Quote Deepak Chopra 39:33, "... the atoms are sub-atomic particles ...."
@MrJustSomeGuy8710 жыл бұрын
Deepak is really quick to point out all of the things we don't know, but he seems to interpret this as licence to assert whatever he wants. Him pointing out that we have no idea how to solve the hard problem of consciousness somehow allows HIM to assert that consciousness is the ground of reality? If he is saying that it is open to speculation because science hasn't solved it yet, then it's a pretty weak claim. If he is saying that when something is indeterminate we can say anything we want about it, then it is also a pretty weak claim.
@adwaye12 жыл бұрын
its important to invite chopra because the science skeptics would be debating themselves otherwise. In the pursuit and expansion of the knowledge of truth its important to have debates like this.
@zytigon13 жыл бұрын
Great thinking by Michael Shermer. For similar great thoughts try Dan Barker, John W. Loftus, Robert M Price, Valerie Tarico, Victor Stenger, Bart Ehrman, Ken Humphreys, Richard Carrier, Ken Pulliam, Keith Parsons, Gary Greenberg, Robert Ingersoll, Thomas Paine, Mark Twain, Earl Doherty, Israel Finkelstein, Daniel Dennett, C Dennis Mckinsey, Joseph Wheless, Bertrand Russell, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens
@photopicker12 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best panels I have ever seen. Absolutely riveting discussion. I truly appreciate this presentation. Thank you Chapman University for this gift.
@FedererBlog10 жыл бұрын
Deepak: 'I'm not arguing with Michael I'm arguing with synaptic networks' lmfao
@livenletlive694511 жыл бұрын
I think Deepak was trying to explain ADVAITHA ( the non-duality )... And then Carmichael Peters puts it in a different perspective..! And then Stuart Hameroff affirms..!
@tbayley611 жыл бұрын
I'm not much into Chopra but it was interesting, the moment he got the audience to become aware of their own consciousness, it was only a couple of seconds, but there was a loud sigh from someone (Shermer?) as if this was a bad joke or a waste of time. They just don't get it do they? They don't understand that this vessel that you can only see when it is empty is running the show. Instead they are forever identifying with whatever passes through it. And we're all similarly conditioned to keep it busy, so we don't see any blue sky in there, or the illusion that consciousness is irrelevant would soon fall apart. The points by Henry Stapp, though he seemed to be struggling, were also interesting. Consciousness and quantum theory are connected by quantum theory, not simply by woo.
@sergiolobato179810 жыл бұрын
This is a perfect example of the evolution of spirituality. Science that has become more palatable to the spiritualist.
@JCResDoc9410 жыл бұрын
Deepak: "I've had this argument with [Shermer] in previous lifetimes" Shermer: "& I won those too" Bahaha
@Preetvnd10 жыл бұрын
All that exists only in your mind.
@Preetvnd10 жыл бұрын
Oh wait, you're one of those who doesn't have a mind, but just a brain.
@JCResDoc9410 жыл бұрын
Bahaha nice one
@RikunjkumarSuthar13 жыл бұрын
Thank Champan University to provide this.
@slipknot590511 жыл бұрын
"Limits of our perception, limits the extent of our reality."
@OfftoShambala12 жыл бұрын
I am surprised that you would say that, as Chopra is a medical doctor... I would think that would make him sufficiently educated in some branch of the sciences. If you don't agree with him or whatever, that's one thing, but to say that someone who is a doctor does not belong in scientific discussion is another.
@truthseeker472011 жыл бұрын
The highest level of knowledge is often neglected . The highest knowledege "Vedanta" says- Things you can taste , feel , conceptualise , visualise , imagine , hear , see are impermanent projection of your conciousness . And that one thing which you cannot taste , feel , conceptualise , visualise , imagine , hear or see is real (Conciousness) . Inshort it means , Nothing is possible without conciousness . If these are possible to you , then it means you are concious . Can you deny it ?
@TruthBeTold711 жыл бұрын
You reflect western ways of thinking because this is where you have been raised and educated. This society shaped your mind and soul.
