dempagumi... it's still shocking to think that they will no longer be, especially in their last song they've proven just how wonderful and unique of a group they are, staying energetic and cheerful until the end. it's sad to see such a group disband, but ultimately, they are right, and the spirit of dempagumi will live on, not just in the fandom or the discography and everything they've left behind, but also in every single idol and group they've inspired, every person that sees themself represented in their work and everyone who will keep listening to idol music and being quirky ☆ it's silly, but i think that's what makes a huge part of dempagumi's legacy. so, all the best to every member and all the fans too in the future!!
アメリカから バイバイさようなら。i'm not going to attempt to write all of this in my broken japanese, すみません dempagumi, thank you for the impact you've had on my life. i was 14 when i heard ちゅるりちゅるりら for the first time in 2015. from then on, your sound and style transformed my taste in not only music, but art and fashion as well. though you have a small, humble fanbase here in the west, we will all feel your absence. you successfully delivered moe-kyun songs all across the world! お疲れ様でした、永遠にありがとう ♡