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Detroit: Become Human Demo is about playing the story. Through your actions and decisions you drive the story and face the consequences of your choices. You are in charge of the fate of these characters. You will become a “co-writer” who will have to make critical decisions that will impact the entire story and its world.As you play as all of the characters, you’ll see the story from different perspectives. You will need to weigh each decision, as actions made by one character may have consequences on others.
《底特律:變人》設定在距今約 20 年後的近未來,那時的社會與現在並無太大的差異,唯有那時的仿生人(人形機器人)技術有飛躍性的進展,成了一種普及社會的量產商品。那時的社會充滿著言行舉止如同人類的仿生人,它們擔任許多人類原本從事的工作,如工人、侍者、保姆等。為了便於識別,仿生人的服裝都標有藍光三角標誌,額頭右側也有圓形光環。然而,本應當正常運作程序的仿生人,卻陸續開始出現異常,有些仿生人無故失蹤,有些仿生人突然狂暴化並攻擊人類,有些仿生人則是產生不該有的情感。雖然異常案例的比例不高,卻足以嚴重動搖人類對仿生人的信任。
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