Depression and FPV

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6 жыл бұрын

FPV has become a rapidly growing hobby in our community. It is a release for many people to remove stress. Since it is affordable and reasonably easy to get into it as become popular rather quickly. For that reason it does seem like we have a large number of people that suffer from depression within the community. This live feed is dedicated talking about this disease which is not discussed often enough. We will show even those pilots that other look up to suffer from it and how it's being dealt with.
My long term dream is actually to setup something where we can regularly talk about these issues and help people with their silent demons. If you have any advice or feedback please don't hesitate to contact me. Enjoy and I hope you find it useful
If you wish to support me: / finalglideaus

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@CharpuART 6 жыл бұрын
Shows strength to talk about this things. Well done. Glad to hear you are feeling better Chad.
@CoppertopFPV 6 жыл бұрын
I have suffered depression since I was a teenager. I mask it well, and no one around me other than my loved ones knows. I find the hobby utterly relaxing. From being outdoors in the fresh air, to sniffing fumes as I'm soldering in the garage ;) it shuts up a part of myself that needs to gtfo. After 30 mins of flying on my way home from work I come home mentally refreshed and happy. Fpv is a special thing.
@AlbeeSoaring 6 жыл бұрын
This has opened my eyes to depression. I always thought that you had to be just sad and depressed all the time. This has made me take a deep look inside myself. Thank you for opening my eyes.
@ohmliebfpv2555 6 жыл бұрын
Chad, What you just put together in this video is among the most touching demonstration of courage i had witnessed for a long time. Starting to climb up from ShitCreek, you have all my compassion with what you had gone trough. My regards to all the deep and generous testimony of the participants with such integrity and openness. As I realized and admit my demons, it is then the real work begins. Cheers to you all... What a great comunity.
@KittFPV 6 жыл бұрын
Wish I could have made the live steam buddy. The first time I saw Personal Time II was the moment I realized FPV had become the way I coped with my inner battles, and suddenly everything made sense. I've been doing so much better since I started flying, somehow I was able to channel all the anxiety and depression into "dancing in the sky" and once that happened suddenly I was bursting with positivity. I just hope I can remind you what FPV truly meant to you deep down inside, and help you find that again. THANK YOU so much again from the bottom of my heart Chad for helping me find myself again.
@3dChris 6 жыл бұрын
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.... Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.... It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson Thanks for this video. This was a brilliant idea and I hope you all feel good for what you have shared and how you have each served the many many people that admire you all and felt strengthened by relating to what you have shared with us. Thank you.
@neo39wfpv72 6 жыл бұрын
been a drug addict for 20years , im clean for 4 years now been flyin fpv for 2 years it changed my life , not very good at it , but keep learning more and more :D big up D:
@wadesz4155 6 жыл бұрын
I expect this video will truly help more people than any FPV trick tutorial or build video you could have done. Kudos to you for having the guts to discuss depression in such an honest and open way. You are inspirational for much more than just your flying! Keep your head up!
@empTe81 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Chad, lately I’ve been going through things myself and have been coming to the realization that I’ve been going through them for a lot longer than I thought but over the past few months it has really overtaken me. It’s gotten to the point where flying isn’t as fun and when I’m not working I find it hard to get motivated to do anything even simple things like showering or getting out of bed. Hearing you and the others has certainly helped me feel less alone in this.
@Gabriel.A.L. 6 жыл бұрын
Love to see you talking so openly. The reason for depression is always that you restrict yourself from doing things which you are meant to do in your life. Usually its things which disappoint your parents or you would kinda dissapoint yoursef by doimg them. So you are trapped. And when you feel trapped your whole system slows down. Thats depression. These restrictions are usually not obvious and a good therapist will definitely help you to find them and you can find confidence doing them. Its really hard, but it is doable 100% to feel free and be free of depression forever.
@brewtechie205 6 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful discussion Chad - thank you for putting this together and thank you to everyone who shared their stories. Perfect example of people not sucking - need more of that!
