DEXCORE 「Still Alive」 Official Music Video

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Still Alive
lyrics:架神 / music:架神
I was searching from that day
The real reason to live
I ran away from my life
I’ve got better at lying
It’s not that I wanna die 
How many decades have passed since I thought
It’s hard to breathe
Now I’ve noticed
I remember
This is my life
I can destroy again
I can find my way
I’ll put my hands on my heart and listen
I’m still alive
When I faced someone’s death
I realized that you can change something if you live
Let’s start over again
Cuz’ I’m still alive
Walking like I’m stoned
Didn’t care if I got hurt
I couldn’t wrap my heart with a bandage
I left the wound as it is
How do you feel?
Tell me how do you feel?
I wanna kill myself
Now I can speak up
The path will continue but it’s up to you
“Don’t let go my hand”
Maybe I said it cuz’ I was scared
I was scared
I remember
This is my life
I can destroy again
I can find my way
I’ll put my hands on my heart and listen
I’m still alive
When I faced someone’s death
I realized that you can change something if you live
Let’s start over again
Cuz’ I’m still alive
The “Other me” tries to choke me
It’s hard to fucking breathe
”It” appears in the night
Struggling every day
I’m alone
No matter how far I go nothing will change
I can’t understand my self
Sometimes I wanna kill myself like you
I’m alone
Sometimes I wish everything would go away
I’m miserable
I don’t know how to ask for “HELP”
Tell me
I can destroy again
Waiting for the rain
I’ll put my hands on my heart and listen
I’m still alive
When I faced someone’s death
I realized that you can change something if you live
Cuz’ I’m still alive
But it’s hard to breathe
I’m still alive
Cuz’ I’m still alive
Cuz’ I’m still alive
#DEXCORE #StillAlive
“Still Alive”
Sound Produce & Arrange:DEXCORE
Recording, Sound Direction:kagayume Lab.
Mixing and Mastering:SATOJI (Nyse.S.W)
Music Video “Still Alive”
Support Drums:MAKI / @maki_superloud
Violin & Strings Arrangement : KANATA YUMISHIRO (AURORIZE)
Cast:Nikita (AnnyKate Models)
Video Production:CRAGE FILMS
Cameraman:cuda|Mikiya Tanaka (Mickey Tanaka Films)
Hairmake:Yu-ki Kobayashi
Follow “DEXCORE”
Twitter: / dexcore_info
Instagram: / dexcore_official
Subscription and Download:www.tunecore.c...
X(旧Twitter)  / kagami_dexcore
Instagram  / dexcore_kagami
KZbin  / kagamifromdexcore
X(旧Twitter)  / yumeto_dexcore
Instagram  / yumeto_dexcore
KZbin  / yumeto
X(旧Twitter)  / toru_dexcore
Instagram  / toru_dexcore

Пікірлер: 327
@icespT 4 ай бұрын
I recently got Still alive lyrics tattoo, on my left arm close to my heart. Sometimes, I think life is so hard but in the end we have to keep living for something. At least I’ll keep waiting for the new songs of Dexcore. It means a lot to me. Thank you for creating good music and live for us. 🖤🎶
@emarikoch1445 2 күн бұрын
@theruchey6762 9 ай бұрын
DEXCORE my most favorite band. Listening to their songs makes me sad, angry, and happy. I feel alive. I love the participants. I am so grateful that I met this group on my life path.
@coolcam271 9 ай бұрын
@leahlola791 9 ай бұрын
@GreyandKey 8 ай бұрын
100 No more fuckin to said;)
@jordanpaul8873 9 ай бұрын
I need a Dexcore US tour... and also... for anyone who is feeling down or feeling like living doesn't matter, I promise you that you are worth it and you matter.
@ashadows666 9 ай бұрын
Yes and well said
@P.M1205 8 ай бұрын
i prefer germany :D
@jordanpaul8873 8 ай бұрын
I say they go to Germany also!
