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Die erste Woche in China und zu viel Polizei!

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Ich bin Josh und fahre mit dem Rad nach Hongkong. Zusammen mit meinem guten Freund Jonas bin ich seit 4 Monaten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs. Wir wollen in 3 Monaten die Ostküste Chinas bzw. genauer Hongkong erreichen! Auf Instagram bin ich schon etwas länger aktiv, deswegen vermute ich mal, das schauen eh nur Leute von da 😂 Wenn nicht schreibs mir gern mal in die Kommentare!
Das ist unsere erste Woche in China!
Ich hab jetzt voll bock auf Vlogs und ich hoffe ich finde auch die Zeit dazu :) auf jeden Fall ist jetzt jedes Wochenende ein Video geplant!
Btw ich filme/schneide/render alles mit dem Handy oder der Action-Cam. Also es wird hier erstmal kein high qualitiy Content kommen 😂
Da mich die ganze Videobearbeitung während der Reise viel Zeit kostet bin ich um jede Spende dankbar :)
Mein vollständiges Equipment:

Пікірлер: 143
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
Am die ganzen Chinesen hier die offensichtlich garnichts checken😂: Wenn ich sage ich hab da mit Polizisten gesprochen, dann hab ich das auch. Nur weil ich die nicht gefilmt habe heißt das nicht, das da keine waren 😂 Es gab da wie im Video gesagt keine andere Straße. Würdet ihr überhaupt verstehen was ich sage wäre das eventuell aufgefallen. Ich hatte also ganz klar die Erlaubnis. BTW während ich diesen Kommentar schreibe befinde ich mich 100 Meter entfernt von der Autobahn auf der ich mich momentan wieder fortbewegen muss (alle Menschen hier feierns und keinen störts) Jetzt nervt net rum sucht euch nen andern Job als bei der Regierung :))
@chinacansay 2 ай бұрын
If these were really people working for the Chinese government, you would have been expelled from China long ago. Can you still continue to ride in China? Think about it with your peanut-sized brain, are young people in Germany today at this level, so devoid of logical thinking?
@SomeguyBored 2 ай бұрын
Josh, Let me put in this way: If you are hit by a car or more likely a truck and become a burden to road maintenance departments you are causing problem for everyone. your family will be sad, the driver get into problem as even if it was said in law your death is 100% your fault your dear homeland government would obviously make it an incident ask for some pay etc. local police will also get a promotion problem as you put them in a awkward position : (I would say they think you are seeking for trouble and want an arrest, then leaving you there probably hit because of your own stupidity is a better choice than putting you in to a car and have you to go to one of your consulate causing an incident) either way it will be an annoying stain on the record. What if you are not dead? You caused trouble for every driver on road as this is forbidden and no one is excepting a dame cycler on the highway, you are bound to cause a indirect economic loss that can be count in million, the road governer get a stain on the record anyway, local police might have the same issue as well. Your action is clearly not having a clearance unless someone have be crystally clear giving you a permission. (which itself against the law and will have the nice/stupid guy either silently punished or being roasted and punished ), and is make everyone uncomfortable. If you think this is nor your dame thing, You don't care about the guy might have you crushed, you don't care about those responsible law enforcement and road maintainance staff, you don't care about the potential loss then I will be mean: plz hit by a car ASAP so you will withdraw much less economic loss than you could making your way all the way to Hong Kong.
@SomeguyBored 2 ай бұрын
Josh Just in case you think I am talking sht and don't care about how people (especially you ) feel, I might have to put it clear: You can't fall into those strange vids claim China is not what you think, Yes for most in west iit is not what they think but the same idea can also be applied on many who make such vids. PRC is a developing country and its people demand more development and better life, Its Government cares about its people so there is a thing called continues development, When they can avoid bad things happpen to people they will at least try, but people like you and actions such as yours is not in PRC's laws' concern: such behavior is a pure minus on developing in any perspective, and you by your behavior is not a welcoming and nice behaving guest of people of China. I would advice you to go to a city that can enter a national highway or provincial highway which allow cycling, and such action is helping everyone, as to my nievaty Helping oneself and others in real life is much more important and noble than a holding a promise which is only about ones own personal feeling and actually damaging others life in real world.
@mika-ts3vy 2 ай бұрын
@byz1392 2 ай бұрын
Other Chinese will come to judge you because they all have road next to highways in busy areas. This is a bias based on experience, I also hope you can jump out. I also rode in Xinjiang two years ago, an unforgettable experience. Good luck!
