Design Point-Of-Failure and Redundancy!🤓 From the Depths

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@scorpion563 Жыл бұрын
Going to say I disagree entirely with the 1st example, loosing something like 40% PPV on what's supposed to be a power dense engine is really bad, though the point of system redundancy isn't a bad one.
@scorpion563 Жыл бұрын
Also the issue with the titsnslang is that all the engines are in one area, the point of redundancy is to spread them out across the craft so one big aphe shell doesn't gut the entire room.
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
​@@scorpion563 the room is big enough that a single APHE can't completely the room, it'll partially gut it, but it won't fully. Although I'd argue it would be a good idea to chuck some armour down the middle of that room and potentially compartmentalise the room more, so that a single hollow point doesn't just render a large area of buoyancy useless, whilst also keeping more of your engines alive on a penetrating shot.
@Culpride Жыл бұрын
Pro-Tip: You can connect the gage snakes of two APS-guns on the same turret, set the firing rate in the firing pieces to max and in the local weapon controller to the desired combined rate. That way a lost firing piece doesnt diminish firepower.
@solitaregames Жыл бұрын
can you explain further how to link two fire pieces please?
@lanej5828 Жыл бұрын
@GMODISM Жыл бұрын
How would that work, seems only of of them get connected and working no?
@vaultence9859 Жыл бұрын
@@GMODISM I think the idea is to build each of the firing pieces separately and then create a 'bridge' between them so that when one is destroyed the components will be reallocated to the working firing piece. The problem is that you would need to destroy the bridge and rebuild it every time the vehicle is put into play, otherwise one firing piece will take the entire weapon system. I guess you could do that on purpose, where 1 firing piece is supposed to take it all and other firing pieces take over when that one is destroyed, but I personally don't think that's very practical even though it technically works.
@Airdown Жыл бұрын
I agree completely.Redundancy is excellent, though you always have to balance it with the efficiency bonus of building larger single units. For example a 4 firing piece turret is usually better than one, but if they're railguns then you're going to be spending lots more resources on chargers & and energy making 4 guns effective than one. The same goes for steam engines burning resources. It just depends on what you want for how much you want to spend. If yall're building big then I'd reccomend building things like engines just large enough to get the efficiency you want, then copy pasting them into opposing spots on your craft
@UnknownSquid Жыл бұрын
I did this with my battleships big cram cannons. Six barrelled turrets (two sets of three double stacked), and each ones connector snaked down into three separate "cake layers" split front and back. Each layer had heavy armour in between. I also built an extra chonky defence platform version of it instead, layered in six meters of extra stone cuz why not, with an AI and it's own ammo supply mounted on the back.
@GMODISM Жыл бұрын
You know, I feel the same with Draconia, it is redundant but it's unnecessarily expensive and my laser was so not redundant, in any case we had the biggest debate about multibarrel vs singlebarrel crams in my discord and some people feel quite strongly about that, so I will do some tests but I do feel that the redundancy of multi barrel probably outweighs the possible material benefits of single, but we shall see!
@Foxtrot_UniformCharlieKilo Жыл бұрын
I tend to take tips from The Survivability Onion. Don't be there to be attacked, don't be seen, don't be targeted, don't be fired at, don't be hit, don't be penetrated, don't be killed. Replacing armor with speed and maneuverability, redundancy, spacing, active/passive protection systems, and what I like to call, the US Navy way of damage repair, can often lead to a better combat vehicle. (edit) Ment damage control, not damage repair
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
There's two schools of thought when it comes to defenses, and combining them in a single fleet actually gives very good results. The Onion Defense, as you have outlined, and the Immovable Object defense. Immovable object defense is basically, you sacrifice speed for armour, you're big, you have a minimum of triple redundancy in any system with more redundancies the more important it is, and you have fuck tons of active defenses. The Flagship in most fleets should utilise Immovable Object Defense, while the rest use Onion Defense. Reason being, your flagship is going to be your biggest craft, so it's the one that's going to get targeted, which helps contribute to onion defense of your smaller craft.
@IainDoherty51 Жыл бұрын
With regards for Steam Engines, Large steam engines are so much better in terms of survivability than smaller ones. The large ones just have so much more health per piece that they generally need to be completely destroyed in order to cease functioning and can be built without any fragile parts like pipes.
@NearQuasar Жыл бұрын
Please make a most wanted on the White flayers’s new Leviathan.
@DSIREX_ Жыл бұрын
Vard. Is that you?
@mechastophiles2118 Жыл бұрын
Additionally, with CRAM there eventually is a point of diminishing returns. There's only so much damage a doom CRAM can do to a single location.
