Detransitioners of TikTok: The Other Side of the Coin

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Blaire White

Blaire White

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Today we're exploring the world of Detransition TikTok, and the stories we're not supposed to hear.
● Twitter & Instagram: @msblairewhite @michaelmalice
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● Previous Video: • Reacting To Dr Phil's ...

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@Ari-ih5un 2 жыл бұрын
Ugh my therapist literally told me to ‘go on testosterone and see how you like it’ and it’s ‘just like trying birth control’. 🤦🏻 thank god I didn’t because I’m happy being a butch woman now and my ‘dysphoria’ is gone
@ixlnxs 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that therapist is out of business?
@Ari-ih5un 2 жыл бұрын
@@ixlnxs she should be but I'm sure she isn't. She was pretty awful overall--would say insensitive things that made me feel like shit and invalidate my feelings if I expressed any, interrupt me a lot, didn't take any criticism/flipped the tables onto me always. She was encouraging me to go on testosterone and saying I was probably trans and despite knowing I was in a rough mental state, I had a past of an eating disorder, body image issues, self-harm, depression, etc. I was expressing a ton of uncertainty about T and some permanent effects that i wasn't sure I'd want, and she was completely dismissive of my concerns. Made it seem like the effects are nothing, reversible, and I'm being a baby for even worrying about them and caring how I'll feel in the future. Her complete dismissal of my concerns set off my inner skeptic, fortunately...I watched some detransitioner videos and I felt deep down I had other things to work on, like internalized misogyny and self-esteem. Eventually, I ended therapy with her after I asked her if she could ask me more questions in the session (to help me open up and feel like I'm being listened to), and she said no she can't, and 'maybe therapy isn't for you.' She really shouldn't be a therapist and I feel pretty put off from therapy as a whole after those awful nine months with her.
@comealongcomealong4480 2 жыл бұрын
@Ari So very pleased to hear about your inner skeptic kicking in JUST when you needed to hear that voice. As for the "therapist" you describe! 🙉 I'm old enough to know that some people are drawn to therapy training who should NEVER be therapists. Especially those with very fixed views, strong belief systems or activist intentions./Don't be put off seeking out a reputable therapist in future, should you feel you want some help with any issues. (Just check out their training, work methodology, and patient reviews first.) Despite the distress your therapist caused, she may have ultimately done you an enormous favor by showing you that, in fact, you can authentically rely on yourself to come up with solutions. That self-guidance is a great thing too.
@memnarch129 2 жыл бұрын
Hell even BIRTH CONTROL causes major hormonal changes. Most are not told and do not know what BC basically does. In essence, this isnt exact. It puts a woman in the after state of her period. Believe its after state it may be the later portion of a normal period. Its one of the reasons women have been more "emotional" since its wide spread use. Cause they are being held in that more vunerable emotional state they are in during their period and after. This is also why women have leaned towards more feminine men today. Because when pregnant most women instinctually gather with other women to help them through it. Well if the women is that way all the time then they are going to want Partners who are more that way, IE more Feminine. BUT they then go OFF BC while pregnant and MANY begin to question why they liked their partner, cause now their normal hormone levels are returning and that desire to surround themselves with more Feminine individuals is reduced. Bottom line really is that fucking with somthing as complicated as the Hormonal Balance of a Human Being is the LAST thing we want to fuck with. Cause the unforseen effects can be disastrous. Edit: Thinking on it its not the period I think, its that it keeps the woman in a hormonal level that is similiar to being Pregnant. Hence the attraction to more Feminine men.
@Ari-ih5un 2 жыл бұрын
@@nairobae sure!
@Solace_System 2 жыл бұрын
So many of individuals are confusing gender dysphoria with body dysmorphia, and or clinically significant depersonalization and or identity confusion. It is tragic, and I blame the parents, the medical system, and society as a whole. This should never have happened. Being woke has gone way too far.
@Jim87_36 2 жыл бұрын
Has “gone way too far?” That was the whole issue with it in the first place. After homosexuality was normalized and allowed to marry through the state… should have stopped there. Done. Over. Rights established. Right now we’re forced to believe a lot of crap that is insanely delusional. We need to tell people what’s really up and have them grow a spine. Less shit about feelings More about accomplishments…
@LeonardoDaVinciLulz 2 жыл бұрын
You're right society as a whole is to blame, glad you included yourself.
@SunnyDallasRealtor 2 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. I’m 41 and still learning about myself.
@VanessaHolguin 2 жыл бұрын
@@LeonardoDaVinciLulz Yeah, the people pushing back on this lunacy are to blame too because they too are _society as a whole_ ... totes. Please take your lithium. Look it's very simple people: If your _earliest memories_ weren't of gender incongruence, you're not trans... you're a fraud who hasn't detransitioned yet.
@MrsAKnife 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like my stepkid is one of the people you're referring to. Had some trauma in life and we have spent years trying to get them mentally healthy but they met a group of friends and decided they were trans, then changed their mind and said they're not, then changed back again, then switched to non-binary and then back to trans. Of course when their dad and I questioned them, their answer was, "Because I don't feel like I fit the stereotype of a man"...and when we pointed out that doesn't make you trans and men come in all different varieties, we were met with irritation by their grandmother who is part of the LGBT community and unquestionably supports it even though she is well aware they're struggling with mental issues that have included hospitalization several times.
@peach411 2 жыл бұрын
Blair you captured the reason why so many activist seem so misogynistic to me! Minimizing the loss of real breasts because you can just get implants as if they were just sex toys or accessories.Disgusting
@giantcheesegrater 2 жыл бұрын
I have to have a mastectomy for medical reasons, and views like the one you just commented here has made me not want reconstruction.
@peach411 2 жыл бұрын
@@giantcheesegrater that’s your choice implant carry a risk.
@giantcheesegrater 2 жыл бұрын
@@peach411 I just hope you dont go around saying breast implants "arent real" or are just "sex toys or accessories". You have no idea if the women who overhear your comments are breast cancer survivors who chose reconstruction.
@Laura-Yu 2 жыл бұрын
@@giantcheesegrater Aaaand you completely missed the point of the OP’s comment and made it all about to YOUR feelings🙄
@giantcheesegrater 2 жыл бұрын
@@Laura-Yu sorry for caring about cancer survivors, I guess.
@rcg224 Жыл бұрын
" I don't like how I sound when I sing anymore " brought me to tears. imagine the joy she felt while singing.
@victoriab637 2 жыл бұрын
Normalize the existence of "tomboys" and "tomgirls" again
@lunalee3021 2 жыл бұрын
every girl considered themself a tomboy, because it just means "normal" and traits that are actually typical in girls. Labels like that started the problem
@vampandazg.5740 2 жыл бұрын
@@lunalee3021 tomboy is a descripter for a personality type. Girls and woman can have different traits, and a lot of those traits follow a more 'fem' output and some a more 'masc'. This isnt sexist or anything, its just our best wording for these personality types. Once more fitting words come around that dont sound lame and forced, cause tomboy/girl literally is an easy and understood term which expresses a personality type, they will get used. I was a tomboy growing up. While plenty of girls were the same, they were also tomboys and had different interests and behaviors then the girls who were considered girly. Those girls also had olenty just like them. We still played together and all got treated the same. Its literally just a descriptive term for behaviors. My bff was a girly girl and we played together and did the same things yet we still were considered opposites. Thats not wrong
@quillclock 2 жыл бұрын
@Willow B my kind of woman
@deaputri3016 2 жыл бұрын
True, tomboys exist. I was a tomboy growing up (i have two older brothers) so they’re my playmates and i naturally acts and played like boys (i don’t like to play with dolls, don’t get this wrong there are boys who likes to play it) to the point my dad wouldn’t allowed me to cut my hair because he’s afraid that people would think i’m not a girl lol. Up until my highschool years my hairs was up to my waist. 30 years later have my own son and i love everything about makeups & dresses lol.
@xbravocat 2 жыл бұрын
@meganlukes6679 2 жыл бұрын
As a woman on the autism spectrum, this whole thing has enraged me because I can see how easy it would be to manipulate an autistic girl into believing she’s transgender. You’re not as empathetic and nurturing as the other girls, you have more trouble with emotions than the other girls, you tend to hyper focus in a way that’s more similar to a lot of boys. A lot of the things all the other girls do (or seem to do) will seem strange. It would have been so appealing if someone had said I didn’t fit in with the other girls because I was actually a man or non-binary or something. Fortunately as a millennial I was in my 20s by the time this transgender kids stuff started and had enough years of second wife of feminism to believe that my personality and hobbies didn’t make me any less of a woman.
@kingkohli4952 2 жыл бұрын
Well feminism exists today and vast majority of them support this and it’s the majority of women are the supporters of these so having enough exposure of feminism means shit if anything most feminists promote this so gtfoh
@evital0o0o 2 жыл бұрын
sadly that seems to be the case
@aprillouisew4276 2 жыл бұрын
my daughter is on the spectrum. she's started hormones after she turned 18 and moved out when I found out. she just started talking to me after months..she no longer sees a counselor and never saw a psychiatrist... it breaks my heart to hear her deep voice and see the beard.
@m4tta 2 жыл бұрын
i genuinely think this is why a lot of autistic people are found in trans/non-binary spaces. it’s not uncommon to find neurodivergent individuals identifying as a different gender or generally as something different, i think this is a type of confusion due to not really fitting in.
