Fast gold farming guide Jan2025 1. Chose gold farm zone - more is better (like 2500), you will need enough BUD (area base monster health +5), no shooters or casters in the zone who can kill your heroes. 2. Prepare and save gold farming formation with your best +gold heroes and farm stacks if needed (like Pinelope, Freely), place heroes correctly for more gold especially Mehen so he get more stacks, put 1+ familiars on field. 3. When ready (formation, BUD), put best +gold modron core (Strong), use Gold find potions, use potion of fire breath, enter gold farming zone, load gold farming formation, and wait for 100 Eric stacks (need to kill 100 monsters or 4 bosses), pause speed and fire breath potions. 4. Press Merilwen ult (+1000% gold for 30 sec), press Rust ult (he will lose gold piece = +280% gold) and press Makos ult to kill someone, boss is better for a extra +2500% gold from bosses with 3rd corellon blessing. 5. If Makos ult did not killed anyone, unpause potions and wait for ults, pause potions and repeat 4 one more time. 6. Put Freely on field with Adventurous Tale feats if he got any stacks and reset. Finished!