@evanwilliams4351 6 жыл бұрын
I don't suffer depression myself, but I lost my sister to depression last year, bless her soul! and FPV and the community really helped me keep a positive outlook and keep my head up through a really tough time! great topic to address fellas, we should all be talking about these things LOT more.
@gee4zfpv 6 жыл бұрын
This was risky and you are brave for doing it! Thanks for this. Been in recovery for 13 years now so FPV is a sure fit. It’s no wonder so many describe it as FPV addiction! Nice that it’s not destructive like some other choices that can be made today. Glad you are getting the conversation going- Matty too...
@reallydeej 6 жыл бұрын
Great podcast guys. This was really helpful to listen to. For me FPV is the thing that gets me out of bed on those days when I just want to stay there and hide away. It's one of the only things I can look forward to. I get up, go to the park & fly for an hour or so & just because I've done something it helps me have enough momentum to continue on through the rest of the day and do the things I need to do like get some work done. It's the catalyst that helps me get the ball rolling each day. Been flying for a bit over a year but haven't found anyone else to fly with yet. I've posted on FB a few times looking for locals to fly with but it can be difficult arranging it because I'll arrange to go fly with someone when I'm having a good day then the day to fly with them will come and I'll be having a bad day and just can't bring myself to deal with people. It'll happen eventually though.
@ExpressiveImagery 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for doing this. I tuned in to the live session and found the practical suggestions valuable. Please continue with this concept as I'm sure a great many others will benefit from the discussions. Cheers Tony from Brisbane.
@PESKII 6 жыл бұрын
Amazing video, thank you for highlighting this topic for us to talk about further. Thank you to all involved. Nuff love to you all! X
@quaddayomfpv9606 6 жыл бұрын
word up. FPV helped give me a distraction from a shit-ton i guess. i found it after my wife passed away from cancer a few yrs back and i was left as the sole parent to my then 6 & 3 yr old boys. been a long and bumpy road since then. i have been dealing w many personal issues since, and i appreciate the frankness with which the discussion participants handled the subject of depression. we do each carry it day after day and have to invent ways to understand and manage it every time. bluntly, it is a scary and bleak landscape in there. and it is good thing to be reminded that we're not alone, even tho that's what this disease has us convinced of... thx dudes. my respect for you's extends beyond the merits of ur FPV skills.
@dronenlf 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this. To all the guys on the stream - you have my sincere gratitude.
@fawkeyes5111 6 жыл бұрын
i couldn't go outside for months. then there was this (need motivation?) video showing up from skitzo. it hit me rly hard - lost all control and cried like a baby till out of energy.. next day i didn't allowed myself to think - just putted everything i need for flying in the bag and left the house. that was so good! i almost got to the point not allowing me anything but on that day i lost some weight. now i was watching this and more than half way through you all said "exercises! exercises are sooo good!" - it hit me again. sitting there turning my head looking at my hackysack (footbag). my trinket. hadn't played in over a year, probably two. so i kept the pausing up, grabbed that hackysack and went out playing till it was getting dark. thank you so much for reminding me on me =)) almost lost connection at all. (it's not the first time those holes showed up know em my whole life. like an old friend i kept not close enough to know how he's doing. sneaky he can be.) what you did there helped me and i hope others too! there will be no single day i wont carry my little bag and play on every frkn day. thanks a lot for that talk, the ideas, the motivation o/
@AUGozzy 6 жыл бұрын
Good on you for doing and talking about this Chad, Mark, David, HM, and CC. Good to hear about how other peoples stories and how they worked through it. I hope it has shed some light on the topic for a lot of people and creates some more discussion about it, talking about it with someone helps. Hope you find your happy place again. The longest journeys always start with a single step.
@Sharkaat84 6 жыл бұрын
Once again, thank you SO much for doing this, Chad & the crew! Thank you! Hope to see more similarly themed content, too. Depression definitely needs to be talked about more.