@drstrangelove0910 жыл бұрын
Chopra: "... your nervous system is not a material object"??? Really?
@drstrangelove0910 жыл бұрын
Ina Deva Composed of matter. Composed of molecules.
@shivz78913 жыл бұрын
i watched the whole thing ..... more people on the pannel seem to diverge away from conventional sceince .... with new studies like backword time affect and othe new physics advancement ,... people will know that ultimate reality is far beyond our reach .... deepak chopras ideology is a very good one in my opinion ...
@Kritikk11 жыл бұрын
Haha Michael Shermer is the man, his first 5 mins is gold =)
@ElanSunStarPhotographyHawaii10 жыл бұрын
Modern physics has taught us that the nature of any system cannot be discovered by dividing it into its component parts and studying each part by itself, since such a method often implies the loss of important properties of the system. We must keep out attention fixed on the whole and on the inter-connection between the parts. The same is true of our intellectual life. It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal simply to the sum of its various parts. -- Max Planck (1858-1947)
@furyofbongos11 жыл бұрын
Weird how the Chopra devotees cheer him on. It's as if they are invested in his mythology and when he sufficiently bolsters their religion they feel re-assured and cheer.
@Joe4501111 жыл бұрын
One thing we need to understand from this conference is that science and spirituality can never go together and never will. Science is relative truth and Spirituality is absolute truth. Scientists will and never understand the absolute truth because they are limited or relative which means that science always change whereas absolute truth never changes. If you fully study Buddhism, you will fully able to understand the reality that goes beyond the science.
@DemonHermit13 жыл бұрын
@Denshuu I think what alot of people are talking about when they say "spiritual science" is the study of the subjective via meditation and introspection. The problem is, like Sam Harris mentions alot, is people tend to take these remarkable subjective experiences and make claims about physical reality. Which is definitely not science. However, this does not make all spiritual practices worthless (I use the word 'spiritual' very loosely.)
@JCResDoc9410 жыл бұрын
Chopra has tightened his argument a bit, at least in the opening. ~40:00
@jc5010 жыл бұрын
1:34:36 - 1:36:52 Stuart Hameroff, I loved you as Scuttle (the seagull in The Little Mermaid). I agree with the lady in the audience who said twice at 1:35:44 and 1:35:46, "What does that explain?" to Stuart's invocation of the "self collapse of the wave function" within the context of consciousness. Notice how Deepak Chopra appear to appeal for the whole exchange to be derailed in between transitions.
@Bak3dB3an12 жыл бұрын
I love how Mike feels happy at the end to reconsile and give Deepak a hug. His consciuosness of reconsiliation has changed his biological reponse and has released dopemine. That same body denies all of this coming down to his consciuosness (his deep essence). Ah the ironies of life :)
@Grapegum13 жыл бұрын
Shermer is so simplistically brilliant at making his point... there isn't really that much to say as an answer to such question. there's reality (and it's pretty fucking interesting and complex). i wonder how come it seems not to be enough for some people, could it be that they can't cope with the idea of not having the main role in this play?...
@Bak3dB3an12 жыл бұрын
I love how Mike feels happy at the end to reconcile and give Deepak a hug. His consciousness of reconciliation has changed his biological response and has released dopamine. That same body denies all of this coming down to his consciousness (his deep essence). Ah the ironies of life :)
@RealProperT13 жыл бұрын
Interesting exchange of info b/w individual body-minds. Can empirical approach lead to "ultimate reality"? And what if the entity to whom this approach (empirical or otherwise) appears to happen itself doesn't exist? Then who's there to understand and what's there to be understood? Isn't any answer, again, an appearance on the screen of the mind? Who is witnessing all of it? Isn't any word arising in mind again a barrier? Thank you ChapmanUniversity.
@KbcBerlin12 жыл бұрын
No matter how strong a filter our senses, and intellect are we are observing a useful aspect of reality. No matter how small or large that is, it is all we have, and is useful. Any other view is a road to nowhere, and leaving doors open for the fantastic and irrationality.
