Рет қаралды 1,028
With approximately 1000 learners representing more than 35 nationalities, the DSJ takes pride in its extensive educational tradition, which is aimed
at preparing learners for the demands of an everchanging professional world. The school strengthens learners in their development towards becoming self-assured and independent individuals, while also encouraging critical thinking, which promotes their methodological and social competencies. As per requirements from the German Government,
who financially support the school, German is a compulsory subject for all age groups.
In 2016, the DSJ was named the ‘Best German School outside Germany’ by a panel of judges from the Deutsche Schulpreis Award and 2018, it was
again awarded the status of an ‘Excellent German School Abroad’, both serving as indicators that our learners leave school as dynamic and innovative young adults.
#StrongerTogether #EinsatzDSJ