Derestrict Your Maddog 50cc GY6 Scooter for FREE

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Mini Me

Mini Me

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@themajordipp6769 8 ай бұрын
Just got my 50cc mad dog the other day,glad to see someone making videos on them can’t find a whole lot of info on them
@GhettoWrench 7 ай бұрын
I plan to make a lot more but I gave my wheels and other goodies yo a guy for powdercoating. He has had them over a month 😳
@OrgBobaFret 6 ай бұрын
Yeah mine just came the other day the gas gauge doesn't work which is fine but now it won't start it cld be the battery but I'm not sure I'm a single chick who has to figure this out alone I guess 😬
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
@OrgBobaFret most likely not getting fuel with the vacuum pump system. Just make sure that black hose going to the manifold between the Carburetor and the engine is super tight. That is the biggest vacuum leak area. Mine leaked when I got it. If you can't get it to idle consistently then it is prob leaking. That leak will prevent fuel being pumped into carb and make it hard to start
@OrgBobaFret 6 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench Yeah I'll check that out thx luv💜
@seanmayo206 5 ай бұрын
I guess it's possible. Mine didn't.
@diegogween-bd7ug 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video. I myself have a 2019 long story short. Runout of gas. When I went to put gas into it, I tried firing the engine backup but I was unsuccessful. Due to the unique designs I have found close to zero luck In finding a mechanic. So I've been doing my own research educating myself of course on what I have and I now feel that I am ready to start working on it. Wish me luck. I'm in the hopes that it will crank back up. Seriously based on my trike experience in the means of my research. Every soul says as I do. They are really FUN to ride. Thanks to KZbinrs who share videos just like yours I have found myself learning something I never imagined capable of. I did like and subscribed to your channel by the way. Blessings from Arizona
@GhettoWrench 7 ай бұрын
Watch this video. It will 100% fix your issues. What you said is so common. And thanks for the positive words.
@Broken_AK47 8 ай бұрын
those tiny engine are so restructed that you can make them faster just caughing over it..... you did a very good job there buddy. you pretty much hit the limit with free mods there. only one thing left that can help at high rpm is port-matching. same size doesnt mean they fit properly together :) gas mixed with the air will travel at like 400 km/h. so imagine half a milimeter off between the intake and the intake port. on my 4 139qmb just doing a dead simple port matching made a HUUUUGE difference at high rpm ( for a stock 139qmb, 8k rpm is HIGH ). different for each engine ofcourse, but the best gains i got was 7km/h. thats alot for a free mod. best bang for the bucks is a glixal BBK with a Naraku sport or race variator and a honda dio rear pulley from NCY ( yup 139qmb share some parts with the beautifull af18 honda dio ). those cost money, but Naraku and NCY are top quality parts for g6 engine. all them 3 ( 50 125 and 150cc ). taida is very good too. only the naraku is "forged"crank. other are just very strong crank not forged. this means if you go with a bbk and a good crank, you still be limited to max torque at 6700 or so ( i said max torque not max power ). if youg et the naraku, not only it will handle a 52mm ( 88cc ) bbk but also at 10k rpm all day long non stop. no other crank will allow that mix of high rpm and huuuuuge bore. thats how good Naraku is. to be fair, Naraku is the polini malossi sage6 quality for 4 stroke. and for bad mouths out there, its not chinese crap. its taiwan quality. with a BBK if over 47mm ( 72cc ), get a crank if yours if over 10k km. else you're good to go no worry. Naraku win hands down once again, but there is also Jasil. other good crank brand make stroker, and stroker is unleriable shit like in car. another cheap option, but ive been told they changed now, is a stock Kymbo crank. they sue the same chiness 139qmb engine but better crank ( kymco = taiwan ). thier crank is like twice as strong as stock chinese crank. but be aware, they might not fit in anymore. i know those engine better than my 20 years old pants pocket. i fucking lose them. they're strong, RELIABLE, cheap to repair. even when modified they stay reliable as hell when built properly. one thing ive always wondered tho, how do they handle with fatty tire like that ?
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
So looking at that port matching stuff. I have a complete set of drimmel bits etc. Is this something I should watch videos on and trying myself? Also I really don't see anyone online who does legit flow bench head porting on these GY6 engines.