@YamiNiOmou14 6 ай бұрын
僕は40代後半です 幼い頃の母親からの折檻の日々、自分は存在してはいけないという根幹、ようやく出会えた大切な存在が10年経ったころ道行く悪魔な輩たちに陵辱され自死、属する大会社への悪習への抵抗の日々から鬱になり癌になり闘病生活ももう7年以上。。。 音楽がいつも支えでしたが小学生からの憧れ、櫻井敦司氏の死からもう耐えることに疲れ果て人との接点も遮断し音楽を聴くことやLIVEに行くことさえも出来なくなっています DEXCOREは2年前に知りました そのLOUDなサウンドと架神氏の声色と歌詞に込められる想いに惹かれました LOUDなサウンドを鳴らすバンドは数あれど心撃つバラードを書けるバンドは稀有だと感じています ごく稀に楽になれる瞬間がありその時にこの曲を聴いてみました 心が震えて涙が止まりません [I don't know how to ask for "HELP"] この言葉に特に嗚咽してしまいます 生きているんだから自分次第で未来は変えられる こういった曲は他にもたくさんありますが胸を撃つものは僕にとっては多くはありません 架神氏の書く言葉、歌、想いには震えます サウンド的にもデスコア色を要所に入れつつ美しさをより引き立たせているように感じます リズムチェンジがとても好きです このようにメッセージを残しておこうとすることが出来るほどこの曲に出会えて救われている自分がいます いつかワンマンLIVEに行けますように 札幌でもDEXCOREのLIVEに参戦出来ますように それまで生きていけますように ありがとうDEXCORE
@star-v5r4o Ай бұрын
@paulusfranciscuscroot3063 2 ай бұрын
A band as cool as this should get a world class label contract oh how great it will be that in 2024 there will still be metalcore bands that carry the type of music from the old era combined with the current modern era DEXCORE you guys are awesome
@YG-ze4rw 9 ай бұрын
長文失礼いたします。 まず、この楽曲を聴いた瞬間、 「あまりに格好良すぎて、  久しぶりに一撃で完全に心を持っていかれました。  この様な楽曲を制作頂き、  心より感謝申し上げます。」 私は若い頃、 ヘヴィロック系メタルコアのバンドをしており、 それなりに有名になりましたが、 売れなかったためバンドは解散しました。 そして今は、 BringMeTheHorizon、Crossfaith、coldrain、 Story of Hope、Crystal Lake、初期のLinkinPark、AA=、FACT、GUNDOG、PTP、SiM、 Survive Said The Prophetなどのバンドの楽曲を 愛好しています。 そんなメタルコアを愛してやまないこの私が、 KZbinのおすすめに、 「DEXCORE」という知らないバンドが突然現れ、 「なんか気になるから、ちょっと聞いてみるかー」 という軽いノリでこの曲を聴いた瞬間、 「一瞬で画面に釘付けになりました。」 イントロのストリングスから、 架神の優しく儚い歌声、 ギターの泣きそうなくらい切なさに満ち溢れたクリーンから、 激しくも切ない最高にイケてるメタルリフが流れ、 サビでは、 架神の溢れんばかりの思いをこれでもかと言わんばかりにのせた、 究極にイケてる切なくも激しい美メロ、 そこに架神の泣き叫ぶようにして歌う歌声と、 楽曲のアツイ歌詞、 もう、 あまりに格好良すぎて、 既に500回以上音源を再生していると思います。 すいません。 紛れもなく、 私にとってぶっちぎりの2024年の年間ベストシングルとなりました。 ありがとうございます。 楽曲を制作している架神の音楽的才能、 音楽的センス、 メロディーメーカーとしての才能、 メタルコアのリフの格好良さ、 リズムのセンス、グルーブ、 MIDI音源の使用センス、 力強くも儚い歌声、 シャウトの格好良さ、 ボーカリストとしての顔のイケメン具合、 架神は全て完璧です。 架神は、 「音楽の天才」 という言葉が一番適していると思います。 架神のような音楽の天才が、 誰よりも努力し続けると、 これ程までに心を打つ、 最高の楽曲を生み出す事が出来るようになるのだと感心いたしました。 心からDEXCOREは世界的に有名になって、 売れまくって欲しいなと思った次第です。 最後に、 DEXCOREの音源を愛する一ファンとして、 架神に下記をお願いしたいです。 「Still Alive」のような、 シャウトを抑えた、 架神の切なくも立ち向かう決意に満ち溢れた美しい歌声と、 サビで架神の美メロを爆発させる力強いミドルテンポの楽曲を、 もっと増やして頂きたいです。 ゴリゴリのDjent系のライブ楽曲はアルバムに収めて頂き、 シングルは「Still Alive」のような、 生きる事に疲れ果て悩んでいる誰かの救いとなるような、 アツイ楽曲を展開して頂きたいです。 架神の英語の発音が良くないと突っ込みコメントがありましたが、 練習すればもっと良くなると思うので、 全然気にしないで良いと思います。 「Still Alive」のように、 サビをビジュアル系っぽいあの独特な甘い歌い方にせず、 今回のように、洋楽にありそうな、 振り切れた力強く切ない歌い方をして頂けると、 私のような元バンドマン達の心を完全に射止められますので、 是非ご検討いただけますと幸いです。 ずっとDEXCOREを応援し続けますので、 これからも心を突き刺す最高にイケてる楽曲の発表を楽しみにしておりますので、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 以上、長文失礼いたしました。
@dexcoreofficialchannel 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@foki6966 7 ай бұрын
Ты легенда
@easyfunkycrazysstp9900 7 ай бұрын
@as_i_stand 9 ай бұрын
Having been in dark, dark places, I can honestly say, life IS worth living!
