Hi gentlemen. No joke.I've watched or read at least 100 reviews of = 1. I watched this one over 3 days. You all gave considered opinions. Your Purple admiration shines throughout. Well done !
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Appreciate your feedback...Thanking you!
@geraldherrmann7874 ай бұрын
"You are all individuals!" "YES, WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!!!" "I´m not." ....................... as an artist, I must say that the cover is wonderful! Why? Because it is unlike ALL the other covers.
@georgemathie81234 ай бұрын
What is so amazing is that deep purple are getting better and better in their later career and Roger, ian and ian are pushing 80 and they still sound fantastic together with Don and Simon rock on and keep it rocking
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
The band is like a fine wine....
@kinesjl3 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this album its a segue from their more protoprog direction for most of the Morse era into a nostalgic reprise of the classic Purple sound. Everyone sounds great and the band sounds invigorated and happy. I like every song on this album but my favorites currently are New Fangled Thing, Now You're Talking, and Bleeding Obvious. I don't obsess over album covers because that's a vacuous, insipid, approach to music appreciation. The music is all thet matters to me.
@barbaradraft30384 ай бұрын
What an emotional tone peter Jones had towards the conclusion of the episode. I was brought to tears. Because he's right in the end, It's all about our own relationship and feelings we have listening to music. He nailed it. The whole episode was outstanding. I agree the cd sounds 70s meets 2000s. Energetic and fun. Love it! Hate the cd cover!!
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Appreciate your feedback!
@parishofrock29634 ай бұрын
Great show guys. I’ve not heard the album yet, my vinyl copy is due tomorrow. This show has made me really excited for it. I’ll check back in in a couple of days & let you know what I think.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Look forward to hearing your views on it Parish!
@micolsen98244 ай бұрын
1."Show Me"3:59 2."A Bit on the Side"4:10 3."Sharp Shooter"3:44 4."Portable Door"3:48 5."Old-Fangled Thing"4:08 6."Pictures of You"3:51 7."Lazy Sod"3:40 8."Now You're Talkin'"4:05 9."I'll Catch You"3:20 10."Bleeding Obvious"5:50 Total length:40:50* *Roughly the length after axing three (If I were you, I'm saying nothing, No money to burn) which back in the old days, would mean (killer) b-sides. Happy to have them all. I wish the sound quality was like Purpendicular. Oh well.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
That's a strong album you've got there...Imagine the challenge of 8 songs (which was the average number of Purple tracks in the 70s)
@teec35573 ай бұрын
Agree with this edit for the album Likewise: Abandon Side One Any Fule Kno That Almost Human Whatsername Seventh Heaven Side Two This Was Jack Ruby Fingers to the Bone Evil Louie ‘69 (doesn’t get any more riffs or harder) Drop Makes Me Happy Bludsucker I’m Watching the Sky You have a killer album
@HenryWright-ni3eh4 ай бұрын
Great discussion, looking forward to listening to the whole album after I return from my vacation.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks Henry
@jayjaytee99444 ай бұрын
Great discussion, fine album. only one listen, but already liking it more than Whoosh!
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Hey JayJay...lots of fine revelations the more you play it....
@teec35574 ай бұрын
Sorry the album is already on the no repeat listen stack. Whoosh is a far more interesting album albeit a poorly produced album by the overrated Bob Ezrin
@rejdrouin3 ай бұрын
Excellent review. Thanks a lot 😊 It is great to hear different in depth opinions from your various background. With Deep Purple, I have learned long ago that one must be carefull not to judge a new album on the first listen. Play it a few times, let it sink in, play it again, etc. until you happily have your brain filled with cool ear worms that vary and go 'round for days. Otherwise you might find out decades later that you have been missing something fantastic. I had to wait until I listen to the album quite a few times before going through your review. I also took the time to play the tracks to refresh my memory as you progress in the review. Some comments : - The album might be too long, yes. But, seriously, what could be removed without hurting ? - The new sound with Simon is fantastic. I agree the sound is loaded as I have a hard time listing to more than three or four tracks consecutively unless I am busy cleaning the house at the same time. - Lazy Sod : Live in Montréal, Ian G. introduced the song like this : "Everybody thinks this is about global warming, but no. This is a true story that happened 15 years ago when I almost set my house on fire." - Now You're Talking : Second verse, Ian goes into wacky screaming like he did in No laughing in Heaven (OK ! I'LL BE BAD ! I'LL BE BAD ., ) so funny 🤣 - Bleeding Obvious : The intro sounds like Rush YYZ track were they do the Morse code for Y-Y-Z (Toronto airport international code)
@juzbustin4 ай бұрын
When I see Peter Jones is going to be on an episode, I tune in. Really enjoy listening to his takes.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
So do I!....thanks for watching!