@user-lm6mi6sm9v 2 ай бұрын
When entering China, please respect the local laws. Riding a bicycle on the highway is illegal. The "police" you mentioned in the video are actually highway maintenance workers. I believe your behavior is irresponsible for both your own safety and the safety of vehicles traveling at high speeds. We welcome you to China, but we welcome foreign friends who abide by the law! Wenn Sie nach China kommen, bitten wir Sie, die örtlichen Gesetze zu respektieren. Das Fahren mit dem Fahrrad auf der Autobahn ist illegal. Die "Polizisten", die Sie im Video erwähnt haben, sind tatsächlich Autobahnwartungsarbeiter. Ich halte Ihr Verhalten sowohl für Ihre eigene Sicherheit als auch für die Sicherheit der schnell fahrenden Fahrzeuge für unverantwortlich. Wir heißen Sie in China willkommen, aber wir begrüßen ausländische Freunde, die sich an die Gesetze halten!
@tweedy4sg Ай бұрын
Additionally Josh, those "police checkpoints" you called on the highway are not what you think they are, but are toll-collection points. G30 is a TOLLED EXPRESSWAY !! I get it you want to sensationalize your cycling vlogs to reinforce western media reports & westerners stereotypes (as evidenced from your video title- MANY POLICE) that Xinjiang is a place with lots of surveillance. You're prejudiced (or brainwashed) by what your media tells you and you go to Xinjiang and start "seeing" the things they tell you., right ? Why don't keep an open mind so you get to enjoy your trip without being pressured into (mis-)interpreting everything you see to be true as told to you by your media.
@Kriegsmarine1939 2 ай бұрын
Ich bin ein in Aachen lebender Chinese. Zunächst einmal bewundere ich Sie für Ihre Leistung, Tausende von Kilometern zurückgelegt zu haben. Allerdings ist es in China und Deutschland verboten, mit dem Fahrrad auf der Autobahn zu fahren, und man gefährdet ernsthaft die Fahrsicherheit. Ich empfehle Ihnen, eine lokale chinesische Kartensoftware wie Baidu oder Amap herunterzuladen. Sie können Lösungen zur Vermeidung von Autobahnen bereitstellen. Denn wenn Sie von Xinjiang nach Hongkong fahren möchten, durchqueren Sie mehrere Provinzen im Landesinneren. Die Wohnbevölkerung und der Verkehrsfluss sind dort viel größer als in Xinjiang. Es ist für Sie absolut unmöglich, weiterzufahren Autobahn. Das ist ein sehr treuer Ratschlag. Wenn Sie in eine Provinz wie Shaanxi oder Sichuan fahren, können Sie sich nicht vorstellen, wie viele Autos dort unterwegs sind.
@user-vp9mj2cc1q 2 ай бұрын
新疆有很多骑行的路线,为什么偏偏你在高速公路?如果你觉得可以 那么你有见到其他在高速公路上骑车的人吗? 如果因为避让你 其他车辆发生了事故 你觉得也没有关系吗?在高速公路骑自行车,不只是对你不负责,更是对所有交通参与者的不负责。中国欢迎客人,但是不欢迎不遵守规则的人。如果你认为冒犯了你,请你离开这国家。我会向新疆交警举报你的行为。
@DDDQ92 2 ай бұрын
Why don't you ride your bike on the highway in Germany and insist on riding it on the highway in China? If you are hit, please do not blame China. Thank you.
@jessie_030 2 ай бұрын
Darf man in Deutschland mit einem Fahrrad auf einer Autobahn fahren? Was würde passieren wenn jemand das in Deutschland macht? 😂
@yiouming9146 2 ай бұрын
@jjkchu3334 2 ай бұрын
@nioehiggens 2 ай бұрын
You can try using a local Chinese navigation so that you can choose cycle instead of driving and the route won't include highways.😊😊
@Maupertuis192 2 ай бұрын
He did not show how he entered the highway, but presumably he entered illegally over the fence, as he could not have entered the highway by normal means. He started something illegally, when no one stopped him, then he said he was allowed. He was framing. Highly doubtful that if he had been stopped on the road he would have said he was being watched by a camera. Doesn't rule out that we have another snake on the road heading to HK.
@beatweber7480 2 ай бұрын
Versteh ich auch nicht ganz, wenn es verboten ist zu fahren und du es trotzdem machst in China, ist das clever?
@aobaxxi4571 2 ай бұрын
guess why there's so many cameras and "police"? cus at least someone would go check if a random guy went missing forever on the highway. nobody cares if ur riding legal or not, especially for someone so arrogant that takes friendly tips as bot messages.
