next week. Shay and I were at a place called Makuna Grill in Angel Fire this past June and it was very good. It is Peruvian. Kind of in a strange part of the building, entrance is at the back of the building. I think that would be a great place for a Christmas dinner that isn't pizza.
@Beingbethunes3 минут бұрын
We are loving the weather lately and it’s been nice getting to enjoy it with the fam before we head south! Oooh! Thank you for the dinner suggestion! We are going to look into it!!
@nicolerose687114 сағат бұрын
Awww❤ my healing been cooking n thrifting! Ohh yes that pineapple upside is my favorite too I make cupcakes ! 😊
@Beingbethunes14 сағат бұрын
Those are phenomenal ways to heal! I love doing simple things like those that have the biggest impact. I bet your cupcakes were amaaaazing!
@leavenothingbutfootprints764814 сағат бұрын
Thrifting is so fun!😊
@nicolerose687114 сағат бұрын
@@leavenothingbutfootprints7648 right it sure is! I been doing that lately and it relaxes me
@nicolerose687114 сағат бұрын
@@Beingbethunes 💛simple things are so much better! Awww your fashion is awesome u are the one that got me to thrift more! Ohh yes they are yummy im make some soon
@mshockey7312 сағат бұрын
Merry Christmas to my favorite KZbin family:) The pineapple upside down cake is one of my family favorites. Yours looks delicious Kyle. I've been preparing food and freezing for Christmas dinner. One of the things I made was a spinich/mushroom lasagna. Then yesterday I was cleaning out the fridge and noticed a big container of ricotta cheese. I totally forgot to add it to the recipe:( Maybe when I thaw it out I can shove some of it in there somehow. If you have any suggestions for me I sure would apprecite it....
@Beingbethunes5 минут бұрын
Merry Christmas Cheryl!!!!!!! Aghhh I bet your family’s is so yummy!! I’m sure that’s a ton of work, and probably saves some time on Christmas Day. I just know how hard yall work that cook on holidays! That is not easy to feed so many people! I know your holiday meal is gonna be wonderful!! I’ll ask Kyle about any tips he might have!! That lasagna sounds pretty darn tasty!
@rachelcasebolt2812 сағат бұрын
I love pineapple upside cake. My mawmaw made the best. Unfortunately she has passed. How did it turn out? You didn’t show it so I wasn’t sure if I just didn’t turn out as you would have liked. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!! And merry Christmas if you celebrate! ❤
@Beingbethunes8 минут бұрын
Awww! I bet MawMaws was so scrumptious!!! Grandmas made the best food!! I, Jenn, thought it turned out soooo good. I am always grateful when he makes me things that I can eat without a tummy ache. He said it wasn’t his favorite, sometimes he gets a little hard on himself. Have an amazing holiday!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!
@Jeremy-rv7fm14 сағат бұрын
Searched and searched can't find your other channel 😢
@Beingbethunes14 сағат бұрын
It’s a hard one to find because it’s so new, here is the link 💛 youtube.com/@thebustiqueonlinethriftshop?si=oh5NO6UF3Q9vqGlj
@cevita667 сағат бұрын
Glad you asked! I looked in the description area for a link...😅
@Buns4uuu12 сағат бұрын
Wuring that bralet around the boyos is dizgustang, have some modistie
@cevita666 сағат бұрын
She invited you into her home. Don't watch vid if you are offended! 🙄
@Buns4uuu5 сағат бұрын
@cevita66 it's weird that she leans over wuring it in front of her 13 yr old boy
@Beingbethunes16 минут бұрын
I think the most disturbing part of it all is that you’re the only one here sexualizing me. We don’t teach our kids to look at others sexually. We teach them to love and appreciate their bodies. The people that has an issue with my clothing are typically very insecure about themselves. I love what I wear and I love my body. If that’s something you don’t want to see, I’d consider watching another channel 💛