@tamirisgaelzer1902 2 жыл бұрын
as another autistic female I agree 100%
@meganclark618 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a very “masculine” woman. I liked a ton of boy things growing up, and the way my dad raised me it was definitely like he was raising a son. “Be tough and never cry” mentality. 100 percent, if social media was as prominent as it is now, back then? I probably would have assumed I am going through a gender crisis. I hope that doesn’t sound insensitive.
@aaaay5211 2 жыл бұрын
Same…I was the kid playing with train sets and I didn’t like anything feminine or pink. I think things would have been much tougher if I grew up a couple decades later. I’m an engineer now and I still don’t like pink
@jennyjen3146 2 жыл бұрын
I was a "Tom Boy" growing up. Had 2 older brother's I followed around. Trust and believe, it did not mean I wanted to be a boy!! I am all woman! Have 3 beautiful girl's, LOVE men and LOVE being a woman. Yes, I agree, if things back then were the same as they are today, society might of tried to push/ persuade or convince me that I should be a boy. When all I wanted was to hang with my big brother's!!
@romalea 2 жыл бұрын
it doesn't. I'm 19 & ever since I was little, I never liked doing girly things or dressing in girly clothes. my parents told me it's cuz I'm a tomboy. it makes me sad to see other girls my age being lead to think that they're trans just because they don't like conventionally feminine things - I wish tomboys were still popular, maybe then I could relate to other girls in my boat better.
@anaorbay456 2 жыл бұрын
@zamar2158 2 жыл бұрын
The media carries a lot of blame for today's ills. Normal behaviour is made to be abnormal, and vice versa. There is this thing called cohort effect - which is why you see so many who want to transition now. They see everyone around them doing it. It's like the bacterial diseases of old - if you live with a colony of lepers eventually you will get leprosy . Similarly this thing is 'catching'. And the 'catching ' is sped up by a complicit media and progressive ideology. The latter is based on 'feelings' and immediate gratification without considering long term effects . Just because a transitioning process is available doesn't mean you should use it.
@dylanhillebrand7005 2 жыл бұрын
Blaire I’m honestly so thankful that I found trans people like you that are not afraid to criticise the toxic traits of the LGBT community. I used to be so on board with all these “woke” activists without seeing the harm this form of activism can cause. You really made me get a much broader and balanced view on these topics.
@lemon1657 2 жыл бұрын
@SPIC-EE Clown I'm sorry to hear your idea of morality is based on some reward system in the afterlife instead of genuinely wanting to do good for its own sake. We're all dust in the end and your false beliefs are a tragic waste of time. Sad lol.
@greattheillusion 2 жыл бұрын
@SPIC-EE Clown okay. That's quite a thing to say to someone. What makes you think this person won't enter the kingdom of Heaven? I didn't see them say anywhere that they haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Because that is what it takes. That is the only way. If that isn't your belief that is fine also. Take care.
@a.kamileon 2 жыл бұрын
We appreciate you
@Chronically_JBoo 2 жыл бұрын
@nanamiharuka3269 2 жыл бұрын
its transmedicalists like Blaire White that cause people to think that medically transitioning is the only way to be valid. Not LGBT people who are fine with people who don't medically transition right away or at all...
@californiumcoati 2 жыл бұрын
I've definitely noticed that there is a lot of internalized misogyny in this community. The majority of trans and non-binary people, I've noticed, are biological females. There has been such an effort to neutralize female connotations, such as "chest feeding" and "birthing person", that it really makes sense that a lot of people in this community have a warped and toxic relationship with their own womanhood.
@fredericabernkastel8354 2 жыл бұрын
This right there. I have recently got to know a born dude call himself non binary and it's either that he doesn't feel secure in going the mile and calling himself a trans woman or that he's just severely insecure and doesn't feel confident in being a feminine man - which seems more likely to me. "being feminine is something bad" right?
@shannonlee4622 2 жыл бұрын
@@dappidy3763 there is a whole subset of feminism that literally talks about how the trans movement harms women, but ok
@paradoxexposer4820 2 жыл бұрын
The irony of them claiming we are “reducing them to their genitals” which is false, while they literally call real women “birthing person”. Which is literally reducing someone to their genitals. Your genitals is what determines the reproductive role you and every other creature serve/play in reproduction. You exist, you was born because of that. Which is why such a distinction is important. Which is why in every language humans created 2 terms to identify and distinguish those 2. In English those born with the reproductive biology for only giving birth are called females and the other are called males for all reproductive binary creatures. The terms man and woman were created to distinguish adult human beings based on their biological sex. To reduce the amount of words we use in a sentence. Instead of saying “I’m only attracted to adult human beings who are born with the reproductive biology for only giving birth”, it’s easier and simpler to say “I’m only attracted to women”. Which comes to their biggest contradiction. Telling us not to conflate gender identity with biological sex, while literally conflating the 2 every time they speak. Such as “transwomen are women”. Right there they are conflating the 2 since woman is a term that was created to identify the adult human beings of the female biological sex. And don’t get me started on males forcing their way into private/exclusive spaces that were separated for those of the female biological sex in order to protect them from predatory males, and competitions that were also separated by biological sex so that women can also have a fair and equal chance of being successful as men without having to have the same physical advantages. No exceptions. Terf is an oxymoron as it implies there’s trans inclusionary feminists. Well for starters real feminists want equality for both biological sexes. Misandrists, not so much. Second, one of the biggest issues feminists talk about are sexist stereotypes. The idea that women all behave, think, feel, and act a certain way. Which is literally what the concept of gender identity is based on. Therefor Transgenderism contradicts feminism. Which makes “Terf” nothing more than oxymoronic, misogynistic slur. How did we go from the Right telling us how to act and behave according to our biological sex to the Left telling us how to identify based on how we act and behave? And any mention of biological sex is “phobic”. As a result they invalidate the identities of over 99% of the entire population who identify with their biological sex, such as the terms were created for. What many people ignore is how anti-LGB the trans community has become. To deny biological sex is to deny sexuality. To erase homosexuality which is based on the attraction between 2 people of the same biological sex. Therefor erasing homosexual oppression. I’ve asked thousands of these people to tell me the distinction between a man and a woman for which to identify. None of them ever gave me a straight answer. It’s always speeches and temper tantrums. Sometimes I’m blocked. But some would slip during their temper tantrum and others who have the figurative balls to tell their stories, always express internal sexism. The sexism is so bad they develop this delusion they aren’t the biological sex that they are or they develop a form of body dysmorphia. Similar to anorexics and women who obsess over plastic surgery. They share the exact same symptoms. I don’t care what trans people do with their own lives so long as their choices don’t affect others. That’s the main problem with this narcissistic community of deluded sexists.
@mandlin4602 2 жыл бұрын
Yes yes YES!!! All I see is womens health being silenced. We cannot call menopause a woman’s issue, or talk about the womb being a female body part. But no one gets upset when people talk about prostrate cancer or balding as mens issues! It’s disturbing and infuriating!
@addiey9312 2 жыл бұрын
"birthing person" is so gross. gives me the handmaid's tale vibes. I'm a woman, please and thank you, not a vessel for babies.
@Mediagoddess4057 11 ай бұрын
I thank my dad every now and then for loving me and trusting me but still telling me hormones are an adult decision. He let me be "Eathan". He called me his son and defended me. And then still supported me and never once said "I told you so" when I realized that I only wanted to be "Eathan" because I thought Athena liking girls was wrong. He never even told me liking girls was wrong. I just didn't like that part of me. Seeing all these beautiful people struggle is so hard because I see myself, a person who didn't fit in society, who tried to fit society's homophobia.
@nmartin5551 9 ай бұрын
Your dad is awesome!!! Such a human!
@jesssss99610 7 ай бұрын
Athena is such a pretty name!!
@sailormoon8298 2 жыл бұрын
this is why kids shouldn't be doing this, this is a decision that definitely needs to be made as an adult.
@Tia-Louisa 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely like religious choices and pregnancy etc. ✌🏽
@sindraxo9249 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if that's what you should be taking out of this, a lot of people who transition young are fine happy and can pass a lot easier than those who are older. Plus even in this video there were those who were basically adults when they transitioned and still de transitioned.
@firasjemil213 2 жыл бұрын
It shouldn'tt be made, period.
@angelnicolemorrison3126 2 жыл бұрын
@@firasjemil213 it can be made as a adult,get a education so you can understand the difference between children and adults
@TariqNavabiGaming 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tia-Louisa religious choices aren’t permanent and unchangeable
@xbravocat 2 жыл бұрын
when i was 13, people used to call me ‘he’ in a derogatory way and would call me a boy because i’m pretty masculine, and they even convinced me that i was a guy. plus, i also have anorexia and i have really bad body dysmorphia, so i mistook this for gender dysphoria. i socially transitioned to a guy to conform to gender stereotypes and i’m so lucky that it happened at such a young age so that i couldn’t go on testosterone or get top surgery. this is a really big problem, and i know i would have regretted it if i had physically transitioned. luckily, the people i surrounded myself with were supportive regardless, and i was accepted when i told them i wasn’t ftm
@DezuFuck 2 жыл бұрын
@nonameforprivacyreasons5158 2 жыл бұрын
@@DezuFuck lolll u have an anime pfp too XD
@material-cheshirekhatter2413 2 жыл бұрын
You actually can get those things done at that age...😬
@Србомбоница86 2 жыл бұрын
@@material-cheshirekhatter2413 omg ,that's crazy
@brandyb2931 2 жыл бұрын
This video made me cry. I had a conversation with a guy who detransitioned after watching an interview he did on KZbin. He said when he decided to transition that he was welcomed by the trans and lgbt community and when he decided to detransition he was basically catapulted from it. All of the support he has was withdrawn and he said everytime he attends his therapy appt he has to sign a paper saying that nobody, not his therapist, family, social circle etc, is forcing him to do this. He said its far more difficult to detransition than transition. He said his first appointment to start his transition he was given hormones after meeting with his therapist for less than 2 hours. He thought that was crazy and said he held off for awhile before taking them. He said his issues were really about going through sexual trauma as a child, he was sexually abused by a relative and it messed him up. This is something that our medical field especially, should take their time with. Its disgusting that a surgeon would cut off a 14yo breasts, she isn't even finished going through puberty, its horrible. It seems also that there is a higher number of girls transitioning and detransitioning. There is a problem there that should be delved into deeper.