@SatWiseJanx4 ай бұрын
Portable Door lyrics clearly about tuning out when trapped
@ovaisnaqvi19654 ай бұрын
What marvellously sincere and thoughtful commentary. It's the best DP record since Perfect Strangers - that's over 40 years of a band's continuous musical output. That's a big deal.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your feedback....I think it is as well (overall)
@davidbotasII4 ай бұрын
Great listen, gentlemen! I’ve not yet heard the album, but this episode’s analysis will work as a great companion.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Good to hear from you David!...appreciate the feedback
@mrwilks72494 ай бұрын
What a great discussion. Three great voices! I like =1 a lot. Although, it took a few listens, possibly as the previous three have been so enjoyable (not the covers one).and I'm expecting Steve Morse. But I sense a similar attitude to Abandon, straight down the line and to the point. A few too many synth solos for me but SMc has fitted in nicely. Totally agree with Pete J. The final lap from Lazy Sod onwards is ridiculously high level and a great listen. Love No Money To Burn, that doom riff is so appealing to my ears. Bleeding Obvious is a classic and I'll Catch You is a tearjerker and the vocals were done in one take. I'm in similar situation to Ian G so totally understand where he is coming from. Ian P has stated in a interview I heard yesterday that they may go back into the studio in 2025. Watch this space...
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your feedback.Nice post
@RichardFusey-g7q4 ай бұрын
My introduction to Deep Purple was not Hush even though I knew the song .First time was Allison Steele the night bird iconic New York DJ dropped the needle on Blood sucker and I couldn't believe what I was hearing been a fan since.Every lineup had something to offer I saw mk2 mk3 and mk4 ,love =1
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Not a bad way to be introduced to Purple!
@lookslikerocknroll584 ай бұрын
Think the Beatles did ok with a similar sleeve
@micolsen98244 ай бұрын
Thanks for the in-depth discussion. Great album, subpar mastering. Perhaps, the 21st century Come taste the band? One album with the new guitarist. I have this feeling this is the last one.... though I've said that before. LLDP
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@ronniebridgett84254 ай бұрын
That was a very enjoyable discussion, folks, and the best review I have seen so far on Deep Purple's latest album. The detail in your breakdown of the tracks was much appreciated and I loved your passion for the songs. I'm 66 and was very into Deep Purple in the Seventies but drifted away in the Morse era (no reflection on Steve who is an accomplished guitarist). As I am from Northern Ireland like Simon McBride I was curious to know if he added anything to the band and was very impressed with the three singles they released, especially "Lazy Sod". Having played "=1" for a week now I have to say I love the energy and musicianship that saturate the production. This is Purple at their very best. There are no fillers on the album, just tracks I like better than others. I can't imagine getting tired of it. Deep Purple was the very first live band I ever saw so I will always have a soft spot for them. If this is the last album they release it is an absolute corker! I love it so much I bought another copy for my oldest friend for his birthday. Thanks again for your excellent review.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks Ronnie! Glad you enjoyed the discussion...Lots more Purple on the channel coming up
@ronniebridgett84254 ай бұрын
I look forward to it!
@existentialmeltdown4 ай бұрын
I think its a great album. I'm starting to go backwards through their catalogue because ,as a teenager, I gave up after Stormbringer. I had gone over to other styles. Now I think Stormbringer and Come Taste the Band are great as well. I saw them when they toured with Tommy Bolin for Come Taste the Band but I was too into the Ritchie Blackmore is irreplaceable school, but, with hindsight, he wasn't.
@SatWiseJanx4 ай бұрын
I even said to my wife earlier today that McBride reminded me of Gary Moore when listening to I'll Catch You and she heard the influence too
@moecullity96164 ай бұрын
I really appreciate the time and the passion in this review. After 30 spins… Although I agree the album is 3 songs too long, it gets an 8/10 from me. Re: Bleeding Obvious, I believe the Rush references are YYZ and Natural Science. Whew! No covers on this one.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks Moe for the feedback. Appreciate it. We have plenty of more Purple chat coming up. Please consider giving a sub if not already....