@affablegiraffable12 жыл бұрын
depak makes some good points mixed in with crazy
@elgaro12 жыл бұрын
i agree, it's just a matter of definition, call things with the right word, there's NO "spiritual science"
@manchise12 жыл бұрын
Deepak grows on you.
@mzenji11 жыл бұрын
"Poetically saying: Material reality is a SUPERSTITION because at its core all material - is MOSTLY SPACE" What do you mean by "SPACE" you have to be specific here.
@Washington0Jefferson11 жыл бұрын
Time for Clarity: Science is the pursuit of knowledge. Like it or not - Deepak IS a scientist. Next, Deepak doesn't "strive for obscurity" - he plays with words to be poetic, but if you study them, (rather than label them "woo woo" ala M.Shermer ) it's easy to understand. Example: Deepak often says: "I hope we will see the dramatic overthrow of the superstition of material reality." Poetically saying: Material reality is a SUPERSTITION because at its core all material - is MOSTLY SPACE
@sonykroket13 жыл бұрын
Leonard and Mike, we love you guys!
@paulalavelle995212 жыл бұрын
A human emotion experienced is all the proof the individual needs
@tianamaycry11 жыл бұрын
If you listen to Lawrence Krausses understanding you see that even empty space is filled with "sparticles" that cancel eachother out, and when they do not, they sputter in and out of space meaning that it's not empty.
@sngscratcher11 жыл бұрын
Once we begin to "wake up," it is astounding how our priorities change. What used to be so important to us - like getting more "stuff" in this material world, or trying to feed our egos by winning an argument, etc. - slowly loses it's pull until we barely notice them any more. And the main thing we now “see” is the fundamental, invaluable consciousness within each of us that permanently connects us to one another. We need to take care of each other; we’re all we’ve got.
@paulalavelle995212 жыл бұрын
Deepak will be the only one who stands the test of time.
@Nakkikassi13 жыл бұрын
To quote Bill O´Reilly: Tides come in, tide goes out, never a miscommunication.
@steampunk1813 жыл бұрын
The essential nature of the material world is that it's not material. The essential nature of the physical world is that it's not physical. The essential stuff of the universe is nonstuff. The essential nature of Deepak's argument is that it's not an argument.
@EgalBohen13 жыл бұрын
As dreams in a box We live out our lives - Aware of ourselves - Our worlds distance derived - Though horizons may come And horizons may go In boxes we stay - Trapped by Time In it’s flow - Our decisions decide Where that box with our name May travel the system Will move or Remain - Escape is uncertain - We have to be blind - To the world, as we know it For it’s all in the mind - Egal Bohen March 2008
@VenusFreedom77711 жыл бұрын
I graduated from this school. This had to be before 2010 because it is now Brandman University.
@MrAvidLearner12 жыл бұрын
Ha... was just reading Shermer's column in the most recent Scientific American on the can yesterday and then just stumbled on this clip this afternoon...
@melese198811 жыл бұрын
I'm on Shermer's side, but I enjoy the rantings of Deepak.
@yankumar528010 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing ChapmanUniversity
@CheddarBob3911 жыл бұрын
I don't think he plays with words to be "poetic." But because you can only use metaphors for something that is greater than the mind itself and can only be known through direct experience. You can't use the mind for something that is above the mind. Words are only signposts at best. You can't think about the state of "no thought" which gives you direct experience. If you think about "no thought" you are still thinking.
@markmcgowanmystic12 жыл бұрын
great video! I would've love to have been there
@El-Leion11 жыл бұрын
yeah but fact is, you can explain consciousness with scientific words and meanings, with your schooling, or you can explain consciousness by trying to be aware of yourself. the first method only points to the second method.
@OfftoShambala12 жыл бұрын
perhaps cholwell is saying that in order for science to be truly valid, other realities, for lack of a better term, realities that have not been traditionally thought of as part of specific branches of sciences perhaps, need to be considered, such as consciousness & it's "source" perhaps... or perhaps another branch of science that is based on a wholistic lens could be established/recognized/validated... just throwin' out my 1st thought of a possible answer to your question
@RiffsDaze1711 жыл бұрын
@slipknot590511 жыл бұрын
I found the time limits, ironically limiting. Could we see if there is any possiblity that the individual speakers could expand their speeches into longer videos? Or if there are already some out there could you email me with links to their books or videos, please?