@jamiestarr3086 2 жыл бұрын
This is why informed consent hrt is dangerous. You have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. It's a medical process, not a social issue...
@farmerchick3040 2 жыл бұрын
That's crazy...
@catherinegrace2366 2 жыл бұрын
I believe everything you’re saying. I overheard a friend of mine who was gay, he and 4 of his friends were hanging out just talking. They ALL agreed they thought they were gay because they were molested as children. 5 out of 5
@ZapDash 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the media presentation of women is a big issue. Are they girl-bosses, cliques, individuals, sexual objects, role-models, trophies, leaders, arm candy, queens, or princesses? Sure, men have similar conflicting images they get fed, but I do think some girls might transition as a way to escape the insane marketization of their appearance and the expectations or double-standards that get pushed on them. And later they might realize that was the real issue and not an inherent desire to be a guy or a mental image of themselves as male. Figuring out your place in the world is hard enough without trying to drastically alter who you are too.
@starlightbreaker561 2 жыл бұрын
re the girls transitioning, I bet a considerable percentage is doing it for the "male privilege" and are mad it doesn't exist.
@lywaa2300 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Blaire, for bringing attention to this issue when so many try to shut it down for idiological reasons. You are a light in the darkness!
@geraldleyson1722 2 жыл бұрын
That’s not true lots of liberals trans people I know and liberal trans people I follow acknowledge them and feel bad for them that it didn’t work out and wasn’t for them.
@wix6893 2 жыл бұрын
genuine question, who’s trying to “shut it down”?
@MindBodySoulOk 2 жыл бұрын
There would be a lot more sympathy all the way around if people that were trans or detransitioning were not voting Democrat just because they were transgender and for no other reason.
@jcage1022 2 жыл бұрын
@@geraldleyson1722 there's a difference between "liberal" and "leftist". To many people, they are interchangeable, but they're not. A leftist is basically a communist, a liberal is a person who believes in freedom for all. Edit: so, there probably are liberals who talk about detransitioners, but a majority of mainstream folk are leftists, not true liberals. If they talk about detransitioners in a bitter tone, they're commies who can't look at anything that disputes their arguments.
@geraldleyson1722 2 жыл бұрын
@@MindBodySoulOk Hmm well for most of the trans and non binary people I know they are Democrat for personal reasons or just since it aligns more with their values not just cause they are trans and even if they weren’t trans they would still be democratic.
@SparklesNJazz 2 жыл бұрын
i am so sad that so many girls feel so uncomfortable in their bodies or so outcast for being less feminine as women that they feel they need to change who they are and permanently alter their bodies. i am so glad i am not a young teen right now, as i can imagine myself going through a similar identity crisis. we are absolutely failing young women, and women as a whole. we are teaching them indirectly that their bodies are sex objects, and if they’re not comfortable being objects for men’s pleasure, then the only way out is to become a man… darling you can hate dresses, dress in baggy clothes, love sports or cars or the gym, have short hair, play video games, and be a lesbian and still be completely valid as a woman. heck, you can be asexual and have no interest in anything remotely sexual and be a woman.
@Guillhez 2 жыл бұрын
it’s the exact same thing that was happening back in the 90’s and 00’s.. except then the girls were developing eating disorders instead of identity disorders.. now imagine if back then there were numerous activists and medical professionals claiming that anorexia is a valid lifestyle and enabling anorexic girls to get bariatric surgery so that they “can live their truth” or whatever..
@SexyTCAPdecoy4Hansen 2 жыл бұрын
It’s because men shoehorned this movement, gay rights was never about the lesbians, just like this new “womens rights” isn’t about the women. The men are the ones leading this movement and grooming young girls into this.
@notmyrealname8282 2 жыл бұрын
@@SexyTCAPdecoy4Hansen I’m not disputing what you messaged. But why would men want to groom girls into becoming boys?
@erenjaeger1738 2 жыл бұрын
@@Guillhez Yeah girls were just being tomboys or emo back then and rock with it.
@xitlallicommentstoday2169 2 жыл бұрын
@@notmyrealname8282 Collateral damage. Unintended consequence. Pandora's Box. You name it. Also, they probably don't think that they can afford to admit that there is indeed a problem with the type of activism they have been promoting for years. As Daphne Rose indicates, it is because men shoehorned this movement. They assumed they were on the right side of history, and they failed to consider other stakeholders (i.e., women, children, parents). That is what it looks like anyway.
@AlexSmith-gr4hp 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s the clue. When woke people, teachers and activists are suddenly the “experts” and are drowning out medical specialists and scientists, it’s going to end in tragedy.
@boogerboy2420 2 жыл бұрын
@cecegreen3831 2 жыл бұрын
@goreysins 2 жыл бұрын
@boopboopimarobot 2 жыл бұрын
That’s why people like Dr. Jack Turban are so dangerous. He’s a genuine doctor specializing in child psychiatry and recommends gender-affirming care for kids. They’re kids! Let them figure out their gender without interference from others
@janeee3336 2 жыл бұрын
@Joeyblondewolf2 2 жыл бұрын
I actually started to tear up with some of these stories.... I hope everyone finds their own path. Whether you transition or not.
@springoflife1876 2 жыл бұрын
I remember you from back in the day. You were one of my favourite channels:)
@Kim-id1tf 2 жыл бұрын
Joey, a lot of the stuff in the video is not fully researched and it was harmful to Alia since they didn’t regret the detransition 😭
@overseerofyahweh7811 2 жыл бұрын
Why care, it's there on doing!
@kingmonde 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kim-id1tf how was this harmful?
@tanaiseverything9384 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingmonde They included her in this video about de transitioning when they are not de transitioning. Basically saying that the person was going back to whatever they were assigned at birth for hundreds of thousands of people to see when they are not in fact doing that. If you don’t see the harm in that then you must be socially inept.
@gscl 2 жыл бұрын
The singers' stories made me cry. I'm a singer, and I cannot fathom what it would be like to lose my voice that way. It's so so sad I just want to give them a big hug.
@sunburnedballoonknot8551 2 жыл бұрын
It's almost like someone should have mentioned how severe and permanent transitioning is.
@ohthelovelypoems 2 жыл бұрын
You mean like getting normal breasts hacked off? If just the idea alone is not going to stop someone who is? We need strict laws in place that insist on therapy intervention but TRAS shouted those ideas down and in most places it's affirmation only when someone says they are trans.
@Lambdamale. 2 жыл бұрын
@@ohthelovelypoems Can't argue with this. It's 100% true.
@AMKmusic96 2 жыл бұрын
Taking chemically altering medications and mutilating your body parts should be obvious enough that this is not a safe process 😆
@kurtis8708 2 жыл бұрын
Well luckily In my experience they tell you basically every time you see them (this is before you do any medical transitioning) and they put you through months of therapy and deep questions about how permanent it is to see if you have the mental capability to make that decision
@kurtis8708 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t know if they do this in other places like America though but it’s standard practice where I live
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 жыл бұрын
I could not BEGIN to imagine what it would be like to trans then regret and trans back to ones original gender. heart goes out them and anger to those who may have pushed.
@augustible9151 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, being transgender doesn't work like this. You don't "trans" your gender, if you're the opposite gender than your sex. You're transgender. In the case of most people (if not for safety like say, detransitioning so you don't get kicked out in which the person will likely retransition when safe) they're cisgender and we're experimenting and we're unfortunately wrong.
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 жыл бұрын
@@augustible9151 .... I was speaking about those who either perform physically altering surgery and / or hormone therapy to transition, only to later change their mind and try to do one or the other AGAIN in an attempt to undo what has been done. Clearly, Blaire does not have this issue, nor does Buck Angel, for two quick examples. I could not imagine the difficulty either had, but happy that it has indeed worked out for both. But to alter body and its chemistry TWICE when deep psychological aide would have avoided it all, is truly very, very sad :(
@mrvalentine6637 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah saw the video of how it's done. Fucking traumatised me.
@augustible9151 2 жыл бұрын
@@NinjaKittyBonks Except, there is. In all cases you must be evaluated by professionals on physical and mental health. A clinic near me, for example provides HRT. You MUST have a note from the therapist you're seeing, and or the one you're provided with.