@beastwishes4 ай бұрын
It's actually very humorous to me that anyone would think to say that Deep Purple, or any of it's members are stupid or silly or aren't aware of what the intentions or consequences are as it relates to their own album, they know themselves that they have their own legacy and the PR around this album was very well placed around the world to make note of the artwork and this was picked up on IMMEDIATELY as it relates to their promo around the world, so it did exactly what is being said, wouldn't do, it created intrigue and wonder that Deep Purple which such a stature would make something like this. The fact that this album they have clearly adjusted their lineup and what makes them them, this whole album really start to finish has a lot to say about how people react how people respond and treat those who actually have things to say or ultimately end up shouting them down through their personality, through their unwillingness or inability to stop and take in other ways of appreciating what's around them and enjoying something on a deeper level on more slower pace but ultimately richer, enlightening and fun experience that just instant gratification of "ROCK". And this comes up throughout the entire album.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Always appreciate your views K-Man...thanks for watching the show!
@CliveHutchby4 ай бұрын
Weird how you guys said barely nothing about I'm Saying Nothin' which, IMO, has a really cool and funky rock riff (sort of Into The Fire meets Maybe I'm a Leo), has one of Don's best-sounding organ solos and a killer solo sound from Simon. Plus that astonishing ending. I think you have seriously underrated this track,. As for the "I'd rather have ten tracks and 35 minutes" instead of 13 tracks and 53 minutes, are you really serious? You want LESS of Deep Purple? Have you taken leave of your senses? Finally, after watching this very thoughtful and insightful video (congrats fellas) I would just have to say that I consider this to be way better than Perfect Strangers and fully on a par with Purpendicular (totally surprising), Abandon (crushingly heavy) and Now What!? (an organ orgasm) from the Morse era.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching the show. Appreciate your views and although we don't agree...its all good! (makes for interesting debate and view points)
@roynewton-barker89104 ай бұрын
Thank you, gentlemen, for this in-depth, three-way perspective of a legendary classic rock group, no, maybe referred to as Mk IX. I expect =1 (with its unimaginative album cover!) to be a top seller and album of the year. I also expect DP to roll out at least two more albums and a final live show issued on CD & DVD. Why not, if Rolling Stones continue to rock on in their 80s!!?
@micolsen98244 ай бұрын
This is lineup, MK VIII. I don't count the Satriani period, because, they never made an album of original material.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
I think it is their last but I am likely to be proved wrong!
@roynewton-barker89104 ай бұрын
@@micolsen9824. That makes sense. Thank you!
@parishofrock29634 ай бұрын
I’ve spent all day listening to = 1. I’ve not listened to the advanced singles. The version I’ve got is on clear vinyl & a double album. So what did I think? Well at 1st I thought it was a slow, plodding, almost doom metal. Then I realised that unusually the album is to be played at 45rpm! 😂 So when I played it at full speed, I discovered a raucous, uptempo classic rock album. Gillian’s vocals sound different to his hey day, & reminds me a bit of Tom Petty on a couple of tracks, which is a good thing. My favourite track is Sharp Shooter. I’ll give it a 8/10. Really like it.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
I am almost inclined to play the album at slow speed to get the doom/stoner rock experience...Excellent post there Parish! (see ya soon on the channel!)
@parishofrock29634 ай бұрын
@@RockDaydreamNation well it definitely sounds different🤣
@beastwishes4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but regards to the title and what it means, there is a universal meaning and it all boils down to 1, that is the point, Ian Gillan explains that he had a mathematician write a complex equation as to the meaning and ultimately it all equals one and this is a universal truth that we all live in and thus =1. You can surely debate as to its effect and its purpose and whether it's a good album cover or not but for the band and seeing as theyve brought Simon McBride into the chemistry of their band and it has altered their formation and brought in new elements metaphorically the band still remain as one unit :) it is a very clever and typically Ian Gillan type way of thinking, the elements of the packaging and the presentation of the album all relate and reflect this and as the PR goes and went for this album I think it very much achieved its purpose in a minimalist way! Which again, is very Deep Purple in THEIR 70s that they are intent on making their mark without the need to shout about it or beat people over the head with it, which also heavily crops up on this album. The more you think and learn about the album as its presented, the more I like it.