@Broken_AK47 8 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench you aint gonna see that anytime soon budy. people hate 4 stroke so its not gonna happen. watch alot of videos before trying. and a MOST : practice on a old/broken head !!!!! dont use dremel bits. waste of tiem and they will shred in no time. use carbid burr as everyone so ! on a stock engine, the difference is not so visible. but when modified with bbk and bigger carb, they wake the engine so much ! im about to test a prototype soon. i dont care if anyone test before, i want result not be famous : some sort of coating that make water/liquid slip on the surface like they do on a windshield ( the fuck is the product name in english ??? only know in french ). so gas/air mix wont crash as much on the walls at 400 km/h. just an idea i had years ago. properly, but DO IT !!!! worth the time and investment ( a set of carbid burr on temu/aliexpress/amazon ). mine is from temu and been using it since 7 month on a daily basis no problem.
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
@@Broken_AK47 teflon! LOL
@Broken_AK47 8 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench i think thats about right... fucking adhd. how is it even possible to forget that when you use it since YEARS dammit...
@ДмитрийКлепиков-к6х 9 ай бұрын
Good job! Don't stop! More videos on 50cc!
@jeremyhope6869 9 ай бұрын
Great job showing where the potential restrictions are. Love the way you dealt with the exhaust. Freaking genius lol. I know you said no way you would put a wbo2 sensor on, but that cat bulge cleaned out would be a great place to put one 😂
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
Great idea. Would be perfect. Even I may be able to weld that. LOL. Ya I want to do an AFR video. I'm going to tune it best I can then see how much better the AFR gets it. Those wideband AFRs r expensive!
@ZCRAIZED1 9 ай бұрын
It's amazing that the modifications you did made that big of a difference. It all makes sense just no sense why they build them that way. Thank you for all the great ideas.
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
I think is all to pass our emissions standards. The exhaust sniffer test. American cars design them to do it. Other countries don't so they just restrict them till they pass. That's my guess anyway
@ZCRAIZED1 9 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench Crazy to me to do it that way but that's probably how they can still make them the price they are. If they designed something that was perfectly efficient with the same power who knows what that would cost. Thanks for all your effort doing these videos. I'm hoping the comments and likes will get the algorithm to spread your channel more.
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
@ZCRAIZED1 thanks. And imagine China sells a million more scooters to India and other Asian countries where they don't do all the USDOT stuff and they are fast out of the box.
@ZCRAIZED1 9 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench I didn't even think of that. So we get the garbage and everyone else gets the best. All because big brother wants something a certain way. I would think they would be happy we are using a scooter instead of a gas hog to begin with. Lol.
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
@ZCRAIZED1 IKR. They don't take into account you are barely burning fuel compared to the US #1 car... the F150.
@hesperidesbell4643 8 ай бұрын
So glad to find this channel. Right before, i told myself id have to make videos like these because nobody else was 😆
@jayb5623 6 ай бұрын
I just finished up the exhaust pipe mod thanks to your video! Thank you. It sounds pretty nice.
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
Awesome thanks
@KumaThaBear 9 ай бұрын
Love the video will definitely do this soon Just gotta get the parts and rivet gun when I get paid. Great boost for little modification.
@thelagmeister 5 ай бұрын
Cool video. I've taken apart many scooters and have never once seen a "restrictor". I was wondering what is the elevation you are at? I think the baffle removal could have been its own video. I wasn't expecting you to do that and you're the only person I've seen removing it. That was really cool.
@GhettoWrench 5 ай бұрын
@@thelagmeister thanks. I'm at sea level here in florida. We'll 65 feet. LOL
@nickrivas9867 4 ай бұрын
Would love to see you do a video on installing a 150cc engine on a 50cc maddog. If it’s even possible. Thanks
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@nickrivas9867 It's def possible and kinda hoping I blow up this 50 so I can do just that. LOL
@nickrivas9867 4 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench Thanks for your response sir. Not really hoping you blow your engine tho. But would certainly be helpful to some of us out here to cya go through the process of doing it and upgrade our own 50s.
@christophersherratt7299 7 ай бұрын
For got to ask bud have you turned down the flywheel about a C.M each side of the pick up sensor NOT SURE what depth you can take of but you will know and can you get to use a water jet cnc or use a plasma cutter cut on the big size so you can file or dremel it to One of them Very expensive Polini Clutch covers Should be able to print photos off one on line to get your cuts marked out save $$$$ if you can't get to use the other stuff plas cnc you could always cut the clutch with dremel or hand held oscillating machine hope this get you thinking 🤔
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
Ya I had someone else asking about me doing a lighter flywheel. I had a light one on mx bike for a few races but noticed I stalled the engine more so got rid of it. I guess with the CVT it would work good. And seems there is plenty of spinning mass in the CVT to compensate
@luafaia5113 4 ай бұрын
I just got a Maddog 150cc trike n it runs great but I am waiting to get my mikuni fuel filter, jw I am new to this n trying to learn as much as I can, that is why I started following you, if I add the nibbi air filter will I have to add anything else to make up for the newly added air filter?