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 жыл бұрын
@@augustible9151 ... Oh, yes! We have heard of many cases of those who made at least some medical steps to transition, some quite extensive and others that included surgical alterations, and did so with VERY little intervention or psychological evaluations at all! These pathologically driven ideologically possessed cult-consumed "activists" for trans community, want ZERO questions or intervention in any way. Hell, they are 100% fine seeing a 3 yo boy playing with dolls or putting their foot inside of mom's high-heal and proclaiming they are trans. . This should absolutely go without saying, but in today's idiotic word of leftist control, we must say it. There should be NO medical or medicinal intervention toward transition prior to 18 years of age. I have no issue with licensed therapists talking with them, say after maybe 16 yo, so long as parents or guardian is aware. I get that some kids are more "mature" than others at earlier ages, but legally, there MUST be some cut-off date (oops, that didn't sound very good, did it....? lol) for how young a person be, PRIOR to such specific conversations. I think 16 is probably a good age, but parents or guardian are STILL primary, when it comes to allowing others to intervene with conversations regarding transition. . There is no perfect solution, but the age of legal adulthood is the best position in which to fall back upon.
@bastianwright3402 2 жыл бұрын
There isnt a single person on this planet who is 100% happy with their body. We all have insecurities and shortcomings. You cannot cure this sensation. All you can do is build love for yourself.
@Woofwoof369 2 жыл бұрын
thank u
@nenmaster5218 2 жыл бұрын
@@Woofwoof369 Check what a Bioligst like Forrest Valkai has to say about that. Oh, and 'Some More News' made a video about Queer-People AND the Grooming-Issue JUST this Week.
@bastianwright3402 2 жыл бұрын
@@Woofwoof369 Anytime. Happy to think these words helped bring you some degree of peace. Its a self quoted realization I had that saved me from an eating disorder, but I believe it applies here as well.
@CandyKitty_Doll 2 жыл бұрын
@stepheessel6667 2 жыл бұрын
I love this
@crystgh 2 жыл бұрын
It’s “trans hype” because everyone makes it trendy and how these poor people can’t go back to normal again.
@geraldleyson1722 2 жыл бұрын
Not really being trans isn’t a hype at all and for most of the trans people I know were effeminate or tomboyish growing up so it’s something they’ve always felt it’s nothing new.
@deanfirnatine7814 2 жыл бұрын
@@geraldleyson1722 For many yes it is an attempt to fit, look and surveys and the explosion in numbers of "trans" as well as the explosion in numbers who say they made a mistake, especially among very young transitioners
@Jim87_36 2 жыл бұрын
I made the parallel of the “gay hype” in the mid 00s. It was cool to be “gay” and a lot of the time there were “gay tenders” pretending to be gay to get with/hang out with women and such. Granted there were a few that genuinely were finding themselves… but out of the fifty there were maybe two that actually were…
@geraldleyson1722 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jim87_36 Oh wow I’m younger and didn’t know about that, but with a lot of the fellow gen z non binary people and trans people I know they were effeminate or tomboyish growing up, and always had dysmorphia and didn’t fit in with their assigned gender at birth.
@moderatecanuck 2 жыл бұрын
​@@geraldleyson1722 A lot of those femmy and tomboyish individuals are confusing not ascribing to society's norms of masculinity and femininity as body dysmorphia. So yes, it seems like a trend
@yari139 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn’t assume someone de-transitioning is lying or was ever lying. My instant thought is sadness that they didn’t receive the proper guidance and support they actually needed. They were obviously going through an identity crisis and the people that were supposed to help them failed them miserably for whatever reason and unfortunately the individual is the one paying the consequences. So now not only are they still dealing with an identity crisis, they also have to deal with whatever permanent changes they’ve made and the extra psychological trauma that comes along with that.
@thewordistruth399 2 жыл бұрын
@yari139, I'm going to agree and disagree with you. These people transitioning and de-transitioning are adults. They might be young, but they were legal adults. You have no idea how many people in these other people's lives who tried to caution them to not transition, but were rebuffed. How much help can you really give a legal adult if they do not seek it out, do what is suggested? There was a saying "marry in haste; repent at leisure." Now it could be "transition in haste; repent at leisure." I think the real issue is a person not proceeding cautiously and jumping in without a lot of critical thinking skills. Each generation has a problem with people "acting in haste."
@jennalewis318 2 жыл бұрын
Massive respect to you for highlighting these things. You’re secure in who you are and it shows.
@magnusgranskau7487 2 жыл бұрын
I actually don't see that, I feel she is just as much talking to/about herself but not really seeing it
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
@@magnusgranskau7487 That's because you're so used to seeing trans people trying to shut down detransitioners and express discomfort and discontent for these people speaking openly.
@jennalewis318 2 жыл бұрын
@magnusgranskau7487 2 жыл бұрын
@@Peacefulpreface6323 no I'm not used to that at all. I was dating transgirls before all this became popular. And one thing I've noticed is that there is some insecurity around this. Many seems almost oppsessed with how they look and so forth. But then again who knows
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
@@magnusgranskau7487 Blaire is literally the least oppressed feeling person...
@toxicperson8936 Жыл бұрын
These make me so sad. I’m a man, specifically a gay man, but I was VERY feminine & flamboyant as a kid. If a doctor would have said to me when I was like ages 5-12 & said to me that they thought I was trans, I would’ve 100% believed them & would have thought I was trans as well, & most definitely would have started transitioning into a woman. Now as an adult, I know that I am not trans & that I don’t want to be a woman. But if i grew up in our current society where doctors are so quick to say kids are trans, I would be extremely regretful about the whole situation. We need to realize again that just because a girl is a tomboy, or just because a boy has more feminine hobbies as a kid, doesn’t mean you need to pump their bodies full of hormones that will change their bodies forever
@Crazy_Sue 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who lost a close friend due to this "trend" it's really hard. I had a friend of 10yrs, just push me away and no longer speak to me, all because I didn't support her wanting to transition into a male. The problem was, she bounced from label to label to try and "fit in" to different communities. She tried to be a furry to fit into that world, then she decided because she couldn't find a boyfriend, she was gay, then she decided because she wasn't able to find a girlfriend, she was Asexual. Then she decided no, she wanted to be a man instead. I tried to get her to understand she wasn't really feeling that way, she was only hopping on the trend. But alas, some will never see the truth until they are ready. I hope she is happy with whatever life she has chosen. I do miss my friend, very much.
@johndough8115 2 жыл бұрын
They have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. These types are Obsessed with external image and ego. They need constant attention (narcissistic supply), and doing such things, is one way they get it.
@Silverlined_69 2 жыл бұрын
That really sucks
@Pepperkek 2 жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 yes, zero insight and their problems are everyone else's fault, everyone else has to adhere to their world view
@material-cheshirekhatter2413 2 жыл бұрын
Cough cough *demi Lovato* cough cough.
@TheEnigmaticmuse 2 жыл бұрын
@@johndough8115 probably personality disorder. People with BPD really struggle with identity issues. A lot of them are also autistic.
@AkonFenty1992 2 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for de-transitioners because they were lied to by doctors. Making them believe they were someone they're not. They had other factors going on with themselves.
@user-sf9gs2pg1b 2 жыл бұрын
I always felt that gender therapy should include talk about sexual assault and things like that prior to gender therapy just to make sure the person hasn’t had trauma. Or just get rid of all other possibilities, make sure their mental well-being is good besides the gender dysphoria (if they have that at all).
@andypham1636 2 жыл бұрын
@jayrose4748 2 жыл бұрын
Notice how it's like all women trying to be men? They were all poisoned by the liberal feminist ideology that women in western countries are perpetually oppressed and men live easy and privileged lives. Most of them end up regretting when they realize men have it just as hard in life and both genders go through shit. So sad
@sixfeetundertheradar6080 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayrose4748 that’s literally untrue? A large majority of people who transition don’t regret it
@a.kamileon 2 жыл бұрын
Those doctors need their licenses revoked immediately
@Smidgefishh 2 жыл бұрын
When I was about 14, I learned what trans was. One of my friends said she was trans, and hoped we could use "he/him" as her pronouns, and refer to her by a different name. I remember helping her finding a binder and looking up other resources for her. I haven't seen her in a long time, but last time we hung out she preferred she/her and her original name. Anyway, due to this, I was thinking a lot and googling a lot. I have never been a girly girl, and I never felt entirely right in my body. I thought a lot about transition at 18. Once I became 18 I had already decided to not do it, went to therapy on my own accord and worked through these body issues. My body-issues stem mainly from my disabilities, and my lack of care for it at the time. If I would have transitioned, I would have hated everything... my heart sinks so bad whenever I see these stories, especially the FtM ones, considering I am a woman, I can sort of feel the frustration and sadness these individuals might feel. It sucks even more to know that they don't get much support, when they do in fact really need it. I cannot imagine being avoided for going through such a thing oh my god...
@beanybabyrabie 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, so sad they did this to themselves
@crazyneutrino8959 2 жыл бұрын
I would have also been much worse off.
@johndoeiii6103 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard some girls who did transition to various degrees and regretted it...the feelings expressed about losing breasts, of changes in their body that they didn't realize would be this way., the permanent voice change seeming to be a big one. It was just sad honestly I felt for them cause listening to the girls talk sometimes I feels like they feel like that is the end, they have no options. You can hear a hopelessness in their voice and I want to tell them they are still women, it's sad listening to them talk about things they didn't realize they would miss as a woman.
@mycatwilleatyou7569 2 жыл бұрын
I am so thankful I grew in a time where this wasn't really a thing. I had one trans friend who made that decision when he was older. But growing up I was a tomboy and felt super awkward about being girly. But I was never questioned or pushed and I never wanted to be a boy. I just wanted to be a girl who wanted to play with bugs and be dirty all the time lol. If I had grown up in this era, who the hell knows what idea would have been put in my head simply because I didn't wear pink and wanted to play outside. What kind of message is that sending to little girls?? This is so perverse.
