Please collate data of the waterways of the Yarra Ranges, to determine whether the lyrebird and platypus resident are not threatened for existence by the fouling of creeks and their banks, the protective forest floor leaf litter and destruction of food source for both species, by the "protected Feral Deer. The Deer are not worth the fee for butchery by gun users if the extinction of our local wildlife is the price of feral deer, pigs, goats and gun freak people. The deer remove cover for lyrebirds and make raids of nesting birds all too easy for fox and AWOL or feral cats. The food source for platypus and habitat does not condone mud bathing, which is the wake of herds of deer and pigs (which are more Daintree problem than Yarra Ranges, I think...). We have flesh on supermarket shelves, no one needs to grab a gun and shoot for any, ethically impaired enough we have butchery by proxy to permit people to think their animal loving hands are bloodless. No need for duck or deer to give everything living in the bush PTSD like Flanders' Field. Serial killers commence with cruelty to animals, and I suspect shooters are just dodgy and more inaccurate than they are sniper, and with no guarantee they do not shoot the wrong bird, use lead shot, and cause more agony than venison is worth. Frankly, shooting the unarmed and defenseless is bullying and makes Gaza the potential when indifference provides ethics to slide into septic lack of empathy.