@sumin8974 2 ай бұрын
Your life belongs to you. You can spend it as you please (for example, by participating in the Red Bull Challenge), but please don't affect other people's normal driving.
@sumin8974 2 ай бұрын
Those are not police officers, but ordinary staff. Considering the road problems in the west, if you want to ride on the highway, we suggest you keep a low profile and ride on the side of the road to reduce the probability of being stopped.
@sumin8974 2 ай бұрын
There are wolves in the Northwest that eat people, that's why you're not allowed to stay overnight in the wild
@tweedy4sg Ай бұрын
@@sumin8974 The idiot call it "checkpoints" as in police or security points to check on citizens movement. As if he doesn't know G30 is a tolled expressway and those are actually toll-collection points. He's of course sensationalizing his vlogs to gain fame(and KZbin views/hits) by reinforcing german media reports that Xinjiang is a "police state" . Just look at how he put the title for his video. One can tell from the conversation between him & his friend, they are both prejudiced (maybe even bigoted), most likely by their media reports on XJ.
@Guelicious 2 ай бұрын
So geil, einfach ne Inspiration wie du dich von Deutschland nach Hong Kong durchschlägst. Danke das du uns auf deiner Reise mit nimmst. ❤
@hdirector3596 2 ай бұрын
Are you serious? That a bike on the highway? Your behavior is illegal.
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
as you see in the Video, they allowed me to ride on the Highway. Also they saw me multiple times in the first sequenz and could have stoped me easily.
@bepondyoung3225 2 ай бұрын
​@@joshallgeier If troubles and problems happened, communicate and solve properly and positively ,General situation, Our people even treat foreigners better than ourself. Be safe and enjoy ,man. it's really beautiful Xinjiang , Hope you have a good trip in China , love your journey.
@user-wz6yf4nk3l 2 ай бұрын
​@@joshallgeier How about stop being a rouge jerk and OBEY THE FUCKING LAW? "I can be a pain in the ass because they are all good people and tolerate my fucking stupid actions that will put others in danger." Sounds like something a jerk from a country that started two World Wars would say.
@flephoto 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeier 你所谓允许你的人并不是警察,他们只是路段养护人员。你并没有遇到真正的警察或者管理人员,他们如果允许你上高速,是要受到惩罚的。
@jianxiinlee7386 2 ай бұрын
@@bepondyoung3225 你别乱代表我,他是明知违法故意犯法,大多数中国人只欢迎遵守中国法律的外国人。
@ouanz_hk 2 ай бұрын
they mean no harm. they just want to tell you that the highway is dangerous and hope you stay safe there might be wolves in the wilderness of xinjiang, be careful
@jinghe8967 2 ай бұрын
Hide from the police and be proud? Disobeying local laws and putting yourself and others at risk. arrogant man, step on it.
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
as you see in the Video, they allowed me to ride on the Highway. Also they saw me multiple times in the first sequenz and could have stoped me easily.
@jianxiinlee7386 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeier 他们并不是高速警察,只是高速收费站的收费人员,没有强制你离开的权利。你不应该在高速上骑自行车,这是违法行为,发生危险的话,除了影响了机动车的正常驾驶,你也是受害最大的人,毕竟你肯定撞不过机动车的。你取巧的混上高速公路是对自己生命的不负责任。中国除了高速公路,还有国道,省道,县道,村道,等等不同等级的公路,大多数都维护良好,自行车只是不允许上高速,不影响你从A点到达B点。
@xiaofengguo574 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeier 你碰到的并不一定是警察,很多只是普通工作人员,很可能最后不允许你上高速公路的那位才是交通警察。进入内陆后更不可能让你在高速上骑行,请尊重当地的法律,善待自己的生命 The people you meet may not be policemen, but ordinary staff. It is very likely that the one who does not allow you to ride on the highway is the traffic police. Once you enter the inland, it is even more impossible for you to ride on the highway. Please respect the local laws and take good care of your life.
@Maupertuis192 2 ай бұрын
​@@joshallgeier WHO allowed you? You didn't show how you entered the highway, you entered the highway illegally, right? You start something illegally first, when no one stops you, then you claim you were allowed, you're framing.
@abbottim2268 2 ай бұрын
Just imagine if any bikers on highway like you did. You are crazy and that’s illegal
@changtonglu590 2 ай бұрын
If you have violated the road laws yourself, what should you do if you cause someone to crash or die because of you, please stop your violation and do it for yourself and others.