@RYCOPZ 6 жыл бұрын
How did this not get more views I wonder? Huge thanks to you guys for stepping up and doing this podcast. Even if awareness of mental health is growing these days it's still simply not easy baring everything in public because there's still lots of stigma and ignorance around this subject. Huge thanks for having the giant brass balls and hearts it takes to put it all out there in the open and discuss it so frankly and honestly. It was a captivating to watch, informative and a massively inspiring example for the rest of us out there who deal with this stuff under the radar because hiding it is the 'convenient path', even if it's not the best one. I knew Chad N was having issues but I never imagined just how far things had gone down The Big Deep Hole. There's levels of depression and the levels Chad was talking about were terrifying because - frankly - I've been there too. That state where you're essentially isolated and completely cut off from even the most basic human activities is a horrible place to be and hearing those experiences literally brought tears of both sadness and happiness to my eyes. On the one hand it's always painful to hear about other peoples' suffering from a sympathetic point of view and from an empathetic perspective the process of hearing those stories also forces us to confront our own experiences. There's joy there too though - in terms of knowing we're not alone and in terms of hearing everybody's unique stories about their own journeys and the ways they've learned to cope and manage. Super glad whenever I hear about anyone getting that internal 'enough, must change' wake up call and starting to claw things back bit by bit. Taking those first steps of 'doing' after the 'big aha moment' (which of course comes after some pretty shitty other moments) is one of the hardest things that anyone will ever do in their life. I think the part that a lot of people don't understand very well is that it involves battling against real world problems on one hand as well as yourself on the other hand at the same time, every day, often for a very long time. The mindset of constantly simplifying things, prioritizing and moving forward one task at a time is excellent, elegantly simple advice - not just as a starting place but as something to come back to any time it's needed. It works for me and I'm glad that it was brought up here too. Practical and actionable, zero bullshit advice there. That Damn Hole will always be there waiting and It's got its own sort of gravity that'll pull you back in if you let it but in my experience the more you work at that process of keeping things simple, prioritizing as best you can and taking things one step at a time, the better you'll get at it. You'll screw up now and then but as long as you can keep getting back to basics and moving forward again then over time, you will progress and things *will* get better. I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist but I've got personal experience, patience and an open mind which I'm always happy to lend anyone else out there who needs some help. I've had issues with serious depression, anxiety and addiction for most of my life but I've reached a point where I'm pretty decent at managing the inevitable ups and downs in order to stay generally functional enough with the day to day stuff and be pretty successful overall (basic career, people, life stuff, whatever). Also, fuck those guys in the chat trying to sell weed as some kind of universal cure (let alone to a 14 year old kid). Any addiction (drugs, activities, things) is like a band aid in the very best case, destructive in many cases and just plain outright cruel torture in the worse cases. If I'd been on that podcast myself I'd have gone off on a huge ass tangent about that one. Props to Skidoosh for keeping cool. Anyhow thanks guys, y'all did an awesome thing and you're not alone.
@mgramos771102 6 жыл бұрын
I suffer from anxiety and I have been in treatment forever. Someone very close to me suffers from anxiety and depression and really struggles with it. For me the biggest thing was to find “my routine”, something I can rely on and I keep going to it when I feel my anxiety creeping in. After many years of treatment I have learned that consistency with your treatment and taking the time to recover properly is critical. No need to rush, it is a job that needs to get done properly. Hope my experience could help someone.
@benmcwhae 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks guys. was very interesting to hear your stories and I can relate to a lot of it. You're all amazing people and I look forward to everything you put out, because I know it will make me feel better about the world, just being able to relate or just for the stupid fun . I'm really hopeful that TBS and RR can sort things out and that we can all grow as a hobby and as people in general. Life's too short and it's refreshing to see you guys trying to be better and make the world a better place. That's something we should all strive for.