@MrDrpepperface 9 ай бұрын
im so happy dexcore fans truly seem united by this message of hope and empowerment and reassurance and catharsis
@deadnest_ 9 ай бұрын
This is one of those songs where you just feel that it's gonna be special after hearing the first 20 seconds
@pxluo9618 3 ай бұрын
Please keep this line up, you guys are phenomenal together. You keep dropping anthems, please don't stop what you're doing. This is true will. The human spirit, verbatim.
@jacquelinefischer3124 2 ай бұрын
@まいむまいむ-k1x 9 ай бұрын
何もかも上手く行かないサラリーマンです。 悔しい気持ちになってしまいました。なんでだろう。 わかりませんが、もう少しだけ頑張ろうと思います。 ありがとう。デクス
@johncallison4745 9 ай бұрын
This is arguably the best song of 2024 so far. Amazing job all of you. Pure heart and soul went into this song and video next level for sure. I would love to see you guys live. Hope you come to the United States before this old man gets much older.
@ЛичныйканалБогданаЯковенко 4 ай бұрын
Ребята, ваши песни из года в год становятся всё круче и душевнее! Огромное человеческое спасибо вам за ваше творчество
@afisher369 9 ай бұрын
I actually cried during this song made me remember after my mother passing to move forward and live 😢 most beautiful song from them
@sultanaditia3985 8 ай бұрын
So sorry, you strong my friend
@NathanSalapokni 2 ай бұрын
Suicide me yes
@Lord_Ducks 9 ай бұрын
Its sad to see so many depressed japanese people in the comments section,with love, i hope you all stay strong, with love, thank you dexcore for giving us hope♥️
@novrinkov0053 5 ай бұрын
That's just because there are a lot of Japanese fans of this band, but there are people all over the world who suffer from depression. First of all, in Japan, visual kei tends to be popular among people who are mentally unstable. That's why there are so many of those comments. This is not the case for the average Japanese person. In fact, there are many times more people suffering from depression in the United States, Europe, and South America than there are in Japan. Don't act like Japan is the only country with a depression problem. I see a lot of depressed westerners commenting on other comment section.
@novrinkov0053 5 ай бұрын
The West has many times more depressed people than Japan because of the high number of addicts, alcoholics, and homeless people, and the suicide rate is lower only because Christianity considers suicide a sin. In Japan, suicide is not considered a sin, and is seen as an honorable death, as seen in the culture of seppuku. Values ​​are different from those in the West. If the West were not Christian, there would be more suicides than in Japan. Depression is not included in the reasons for suicide in Japan, and most of the reasons are physical health problems, economic problems, or family problems. The most likely reason is that religions do not consider suicide a sin.
@novrinkov0053 5 ай бұрын
Depression ranking 1 Ukraine 6.30% 2 Estonia 5.90% 3 Australia 5.90% 4 United States 5.90% 5 Brazil 5.80% ↓ 72 Canada 4.70% ↓ 86 UK 4.50% ↓ 115 Japan 4.20% Just because suicide is forbidden in Christianity doesn't mean the West is an easy place to live. Depression isn't the main reason for Japan's suicide rate. It's physical health issues, financial issues, and also the fact that religion doesn't consider suicide a sin. In the first place, Japan's suicide rate is not even in the top 20.
