As reminder blaming incumbent government won't solve anytbing !!! Look what happened to Khazafi and Saddam , both were removed from power but did citizens get what they dreamt of ??? Blaming is the simplest thing to do ,but which of the opposition group ready to lead Eritrea to prosperity??? Can you handle the crisis that Isaias and our people faced ??? I mysdlf as a person I hzve weakness the same to Isaias!!! Which one of you are perfect ??? In my experience I haven't seen much successful academician in political life !!! Even people with low academic achievement can show political attainment!!! As learned person I can be good in especialized area but doesn't make me fit to political challenges !!! So I prefer the incumbent government to continue and introduce gradual well studied transformation!!! We build the new improved system based on the existing reality , not dumping all positive things achieved by our people activities!!! This is a wise stand !!! Rushing as Libyan, Iraqi and Syrian will expose us to unimaginable horror!!! Thus take care of what you say !!!