@hyzenthlay7151 6 жыл бұрын
A great video my friend, the things that should be said and seldom are... I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety from the age of 7... the "reason" is something very hard to treat and I hate to talk about it, it took me till the age of 28 before I could actually find the strength to seek help about it, and now, at 40, I still alternate between depression and anxiety very badly, almost to a constant... the doctors don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, most around me don't know how bad things are... but because of this alternating, I can be one minute "I don't know what to do apart from curl myself up in a ball in the corner", and the next I'm "I don't give a fuck!!". I've also suffered and do suffer now from terrible social anxiety throughout my life which I tried to hide by being the prankster or the fun one of the group, but now I'm so overloaded from that that I seldom leave my house anymore... my shrink has even officially put down a moderate level of agoraphobia on his diagnosis, and this is the same one that's been following me for the last 12 years... the computer screen is my main window to the outside world. I've gotten to the point where I'm "scared" (it's not the right word for what I feel, but I don't know what word would be the correct one) to go outside. I've tried medication, but the problem is as it helps with one thing, it blows the other out of proportion... for example, if I take antidepressants, they help with my depression phases, but cause my anxiety attacks to get to "going to the ER" level. Antianxiety meds helps with the anxiety very well, but cause my depression to get to levels of low I never imagined possible... as a result it's been recommended to stay off both of them and treat things in the moment as they arise, which is nowhere near as effective, but doesn't cause such a bad side effect. I don't know if I will ever get out of it, I can't say I really remember a time not suffering from depression or anxiety, and hiding it for so long, and from such a young age has been very taxing on me... so I guess the future for me is crazy cat lady that never leaves her house... I have one cat, just need another 19 or so more now!! FPV is a release when I can get outside... but unfortunately, more often than not, I put off plans to go out and fly because that would mean walking through that front door. People say "ahh, you should just go out and not think about things", and that's why I don't like to talk about things with people, because it's just so misunderstood, and very often downplayed or belittled, and you feel almost ridiculed by people because of how they see you making a mountain out of a molehill. But that would be like curing a broken leg by going out for a run!! I'm glad you're finding the way to deal with the issues, all of you... good luck on the rest of that journey!! And I think it's such a shame I can only like this video once...
@RYCOPZ 6 жыл бұрын
Well, you aren't alone.
@Bradley_271 6 жыл бұрын
Andrea Woodvine beautifully
@ledchickenfpv7164 4 жыл бұрын
Hey there, I hope you're doing well a year later. I wanted to chime in with a "me too" on the depression and the difficulty leaving the house, or even bed quite often. I'm doing a ton better these days although I'm currently having some health issues that are making it very challenging to keep a positive attitude. I wanted to throw an idea out there that came to me as I read your comment. The "getting out there" is still a challenge for me, for various reasons sometimes, and I've found that cranking up a good simulator like liftoff can be a bit of a mood booster and helps to motivate me to get out and fly the real thing. There sure seem to be a lot of us drawn to this hobby. I'm starting to think we represent a not insignificant percentage of those in the hobby. There's strength in numbers and if we all try to reach out on occasion to support each other, maybe we can make a difference.
@djilly75 6 жыл бұрын
i have struggled with drug addiction for many years and FPV fills the huge void the addiction causes. Not only me but a close friend of mine also. It has changed both of our lives, extremely. All the programs and rehab shit never worked for me. Now i am completely obsessed with FPV and i believe it is a very healthy obsession. I want to say thank you to people like Chad for the inspiration that got me into this wonderful hobby. Its not just a hobby,. Its a way of life.
@David__ 6 жыл бұрын
There are no easy answers, but openly sharing & talking about it, what works, what doesn't helps us to understand we're all human & can help. Thanks for being brave + sharing :)
@prinztom8652 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! Talking about this stuff is totally important. I am having issues for many years and I am in treatment since 2014 now. Things are getting better...
@themajik1 6 жыл бұрын
Chad, Chad, Jon Davis, Skidoosh, and everyone else... This was much needed for sure. Not just in FPV but everywhere. Thank you for starting the conversation, and hopefully it will never stop being a conversation for us all. Thank you!!!
