For you who don't understand Japanese. I've translated it into English using DeepL translation Forgive me if some of the sentences are a little strange or nuanced. 0:18 ~ 甘い夢を描く 迫る現実の速さ迷って進む 黒い夜の狭間 足掻く君のその手が掴むのはなにか Sweet Dreams Forward, bewildered by the speed of impending reality Between the black night What is it that my struggling hands grasp 弱気を抑えてと 震える手に指を搦めた 価値なんか捨ててよ今 "You Don't Cry" I know I must not let out a weak cry I laced my trembling hands with my fingers Now let go of all thoughts of value You don't cry 過ぎ去る窓映る 己の過去払い 君は今日も明日も駆け抜く挑戦者 夜明けに何願う その想いも捨てて 君にいつか見えるの? そして見えた先には? 続くよ "Never-Ending-Line" I see your reflection in the passing window Shake off your past You're the challenge that runs through today and tomorrow What do you wish for at dawn You've abandoned even that thought What do you see when you see it? What do you see beyond that? The never ending line 1:27 ~ 熱い火花の夜 反射する瞳に吸い込まれる歓喜 涙の痕伝う 一筋の道がやがて絆を紡ぐ A night of hot sparks The joy absorbed in the reflected eyes Running down the traces of tears A straight road eventually spins a bond 無謀でもいいよと 奮い立った気持ちそのまま 勝ちさえも見えず独り、叫ぶ You said it was okay to be reckless The same feelings that inspired me I cry out in solitude, unable to see even victory これから見る全て 己に受け止めて 君の現在も過去も未来も通過点 夜明けを待つ空でその隣に居たい だから信じる。君とその確かな強さが 続くと "Never-Ending-Line" All that I will see You have to take it all in yourself Your present, your past, your future, they're all just passing points In the sky waiting for the dawn I want to be next to you So I believe that the That sure strength will last The never ending line 2:54 ~ 夜の帳終わっても 歓声消えない朝日浴び 佇んで振り向き今 "you don't cry" Even as the night's curtain closes The cheers will not fade away Bask in the morning sun Stop, turn around, and now You don't cry 過ぎ去る窓映る 己の過去払い 君は今日も明日も駆け抜く挑戦者 夜明けが導いた その想いが叶う 君はいつか届くよ そして見えた光は? 続くよ "Never-Ending-Line" Reflected in the passing window Shake off your past You are the challenge that runs through today and tomorrow The dawn has made way for you Your thoughts will come true You'll get there someday And the light you see will continue The never ending line