we have this autel and a snap on zues in the shop, and everyone always reaches for the snap on. the only reason i use the autel is because someone else is already using the snap on.
@MegaMarclar2 ай бұрын
I have an ultra. One of the worst choices I ever made for a scanner. Please do extensive research before buying one. IF it works, it's super buggy. I've sent mine in twice for complete replacement and the 3rd is still loaded with hardware problems. Don't even bother calling c/s they never answere,. Fastest I ever got a call back was 14 days.
@ColeTanner882 ай бұрын
You must be buying from a non authorized US distributor. Ive used quite a few autel tools and the ultra is quite capable
@MegaMarclar2 ай бұрын
@@ColeTanner88 purchased from Cornwell. Sent in to autel HQ in NY.
@KevinOliver-m9x2 ай бұрын
@MegaMarclar Certainly unfortunate to hear that you are not satisfied and/or have experienced less that exceptional support. I would have to say this is absolutely an unfortunate exception, as we have multiple thousands of very happy customers who I hear from and engage with on a daily basis. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
@reynaldomartinez7076Ай бұрын
Bought the Xtool 8 BT and it works flawlessly. Very pleased. Don’t know what the autel’s cost?
@MegaMarclarАй бұрын
@@reynaldomartinez7076 about $5,500
@gijoe08196814 күн бұрын
When I watch this video I feel like I am watching the Shopping Network channel on TV and they are trying to sell me an Autel Ultra. I own an Ultra and it is a very capable diagnostic scan tool but this video does not demonstrate its abilities very well at all.