@Pater516 2 ай бұрын
Please don't ride your bike on the highway next time, it's very dangerous! According to the law, motorcycles and bicycles are not allowed on Chinese highways. Please abide by Chinese laws, you should be grateful that you have not been fined. I have to tell you, it's because I'm worried that you might give other foreigners a bad start, to avoid all foreigners thinking that China's highways can be ridden by bicycles.
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
as you see in the Video, they allowed me to ride on the Highway. Also they saw me multiple times in the first sequenz and could have stoped me easily.
@Pater516 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeier I understand. The police in the video you mentioned allowed you, but I only saw the construction workers on the highway in the video, he is not a police. But I still want to tell you that bicycles and motorcycles are not allowed on China's highways. If caught by highway patrols, you will really be fined. Pay attention to safety and wish you a pleasant journey!
@deckerd576 2 ай бұрын
​@@joshallgeier Be safe dude. It's far too dangerous to ride on the highway. And don't break the law. Wish U have a nice trip.
@songquanfan 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeierwho allowed you? they are not police.guy. sham on you.
@Miancheng 2 ай бұрын
Because you are in China. If you don’t like “Chinese bots”, why do you come to China? Learn to be respectful.
@ErinTan899 2 ай бұрын
Halten sie sich an die gesetze und verkehrsregeln. Sie sind für ihr leben selbst verantwortlich, aber sie können einen fernbusfahrer Oder ihre familie retten, um zu verhindern, dass sie einen autounfall bekommen.
@user-hk6jq9ek3o 2 ай бұрын
@burns9209 2 ай бұрын
Ich fand eure Reise bisher wirklich super spannend und interessant, aber was soll das mit der Autobahn? Gibt's da keine Alternativen? Finde ich wirklich sau uncool, dass ihr euch nicht an die Regeln haltet und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es Spaß macht auf einer Autobahn zu fahren. Viel Glück, dass euch kein LKW erwischt
@anderweende Ай бұрын
Es gibt doch Alternative. Alle andere Radfahrer benutzen die Landstraße!!
@leesin8136 2 ай бұрын
Der Wahnisinn was ihr da erlebt! Sehr gute Vlogs Josh!
@shinweepark2097 2 ай бұрын
I didn't see the policemann in your viedeo.They are just security staff for hotel. And you are the first person to keep yourself safe. if you have any acciedent on the highway, you have no right to get any assurance. Other Chinese comment is actually pretty kind to tell you that you should be keep safe. No one realy care whether you will be die biking on the highway. Also Landstraße ist eine besseren Option für deine zufunftige Reise in China.
@linusssssssss 2 ай бұрын
Super cool zu schauen, hoffe auf mehr. Sehr inspirierend
@wingyipcheung3735 2 ай бұрын
I like your objective and fair comments.
@mefistosdiary 2 ай бұрын
Danke euch für die Eindrücke🙌🏻
@xiaoxirenshi 2 ай бұрын
Theoretically, you can't ride a bicycle from Yili to Sailimu Lake, but this is the only way to go, and it takes hundreds of kilometers to take a detour, so the staff and traffic police don't care much, just walk to the side
@michaelvogeler8414 2 ай бұрын
Auf jeden Fall ist Dir bewußt, dass Du da ein Risiko eingehst. Einfach jeden Moment genießen! Hauptsache, Du hast immer genug Wasser bei Dir!
@user-dx3or6jc9i 2 ай бұрын
@user-qc4qo3ep5s 2 ай бұрын
Please, watch the sign in 6:55 in video
@Sfran_ 2 ай бұрын
He kept this scene in his video on purpose because it would make him look like a deviant cool adventurous guy who does whatever he wants.
@BigMu-uf8rj 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to China! Please note that bicycles are not allowed on highways. For your own safety and the safety of others, do not ride on the highways. Most people you see wearing "uniforms" are either staff members or security guards (not police officers). They do not have the authority or duty to stop your dangerous behavior, and their tacit approval does not mean it's okay. Additionally, spending the night in the wild is not a great idea, as there are many wild animals, including wolves.
@davessmis7522 2 ай бұрын
Verfolge euch von Instergram bis hierhin auf KZbin. Keine Folge verpasse ich
@ziruili63 2 ай бұрын
这是违法行为,并且很危险,还是不要在高速公路上骑了吧 It is an illegal behaviour and very dangerous. Please don't ride on the highway.
@michaelvogeler8414 2 ай бұрын
No risk-No fun! Aber nicht übertreiben… fantastische Erlebnisse!!!