@CheddarBob3911 жыл бұрын
I think Deepak and Shermer are right. Deepak is talking about the quantum aspect of reality, Shermer is talking about the reality that we can see with the naked eye. Yes, if you look through a powerful microscope you will see that nothing is solid, but if you look with the naked eye at stuff you will see many things are solid. So, do you say something is solid or not? Yes, it depends on context. What are you talking about? Quantum or not? Both reality though.
@suerayss12 жыл бұрын
I have not heard a single word of dogma from him in his talk above. He makes a powerful argument and I think he is being judged here. The cultural dogmas of the other academics and skeptics are veiled and masked by their respective language,cultural and racial tribes they come from and is no different than the era of copernicus that throws up judgments and resistance to orientalism or alternate definition of existence from non-western sources. Its a occidental ego thing.
@MrTrenttness11 жыл бұрын
Great upload!
@GuitarWithBrett12 жыл бұрын
deepak is a thinker for those who want comfort
@springsource10 жыл бұрын
We don't have to address Michael we can just address his brain. Or something like that. So if Shermer could send his brain to this discussion it would be more interesting. Everytime his brain is caught thinking, he then shows up and gets in the way.
@Sloth7d13 жыл бұрын
@myfriend280 Sorry if that offends you, but that's just how it is. If it can't be tested, it isn't science. It's THE defining feature of science.
@Bak3dB3an12 жыл бұрын
Great host.
@summondadrummin13 жыл бұрын
I'm reminded of what Alan Watts said about the mechanistic materialist paradigm as a 'put down view of the universe' created by people needing this perspective to feel powerful~ wow the universe is just a machine or just matter or just mindless chemistry.
@2cleverbyhalf10 жыл бұрын
Two points: 1. The materialist on this panel asked "What happens when Aunt Milly dies, and what does quantum consciousness and nonlocality have to do it it?" A more elegant and simpler explanation without getting off the beaten path into complex and incomplete quantum terminology would be this analogy. If you broke your television set you would not jump to the conclusion that the satellite signal that gave you reception disappeared and didn't exist anymore. You would know that the problem was the TV was broken, not the originating signal. Our physical bodies maybe more like television sets than like cars... our consciousness streams into them. 2. The materialist pointed out that an "observer" need only be a "tool of measurement"... well, who devised the tool that measured what was being observed? A conscious being devised that tool of measurement. It seemed so fundamental a point I was very surprised no one on the panel challenged this notion. The fact is we really do not understand the nature of reality, or where it stems from. I am an agnostic person and I find most religion laughable, but I find materialism even more laughable. The arrogance with which they deliver their barbs, the teleological thinking they engage in, I find it all very dubious
@springhead2110 жыл бұрын
Denying that material exists is absurd. Just because it changes at the quantum level doesn't mean that it does not exist. Just as ice exists and water also exists. You wo woos seem to think that since ice (or matter) is made of water (or space and energy) therefore the ice (matter) no longer exists... I dare say you are wrong about that... heh...
@2cleverbyhalf10 жыл бұрын
springhead21 It is really hard to have a conversation about these sorts of topics with someone that conflates a critique of materialism as a guiding philosophy and jumps to the conclusion that I must not believe in the material world at all. That is completely nonsensical.
@richmondriddle340510 жыл бұрын
Agnostic of what? There may not be a spirit, the physical body might actually hold all the mysteries of consciousness, it might not. But let's say for the sake of argument that consciousness was a nonlocal quantum field effect or something, like you suggest with your television analogy. That still doesn't mean we have a soul OR that any wisdom traditions are correct either. What are you agnostic of? If the answer is 'everything', than that is no different from being an atheist. If you suspect there is 'something greater' or 'a higher power', that's just speculation. If we do not know, then why is it 'dubious' promoting the hypothesis that we might live in a soulless, godless, cold, material universe. It seems likely to most scientists. 85% of people with college degrees in science are atheists. What do you find dubious about scientific consensus?