@ValentineC137 Жыл бұрын
APHE Doom CRAM my beloved
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
Another point to raise is redundant movement systems/types. For example, being able to switch the craft between surface and subsurface or surface and air, for short periods of time, such as for dodging huge missiles or torpedoes. Another good point is redundant detection, and this needn't be on the same craft, you could, for example, have a set of small drones on your craft, that feed redundant targeting data to your ship, so that you can continue to target the enemy even after all of your detection has been shot off.
@BorderWise12 Жыл бұрын
Good points! Should've mentioned those. 👍
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
@@BorderWise12 you did already mention quite a bit, so it's fine. The redundant detection is also something you can put on small craft. IIRC, you can make an actual pretty effective detection drone, that doesn't even look half bad, for around 2000 materials, using a propeller and either a single piston fuel engine or a small electric engine, whichever your main craft can provide for better. For an extra few hundred materials you can even give them limited combat ability, using single rail small missiles, adding further weapon redundancy to your craft.
@Feraligono Жыл бұрын
But magazine detonation is a fun and engaging mechanic.
@SuwinTzi Жыл бұрын
As someone who likes to build small ships, my entire craft is a single point of failure. But they're cheap so it's okay. Joking aside, the survivability of weapons that have "necks" could be improved if you offset the neck back by 1m, so the neck has room for 2m of frontal armor instead of 1m of all around armor. I also wish there would be more tweaking to make small craft more viable but it seems that the game's core is around "bigger is better". Big craft allow for redundancy and more armor, as well as more powerful weapons.
@michamicha8450 Жыл бұрын
offsetting the neck is a two-edged sword. It will make it more sturdy from front, but much more vulnerable from behind (talking about 3x3 neck mostly). Depends on what you will use the craft for, I usually don't do this for my campaign crafts. Also I would disagree about "bigger is better", bigger is more straightforward to build (knowing what works best at what size). Optimizing small craft to the max is so satisfying.
@SuwinTzi Жыл бұрын
@@michamicha8450 In my opinion if your craft is in a situation where its weapons are being shot in the back of its metaphorical head, that's a tactical failure. In campaign you generally have enough leeway to position the craft so that if facing multiple enemies they're in the same direction or barring that, reduce the volume limit to force 1v1. If you're in a situation where not even that is possible that's a preventable strategic failure. Also I'm not sure we share the same definition for small craft. I'm talking less 1000 cubic meters in volume, 500-600 volume average, that isn't a suicide craft.
@ripoffpingu Жыл бұрын
@@SuwinTzi arguably, offsetting the neck of a turret with a 3x3 neck one block back decreases survivability - it makes it much more vulnerable to HE, and that extra meter of armour... really isn't going to help protect against much if i'm going to be honest
@mrfigaloopierre9610 Жыл бұрын
I separate the neck and put armoring it. It makes it harder for explosions to damage the neck
@Feraligono Жыл бұрын
"Bigger is better" is generally the rule in a 1v1, but in the campaign you don't have to fight 1v1 battles. The single best armor is not being the one they're shooting at.
@3dwrecker_4660 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful, I shall incorporate more systems with redundency in mind in my newer warships and other craft.
@DSIREX_ Жыл бұрын
I built a 16 gun turtle (gunner turtle in steam), it doesnt do well when shot by a high piercing shell, because the connection is a litteral giant hunk of a tree, and uhh 40 barrel aps
@potatoboi5013 Жыл бұрын
I realize this might be a bit late to ask, but how do you get two different firing pieces to use the same grid? I’ve been individually separating my grids with random armor blocks because I always found that one firing piece would use up almost all of the loaders and stuff. Is there a way to work around that? It makes my turrets way too big to work with beyond 2 or 3 firing pieces
@BorderWise12 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean 'grid'? You can't use 2 firing pieces in the same system, they have to be separate with no connection points touching. Tricks like rotational symmetry allow you to make maximum use of space.
@potatoboi5013 Жыл бұрын
@@BorderWise12 Faster than I thought lol, thank you! I don’t know all of the technical words, but yeah all the same system, same loaders and whatnot. Any good way to make battleship-like cannons then? May not be the best idea but I like the style points
@solitaregames Жыл бұрын
wait, does this means that having several small steam engines is better than having just one big steam engine in small to medium ships? Huh... Then I guess my hybrid engine design I came up with for the past 5 years was a good idea after all. (several forms and types of power sources in a vehicle). BTW Borderwise, I tried to replicate your railshotgun, but somehow is not working for me. I mean... the railgun is shooting the shell faster than the timer can explode so its not breaking out at the exit of barrel.