@AbdulAleemShekhani 6 жыл бұрын
This was the beswt thing ever. Thank you so much for sharing so much and so deep.
@Fincky 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this. I'm sure it will help a lot of people.
@nicecrash 6 жыл бұрын
One of the best FPV Videos i have seen so far...pants down First Person View !
@corywilliamsmith 6 жыл бұрын
I'm depressed and fpv whenever I feel like I want to get out. A great escape that's for sure but wish I was as consistent and able to afford my favorite hobby which has branched off into my life passion if electronics and electricity in general- down to quantum physics. I love it
@FustFPV 6 жыл бұрын
FPV saved my life around 8 months ago. Ever since, because im out of work due to a heart condition and aspergers, depression and severe social anxiety, i have spent every moment im awake either flying, building or editing. Its the only way i have kept sane while out of work bored and the only reason i can leave my house
@airdevil21 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys!
@gregolejniczak5631 6 жыл бұрын
WOW, I Love you guys! This helped me so much...
@michaelmasters6320 5 жыл бұрын
Yes I watched the whole feed some 5 months after the fact. No I'm not a pilot(yet maybe), a lot of what the guys said is very relevant for me right now. I'm closer to 50 than 40 and have been dealing with depression since my teens, first my twin sisters and from my early 20's my own. There were long periods where I thought I was fixed!! But in reality there are only remissions. You guys have given me the push to fight for another remission, that starts now. Thanks. Mike
@didactylos4diddy474 6 жыл бұрын
I couldn't watch this live as my connection won't handle live vids. It's good to talk openly about this. It helps fellow sufferers to realise that they/we are not alone, not by a long way. I can't FPV since my eye operations but any flying helps me find a calm space. Not a cure, I don't believe there is one, but it helps me to live with it.
@MIKEYDREADFPV 6 жыл бұрын
This was a great chat, i dont suffer with depression but im sarounded by it in family members and friends and this was an eye opener to helping me understand and maybe now i can help rather than not understanding them.
@Padraignotlad 6 жыл бұрын
Holy shit, Just watched this, and just wanted to say thank you. It's nice to know I'm not alone, when I feel all alone. I cried like 10 times watching and listening to all your stories. I don't even know what else to say....
@robbritton4715 6 жыл бұрын
my depression got better when my mum was diagnosed with dementia n i had to step up n move her in with me it gave my life purpose and direction. iv not had a bout of depression for 6 years now
@jrb1490 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone who is involved in the production of this video. It's nice to know that there are others that struggle with this very very real issue. I am just starting my for career and it can only get better from here if there is support like this in the community. You all are AUSOME!!😆😂😆🖖
@jrb1490 5 жыл бұрын
@touchthesun2448 6 жыл бұрын
Chad....I love you, and what you are doing. I suffer too. I look forward to meeting you...I will seek you out. I especially like the fact of both Chads being so forthcoming about depression. I have a spinal injury, from work. It has cost life. Everything...not unlike many others I struggle with it every day. You and Kapper have my prayers and support. Forever..... my advice....always act like you can't wait, TILL RIGHT NOW!
@ledchickenfpv7164 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I'm a year late to this party. but i'm so glad i stumbled across this. The reason why I think of a lot of you as brothers despite never having met you just became a lot clearer. It's interesting that several of you said the antidepressants stifled your creativity. I was on them for over a decade, and they likely saved my life, but to me it felt like they just "flatlined" my emotions. They took the edge off the downs, but anything good was also just "meh".It took a really long time, but it was really strange when my emotions came back. I'd be watching something on TV and suddenly find myself choked up and close to tears because something touched me. five years or so later, it still happens occasionally. It makes me wonder if the main reason why doctors keep people on them for life is the allmighty dollar. If any of you who participated her see this, thank you!