@trpad8 2 ай бұрын
Geiles Video
@user-to9cz7uc4s 2 ай бұрын
Support you in achieving your plans. However, it is important to pay attention to safety. Riding on highways is very dangerous, and it is possible to ride on national roads. Just like many Chinese drivers, the road conditions on national roads are also good. Those roads are not closed, and there will be more supply points along the way. I hope you have a wonderful journey in China.
@stefang7162 2 ай бұрын
Mit welcher App trackst du die Windstärke und Richtung?
@lingzhouyu3565 2 ай бұрын
When I am in Europe, I follow your laws. PLZ do not bring trouble to these highway maintenance workers caz they can lost jobs because of people like you...We have so many people and none ride on highway, so you think you are the only clever one? If you still decide do this, take the consequences and do not complain...🙄
@tennisbear551 2 ай бұрын
They allowed you??who are them,they we're just some wokers,show us how u got onto the highway,if u broke the law and broke the guardrail,you're not welcome,shame on u!
@user-er3vj2qd3i 2 ай бұрын
Fahrradfahren auf Autobahnen ist in China illegal. Bitte prüfen Sie bei der örtlichen Polizei oder ändern Sie den sicheren Fahrweg. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne und sichere Reise.
@user-to9cz7uc4s 2 ай бұрын
Sie bei der Verwirklichung Ihrer Pläne unterstützen. Es ist jedoch wichtig, auf die Sicherheit zu achten. Fahren auf Autobahnen ist sehr gefährlich, und es ist möglich, auf nationalen Straßen zu fahren. Wie viele chinesische Fahrer sind auch die Straßenverhältnisse auf nationalen Straßen gut. Diese Straßen sind nicht gesperrt, und es wird mehr Versorgungspunkte entlang des Weges geben. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine wunderbare Reise in China.
@bodi9228 2 ай бұрын
Wie hast Du Deine Visa organisiert? Weit im Voraus? Ging das ggf. ganz lokal?
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
Haben die während unserer Reise organisiert und die Pässe mit der Post nach Deutschland gesendet während wir durch Kirgistan gefahren sind :)
@changtonglu590 2 ай бұрын
If you have violated the road laws yourself, what should you do if you cause someone to crash or die because of you, please stop your violation and do it for yourself and others.
@brilliancey8785 2 ай бұрын
Dude, don't ride your bike on the highway again. It's super dangerous.
@doobieleipzig 2 ай бұрын
Wieder absolut spannend- das braucht viel mehr Views, die du hoffentlich bald bekommst.
@Fjkjfdhjjw 2 ай бұрын
这就是你所谓的个人主义?你可以选择做对自己很危险的行为,但是不要影响其他人的安全,影片中你的行为已经影响了正常行驶在高速公路上的人。你回复质疑你的人的时候,只会说那些人allowed 你。他们不是警察,没有执法权,难道这样你就可以违法了吗。你把你违法的理由都归根于那些工作人员,难道德国人不知道高速公路上不允许骑行吗。不欢迎你这种扰乱秩序的人来中国
@user-sr4be8cz3w 2 ай бұрын
First of all, you have no idea that people in green reflective vests and people at highway tollbooths are not cops, second of all, highway biking is illegal and dangerous, and finally, have a good trip and obey local laws
@JeremyX0121 2 ай бұрын
不建议你在高速上骑自行车,当我开着车以 120 的速度经过时,如果你在前面,我没有注意到你然后撞到你,那就很恐怖了
@KwanPoi 2 ай бұрын
In China, any road with a toll station is a highway, and bicycles are not allowed on the highway. If you want to ride a bike, go to the national highway.
@thomasberman2224 2 ай бұрын
U could get in trouble if someone reports you
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
as you see in the Video, they allowed me to ride on the Highway. Also they saw me multiple times in the first sequenz and could have stoped me easily. 😊
@DDDQ92 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeier Good words are difficult to persuade damn ghosts. From your reply, we can see that you will not accept advice from others. So why stop you?
@songquanfan 2 ай бұрын
@@joshallgeierwho you think will stop you? they are not police. why are u so stupid?