@2cleverbyhalf10 жыл бұрын
tom riddle Pew Research poll about atheism www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/10/23/5-facts-about-atheists/ Scientists and belief in God poll www.pewforum.org/2009/11/05/scientists-and-belief/ It is easy to throw out some lumped in number. Most scientists are either in the "I do not believe or disbelieve" column, or they they actually believe in a universal spirit.... which I am towards that side of things, although academically I neither believe nor disbelieve. I am not a Christian by any stretch of the imagination. And promoting a hypothesis is much different than touring a theory. Those who ridicule others who have a different hypothesis should first establish a scientifically supportable theory.
@richmondriddle340510 жыл бұрын
Juliaoceania "Universal spirit" is not god, and is ususally (for scientists) connected to collective consciousness biology (a la bees), or neurobiology research into quantum consciousness. That isn't god. And even with your study, 41% of scientists, who believe in neither gods or universal spirit, is still the largest group in terms of your data. But in the "how did the universe get here?" question... we don't know, and god is only one possibility, and an unlikely one at that. And since we can't prove or disprove it, it's useless to guess anyway. And BTW, a universe without god is already a working theory, and it should be toured, because it works, and is currently the closest thing to the truth we have.
@theanimator10810 жыл бұрын
to all those that say Deepak's view point is nonsense there are many sceintists who share views very similiar to him.....if it was just nonsense, there wouldn't be serious conferences like this, put on by universities with people who have science credentials. This conference was sponsered by the schmid college of science.
@FJBRDALLAS11 жыл бұрын
The Universe is mostly empty space, but we as humans have evolved at a scale in which the fluctuations of quantum particles sum to what we call the material world. Both Newtonian and Quantum physics are correct, they deal with the same reality at different scale. If you try to study a particle you will find that it is possible for such quark to be in two places at the same time (there have actually been experiments) But no one in their right mind would propose the same for a cannon ball.
@jasondsimpson13 жыл бұрын
Great Lecture!
@whatisiswhatable12 жыл бұрын
They almost got somewhere at 1:36:00. Honestly, if just Stuart Hammeroff and the guy on the right (stage left) of Michael Shermer discussed (not debated), I'm pretty sure we could gain some ground here
@TheRobinL12 жыл бұрын
Ooh, I did not know that, you have any source for that statement or is that just your opinion?
@MrDp29713 жыл бұрын
I truly believe that nobody understood Shermer's arguments. Everybody interpreted them as reductionistic or materialistic. For example, Deepak at some point addressed Michael saying that he is not really speaking to him but rather to network of synapses. And that is true. It is truly language that is inhibiting and not reality. Michael is his synapses and nothing more. Nothing more. It just happens though that these synapses create an emergent consciousness.
@GodTheHypothesis13 жыл бұрын
@unimind24 I think you're misunderstanding the point of being a skeptic. It's not about 'looking at the other side', it's about asking for evidence and only giving time to things that provide it. He dismisses the 'other side' because it provides none. Just anecdote.
@MegaNexus77713 жыл бұрын
subtitles in spanish , be appreciated. Thanks
@Bak3dB3an12 жыл бұрын
Thank God for Deepak. Thank God he's giving a voice which answers most of people questions of happiness and reality :D Many speakers give us understanding of observations, but not many give us understanding of intuitive insight.
@gsalemi195413 жыл бұрын
If reality is science and science can be tested then what is the explanation for quantum physics which says reality depends on who is looking at the experiment?
@johnpaily10 жыл бұрын
Everything is energy. Einstein’s law E=mc2, suggest that at least there should be two parallel space-time realities from which these energy particles originates to form the matter [atom] we observe. The matter we see is juxtaposed between theses parallel worlds. This invariably means we need to visualize universe as living being as the east thought and taught the world. The inner space of life is the conscious and intelligent space-time reality that creates and sustains the universe from collapsing to singularity. Universe need to be understood as conscious and intelligence of a single SUPREME being unfolding and enfolding transforming and initializing everything into new time cycle rest are details
@REALITY2point012 жыл бұрын
time 1:35:20 Stuart Hameroff "self-collapsing" under Leonard Mlodinow's simple cross-examination :)
@LambadLambadLambda13 жыл бұрын
Great job by Deepak!