@novrinkov0053 5 ай бұрын
The Christian West, where suicide is prohibited, is still not that different from Japan today. The West always picks out Japan as the only problem, but Japan isn't even in the top 20. suicide rate Australia 11.8 France 11.4 Belarus 16.5 Belgium 14.4 Botswana 20.2 Cameroon 17.7 Canada 11.7 Central Africa 22.4 Congo 12.4 Ivory Coast 17.7 Croatia 12.1 Eswatini 40.4 Finland 14.4 Hungary 19.1 Iceland 13.1 India 15.9 Japan 14.6(12.2) USA 12.8(14.5) Kazakhstan 24.4 Lithuania 28.3 Mongolia 18.6 Montenegro 16.8 Mozambique 23.9 Korea 22.6 Russia 22.1 South africa 23.4 Sweden 12.3 Ukraine 17.7 Uruguay 18.6 Netherlands 9.8 There are many countries with higher suicide rates than Japan, too many to list here, and if the West wasn't Christian, it would be no different from Japan.
@novrinkov0053 5 ай бұрын
The West always picks out Japan as the only problem, but Japan isn't even in the top 20. suicide rate Australia 11.8 France 11.4 Belarus 16.5 Belgium 14.4 Botswana 20.2 Cameroon 17.7 Canada 11.7 Central Africa 22.4 Congo 12.4 Ivory Coast 17.7 Croatia 12.1 Eswatini 40.4 Finland 14.4 Hungary 19.1 Iceland 13.1 India 15.9 Japan 14.6(12.2) USA 12.8(14.5) Kazakhstan 24.4 Lithuania 28.3 Mongolia 18.6 Montenegro 16.8 Mozambique 23.9 Korea 22.6 Russia 22.1 South africa 23.4 Sweden 12.3 Ukraine 17.7 Uruguay 18.6 Netherlands 9.8 There are many countries with higher suicide rates than Japan, too many to list here, and if the West wasn't Christian, it would be no different from Japan.
@di4nxia737 7 ай бұрын
being a fan of this band makes me feel so grateful..
@ぽんたす-c6q 9 ай бұрын
生きてて何がいいのかわからん人生が嫌で、かと言って死にたくはないしそんな風にしか考えられない自分はもっと嫌。でもどこにも吐き出す場所はないから、しんどいけど何も思ってないフリして生きていました。 この曲のおかげで少し心が軽くなった気がします。沢山泣いてしまったけど、生きてるから変えられるって思いながら明日も頑張れそうです。素敵な曲をありがとうございます。
@tungubiaddict 9 ай бұрын
" who cares if one more light goes out, well i do ... " ☺️❤
@Annaspooky 8 ай бұрын
Be strong, never give up, sometimes life is so difficult but everything will change at some point ✨
@Sig_Solutions 8 ай бұрын
This is a beautifuly composed song. The emotion is so raw I had to try not to cry on the first listen 😅. It’s just what I needed so thank you this is a amazing song that will no doubtedly change lives ❤ It is the epitome of todays metal core music the song is perfect😊
@emilyw.andhertotodile 9 ай бұрын
「音楽で人は救える」 ゆみかなさんと架神さんがこの曲に込めた優しい想い、本当にありがたいばかりです 🙏
@まり-b5r 9 ай бұрын
Xで架神さんの歌詞の和訳を見かけて聞きにきました。 自分には才能もセンスも何もなくむしろマイナスなことだらけだけれど、賞賛されることも注目されることもなくても、自分の好きなことをコツコツ続けて前を向いて生き続けようと改めて思わせてくれる曲でした。
@elto1052 9 ай бұрын
夜になるともう1人の自分が首を絞めてくる感覚、助けてとどうやって伝えればいいのかわからない、そんな毎晩頭の中を巡る言葉たち、架神さんの言葉にいつも涙が流れます Savior, BREATH, いつもギリギリで死なないで生きているところを助けてもらっています もう少し生きてみようと思います
@star-v5r4o Ай бұрын
@BlackAngel111111 9 ай бұрын
I love the way Kagami writes his songs and lyrics. This is the strongest themed song since Breathe. Much love to DEXCORE! Thank you for this song KAGAMI!
@MAKII724 9 ай бұрын
Been a long time since they’ve released two songs in one year. Literally DEXCORE never fails to serve us the best.