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@@luafaia5113 no. You will tune the nibbi eventually, but it runs great right out of the box with the jetting that is in it.
@luafaia5113 4 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench coolio thanks, so I do not have to tune the carburetor after I put in the air filter, I watched a few saying they had to retune the carburetor after adding the air filter
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@luafaia5113 I made a video tuning the stock carb on my 150 and also the 50. It may have been worth 1mph more, but a PITA unless you have spare carb screws and extra jets etc.
@Volibarreto 4 ай бұрын
Question: is the bracket that holds the muffler by the back tire removable?
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@Volibarreto yes. You will see in later videos of that bike it is gone. Easy to take off, but have make something to hold the muffler.
@Volibarreto 4 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench thanks for the fast reply! Will I need to purchase anything extra (other than new/better shock) for this mod? And also, do you have an instagram?
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@Volibarreto you should not need anything else. I font even know my Instagram. LOL. My FB Messenger is Ted Edgar. I am standing in a full face helmet next to red mountain bike I think.
@danjim7056 4 ай бұрын
I juat put together a x pro 50 and it tops out at 40mph out of the box. Varified with gps. I was actuality pretty shocked.
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@danjim7056 that's great. Is it like a regular moped with skinny back tire and aerodynamics? Those things can be made pretty fast.
@danjim7056 4 ай бұрын
@GhettoWrench Tires are a bit thicker than normal, it seems. It's a cheap xpro oahu with 12" vs the typical 10" most of the cheap China ones have. I'd rather have a real ruckus clone (or actual rukus) aI think they look freaking awesome.
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@danjim7056 they do look cool. Have you spend some money though
@motorizedbicyclenation53cu90 5 ай бұрын
Ya know adjusting the variation weights just remove a couple and voila power
@GhettoWrench 5 ай бұрын
@motorizedbicyclenation53cu90 oh ya. Have quite a videos showing the results. Look at some of the more recent ones on that 50. 👍
@michaelmosley1385 4 ай бұрын
What size drive belt those 50cc take stock. I'm confused in buying one
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@michaelmosley1385 the maddog 50 is technically an "extra long" case so it takes a 788-18-30 belt.
@michaelmosley1385 4 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench thanks will order soon
@jayb5623 6 ай бұрын
Do you know what would cause these bikes to take so long to start? Every time I go to start mine it take 5 or 6 tries. I'm going to replace all of the clamps to see if that fixes it. It's a bit embarrassing though trying to start this thing.
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
Just hard to make vacuum at "cranking" engine speeds to get the fuel in the bowl. Fuel evaporates out of the bowl after sitting awhile. The pilot jet used for starting is way higher than the main Jet so the bowl has to be really full. A regular carb u could give it throttle to pull in fuel from the main Jet or add "choke" and pull in fuel from the enriching Jet, but the stock CVK carb does not give you control of that. I use electric pumps on everything. Fires up as soon as you hit the button every time.
@jayb5623 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your reply. Good to know that there technically isn't anything wrong with it. I'm worried the starter won't last long with how long it takes to start. I'm knew to all of this so it is a learning process. Great videos though!
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
@jayb5623 I had the same thoughts. Hard on starter and battery. Make sure that vacuum line going to your intake manifold between the carb and engine is SUPER tight. That nipple is smaller than all others on the bike and isn't big enough for that black hose attached to it. You should not be able to easily twist or pull off that hose. It is the most common vacuum leak area. If loose the use pliers to put a zip tie on it really tight.
@jayb5623 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. I bought better clamps and will replace all of them on the bike. I read some message boards where people replaced the fuel pump with a Japanese one and that helped a great deal. I think I would rather buy an electric pump though instead. I watched your video on installing an electric pump on your red 150cc. Will that same electric pump work on my 50cc?
@GhettoWrench 6 ай бұрын
Just hard to make vacuum at "cranking" engine speeds to get the fuel in the bowl. Fuel evaporates out of the bowl after sitting awhile. The pilot jet used for starting is way higher than the main Jet so the bowl has to be really full. A regular carb u could give it throttle to pull in fuel from the main Jet or add "choke" and pull in fuel from the enriching Jet, but the stock CVK carb does not give you control of that. I use electric pumps on everything. Fires up as soon as you hit the button every time.