@fpvlegion 6 жыл бұрын
This was insightful... Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde is always a day to day reality, being a creativity professional it gets very intense, the drain to materialize ideas & returns, feeling empty and drained gets me in that sulfuric mood that just melts all good in reality & family.... and so on... Flying FPV has been a great drive, but I get really tired and get really angry when I come back to the real world... SO, FPV and quads is a great outlet but has its own dark corner for me... Video waves are not good for my brain maybe... Never mind...Thanks for the live feed and all the speakers involved! BE WELL!!!
@philbx1 6 жыл бұрын
Great information guys! I had an RC pal who suffered from both anxiety and depression. Unfortunately his genius levels in building and flying required him to spend money and on the 'opposition' were his ex-wife who (reasonably) needed monetary support for the kids. Sadly he gave up on the balance of trying to defeat anxiety and depression and decided to switch off permanently.
@JK-FPV 6 жыл бұрын
I love you guys for this
@thomascee 6 жыл бұрын
Absolutely epic. Awesome awesome awesome. I can relate. Those of us who seem to be the happiest most times have the lowest lows, and I'm no exception.
@krsfpv6514 6 жыл бұрын
I suffer from Depression big time, along with some other horrible mental illnesses. FPV really helps me get by, it's something to live for.
@falafelbiels 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes FPV pilots are almost like people. Also, Kapper is dutch for hairdresser.
@GosHawkFPV 6 жыл бұрын
People disliking a video about depression awareness. GG!
@zeebeefpv2273 6 жыл бұрын
Great to just hear people vent and to vent oneself can be a real help for people like us. I like: when you see a ray of light: run for it. They are rare when you’re so far down. Also people: fake it til you make it. Pretending to be happy as a coping strategy helps. All my happiness has been accompanied by gut health, not sure what that really means causality-wise. Thanks Z
@LUNCHBOXFPV 6 жыл бұрын
great podcast. this is something great for the community. thank you guys
@zaqwsx28 6 жыл бұрын
Losing a hobby is a devastating blow because it's how I recharge.
@neilrobertson1345 6 жыл бұрын
Great vid learnt heaps that you Chad & guys
@JiraiyaPlaysRetroGames 6 жыл бұрын
Really Sorry I missed this Chad, I've gone through the same thing when I started thinking I was crap at flying and nearly quit. Had it not been for a few good mates and a supportive wife I'd have given up on everything.
@Autocharge1 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I think we all try and escape something in life there are two ways this can go positive or negative. I find FVP helps escape earthly bounds giving you an out of body experience and the technical side fills your mind full of wonder and exploration you dont have time to fall to a dark side. When flying it gives me escape to a point where I can look at realty in a positive way. The FPV community is mostly warm, friendly and helpful, FinalGlideAus has always been someone that puts a smile on my face and I have the upmost respect. Hope you fix things up, I have Lost so many friends to depression ......
@MCsCreations 6 жыл бұрын
I have depression and I only had 2 experiences with fpv (with a rc car). And it's really awesome, I can't put the sensation in words. Anyway, I'm going to build today or tomorrow my first quad, a cheap brushed one, to learn to fly. 😊
@robertdroner 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Chad!
@slowentropy4531 2 жыл бұрын
Still helping years on.
@MCrObOt18 6 жыл бұрын
I have pondered this much about myself with my history.
@briansowder10 6 жыл бұрын
My dad lost his battle with depression in 2008. Suicide gives a form of PTSD to the living victims. The wound will remain for the rest of their lives. The immediate affects will fade but the scar will remain and cause pain and hurt for the rest of my life....I am determined to not have the same fate despite my inherited depression. It is hard but I could never do what father done to me and my siblings to my kids. It must stop. R/C keeps me sane my wife says every time I threaten to quit doing it.