@rose_y2k 2 жыл бұрын
being transsexual is actually so rare. unless you have specific dysphoria of the sex characteristics you should not medically transition
@Theunwillingstar 2 жыл бұрын
Transgender *
@sophiesakura2719 2 жыл бұрын
@@Theunwillingstar who are you to tell people how to identify. those of us who are older had to use that word to come out and transgender is too inclusive a word to really mean anything anymore and that's rude to lump in trans women with fetishist men though im sure they have their own struggles
@anais2198 2 жыл бұрын
@@Theunwillingstar well technically it IS transsexual. As real dysphoria is nothing to do with gender stereotypes, as most people don't fully conform to the list of 'gender stereotypes' attributed to their sex. But in fact are a neat little blend of femininity and masculinity unique to themselves, which really is a foundation of our personality and not at all reflective of our sex. People are getting confused. People with true dysphoria, real trans people, cannot stand their primary and secondary sex characteristics, often so much they mutilate themselves. It is in fact quite a rare condition.
@Theunwillingstar 2 жыл бұрын
@@sophiesakura2719 lmao Sophie calm tf down. I was correcting because young trans people now don't like it. It's about identity and gender not ur sexuality. Take a chill pill
@sophiesakura2719 2 жыл бұрын
@Cold World what is this "problem" you speak of?
@thejackal5099 2 жыл бұрын
The first girl has a nice voice, she shouldn't be ashamed of it.
@LordBilliam 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of people are commenting this, I hope she sees
@dlastkatipunero2185 2 жыл бұрын
I think she still misses her original voice
@jiriblahos4051 2 жыл бұрын
She does sound deeper than probably 99% of women. If you find it nice yourself, that's cool. But you can clearly hear she doesn't sound like a typical woman. We don't have to pretend that nothing is wrong to make people feel better about themselves, that's not the right approach. We can acknowledge that some things are damaged or not as good as they used to be. That doesn't take away from anyone's dignity. I am sure she herself realises that her voice was damaged by her transitioning. This is exactly what's wrong with many of the trans activists (and other activists for that matter). They think that you need to validate every single thing about someone otherwise you are delegitimising their entire existence. Which is BS. I think a more rational approach is much more healthy, and you can still stay compassionate. So, her voice sounds more like a man's voice, which is bad when you are a woman. I am sure she realises it herself too. But in the end it's just voice, it's not the end of your life. I wish her all the best.
@fovosprodromus5020 2 жыл бұрын
It makes me sad. If I close my eyes and just listen to her voice, I honestly am teetering between "flamboyant gay femme man" or female with a fairly deeper voice. I have to wonder if it's maybe because she said such a short sentence that it's kinda hard to tell.
@fovosprodromus5020 2 жыл бұрын
I take it back, she spoke more in the video later on. Not manly to where I would confuse her as a man tho
@marialiyubman 2 жыл бұрын
If you go to a plastic surgeon and tell them you’re getting breast implants so someone would like you - they’ll throw you out. But the law literally forbids plastic surgeons from saying no to the same request but for a transitioner. Thanks DSM.
@shhhentient 2 жыл бұрын
Also, no one has been able to explain why gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia have such radically different "treatments." I've been in therapy for BDD for a long time, and no one has ever said, "yeah, just change the parts you dislike. In fact, insurance will cover it!" The research shows the polar opposite with BDD - acceptance and exposure is much more effective than alteration. I think as a society we need to slow our roll quite a bit.
@SexyTCAPdecoy4Hansen 2 жыл бұрын
@zaldigr863 2 жыл бұрын
@@shhhentient Woah... this comment is bordering on transphobia.. "I think as a society we need to slow our roll quite a bit." what the fuck?
@SexyTCAPdecoy4Hansen 2 жыл бұрын
@@zaldigr863 How’s that transphobia? The people coming out as detrans are the ones that got a therapy appointment, then immediately prescribed hormones, or the ones that were transitioning early on. Why is it I can’t get my boobs done with taxpayer dollars, or OP can’t get her BDD validated with something? There’s no transphobia. The law, and the medical system are now catering to these people before they further study the woman’s anatomy. There’s plenty of articles about women coming out “as trans” to get a hysterectomy, due to health reasons. The way womens health is disregarded, and how we’re used to make more babies, is so frustrating. I can’t get an abortion without jumping through hoops and hurdles but kids under the age of 10 can choose their genders? Yeah, OP is right, as a society we do need to chill.
@anais2198 2 жыл бұрын
@@zaldigr863 no, it's really not. Are you out looking for offense?
@charlienger Жыл бұрын
your videos make me feel so much better about detransitioning i didnt medically transition but the social aspect and the way i looked still effects me today
2 жыл бұрын
When that Nicky says "it was about my relationship with other people", it's not because she wanted to make other people happy, it is because of how hard it is to become a woman when you're still a kid. Society starts sexualizing us at an early age and we are definitely not ready for that treatment. I also felt so uncomfortable during my pre teens... I didn't want to be a woman. That's a feeling a lot of us have, and that's why there are so many women who have detransed.
@TheGodsrighthandman 2 жыл бұрын
It's NOT society that does the sexualising, it's the Media of all types.
@Shadow-zf5uc 2 жыл бұрын
It's both society and the media
@aneshiadixon8762 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said.
@aneshiadixon8762 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGodsrighthandman The media was not my Aunt's boyfriend, my teacher at school or my mom's boss. There are people in our society that are very sick and look at children the WRONG way. PERIOD
@TheGodsrighthandman 2 жыл бұрын
@@aneshiadixon8762 Neither were they my father, my grandfather nor yet my uncle on my mothers side . . . . However, we're not talking about THAT, are we? We're talking about the general sexualisation that is occurring, and has been occurring for the last 20-30 years. It wasn't 'society' that made "Cuties", it was Netflix - a *Media* company!! It's not 'society' that's freaking out about Florida trying to control sex-ed' for kids and the age it starts, it's Disney, a *Media* company!!
@lemonadelunacy3291 2 жыл бұрын
Blaire. Sis. I love you so much. I started falling out of line with the ideology about five months ago, and I've been *obsessed* with detrans stories ever since. I can't believe the TRAs are saying detransitioners are
@themetalone7739 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago, I left a comment saying that we would one day look back on what these doctors are doing to these young people, and wonder how we as a society ever let that happen. There will only be more stories like these as time goes by, because no one sees this side of things. There need to be *some* barriers to transition. To insist otherwise is to ignore what the people in these videos, and many more like them, are going through.
@Minerva-fp1zx 2 жыл бұрын
I think the change is already happening. A lot of trans folks are pushing back at woke ideologies already. The problem is that activists target young people and it's the youngest people that tend to ge the most woke and therefore at risk.
@anonymous-cx7ng 2 жыл бұрын
@juniperburton7693 2 жыл бұрын
Intruiging. "Fear" is never a good excuse to limit freedom.
@AndrewTominac 2 жыл бұрын
@@juniperburton7693 I agree... we also need to look at the statistics that only around 1% of people who undergo transition regret it. If we limit transition more then what about actual trans people who start questioning themselves don’t transition because they’re afraid of being wrong even though they feel strongly about their gender. I still feel so bad for detransitioners and I am afraid that de transition will occur more. But maybe if society was extremely accepting de transition would happen less because being trans would seem less “taboo” and therefore appealing because it’s something “special”.
@AndrewTominac 2 жыл бұрын
@@juniperburton7693 sorry for my rant I just had to get that out there. This is such a nuanced topic and it’s important to me
@rachelknightonline 2 жыл бұрын
It breaks my heart seeing the ones who say they are loving and excepting being so hateful and angry towards detransitioners and they wonder why LGBT acceptance is going down catastrophicly.
@Jaderabbit3485 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really impressed that you had the foresight to look up detransitioning during your own personal journey and factor that in as a potential.
@charlenebaganzmoore 2 жыл бұрын
The aggressive ideological driven trans community killed the Tom boy label. I hate dresses, even as I am pregnant I still wear more trousers, plain material etc then flowery dresses. I am female who looks male-ish but I am not trans.
@Noblebird02 2 жыл бұрын
Imho gender non conforming women are more likely to resist patriarchal sadism. By transitioning gender non conforming girls (making them lifelong medical patients who no longer identify with other women) they are left with compliant women who won't challenge their behaviour
@kelly9283 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely Blaire. This is the reason why there are the so called "gate keepers."
@cellblocknine5385 2 жыл бұрын
What's that
@kelly9283 2 жыл бұрын
@@cellblocknine5385 in a nutshell, they are the psychologists/psychiatrists that vet/diagnose patients as having gender dysphoria. This ensured that patients aren't making a mistake or have other underlying conditions, other than gender dysphoria driving them to "transition."
@andyp257 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in my early twenties I was confused about my gender and experienced a certain amount of dysphoria (at the very least that's what I called it). I identified as non-binary for a long time and for a brief period even as a transwoman. I'm so glad I didn't go down the route of hormones or surgery, although it was certainly something I was thinking about. The reversal from just that was difficult enough for me, so I can't even imagine how hard it would be to detransition after going on hormones or having surgery. I consider myself extremely lucky that I realised sooner rather than later that what I was doing wasn't right for me. These days I live life as a guy, and I almost never think about my gender. I'm just me trying to get by and that's enough.