@scootersonlyrepair6773 24 күн бұрын
10:49 it almost seems quieter
@GhettoWrench 24 күн бұрын
@scootersonlyrepair6773 I could have had my viser closed and I think I was having microphone issues on that video and may have made it fake stereo from just sound on one side so that could be it too. I had just got a mic for the gopro. It was a learning curve. 🤣
@54majid 8 ай бұрын
tu devrais acheter un nouveau variateur pour que la courroie monte tout en haut , d'origine des galets de 5.5 grammes sont top sur cylindre origine 50cc
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
je vais. cette chose recevra toutes les modifications apportées. je veux utiliser le polini 95 mm pour ça
@La_LoveU 9 ай бұрын
I just bought one myself used I need to know how to change the speed meter plss make video im waiting
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
Man I made that video fast. LOL
@La_LoveU 8 ай бұрын
Need some help with mines and hay could this be
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
With what?
@jessetrimble7312 4 ай бұрын
Can this be done on a 150
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@@jessetrimble7312 100%. Watch my videos on the black 150. I do all the same stuff from brand new.
@ZCRAIZED1 9 ай бұрын
I had no idea the 50s only go 30 out of the box.
@GhettoWrench 9 ай бұрын
Ya they are pretty slow
@markn2393 8 ай бұрын
Myn did like 40 out of the box but I'm light so idk
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
@@markn2393 Thats great. You got a good one. Weight does make a difference as the CVT transmission will stay in a lower gear with more weight.
@markn2393 8 ай бұрын
@@GhettoWrench yea it's a 2022 taotao pony 50 did 40 mph gps stock. It's a 1p39qmb so who knows. Some people were saying the p codes are better engines??
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
@@markn2393 Ok that makes sense. Maddogs are super slow compared to other 50 scooters it seems. The P code makes no difference. My 50s say 1P39... also. Maybe it is the newer one. I have only seen P codes. I think the poor aerodynamics and make a big dif. the TaoTao 150s go about 10mph faster than the maddogs also with the same engine.
@TiredOldMann 7 ай бұрын
If your going Maddog you gotta go 150 .
@GhettoWrench 7 ай бұрын
I have two 150s. But the wife does not want to do the motorcycle course so she will be on the 50. But it needs to go fast enough for city riding. She just rides in the city when we take them in the truck for overnights etc.
@oldstyleanalog6459 8 күн бұрын
Raise ur needle 1 or 2 clips.make 5 holes on air box and install ur airbox.
@howardlangford8087 8 ай бұрын
Probably kilometers per hour
@GhettoWrench 8 ай бұрын
Probably NOT. Stop being a hater. I ain't the one spreading lies🤪
@comatose3788 4 ай бұрын
I got one of these years 4 years ago. To date it has been running for about 3 months on and off. It cost to much to even have it looked at anymore. Just junk.
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@comatose3788 ya and if you don't constantly work on them... they quit running and if you are not a fair mechanic you will never get it going again.
@comatose3788 4 ай бұрын
​@@GhettoWrench I wouldn't say I'm a mechanic, but I've never had a problem keeping anything else running. It's made of junk, and there is a real problem with the carburetors. The gas in the US is, believe it or not, not clean enough for it, and it really needs higher octane than even premium. Really doesn't matter if you replace everything. It will just start getting all gummed up again. It's just not made well enough to be what it is. After really looking around at it, the pot metal shaft holding the front forks in place was all I needed to see.
@GhettoWrench 4 ай бұрын
@@comatose3788 agree
@robertmarquez9545 Ай бұрын
6 million dollar man😅
@GhettoWrench Ай бұрын
@robertmarquez9545 😆 yep! Aging myself there.
@mrjaybennett80 7 ай бұрын
That is slow AF my minibike goes 55 mph
@GhettoWrench 7 ай бұрын
Have you seen my mini bike? Ghost 212. Street legal. 57mph. This thing is way heavier and a 49cc. So it is actually NOT slow "AF" for what it is. I have a 150 that does 80 so If your minibike is a 212 then....
@applepoop10 6 ай бұрын
I think that back tire may be causing you to lose some top speed.
@GhettoWrench 5 ай бұрын
LOL. For sure. I did the small back tire in this video and gained a lot of speed.
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