@walterunruh5432 2 ай бұрын
Klassischer Joshi, einfach neben LKWs durchschmuggeln 😂❤️
@Jake-om9no 2 ай бұрын
Well... I am also Chinese and am too worried about your safety, because you just do not know how crazy Chinese drivers are, especially on the west side (perhaps try not to take the highway? there are quite a few other roads...) Nonetheless, what you are doing is amazing... RIDING A BIKE FROM EUROPE TO CHINA!... something i have always wanted to do since I was a child So keep going dude, as far as you can... you have my best wishes, hope I can see you make it to Hong Kong safely in the video
@changgangzheng4817 2 ай бұрын
Nobody really cares what you do but please respect local laws and well-being of others. Your behaviors is harmful to those who drive normally on the highway. Besides, nobody stop you does not mean that what you do are reasonable, especially under the circumstance that you know the rules.😅
@rssetmus1428 2 ай бұрын
Tip: Bicycling is legal on very few Chinese highways. Large trucks on China's highways are often fully insured, so if there is an accident that endangers the lives of a few people, liability will be difficult to determine and the insurance may be sufficient to cover the damage, so I recommend asking the administrators before entering the highway if riding is permitted, and if it is not, re-route your route using the mapping services of a local service provider in mainland China. Riding on China's highways is very dangerous, overloaded trucks are common and can kill you in a heartbeat.
@apucer4102 2 ай бұрын
@user-mj8bu4ce1p 2 ай бұрын
@thomasberman2224 2 ай бұрын
bro riding on highway is illegal in China😂
@user-uf3sr9dt6c 2 ай бұрын
请遵守交通法规! 不要在中国高速公路骑行!
@jingmo2210 2 ай бұрын
Please obey the traffic rules in China.Bicycles are not allowed on the highway.
@weiyangdai3161 2 ай бұрын
Mit dem Fahrrad auf den Autobahn fahren? Echt? Ohhh mein Freund, was machst du denn?🤨
@juergenmandel Ай бұрын
manchmal gibt es keinen anderen Weg!
@user-rn2tl7gm2q 2 ай бұрын
@mks00077 2 ай бұрын
@user-tw5zx1wb2f 2 ай бұрын
@songquanfan 2 ай бұрын
shame on you.bro. please obey local law.
@user-xw9ij8bg8u 2 ай бұрын
@user-sr4be8cz3w 2 ай бұрын
@joshallgeier 2 ай бұрын
Warum sind hier soviele chinesische Bots in den Kommentaren? 😂😂😂
@shinweepark2097 2 ай бұрын
Ich habe die Polizisten in deinem Video nicht gesehen. Nur einige Sicherheitspersonal im Hotel. Die Kontrollstellen haben in der Regel nichts damit zu tun, sie sind nur für die Erhebung der Mautgebühren zuständig. Und Sie sind die erste Person, um sich selbst sicher zu halten. wenn Sie einen Unfall auf der Autobahn haben, haben Sie kein Recht, jede Versicherung zu bekommen. Andere chinesische Kommentare sind eigentlich recht nett, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass Sie sich in Sicherheit bringen sollten. Niemand kümmert sich wirklich darum, ob Sie beim Radfahren auf der Autobahn sterben werden. Also die Landstraße ist eine bessere Option für deine zufunftige Radreise in China.
@astridhertwig6222 2 ай бұрын
Aber echt! Tolles Video, weiterhin eine schöne Reise Euch beiden!
@hash3107 2 ай бұрын
Wenn ein Chinese ein Fahrrad auf der deutschen Autobahn fährt und auf KZbin postet, werden die Kommentare viel schlimmer sein. Beeindruckendes Projekt, ich folge euch seit der Türkei auf Instagram. Bleibt sicher und genießt den Rest eurer Reise!
@DDDQ92 2 ай бұрын
You don't want to comply with basic traffic rules, and if you lose your life as a result, there's nothing to complain about. Then, please do not affect the normal driving of others. You can't even understand Chinese. If you want to experience dangerous driving, why should others persuade you? After all, you are just a stranger who doesn't listen to advice.
@user-zu2et5uc1i 2 ай бұрын
You are committing suicide
@alexzhang1897 2 ай бұрын
Riding a bicycle on the highway is extremely dangerous. Not only may you hurt yourself, but you may also hurt others! China is hospitable, but please abide by local laws. If you insist on doing so and are arrested by police in other areas, please don't complain.
@user-er3vj2qd3i 2 ай бұрын
Fahrradfahren auf Autobahnen ist in China illegal. Bitte prüfen Sie bei der örtlichen Polizei oder ändern Sie den sicheren Fahrweg. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne und sichere Reise.
@user-er3vj2qd3i 2 ай бұрын
Fahrradfahren auf Autobahnen ist in China illegal. Bitte prüfen Sie bei der örtlichen Polizei oder ändern Sie den sicheren Fahrweg. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne und sichere Reise.
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