@ricardolopezrago16884 ай бұрын
You couldn’t hear the bass? Are you even using headphones? 😂
@deepzepp41764 ай бұрын
Big plus with this album is that Ian Paice is on fire throughout. Great to hear him play with real enthusiasm again. McBride is absolutely superb. What a player! He and Airey are really locked in, and their solos are inspired. Peter and Pete are right, McBride is tonally far closer to Blackmore than Morse, and his style is nothing like Morse. I have to disagree with Pete and Reed regarding Gillans vocals. My main criticism with this album is Gillans vocals and melodies. His vocals are so nasal and thin that I found the last half of the album hard to listen too. I know it sounds harsh, but I feel these songs are so good that they deserve a......fresher rock vocalist who can write melodies he can vocally match. I don't think Ezrin has helped Gillan by making his vocals so dry and upfront in the mix. Nevertheless, Gillan is one of the greatest rock vocalists of all time, and has nothing to prove. Agree that Glover is buried in the mix. But overall it's certainly a thumbs up from me. The riffs are back and they sound inspired. Great stuff.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Appreciate your view point Deep Zepp...the riffs are back!
@teec35574 ай бұрын
I’m sorry - there is t one memorable riff on this album. I just don’t get the hysteria with this album - Ezrin has ruined DP sound particularly the last two albums. His best production and mix ironically was on Turning to Crime when he wasn’t in the studio with them
@mikewhiteley6414 ай бұрын
Hello,Peter. This is definitely not Deep Purple's finest hour. There is too much filler on the new album,The 3 advance tracks were well chosen,and A Bit on the Side is a fine tune,but I’m not sure = 1 will stay in my CD player beyond another month or so. It’s almost like a bunch of leftover ideas from the inFinite sessions. Come to think of it,there are only 4 songs on inFinite that hold my attention.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Appreciate your feedback Mike...
@bartrobinson21034 ай бұрын
I agree with you one hundred percent and the drum sound is terrible.
@lesliehedger20493 ай бұрын
It is easily my least favorite DP album. The songs are boring as is the guitar playing.
@mikewhiteley6413 ай бұрын
@@lesliehedger2049 Hi Leslie,I recognise you from The Highway Star. My review of = 1 was posted there earlier this week. I was insulted as an "idiot" by certain readers. I gave the album a 7/10,but I guess I wasn't effusive and/or complimentary enough. Hope all is well.
@bartrobinson21033 ай бұрын
@mikewhiteley641 I saw your review and I agree with you!!👍
@zingpulse41384 ай бұрын
Rush's Tom Sawyer, King Crimson 'Discipline' era, Strangeways influenced Bleeding Obvious. Best since Purpendicular.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
I can hear all those picks in the album. Thanks for the comment!
@guitarworks25463 ай бұрын
Close to “who do you think we are “….but if you want to be really critical…no strong hit songs despite great performances…so…?
@pavelpugach44194 ай бұрын
Excellent album! A little less proggy and more vocal, which was expected after Steve Morse left. Tracks are consistently good, although it seems that there are no real epic standouts, which is unusual for them.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! It is definitely less on the prog and more on the riff
@lance985414 ай бұрын
I think it is their best album since Abandon, but it does lose some stream at about 7 tracks into it.