@delbertclinton2991 8 ай бұрын
I’m from Phoenix Arizona and I love this songs it’s bad ass dexcore need come to u.s. tour. 🤘🏻
@MrDrpepperface 9 ай бұрын
kagami has reached into my heart and pulled out strength, raw energy, the will to move on, let go or confront. I couldnt be more grateful to connect with him and resonate in this very personal way.
@gyounce1 4 ай бұрын
I love their ballads.
@Yasuke松田 3 ай бұрын
Real they're so underrated
@duelsister 9 ай бұрын
The violin with the guitar riff is such a groove
@deadnest_ 9 ай бұрын
Bro saw that one comment on the CBO song 😭🙏
@sgcd11 7 ай бұрын
Dexcore will always and forever be my favorite
@ma-yu-hx4qe 8 ай бұрын
初めてStill Aliveを聞いた衝撃は一生忘れません。過去一番の衝撃。等身大の架神さんのボーカルと歌詞、曲は私の心のあらゆる痛みと悲しみにリンクして一緒に叫びます。この曲が聴けたり聴けなかったりする日を乗り越えながら、やっと立ち上がれる様になったのは、自分自身と向き合い、この曲を見事に歌い切っている架神さんを見ることができたからです😢本当にありがとうございます🥲LIVEで聴けるのが待ち遠しいです❣️
@hiroaki8530 8 ай бұрын
和訳がないとなんとなく聞き流してしまう事が多いから今回もMVに和訳入れてくれありがとう。歌詞やっぱり好きだなあDEXCOREの。 アルバム早く聞きたいです。応援してます。
@uvoel_sub4545 6 ай бұрын
5:15からの「でも息が苦しい」 流れる波 悔しさのせいか、苦しいせいか、力を振り絞る為か、震える車椅子の少年 鮮明に映る花弁 心が震えます....
@Bokuwahyde 9 ай бұрын
This just keeps getting better and better. Dexcore is out here changing the game.
@GuinnieDeLeon1998 9 ай бұрын
You can feel the feeling of still being alive... I have cried, Dexcore this has been a wash for a sad heart, thank you very much for giving us this song after having experienced a loss in the Vkei 🥺😥
@chaseanderson6043 3 ай бұрын
u officially have a new fan, this band scratches that itch I need :)
@ame_shitoshito Ай бұрын
@RP-n1j 9 ай бұрын
I'll never get tired of hearing the violin in metal songs. So fucking good!!
@TerrestriaIII 7 ай бұрын
Very great song, big hello from Colombia south America
@NathanSalapokni 2 ай бұрын
Don't be afraid ^^ big bro is here.
@_a4s17mk 8 ай бұрын
@selene-moon 8 ай бұрын
Yes. We are still alive. How wonderful is that. Kagami is a powerful messenger here on earth… Thank you for your great work. It’s so precious 💎💚
@無しな 4 ай бұрын
みんな色々抱えてるんだな・・・。 辛いよな・・。 頑張れは言わないけど、 死ぬなよ!!生きろ!
@Michelle-bx6eb 9 ай бұрын
@PuReXtremeGaming 8 ай бұрын
@charliessphere 6 ай бұрын
私自身、生きづらさのあまり死にたいと思っていました。しかし、私は常に戦い、決して諦めないことを学びました。それは簡単ではありませんが、誰もあなたから奪うことのない、人生の明るい容器を見つけなければなりません 😊
@IndicaStyles 5 ай бұрын
Life can be hard, but it gets better. Just be patient. I know it sounds cliche, but I too wanted to take my life. Find what you are passionate about and love God and great things will happen to you.
@michellereedus9148 9 ай бұрын
Holy shit Dexcore coming in with a badass ballad heavy as hell❤❤ this is exactly what I needed today!!!
@Akii0532 9 ай бұрын
Черт,вам удалось затронуть ту часть души,что приходится прятать ото всех. И клип и сам трек бесподобны
@Mana10-f7g 6 ай бұрын
Such a touching song 🤗 Hugs for everyone 💖
@jamesherman3750 8 ай бұрын
Dexcore, please come to Australia!