@andyp257 2 жыл бұрын
@Dating zone 5 what
@VariantAEC 2 жыл бұрын
When trans became fashionable I noticed way more people using female Identifiers on me I would be called maam a lot. I was in my 20s and while I thought my arm hair would be enough of a clue I didn't have much facial hair or obvious chest hair so it was fairly easy to look at me and think I'm a woman especially from a distance... not sure about the upclose mixups but they did immediately correct themselves without any prompting from me (not that I actually care all that much, I know what I look like in the mirror and can understand the confusion especially if they have any vision problems). A little over a year or ago I noticed people stopped using sir/maam to call on people they don't know. I normally see waving and other attention-seeking behavior these days and I do think some of that is because people are afraid of misgendering strangers.
@snuffeldjuret 2 жыл бұрын
@@VariantAEC "A little over a year or ago I noticed people stopped using sir/maam to call on people they don't know. I normally see waving and other attention-seeking behavior these days ..." It just struck me that although "using sir/maam to call on people they don't know" sounded perfectly natural to me as a concept, I am not sure if I have ever done so myself. I bet it might even be decades since I have even heard it from someone else. Might be a Swedish thing...
@VaunShiz 2 жыл бұрын
These people have more going on than just confusion about themselves, transitioning because of misogyny(Elizabeth Holmes kind of got around that) , or because they want a specific person or want to fit in is just mind blowing , I understand changing your hair style or color or dressing different, but permanently changing yourself physically for those pretty tame reasons has to be something they need to deal with in therapy. Like Blaire says it's got to be because YOU and YOU alone need it
@Omgits7ito Жыл бұрын
It’s the lack of empathy for hurting humans from the community that demands love and acceptance. I just want to hug them all 🥺
@genmaicha.lapsang 2 жыл бұрын
My 2 cents is the problem is non binary identity. And identity in general. I see activists talking about being LGBT as an “identity.” IT’S NOT. Gender dysphoria is not and should not be an identity. Sexual orientation is not and should not be an identity. They are internal persistent characteristics and in the case of gender dysphoria most children grow out of it when puberty starts. That is science, that is fact and we need to start making decisions based on facts and not feelings.
@paulaelli 2 жыл бұрын
What's worse for Detransitioners, i imagine, is that where the hate and vitriol is coming from, probably only a short time ago the SAME people were all about loving and support. and that they maybe the ONLY people you've interacted with for a long time.
@Liv-gr5vl 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a detransitioner who had undiagnosed autism. I was confused as to what had been 'wrong' with me my entire life and doctors just weren't helping no matter how much I asked for help...then I found the trans community around 23 and it made about as much sense as anything else in my life at the time. So I was failed by medical professionals multiple times... It was easier to get testosterone and a double mastectomy than it was to get an autism diagnosis as a girl.
@rasul01 2 жыл бұрын
There seems to be a massive correlation between autism, and detransitioners and conflating gender nonconformity with transgenderism.
@Liv-gr5vl 2 жыл бұрын
@@rasul01 I'm not sure, for me, that it was solely related to gender non-conformity (it played a part), but rather me wanting answers to why I was struggling so much socially with extreme anxiety and confidence issues (amongst other things). My doctors and therapists kept brushing me off for years that I sought the answer myself in the end, but being confused and vulnerable, I got sucked in by the trans-community.
@lialia2268 Жыл бұрын
The permanent deep voice is heartbreaking, that honestly made me sad. She’s so pretty and I definitely felt her pain bro
@brendabaker3916 2 жыл бұрын
I feel now that we have this generation of parents want the social credits of having a Trans kid and thus further disenfranchising them. I believe that true stats are around that 2 % mark. We are seeing 16 to 20% in some locals and I feel like the large portion just want to be special. Who doesn't want to be special and recognized? We all do and sadly transitioning is a very screwed up way of getting attention.
@ryanthomas49 2 жыл бұрын
@Dating zone 5 nice try, Susan.
@theatreforlifee22 2 жыл бұрын
youre so right and i really think that trans trending is the real transphobia bc its taking away from actual trans people who need resources and to be heard
@sallypopplewell4919 2 жыл бұрын
100% agree
@diarmuidkuhle8181 2 жыл бұрын
This is precisely why we need medical 'gatekeeping', ie an evaluation by a specialist professional and a proper diagnosis, in order to rule out things like mental health issues or sexual trauma.
@-Dazai- Жыл бұрын
Defend tomboys and femboys
@MichaeRCasey Жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for young people who have been prematurely transitioned. The health consequences are far too costly to be cavalier about this topic. Accessibility to hormones and surgeries at a young age (-18) is far less important than societies need to create allowances for young people’s exploration of one’s self without being shamed. Grace should be the response to recognizing that we don’t know what everyone else is experiencing or how to help them but if we take our time and listen rather than pushing an agenda to conform in one direction or another humanity will benefit in so many ways. As a Dad to 3 daughters I’m witnessing a lot of confusion being injected into their lives and that of their peers which has led to academic research as well as hearing from people like yourself. Thank you Blaire for sharing this video, and the perspective gained from your journey. Very insightful and so needed.
@bradleyvockins4143 2 жыл бұрын
When I started my transition I had to spend a year as a male, see a psychiatrist before I was allowed to start hrt. My biggest fear was losing my ability to sing, but for me I was willing to lose that and so much more. Transition was right for me, it’s not for everyone. Luckily for me I retrained myself to sing again so I do what I love again. Plus after 4 years on testosterone my voice has stopped breaking so much and it’s starting to smooth out in a sense. I get blood tests every few months to make sure my t levels and many other levels are where they should be. I have polycythemia due to Testosterone now but luckily it’s manageable with a venesection whenever my red blood cell count is too high. I feel for these people. And I’m glad they’re opening up dialogue. Just because transitioning was right for me, doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. So much love and respect to them, and to you for talking about it. ❤️
@josemauricio1553 2 жыл бұрын
Polycythemia is a genetical disorder, can't be caused by taking T, maybe you had before know it and when you start the T the desease get worse
@bradleyvockins4143 2 жыл бұрын
@@josemauricio1553 it’s secondary which isn’t caused by genetics. Testosterone can cause too many red blood cells. I have seen a specialist and this is what they told me.
@josemauricio1553 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradleyvockins4143 sorry I have a confusion with polycythemia vera
@lizzeltired5496 2 жыл бұрын
@@josemauricio1553 no. It can be caused by T also. Easy google search
@lizzeltired5496 2 жыл бұрын
@@bradleyvockins4143 listen to your Docs. People online like to think they know better. T increases the production of red blood cells. Increases RBC to a higher than average level is the definition of polycythemia
@Herr2Cents Жыл бұрын
Your very compassionate in your discussion about these topics.
@joejoegogo 2 жыл бұрын
Blair I want to thank you. I have immersed myself in an attempt to find love and understanding for things I have not experienced. Honestly, your channel isn't part of the ideology cult. You speak openly and honestly about reality which is so important. For us to accept we need those who are trans to be honest about biology. What a woman or man is and why that matters. I feel deeply for those who suffer and all I want is the best for everyone. If we can get past the crap and have honest discourse we could come together as humans, the one thing that unites us. You are doing the Lord's work inadvertently. I pray you all find peace in yourselves and know that God loves all no matter what we go thru. You have earned my respect and have humbled me. Thank you.
@alyssajoyblack5007 2 жыл бұрын
I have a two severe sexual traumas in my past. I’m asexual. Had I not experienced all this in my 20s rather than my teens and had my teens been at the time of reddit and social media and had I not already been in therapy for severe mental illness I can see how I could have been lead down this path, especially considering I have a severe eating disorder too. I wanted to be protected, to disappear, and I didn’t want to be a ‘woman’ (although I was always clear I was female). Plus because of ED my female hormones had been stopped because starvation leaves your body too exhausted to produce female hormones to the point you develop amenorrhea (loose your period). But again, I knew although I didn’t want to be a ‘woman’, I was definitely female. Thank goodness. Watching these makes me think ‘there but for the grace of therapy, psych meds and older age goes me’. Thank you so much for allowing these people to have a platform- you’re a hero, for EVERYONE effected by transgenderism- the happy endings and the unfortunate.
@DrNikkiDi 2 жыл бұрын
When I was about 15 I was certain I wanted to be a boy. I wore mens clothes, a binder and asked to be referred to with he/him pronouns. But I also just hated my body in general and suffered with an ED and lost so much weight I was threatened with being sectioned. I'm so glad my parents didn't take me to get hormones or surgery. I wasn't trans but I did have body dysmorphia and I'm certain if I had transitioned my body dysmorphia would be 100x worse.
@alFaCentauri16 Жыл бұрын
I haven't finished watching the video but it's interesting how most of the detransitioners are female. I'm not sure why that is, some might have trauma they associste with being female, some might feel like they would be safer if they became male. And I understand that. It's terrifying being a woman in this world. I wish it wasn't. When I started going through puberty I hated that my body was changed. I was binding my breasts because I was so ashamed of them. It's funny to realise how I'm proud of my femininity now.
@mules8662 2 жыл бұрын
Back in the tumblr times, we had tomboys and tomgirls. It was a thing.
@punkgrl325 2 жыл бұрын
Tumblr is where this whole mess started tbh. Even the terms “non-binary” and “gender fluid” were popularized from there.
@mrvalentine6637 2 жыл бұрын
Miss those days dearly. Now they are rare as a unicorn.
@hannahp.fletcher9969 Жыл бұрын
This is such an important thing to highlight. To anyone looking through the comments who may be detransitioning... You're loved. It's okay. There are people who will help you through this. You will know who you are one day.