@teec35573 ай бұрын
I think this album suffers on a couple of fronts. It may be suffering from people claiming it to be a return to the classic sound. It doesn’t rise to the quality of Purpendicular/Bananas/Now What/Whoosh . The riffs are not that memorable. That being said there are some good songs on this album in their own right A bigger problem: people claiming this is a return of Purple to the 70s. I just don’t see that at all. It sounds nothing like In Rock/Fireball/Macine Head. I think one of the reviewers said if you like WDWTWA you will love this album. This album sounds nothing like WDWTWA which is full of growling Hammond sounds. Don Airey opened up with 3 synthesizer solos on this album and had 2-3,more later. This simply takes the punch and heaviness out of the songs which is a real shame The mixing by Ezin is very different than the 70s. Michael Bradford particularly on Bananas did a better job To highlight my points : Sharp Shooter - a Living Wreck/ Into the Fire wannabee though Morse had a couple of heavier riffs. First the riff: good tone by McBride. Lacking - the heavy growling low organ accompanying the guitar. The guitar comes out of both speakers. The Hammond which should be separate and distinct but it is lost in the mix. There is no ‘space’ or’air’ between the two instruments, rather it becomes lost meshed into the mix. It could have been more powerful heavier. Even Glovers production on Purpendicular and Abandon creates that distinct separation of guitar and organ in each speaker. Ezrin does do a good job with production of choruses Next, the verse. What is Airey doing? He plays way too high in the register losing the power of the song. Too much brightness. Sharp Shooter suffers from this. Finally, the solo. Airey just provided us with a third (3!) moog solo in a row! He then goes onto a couple of more later. I don’t mind synthesizer solos when they are done right and occasional - it can be good , refressshing and different, however far too much synth - this is not a return to classic Purple. Deep Purple identity in the past is a growling Hammond rhythm sounding band and 9 times out of ten you wait in anticipation of an organ solo to complement the guitar solo. I don’t think it’s fair to compare this this album to a clsssic sound. Airey recently has gone too light and lacks the style of Lord on the Hammond. Airey is a great keyboardist but ironically he’s better suited to Morse and even Gary More when he was playing his progressive sound. It really is a poor man’s Whoosh with the guitar more up front and Gillan way too up in the mic. What Morse did was provide a different interesting somewhat sophisticated sound to Deep Purple. The last thing you want is a guitarist to go back sounding like RB or returning to the ‘classic sound” because you can’t. Airey is a different keyboard player than Lord lacking the heavy sound and style of Lord or trying to find a bluesy guitarist with a RB quality is a mistake. Morse in actuality is a better fit for Ezrin’s production ( see Now What) but even Ezrin is failing DP Too bad.
@RockDaydreamNation3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your interesting and considered review (Appreciated). I definitely agree with you about Aireys solos (first three tracks) and say so in the show. However - overall have a point of difference regarding the sonics and broader assessment of the album as a whole (where it sits in the DP catalogue).
@teec35573 ай бұрын
I see your point but in the big picture I feel Ezrin has changed the sound after Now What. Now What was a nicely put together sonic album. My only gripe with that album is the drum production. Paice drumming needed to be more distinctive Whoosh imo has f so one of the best songwriting by this group - much more so than =1. But it suffers from Don Airey lite and Ezrind production. Take =1 and play it side by side with any other Morse Purple album: Purpendicular/Abandon (wow)/Bananas/Now What. The sound pales in comparison - this is why I just don’t think it will hold up in the long run. Just my thoughts
@bartrobinson21033 ай бұрын
The mix and production is pathetic. Finest hour is a joke!!
@bartrobinson21033 ай бұрын
@@teec3557The drums always sound like shit
@SatWiseJanx4 ай бұрын
I also dont like Don's Synths. How about a Leslie electic piano like Jon instead? Squeaky keyboards date music, and still riuns Anya for me to this day
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment. Yes, I wish one or two tracks used a trad keyboard or organ than the synth...
@teec35574 ай бұрын
Agree. 3 synth solos on the 1st 3 songs and people are calling this a returyto the seventies. The big Hammond sound has been gutted by Ezrin and Airey unfortunately has chosen to play the Hammond at too high on the register. Throw in Gillan’s voice too high in the mix you have DP making small music
@mjuza71143 ай бұрын
Are you serious to make that question, finest hour? There are at least 5-6 albums much better than this one...there are many moments when Lord and Blackmore creating magic and this album is lacking those moments....There were moments where Ian Gillan was just phenomenal and unfortunately he is not on that level anymore....This is solid album, but not even close to be finest hour
@djacobmadrigal4 ай бұрын
I don’t care for it much; I like the organ/keys and guitar but everything else is just meh. No it’s not their finest hour, that would be In Rock.
@alketkellici67664 ай бұрын
You are stuck in the 70’s. That is some great music on this album
@Matias-music-714 ай бұрын
I agree , but for me Fireball :)
@djacobmadrigal4 ай бұрын
@@alketkellici6766 Has nothing to do with the decade; has to do with the music itself. I don’t like it. It’s called preference.