@mrsoulslike570 7 ай бұрын
This is in my top 5 for '24 ez. Bump this multiple times in a row, multiple times a day. Thanks guys 🤘
@evelynmora875 8 ай бұрын
Gracias ❤❤❤
@rounax666 9 ай бұрын
Japanese Hopecore at its finest🖤🤘
@60fpsplanet 9 ай бұрын
That's the genre. Hopecore hahaha
@NathanSalapokni 2 ай бұрын
Nice rounax
@user-bz6mk6rj8x 9 ай бұрын
コーラスDEX FESTのときのかな?? もしそうだったら良い曲の一部になれたことが嬉しすぎます🥲
@SondeLuz12 7 ай бұрын
Please come to Europe! You deserve much more views, amazing release again!
@KK-gb6hu 9 ай бұрын
@にのりん-t7c 9 ай бұрын
@okami1061 9 ай бұрын
Please put this on spotify as soon as possible 😭🙏
@Bak3dGamingYT 8 ай бұрын
Dexcore has never once let down. Please come to the US
@mitznakashima6909 9 ай бұрын
@haraharaj-rock 9 ай бұрын
これこそDEXCOREだからこそ作れる曲だと思いました。 個人的にV系のファンの方々だけでなく、PTPなどを聴いて育ったラウドロックファンにも刺さりやすいと思った1曲。 とりあえずぶっ刺さってます。 最高です。
@あゆゆこ 9 ай бұрын
ただそこにいただけだったけど、胸ぐら掴まれてひっぱたかれたくらいの熱が伝わって涙が出ました 救われる気がします 多分私は、生きていけます
@evangelion0194 9 ай бұрын
Respect from France 🇫🇷 My favorite band metal japan🤘
@コンビニ今から生放送 9 ай бұрын
@cheekeebreekee 4 ай бұрын
Live after that too please.
@Huamaa1193 9 ай бұрын
The Choir part reminds me of "It's only smiles" from Periphery and I really do like that vibe🥶🥶
@supermanzac29 9 ай бұрын
My first thoughts too! I freaked out wondering why it sounded so familiar
@gatuhood 9 ай бұрын
I agree, maybe they just take inspiration from Periphery for this amazing song!
@dsfgwweegewge5083 9 ай бұрын
Because they stole it lol
@MrTrixzzzz 9 ай бұрын
*it’s only smiles
@stevensula5937 7 ай бұрын
dexcore come to the us please
@myHeartDrawsADream_ 7 ай бұрын
I'm from germany and i'm obsessed with this song ❤
@user-hn7ok3yr8m 6 ай бұрын
@JulianKorok 9 ай бұрын
I wish i could see you guys live again
@pointlesswasteoftime 9 ай бұрын
Great song. Dexcore really improves every release and continues to reinvent and refine. This song couldn't be further in style from the previous but still distinctively their own style and sound. ... I am still alive... Not that I want to be. "How do I ask for help" You don't. It doesn't exist. I've been through that system and it's worthless. A synthetic numbness is all they offer and empty platitudes. I'm not in a position to not be alive, so I soft quit. I'm here, but disengaged. It's pointless either way.
@mama9177 9 ай бұрын
4:30~ 魂の叫びに胸を掴まれる。手探りでも、もがいても、明日が見えなくても何とか踏ん張って生きようと思う。素敵な曲をありがとう。DEXCOREに出逢えてよかった。
絶望を叫びに 希望を歌に どんなに辛い状況でも、もう少し頑張ってみようと思える ありがとうdexcore
@BathoryDusk 9 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this song. Man, Dexcore has to be one of my favorite bands in the game right now. They can really do it all. 💜
@haru_pleiades 8 ай бұрын
最近、CBOきっかけでDEXCOREを知ったのですが、毎日この曲ばかり聴いてます🎧🎶 架神さんの世界観、DEXCOREの世界観…エモカッコ良すぎます🥹 このMVの世界観も大好きです!!
@durky4891 9 ай бұрын
This is an amazing song. It's their softest that I've heard but it still goes so hard. Love it.
@絶対零度チャンネル 8 ай бұрын
@ぺーたん-y3r 6 ай бұрын
優しいけど力強い曲、もう一度自分を考え直す勇気をくれました。 ありがとうございます。
@brandensmith161 8 ай бұрын
Wow these guys are great! Why am I just barley finding out about them.