@BorderWise12 Жыл бұрын
It's better in the sense of redundancy only: single larger systems tend to be more material efficient, and often cheaper. Depends on what you want to prioritize. 👍 Not sure what you're describing with the railgun issue? 😅
@solitaregames Жыл бұрын
@@BorderWise12 For what I can gather, steam engines are actually efficient when they are full. The burning rate lowers when they reach maximun capacity. So several steam engines might not use a lot of materials unless a pipe breaks and has to burn all over again. Regarding on the railgun issue. I remember a video months past regarding you making shotgun cannons? Well I tried the one you did with the railgun, but when it shoots, the frag modules doesnt explode with the timer set as soon as they leave the barrel. They continue on and explode on contact with ships. I set timer to the minimun, but its like the bullet its too fast for the tracker to keep up and activate timer or something.
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
​@@solitaregames so, the timers detonate the shells however long you set before/after the estimated time of contact, let's say your shell is traveling at 2000m/s and you set it to detonate 0.1 seconds before the target, it's going to detonate 200 meters from the target, at 0.01 seconds to the target, it's going to detonate 20 meters from the target, and so on and so forth. The main reason to use timed fuses, is to covert misses into potential hits via splash damage of some kind, be it explosive or frag. In my personal experience, use timed fuses for CWIS systems (Anti air or anti munitions, same principle applies) and use either pen depth or intertial fuses on regular guns, which fuse you use depends on whether you're more worried about the shot bouncing or about the shot overpenetrating.
@solitaregames Жыл бұрын
@@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 I have the timers to the must minimun. So yeah I do believe the shell is shot so fast the timer cant pick up.
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
@@solitaregames yeah, in my experience, timed fuses are better at lower velocities, as you can set them for relatively longer times, but still be effective. (If you're using HE or Flak CWIS, you generally want to make it so that the timer will detonate the shell such that the enemy is within the blast radius, even if you have to essentially cripple the shell to do it) Just remember, a CWIS system is generally effective within a kilometre to 500 metres as a maximum range, so it doesn't really matter if your shells are only moving at 300m/s. But yeah, rule of thumb, timed fuses are less and less effective the faster the shell is meant to go.
@reeereee7600 Жыл бұрын
Hey I have a question. Don’t the ejectors say the maximum length of part is 100mm? Every time I make a moderately big shell it’s way over 100mm how do I bypass this?
@BorderWise12 Жыл бұрын
Um, no? Not sure what you're referring to. Ejectors work with any size shell.
@Feraligono Жыл бұрын
The "100mm maximum length" is just how much the part contributes to the length of the shell. Normally a shell component is as long as the diameter of the shell (example: a 500mm HE body is 0.5m long), but a fuse or defuser will never be longer than 0.1m even on a 500mm gun.
@reeereee7600 Жыл бұрын
Ah, ok. Thank you.
@carlborg8023 Жыл бұрын
@@reeereee7600 To further elaborate, Ejectors are two metre modules that mount onto the autoloaders, the shell component you're asking about is the emergency ejection defuse. An optional addition that protects your ship from the warheads of your own shells being spewed onto it. Only use if you have a payload on the shell. Furthermore, the fact that some shell components are only 10cm long means that you can often squeeze in some extra gunpowder. (Usually only a partial charge, which I didn't even realize could be done for a long time).
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
​​@@carlborg8023 you should really stick a emergency defuse on non-rail/rail-assisted kinetics as well, as the gunpowder can detonate as well without the ejection fuse, if the rack is hit. The other way around this is just saying "fuck it" and only using autoloaders, with no racks, as they won't explode, although this is less material efficient and generally has a lower fire rate, but it can be exceedingly useful on smaller craft and things like tanks.
@nochannel8811 Жыл бұрын
After the last update my whole game is broken. Multiple textures are missing/ broken and ai control tab does not display. Does anyone know how to fix this?
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
Steam has an option called "Verify Game Integrity" which will scan all of the specified game, then redownload and reinstall any corrupted/missing files.
@goodstormsgames9744 Жыл бұрын
Redundancy. I've gone drone happy lately. More cheap ships more bettered. Right? Also for some reason double ai.
@kiritotheabridgedgod4178 Жыл бұрын
"Quantity has a quality all of it's own" - Commander Creed, Imperial Guard, 41st millenia.
@greankung1301 Жыл бұрын
Time to upgrade the slaang ??
@BorderWise12 Жыл бұрын
Maybe? I could certainly try to change the turrets to dual-barrels.
@greankung1301 Жыл бұрын
@@BorderWise12 Agree for fight with Ragnarok Brenzo !!
@reeereee7600 Жыл бұрын
Here we go… day two of asking borderwise to do a sail/paddle boat only campaign!
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