@alketkellici67664 ай бұрын
@@djacobmadrigal did you listen to the album?
@bartrobinson21034 ай бұрын
The album doesn't do anything for me but i'm happy for the band.
@lesliehedger20494 ай бұрын
After a few listens, to me, it's boring. They are my favorite all time band so I hate to say that.
@teec35574 ай бұрын
I just don’t get people falling all over themselves about this album. Ezrin has ruined this band. A big shame
@lesliehedger20494 ай бұрын
@@teec3557 I agree!!
@bartrobinson21033 ай бұрын
@@teec3557Absolutely it's a damn shame
@rejdrouin3 ай бұрын
With Deep Purple, I have learned long ago that one must be carefull not to judge a new album on the first listen. Play it a few times, let it sink in, play it again, etc. until you happily have your brain filled with cool ear worms that vary and go 'round for days. Otherwise you might find out decades later that you have been missing something fantastic. 😢
@bartrobinson21033 ай бұрын
@@lesliehedger2049 Is very boring
@harryturnbull18843 ай бұрын
It is simply full of the same songs they have come up with for 20 years and more. Rinse, cycle repeat with the occasional decent tune. Im not going to see them, Id rather see a tribute band playing Covrrdale/Hughes stuff.
@mikewhiteley6414 ай бұрын
Far too much Moog synth from Don, but I'm happy he ditched the bar room, honky tonk piano. I hear the 70s similarity in Portable Door/Pictures Of Home ,but... Show Me as this album's Highway Star ?? Not for me.. The short guitar riff is almost as annoying as the synth riff on Throw My Bones.
@RockDaydreamNation4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment Mike
@themuleify4 ай бұрын
I've listened to about 30min of this review before I've had enough. What is the purpose of this to discourage others to buy the album? You guys are over analyzing it. People can buy and listen if they like it or not that's their choice, no harm is done. You keep comparing to past albums of the 70s. Pls don't. There is no comparison at all. Not musically and not performance wise. There is no resemblance to Highway Star, not sure how you even hear it. I don't think DP cares about what you guys think about thw cover, art, lyrics anything. They do what they like and that's it. Also for someone who keeps saying "nothing memorable about it", you have quite specific details about the songs' composition, sound, lurics that you cite. So you probably listened to it several times and i do think it's memorable to you, you just won't admit it. As for the "concern" (LOL) of titles that don't click with the song, 'common be serious. If you listen to a song until you decide if you really like it or not, that's what matters. The title may or may not be recalled but once you hear the song it clicks so no concern here. No concern about search engine optimization..god you are probably not so computer savvy. Search engine can look up anything, and =1 was easily searchable. Bottom line, this is not classical DP. I think there is room for excitement when listening to this album i believe in thw dame level when Perpendicular came out and we could all hear a totally different kind of music. McBride brings some fresh style but he is more Morse than anything else. On Now you're Talkin' there is even a copy/paste keys/guitar duo straight from 'I'm not your lover now', which shows McBride is at par with Morse's style. Enjoy it (or not).
@Matias-music-714 ай бұрын
Sorry , had my 3rd run through with it after hearing how great it is , and I don't get it . I don't like it , right from song one , I was like huh ? To me the voice and instruments don't jive , it seems pasted , very much sounds like recorded in different parts and then pasted together in studio or on computers . I heard no 70's really , but a poor parody of it , sorry . The vocals are thin , the music itself far too pedestrian and predictable , the lyrics very cheesy at times . Maybe I am missing something , but Priest and Tygers Of Pan Tang both recently released bangers , this a let down .
@bartrobinson21034 ай бұрын
I'm glad to see someone else.Feels the same way I do. This. New release doesn't do anything for me
@bartrobinson21034 ай бұрын
Terrible mix and production. That's my opinion and i'm sticking with it.
@Matias-music-714 ай бұрын
@@bartrobinson2103 , fully agree , I find it strange how so many KZbinrs whose opinions I have generally come to respect over the years are loving this album ,
@bartrobinson21034 ай бұрын
@@Matias-music-71 My thoughts exactly.I just don't understand it!
@teec35574 ай бұрын
I have to agree. Bob Ezrin has ruined the DP sound with this album and particularly Whoosh which has much better songs than this album. He did a good job with Now What and Infinite but his mixing and production has been horrible the last two albums