@skyline36_ 9 ай бұрын
DEXCOREの音があるおかげで今凄く楽しい毎日だけど、それでも歌詞に感情移入して泣いてしまった 美しく強く、希望に溢れる音楽をありがとうございます。
@shin_jjk 9 ай бұрын
So great, amazing music as always ✨✨
@Kuzuri_330 8 ай бұрын
My favorite band!!!
@ichigo3d1 9 ай бұрын
Dexcore como sempre entregando uma sonoridade única que só eles conseguem. Meus amigos do Brasil por favo comente aqui , parabenizando essa grande banda
@di4nxia737 9 ай бұрын
fico tão feliz que tenha gente do brasil que aprecia essa banda incrível, espero que algum dia eles venham pra cá...
@イチゴ大福-r4n 9 ай бұрын
初めてDEX FESTに行き、DEXCORE生で見れましたが本当にかっこよくて目が離せませんでした。
@DoDeuce507 9 ай бұрын
@dexcoreofficialchannel 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@cyberknyfe677 9 ай бұрын
Dexcore is on another level 🔥🔥🔥 Great song!!!!!
@EscaVODS 9 ай бұрын
I love the simple earnest lyrics. You got me in the feels alright. 🥺
@AcidxAnarchy 9 ай бұрын
Cant wait for the album
@JustAGuy140 9 ай бұрын
When does it come out?
@AcidxAnarchy 9 ай бұрын
@@JustAGuy140 no idea, just saying that.
@Annaspooky 8 ай бұрын
This song is so good oh my god
@ehoyle1998 9 ай бұрын
Wow this is really amazing ❤ Dexcore please never stop make such beautiful and amazing music ❤🖤❤️
@InsanityPrevails 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely amazing as always, and everyone looks absolutely gorgeous, again, as always :3
@gamesstellar34 9 ай бұрын
Dexcore, it's so soulful
@Mana10-f7g 6 ай бұрын
To everyone who is reading this, everything will become better, just hold on! Things will get better! 😊 Just follow your heart! 😊 Leave the places and people that make you feel unhappy. Follow your passion, what makes you happy 😊 Go where you are appreciated, where you are loved and supported, and I promise you, everything will fall into place 😊💖 Leave every sadness and hurt behind 💖 Follow your happiness 💖 The best is yet to come, just take that brave step! 💖 ✨️The Angels and Universe will help you, I will help you 😊🤍🕊✨️ Much love to every weary heart. Just hold on! Better days will come! 💖 You are good as you are. Do not let the world tell you otherwhise! There is nothing wrong with you 😊 You are brave, you are courageous, you are loved! You might just be in a wrong environment, with the wrong people. Let it all go 💖 You deserve to be happy 💖 You have the power and free will to change your destiny 😊 You have the chance to rewrite your story. You create your own life. No one told you to stay in toxic, hurtful, sad environments. You as people are meant to grow, and change and adapt. You can do it! 😊 Choose you! Respect yourself. Walk away from everyone and everything who do not respect you. You are free to do so! 💖 Love yourself enough, to walk away from disrespect, and from anything that makes you feel sad. You are allowed to start over 💖 Hugs to everyone! 💖 Much love, 💖 ✨️🤍🕊✨️
@RuruTrash 9 ай бұрын
This spoke a lot to me, we can overcome all of this ❤
@The_nevin 9 ай бұрын
I’d do anything to see Dexcore live. I am so happy I found this band. Thank you so much for the music you create and writing your struggles. I love listening to music that I can relate to. Knowing you’re not alone and knowing you’re creating something that’s keeping you and others alive, is what music what it is.
@dogmabeast89 9 ай бұрын
Sooooo amazing .. 😮😮😮😮 thank you Dexcore for that song 😭🔥♥️
@saikou1991 8 ай бұрын
Let this song got more recognizable 🥰
@Phattydumpz 9 ай бұрын
I love when metal can bring a tear to my eye. This is a great message and beautiful song, well done.
@Thats_Andrew 9 ай бұрын
Favorite track of the year so far!
@Rama62627 9 ай бұрын
Let rock and metal bring happiness and positivity where they listen to it.♥️♥️♥️
@Venom_741 9 ай бұрын
Everything this band does is epic this is no different
@kawauso_fan 9 ай бұрын
@TheWspirit3 7 ай бұрын
I love this ❤😢❤
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