@DragonsOfSnow 2 жыл бұрын
12:15 ish....In the simpler, less insane days, that was simply a "tom boy" if you were a woman or a "tom girl" if you were a male. 99.9999% of people never fathomed it meant wanting to be a different gender. It simply meant you didn't follow the traditional societal role of your born gender, but it never meant you thought you WEREN'T that gender. It was simply girls who weren't afraid to get their hands dirty, played sports, played with boy toys, etc...and it meant men who were more sensitive and able to talk more about their feelings, liked to sew, etc. The internet is what ended up screwing everyone up. 😑😑😑 I've always been more of a tom boy. Even though I can be very feminine looking sometimes (love make-up, doing my nails, and feminine clothing), I'm also perfectly fine getting dirty in the yard or pulling out a drill and fixing things falling apart in my home. That would probably make me "NB" in today's activist society. 🙄 Nope. I'm all woman...I just have a lot of facets to my personality and more people need to understand that they don't *have* to be a silly label, they don't *need* to change their entire identity with every new thing they happen to like. Quit trying to fit yourself into these insufferable bubbles. In fact, let's bring back the "no labels" of the 90's, shall we? Those were really good times.
@vanessac1721 2 жыл бұрын
Hell yes.
@mikepar2 2 жыл бұрын
The bar for getting hormones has significantly lowered in recent years before you had about 300 at the clinic in the UK now it is about 10 times that because they have been convinced that transistiing will solve all their problems
@iw9472 2 жыл бұрын
I was a tomboy as a little girl and I would have been pushed to transition for no reason other than "girls do or don't do" I hated being a woman because I was surrounded by cruel women. I love being a woman now! I matured. Every journey is different though. You need dysphoria to be trans and that's it.
@princecharmling14 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that detransitioning ppl can turn to you. It's pretty sad that there's only you. You would think that others would provide guidance for those questioning or detransitioning. That's tragic.
@maggiehopkins8945 2 жыл бұрын
I always appreciate the thought you put into videos on de-transitioning. I have 14 and 15 yr old daughters. In our very small HS (42 kids in the graduating class), they have 3 (born as female) friends that now identify as male or non-binary. One of my best friends has allowed her daughter to start transitioning at 15. It is SO hard not to say anything that could be deemed judgmental. I have to be so so so careful how I speak on this subject, so I don't alienate them. It isn't in my nature to not speak my mind, but this subject, in our current social climate, has to be handled w kid gloves. Also, I've talked about your work to my girls many times, and they are absolutely not into listening. "Blair doesn't represent all trans people," they say. But they don't actually know ANY real trans people! They only know what they see online and what their friends talk about. So I guess, thank you for keeping me grounded on this topic. I have had trans friends in the past, and we fell out of touch due to moving and life. I like to think they'd agree with you (as their transitions were quite long processes, involving mental health first), and also support my stance to maintain my children as children as long as possible. I never comment this much, so I apologize for the length, but your work is important and I appreciate it.
@lilithhr 2 жыл бұрын
She truly explains topics like this so thoroughly and beautifully. Not enough people like her on social media. Keep it up Blaire, here for your vids, always ✨🙌🏼
@barrahart Жыл бұрын
Love you, love you, love you for this 🙏🏽
@alienillusi0n 2 жыл бұрын
I predicted this happening back in 2015 when every other girl on tumblr started transitioning. It’s so sad.
@nope6726 Жыл бұрын
I was in high school Obama era. The LGBT “back then” would’ve called out anyone’s bigotry for saying something absolutely ridiculous like “that’s not a woman, they have short hair & they like sports!” 😐
@Madeleine_des_Esseintes 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I was a tomboyish girl in the 2000s/early 2010s, because I definitely would have fallen down the trans/non-binary rabbit hole if I was a teenager now. Seriously, what happened to adults not encouraging self-destructive teenage behaviour? Just imagine someone would have told all those 2000s emo kids that cutting is perfectly fine and 'empowering'.
@andyz6306 2 жыл бұрын
100% agreed on that first point.
@travisvirgoe1310 5 ай бұрын
My daughter was struggling with her mental health at 12. There was some bullying, she has adhd. She was convinced first she was a lesbian, then a boy. She cut her hair and started dressing like a boy. She went to school and changed her name. We didn't fight her on her appearance but would not call her by her new name. We just used her nickname we had always called her. She is now 17, has a boyfriend, and is a complete girly girl. These kids need their parents to be responsible and keep them from harming themselves. You know your child. She wasn't a little girl who had identified as a boy since she could talk, she was a preteen with mental health issues who wanted somewhere to belong.
@AvalonDreamz 2 жыл бұрын
I think they dont want it discussed because it validates those who are truly trans vs those who are just using this as a means to profit off of others pain, use as a trend, or use by politicians during election time. These situations may help give someone pause before they go taking parts of their body off and regretting it later!
@TheNecessaryEvil 2 жыл бұрын
Someone: yeah, so I was convinced I was trans as a kid, I transitioned, had the surgery at 18, and now I realize I made a mistake. LGBTQ community: welp, guess you weren’t trans then. *traipses off through the grass singing la la la*
@안광 2 жыл бұрын
I got misdiagnosed as bipolar and was stuck with the diagnosis for over 7 years and was taking medications that doctors thought I needed according to my diagnosis. I have the medical experience of someone with bipolar because I’ve gone through the same treatments and was on the same meds, but I was not truly bipolar at all. Same thing with transgenderism. Some people are just misdiagnosed. With mental disorders like bipolar, depression, gender dysphoria, etc, that require the patients honesty and recollection of behavior, there will of course be a high number. Go to a therapist and describe fabricated symptoms of depression, regardless of if you’re actually medically depressed or not, they will prescribe you anti-depressants.
@crystaleunoia3974 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's terrible how when someone thinks they're Trans the lgbtq community will cheer them on and put them on a pedestal, which pushes them to go further with it. But if that person realizes that they were wrong and that transitioning was a mistake, the lgbtq community will pretend they don't exist anymore or/and bully them. It's madness and I feel so bad for detransistioners.
@sparklesparklesparkle6318 2 жыл бұрын
@@안광 thats really tough man I'm sorry you went through that. glad you made it out.
@optionvice8926 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like we skipped the talk, of being able to be feminine man or masculine man, and still be straight, gay, bi or asexual.
@beerdragon4583 2 жыл бұрын
When people transition into what they think they need to be, they run the great risk of becoming something they never wanted.
@Che9009 2 жыл бұрын
This is all a psychological thing, where in a lot of cases, weather it be gender, political, sports, religious etc, they do it just to be accepted by a certain community and be a part of it, and with the advent of social media this can help bolster your social points, which is why a lot of them clout chase. The dangers of emotional thinking over logical thinking should be highlighted more.
@HappyHoboRecovery 2 жыл бұрын
Over 25 years in the gym, I've befriended many female bodybuilder/fitness competitors who used steriods ... who later regretted the permanent changes those hormones had on their body, including voice, clitoris, breasts, bone structure and fertility. I can't imagine how de transgendering situations must be, but thank you for providing platform where people like me can ask reasonable questions and get reasonable answers that aren't steeped in rhetoric or political agenda. ♥️👍
@althealatray1321 2 жыл бұрын
If there wasn't so many labels there would be less confusion
@evelynvslife 2 жыл бұрын
The last woman mentioning internalised misogyny hit home. While I consciously know women and men are equal, I’ve always loathed myself for being born female. I wasn’t comfortable with it my entire childhood and when I was an adult I was considering some form of transition. Thank god I got out of the toxic lgbt spaces and realised it’s a mental issue that won’t be helped by changing my body. Today I consider myself ‘non binary’. I don’t give a shit about pronouns, but my internalised misogyny gives me legit gender dysphoria if someone refers to me as a ‘woman’. I’d rather be called a man. I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable with that word being applied to me, but I don’t think it’s something therapy can fix.
@MmmMulholland 2 жыл бұрын
Even if therapy doesn’t fix (does it ever? 😅) it might be a good place to explore these feelings. Maybe you don’t need to fix anything. Maybe it’s just who you are but it’s nice to have more clarity.
@Jinkroll 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I’m on the same boat :/ except I know I’m cisgender. Sucks ass
@JaneDoe-pp8se 3 ай бұрын
when i was twelve i hated how i was treated as a girl (not necessarily unfairly, i just had a more "boyish" character than most girls at that age and didn't want to be treated girly idk) so i sought help in the lgbt comunity (on tiktok) that resaulted in an identitiy crisis that went something like this first i was bi and cis- then pan and cis- then lesbian and cis- i started to daydream of being in a male body- then lesbian they/them (noone really respected that tho)- then i went by all pronouns because noone respectet my they/them pronouns- back to bi and cis/not caring what people called me (at this point i was just doing it to fit in with my new friends)- and then like 1-1.5 years ago i realised i had no atraction to women whatsoever and myself wanted to be a woman she/her (and my friends really didn't care, we are still very close) mind you all this happened to me between 7th and 8th grade and tis is only a summary
@ILikeCreepyStuff 2 ай бұрын
Me too!!❤ like literally
@juliedavis3575 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Blaire, I have a wonderful child that suffers from dysphoria,, and you have helped me to understand better.