@ElanSunStarPhotographyHawaii10 жыл бұрын
Science wants to know the mechanism of the universe, religion the meaning. The two cannot be separated. Many scientists feel there is no place in research for discussion of anything that sounds mystical. But it is unreasonable to think we already know enough about the natural world to be confident about the totality of forces. -- Charles Townes, 1964 Nobel physics laureate
@CosmicClaire9913 жыл бұрын
Stuart Hameroff seems to have done his homework...
@veramann12 жыл бұрын
Shermer needs to do a lot of reading on consciousness.
@benaberry12 жыл бұрын
whoo whoo - deepak
@UndoFilms11 жыл бұрын
"Wholeness projects onto the barrier of space time events"
@shiz77712 жыл бұрын
Michael Shermer is not a scientist, he's a historian.
@awfullyawful10 жыл бұрын
Description of a skeptic/atheist mindset: I think/exist, but I don't know why I think/exist, and your explanation of why I think/exist lacks the kind of evidence I like, therefore I don't think/exist.
@hanssortti331410 жыл бұрын
Flabbergab from Chopra. Very clever verbal trickster. I give him that.
@KbcBerlin12 жыл бұрын
Very well put.
@dejanradovic154810 жыл бұрын
I was thinking about experiment for actualy test human, our power of percieveing things, this is important to know much we are, are we? this will give us a more strenght to believe in own teories.
@E101ification10 жыл бұрын
The thing that makes me laugh about the people who believe in Chopra's 'spiritualism' - this 'higher power' this 'interconnectedness of everything' that binds us all together, that is the key to achieving true 'enlightenment' and being 'at peace with one's self'............is that you read their comments on places like here, and the _hatred_, the _vitriol_ they have for people who don't share their beliefs, is staggering! Their belief in the 'spiritual' doesn't appear to be doing anything for their anger! In fact, they seem to be just as angry, hate-filled, neurotic and intolerant as the rest of us! :D I can't be the only one who's noticed this.
@garydavidson92210 жыл бұрын
Your observation is valid. Kudos for keeping it real and including yourself in the group of haters. Chopra has publicly fallen into the ego trap, and publicly apologized for it, which takes a lot of humility but in the end I think serves to show that nobody is perfect. Now, in my admittedly limited understanding of M Theory, it was derived as an amalgamation or reconciliation of two different versions of String Theory by allowing for "the 11th Dimension", which is described as a very thin membrane running through and connecting everything in the universe. According to this theory, which is finding consensus among the guys on Discovery Channel (Tyson, Kaku, et al), everything IS interconnected and bound together, then. But who knows?
@E101ification10 жыл бұрын
Gary Davidson Yes, but not connected in this bizarre 'supernatural' sense that Chopra is selling. There's no _emotional_ attachment to this 'connectness' of M Theory. It's like saying because all phones are 'connected' that all the phones _care_ about each other.... He's just deliberately conflating the 'inter-connectedness' of M Theory with the supernatural 'we're all connected' emotional sentiment of his 'spiritualism' to confuse his audience and his fans that they're the same thing, and that the existence of one backs the other up.
@garydavidson92210 жыл бұрын
E101ification Oh, really? I wasn't aware that he was actually trying to sell that connection. The truth is that I saw a few of Chopra's programs long ago, before I had ever heard about String Theory or M Theory... and I liked what he was saying, but I had heard it all before. His message wasn't really all that radical, at least not back then... but you guys are pretty much saying that Deepak is basically a televangelist now, except he's hawking new age spirituality instead of Jesus? And he's in it for the money? Well, that's certainly a shocker to hear... but he's apologizing to Michael Shermer, and Shermer is a shill who I have witnessed lying on C-Span ... He got caught in a lie and backpedaled.
@ManuelGutierrez-zb5xm10 жыл бұрын
Gary Davidson Even if Shermer has lied doesn't mean Chopra's is any less full of shit. Chopra's theories are all diarrhea, he just sprinkles them with little bits of truth so that to people who don't actually analyze them think they are drinking a chocolate shake.
