我虽然不是基督徒,但是我也喜欢去了解其它宗教的历史。后来我慢慢发现圣经被串改过,因为有看过几本书里面有提到。比如:看见真像的小孩(The Boy who saw the true)有提到! 作者是来之虔诚的基督徒家族,但是他从小有慧眼可以看见一些普通人看不见的东西。 而且刚刚小乌也提到(肉体是灵魂的牢笼这也是真的,所有的欲望、迷茫、痛苦、执着都是我们的枷锁,让灵性不能得到真正的快乐和自由。) 提高内在的灵性才是最重要。只有关注自己的内心,内德,脾气,毛病才,减少欲望、减少枷锁、那么我们的灵性就会得到真正快乐和自由。
Very good intrepretation and analysis, however do include more cultural background understanding on why the authors of the book will express in that way instead of more modern adaptation of understanding of others. The living word is meant to be personalized, it is shown to you according to the idols in your heart. God bless, keep it up!
天主教思高聖經 (天主教思高圣经): 若望福音14:6 耶穌回答說: "我是道路、真理、生命,除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裡去。" 若望福音14:6 耶稣回答说: "我是道路、真理、生命,除非经过我,谁也不能到父那里去。" John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."