@aNf0m0f0 5 жыл бұрын
Wondering how you are going now Chad, im a brissy boy myself and dealing with a very different beast with depression this time around. Mindfulness was previously my way of controlling my internal dialogue, though this time around awareness and acceptance hasnt helped. FPV saved me and felt like the only light but at the same time obsession is an extreme, which can be detrimental. Embracing the power of intent and expectation vs realised goals and acknowledge every actual positive release of energy. Its a physical to mental to social back to physical feedback loop for me this time. Watching this because last night my mate who id had a falling out with a few months ago approached me to ask about how to get help for depression, half of our fallout was me trying to break through to him. Its a real awakener that we really need to talk about this more as a culture, i forgot how hard it is to ask for help that first time. On the spectrum and proud of it, embrace the social awkwardness of it all with pride and wear it like a badge of honor .... but dont be a c&#t .... fight doesnt work and flight ruins relationships and trust and as i have discovered not acting or speaking up is just as damaging to the self. Self employed IT highly social (i try) introverted smart arse. Damn you guys hit it on the head
@FinalGlideAus 5 жыл бұрын
AnFo FPV I’m doing really well mate. You’re never fully out of the hole but the important thing is you don’t stop climbing. My hardest struggle but most important was to remove my last relationship and embrace another. Instead of struggling with being constantly not good enough I now have someone who is my rock. That has really helped me to continue standing when I feel I can’t. When the storm weathers you finally realise it’s just a matter of perspective. All storms pass
@marcoesser2 6 жыл бұрын
Great and helpful format. Like to see more of that. Why was Skitzo disconnected ?
@Dailyartpallette 6 жыл бұрын
You are not alone.
@barry.anderberg 6 жыл бұрын
I expect this to be dismissed and ridiculed but I'll share it anyway. I suffered from anxiety and depression. After surrendering my life to Jesus Christ, much to my astonishment He completely changed my entire mind and thought process. I've never experienced any depression or anxiety since, and how can I? My life is hidden in Christ and I walk in the confidence of knowing that I am loved and redeemed. I have been given genuine purpose and real meaning, the lack of which I think is at the root of all anxiety and depression.
@Six2226 6 жыл бұрын
Wow..... I would like to talk to you about this goal you have. YOU are the very first pilot.... let alone person, I can, but more importantly, allow myself to relate to. If that makes any sense at all....
@flowwolf1242 6 жыл бұрын
Big help guys
@tjsspyder 4 жыл бұрын
thank you guys so much, thats all I can say Thank you. how the crap do i get ahold of one you lol?
@JC-zg2id 6 жыл бұрын
The things of this world that we find purpose in will fade always fade away. Inevitably, u will always be left with a deep canyon in the deepest part of your soul. Quads will become boring or something one day and u will be left staring at the ceiling again. I love u, and that’s why I ask to try Jesus. I don’t know what the state of the Protestant church is in Australia, but find a church that focuses on the most important thing in this universe: your personal relationship with Christ. I wish u the best bud!
@bendozafpv8492 6 жыл бұрын
Feelfreeflyfpv that's it for me..
@juniorvalentine8837 6 жыл бұрын
Hurting ppl around me is the reason i haven't ended my life but feel as if even this argument is getting harder to justify for me. My parents look at me as if i am Satan due to me not being able to cope sometimes. My children dont talk to me because i often camt find the strength to leave my bed. My partner is carrying the burden of dealing with me and doesnt feel loved. I have no money to buy proper equipment to fly and the stuff i do have is broken 90percent of the time due to being cheap junk. My grandson is too young to understand if i was to die tonight. Other than my lady im feeling like the people in my life actually need to understand my struggle and suicide would best explain it. My lady would be better off without me. I'm sorry if this is dark but im so tired of life. I'm ready to give up because ive been trying for 20yrs to be a real man and have done nothing but fail. If succeeding in suicide is the last thing i do at least ill succeed at something in life FOR ONCE
@atmofpv9085 6 жыл бұрын
@giantboy 6 жыл бұрын
@schmudge 6 жыл бұрын
Depression comes from the downers trying the dumbness to squash the hobby that we have been shown to escape those jerks in the first place. Now I have caught the Bruce Simpson Syndrone or I could just blame Global Warming
@adayinthelife5772 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ is your only hope. The knowledge of God is the beginning of sorrows.
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