Journey 溜めてきた “なんとかなる”は いつまで経っても なくならないな チクっとしちゃうおいかけっこに参っちゃって 変わらなきゃ 壁壊さなきゃ 間違い建設の後始末を 目一杯の深呼吸したら殴っちゃって 期待改めプレッシャーの中 シュレッダーかけたダメダメ論 ひとりでもできる それはもうやめる だから助けて お願いします 期待改めプレッシャーの中 シュレッダーかけたダメダメ論 ひとりでもできる それはもうやめる だって叶えたいもん ぼくにない想いも ぼくにない強さも きみは持ってるんだよ きっと セカイが待ってる きみにない涙も きみにない弱さも ぼくは持ってるけど ずっと セカイで待ってる 悩みながらだって大丈夫 立ち止まったって大丈夫 ぼくらはまだここから歩いていける 泣き顔もなんかいい感じ 笑えたらもっといい感じ 行こうよ きみとぼくで 大きくなる不安は期待の裏返し じゃあぼくを裏返すとどうだ 気になって眠れないよ 違った きみとぼくのダメな部分は 背中合わせで隠しちゃえば 裏なんてなくなるでしょ 期待改めプレッシャーの中 シュレッダーかけたダメダメ論 ひとりでもできる それはもうやめる だから助けて お願いします 期待改めプレッシャーの中 シュレッダーかけたダメダメ論 ひとりでもできる それはもうやめる だって叶えたいもん “なにもない”とかじゃない “きみ以外”とかじゃない きみはちゃんとぼくの“救い”になってる ぼくにない想いも ぼくにない強さも きみは持ってるんだよ きっと セカイが待ってる きみにない涙も きみにない弱さも ぼくは持ってるけど ずっと セカイで待ってる 悩みながらだって大丈夫 立ち止まったって大丈夫 ぼくらはまだここから歩いていける 泣き顔もなんかいい感じ 笑えたらもっといい感じ 行こうよ きみとぼくで 変わらなきゃ 壁壊さなきゃ 間違い建設の後始末を 目一杯の深呼吸したら殴っちゃって 走り出せ 夢、音に乗せ ぼくら団結の旗立てるんだ 笑って生きていくためのJourney 奏でるMelody --------------- My growing pile of, “It’ll figure itself out” Just doesn’t seem to ever go away The pangs and aches from all that chasing is wearing me down I must change, must knock down walls Clean up the mess made by Blunder & CO Breathing in my fullest before going for that KO Changing expectations, under pressure, leaving in shreds that bankrupt ideology The can-do-it-alone attitude, no more of that, so help me, I’m asking you Changing expectations, under pressure, leaving in shreds that bankrupt ideology The can-do-it-alone attitude, no more of that, cuz I want our dreams to come true That hope that I don’t have, that strength that I don’t have You have them, and no doubt, SEKAI is waiting for you Those tears that you don’t have, that weakness that you don’t have Even though I have them, always, I’ll be waiting for you in SEKAI It’s ok if you’re not sure, it’s ok even to stop and pause We can still keep walking forward from here Your crying face is charming, if you smiled, it’d be even more charming Let’s go, the two of us, you and me. The growing anxiety is the flip side of hope So if you flip me, what would you find? I can’t sleep thinking over it No wait! If the no-good parts of you and me, we hide, by standing back to back Then there’s no such thing as the flip side Changing expectations, under pressure, leaving in shreds that bankrupt ideology The can-do-it-alone attitude, no more of that, so help me, I’m asking you Changing expectations, under pressure, leaving in shreds that bankrupt ideology The can-do-it-alone attitude, no more of that, cuz I want our dreams to come true It’s not like, “there’s nothing there”, I’m not saying, “anyone but you” You really truly are my Saving Grace That hope that I don’t have, that strength that I don’t have You have them, and no doubt, SEKAI is waiting for you Those tears that you don’t have, that weakness that you don’t have Even though I have them, always, I’ll be waiting for you in SEKAI It’s ok if you’re not sure, it’s ok even to stop and pause We can still keep walking forward from here Your crying face is charming, if you smiled, it’d be even more charming Let’s go, the two of us, you and me. I must change, must knock down walls Clean up the mess made by Blunder & CO Breathing in my fullest before going for that KO Break away! Ride your dreams to that harmony Plant a flag for our solidarity A journey to laugh and live life to the fullest ringing out that melody
waaa, thank you so much for having the English subtitles!!!! That part at the end, I hadn't realized that each of the lines represented the different sekais, that makes the shots of the groups moving forward in the Project Sekai music video so much cooler and more impact!!!! Thank you for writing this beautiful song for the game, Happy 2 year anniversary to Project Sekai!!
I listened to this song on the official channel at first. I saw every characters in the game have a good journey. The feeling is very happy and touching.
@categang7732 жыл бұрын
could you share the link to official channel? I'm interested but having difficulty finding it
@reapersawada85092 жыл бұрын
You have a good journey? You sound like its ending and you quit the game...the adventure is endless in project sekai my bud
@user-jk5ul3qn9m2 жыл бұрын
1:00 「泣き顔もなんかいい感じ 笑えたらもっといい感じ」ってもっと前向きになってくの好きすぎる
@user-seralat5az2 жыл бұрын
@StariaofDreams2 жыл бұрын
Happy 2nd Anniversary to Project Sekai! I love playing this rhythm game because I get to hear new songs, see new characters, and most importantly, it's a lot of fun playing this game as a Vocaloid fan myself! 💕