@acgraphics1139 2 жыл бұрын
Support them and respect there name and pronouns and let them grow as a person detransion is rare
@tatsumitakeshina2993 2 жыл бұрын
Transition them ASAP Sis, you'll thank me later :)
@juliedavis3575 2 жыл бұрын
Transition is a well thought out experience. Not a get them quick sort of thing. At least that's what I am seeing.
@marlastanding-owl7739 2 жыл бұрын
I am 50 this year And a trans woman. My transition saved my life and I have zero regrets. Everything Blaire says In this video is the truth!!!! ❤️ I have literally had hundreds of not thousands of these conversations with people. Please Blaire keep telling this side of the story !!!!!
@RaKa.36912 Жыл бұрын
i didn't transition for anyone else. i regret going through sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy.
@hiropon2985 2 жыл бұрын
this is genuinely heartbreaking to see. people grooming young people, calling them "eggs" and then dragging them through hell if they try to escape.
@therealdeal3672 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly, internalized misogyny is very strong in a lot of young developing girls. Obviously it's picked up from society. The attention young women get from men changes, as they change. It's uncomfortable and scary. I'm glad that I grew up before the ideas of switching one's gender were so developed. I think I would have been confused, too. Instead I've been able to be both a tomboy and a girly girl and end up very happy that I'm female. I promise you there is nothing in the world like getting pregnant, growing a baby and becoming a mother. Both femininity and masculinity are infinitely versatile. Within and while remaining as they are. As they came in. Ultimately we can free ourselves from the male gaze and male expectations and just get centered in being who we are, as we came in and exploring that fully. That may include embracing our womanhood, or just letting it be a matter of fact and not a big concern one way or the other. Any decision to change must be based on an absolute 100% clear necessity to express who you truly are. This is a decision that has to be made with clarity, not confusion.
@angelam.4859 2 жыл бұрын
This! All of it. The internalized misogyny is born and grows as girls lose their feeling of safety at the same time that their hormones go crazy. Their body changes and it gets judged for these changes they can't control. Other adults start acting like they can take away the basic human rights (equal respect; to not be objectified & devalued; to get the same medical attention for actual physical issues) of the girls, and thus this feeling of no longer being equal and no longer having any power or control over their own lives is a very scary thing to live with, let alone thrive amidst it while trying to grow up. We need to let our kids be versatile as kids and be the examples of patience, unconditional love, and natural consequences so that the kids will become more secure adults before they make permanent decisions.
@therealdeal3672 2 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER unless we allow masculinity and femininity to be infinitely versatile, we end up with kids thinking that they're something that they're not. If they can just be the sex that they were born and express their gender as they please without trying to change their sex, they'll have a chance to grow out of thinking that they have to actually physically change something about themselves. Yes. Masculinity and femininity are not finite specific concepts. A masculine male can be very sensitive and expressive and soft and get comfortable with his feminine side. And a feminine female can be tough and strong and faster than the boys. It's the restricted constructs of masculinity and femininity that ultimately are the problem. And I'm not talking about non-binary expression. I'm talking about allowing feelings to be explored without an action of changing ones physical state chemically or surgically. And, allowing for the fact that there are a very very small minority of people that actually need to transition in order to be happy.
@therealdeal3672 2 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER it's true that women have to work very hard to free their themselves from the male gaze if they're not interested. They basically have to cover up and wear baggy clothes and not play into the pressure to look like a girly girl. And are you going to blame all the flirting on men? I remember being quite the flirt myself when I was in my prime. Women have the same urge to procreate that men have. Or people wouldn't have any kids. Remember women have the much tougher role within this context. See, you're trying to divide the impulses, that are universal to humanity. There are many women who free themselves from male gaze by not engaging with it. We have to keep training men though, it's true. Remember, much of human behavior is culture and can change over time it is not fixed.
@therealdeal3672 2 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER ever hear of Joan of Arc? Are you aware that there was Queen Elizabeth the First? You seem like you're really stuck in gender roles. There are women fighting the war in Ukraine too fighting for their country. Yes there are women fleeing with their children naturally. If you're going to be a woman who counts on a man to save you that's your problem. The men are the ones making the wars too. Mostly. That's BS that it's the men that will save the women every time! Women save people too! Would you be completely incapable of that if that were called upon you? People with rigid gender roles ideas have rigid ideas for themselves in general and are not as intelligent and also typically won't fare as well as they age in the brain department. Just so you know. Rigid thinker, you.
@Terran-Lord Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for continuing to show the unhappy stories. You are a perfect example of what people should aspire to be. It's so great to see the good and bad of the issues and get an honest take on it.
@cairoprange275 2 жыл бұрын
This was very reassuring, I came out a couple years before identifying as trans started trending and I had always thought the rise was fishy but I fear what if I've been "tricked" as well I mean if thousands of people have been fooled why am I any different but I am constantly checking in with myself and making sure this is right for me. This video reminded me I'm definitely just doing this for myself I've lost so many family members friends and partners because I'm trans and I've just keep going there was no "oh your going to leave me I'll stop" because I'm so unbelievably unhappy living as female. I think this is something a lot of people don't think about is how all of this affects real trans people who are transitioning in this hard time is you have to question yourself every step of the way to make sure your not another victim.but I'm sure of my identity so I'm not afraid to question it because I know I will get the same answer back every time It's been really hard since I'm not a stereotypical male but that had just made me more confident because like you said Alot of the people going down the worng path are too focused on stereotypes and this is because they are doing it for others perspective on them not themselves. A bit of a ramble I'm just glad this is getting a bigger spotlight because it needs to be addressed
@ziptie7095 Жыл бұрын
Seen a few of your videos, awesome and your beautiful. My daughter is 14 and is going through a tough time with dysphoria. We are supportive but said we do not support the harmon blockers or testrone (sorry my spelling is sad) until she is over 18. Thank you for bringing into the light this new what seems to be a trend thing.
@tammykelsey7877 2 жыл бұрын
MUCH love to detransitioners!!! I am SO sorry for your pain and struggle!!! People that have transition who judge people who have detransitioned forget where they came from!!! People, DON’T be cruel!!! EVERYONE has a right time change their mind!!! ❤️🙏✌🏻
@AzerinaM 2 жыл бұрын
This makes me so sad. I remember why my daughter was in high school, it’s been about 10 years now.. being gay and trans was so IN! She told me mom, I’m a lesbian.. I just smiled and nodded. She’s been with her male fiancé for about 6 yrs now. The school system and certain.. people.. are pushing this on our children. They’re too young to understand what all of this even means and it’s confusing the shit out of them. It needs to stop. Parents need to quit also, it’s not the “cool” thing to do this to your kids!
@anniekerpels 7 ай бұрын
then you have me at 44 years old and wanting to tie my fallopian tubes. I have 4 children. 1 through the pill, 1 through an IUD and 1 through the pill and the abortion pill... and doctors thought I was too young!! and then there are doctors who give children hormones and make them undergo entire operations. really bizarre! 😢 but those children are not allowed to buy alcohol but are allowed to undergo such dangerous operations that could completely ruin their lives. 😢😢
@fencserx9423 2 жыл бұрын
Normalize being normal. It’s ok to be normal.
@davewilliams5357 2 жыл бұрын
i always told my kids do things for you not for friends or trends they never tell you its a LIFE changing thing you are doing i am not transfobic but will always say take your time and REALLY think if this is the best thing for you to go if you rush you will have regrets
@harrydavey9884 2 жыл бұрын
I find it fascinating that people think caring about detransitioners makes you hateful towars trans people... Like, are we all human or not? Shouldn't you care about everybody?
@Mykidsaresmarterthanyours 2 жыл бұрын
These people need to be highlighted. They need to know they matter, still. Teenagers need to see their stories. I hope they realize we're grateful for their willingness to put it all out there.
@julieryan8116 2 жыл бұрын
I love that you bring this issue forward and approach it in such a caring way. I adore you for your willingness to support this group and create a safe space.
@Nobodysbby 2 жыл бұрын
8:57 confusion with her sexuality lead her on the path to transitioning. This is another important problem that should be highlighted. Also on another subject, I notice some people "come out" as a bisexual woman and then start dressing more masculine. As if to say , now that I'm openly bisexual in going to "dress like one".. Wear what makes you comfortable and happy regardless .
@roman466 2 жыл бұрын
I blame the parents for destroying their kids, I would never forgive them ever!
@nevesp.7777 4 ай бұрын
It's so crazy because I had this whole crisis where I thought I was trans at 13, but now at 20 I'm just a woman who likes other women
@ReesMDavidson Жыл бұрын
the comment about T being way more powerful that E and the permanence of F2M vs M2F is HUGE. Thank you for highlighting that fact. Just an educated guess, but I would imagine young girls more likely to want to transition from social pressure than young guys. Blaire maybe do a video talking about Testosterone vs. Estrogen.
@lunadoggo9671 2 жыл бұрын
I was transgender(ftm) for 5 years before detrainstioning. I still struggle with my identity and feel like a boy trying to be a woman. Its hard. definitely something that needs more praise and light.
@elenatarasova2039 2 жыл бұрын
No need to "try to be a woman". Just be yourself and value your body the way it is
@davydemaseneer999 Жыл бұрын
this isnt to show that transitioning is autmoticly a bad thing that u will regret. its to warn people who want to transition that they might not stay in that mindset of them wanting to transition. and have consequences for the future. which i can only view as a very good thing. keep these people updated, before they start changing things about their body that they might regret in the future.
@angela.6273 2 жыл бұрын
Conservative woman here. Thank you for showing me the humanity in this situation that I seemed to have lost
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