@garydavidson92210 жыл бұрын
Manuel Gutierrez Nice analogy, except I think you've just ruined chocolate shakes for me, lol. I'm kind of surprised to find out that there's so many people hating on Deepak, but as I said, I haven't seen any of his programs in a long time, probably 15 or 20 years at least. In fact, I was kind of shocked to see the gray hair and the added weight, it's been that long. I guess his message must have changed since then, because it used to be purely one of personal empowerment.
@gilanin10 жыл бұрын
Being dismissive of Chopra is like being dismissive of a charlatan. Now Einstein was no charlatan, he worked out a theory that could make testable predictions. And in my opinion it wasn't like they were being dismissive of Einstein, there were some theories and only testable predictions could determine which was the right one. Although towards the end of his life, people were indeed dismissive of his later work.
@nancejantz10 жыл бұрын
I think I have experienced an ultimate reality until i experience another higher reality and measure one against the other :)
@Anoop2011113 жыл бұрын
@Denshuu Ultimate science,maths, biology all converges to spirituality.According to the present evolution level of humans we are able to comprehend &prove things which are up to the frequency levels of particle waves.The laws of quantum physics opened up new possibilities which could not be explained by Newtonian science.In more subtle frequency levels more things exist which is beyond our comprehension. Spirituality help us explore on this based on observation &experience from different people
@ranuitiopira2311 жыл бұрын
So what about this quote from him “In the absence of a conscious entity, the moon remains a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup.” That was chopra as well, he totally does "strive for obscurity" he doesn't understand QM and he knows the people listening to him don't understand QM so he can mess with them the scientifically ignorant teaching the scientifically under-informed. it should be a crime. you are only taking your interpretation of what you think he means. fuck poetry.
@rajusehmi10 жыл бұрын
god is u as u
@y2jasmilan12 жыл бұрын
Your link does not work... can you try posting it again?
@beheadingbuddha425611 жыл бұрын
Chopra, a profit driven professional guru-for-hire. Get the real thing from Beheading Buddha.
@TheLetsbegin13 жыл бұрын
The reality is we try 2 please naturaly; yet life is Ego led at present! The observer is experiencing emotional content, our true natural nature! Life is proceeding the only way it know`s? Naturaly!
@rubinartstudios10 жыл бұрын
Reality is neither ultimate nor transient. It just IS, whether I am aware of it or not. Any tree in the park can continue existing even after I die, because its existence is not postulated by my demise. But one can ask: can any or some tree imagine its demise as I imagine mine? If so, we need to postulate that self consciousness pervades all there IS . If so, everything is possible at some levels of reality.
@CeciliaEarth13 жыл бұрын
I liked all of their descriptions. But, for me, we are never satisfied about the answers because Nature of Reality cannot stay presented as an static subject or object, everything are at a continuous development not static, by observationof uninterrupted mind concepts. So Reality is just momentum at everything.
@GodTheHypothesis12 жыл бұрын
The thing about claiming that you're talking about color, when hardly anyone can see it, the history of the world dictates that you're more likely to be deluding yourself about nonsense than genuinely seeing color. Skepticism is definitely needed.
@REALITY2point012 жыл бұрын
lmao at Stuart Hameroff "self-collapsing" under Leonard Mlodinow's simple cross-examination
@Joe4501111 жыл бұрын
If someone fully learn Buddhism, they will understand exactly if there is consciousness or if there is not one, otherwise it is always Greek to westerners.
@TheGorbulla12 жыл бұрын
The important thing is that you are confident in your ability to call such a personality out for his/her blasphemy. When will see Trollight Sparkle established in academia, giving lectures and setting us straight? Shenanigans? Isn't that from Waiting 2? wuwu? is that a descriptive word to describe something you can't explain? How broad is it's definition? Are you wuwu free by nature or just that awesome of a navigator?
@supremetalentcourt11 жыл бұрын
I like your comments and I demand you be my friend! What are you doing Monday?