Die Orsons - Kim Kwang Seok (Official Video)

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This song is a tribute to the south korean musician Kim Kwang Seok, who took his live in 1996.
Directed by Stephan Richter.
Das aktuelle Album "What's Goes" ist im Handel.
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What's Goes? Es geht los! Bartek flippt schon komplett aus! Der Rest auch. Vielleicht. Ein ganz kleines bisschen. Also Tua hat z.B. gerade gekichert. Mit dem neuen Album "What's Goes" sind wir das erste Mal wirklich zufrieden!! Alle Hooligans of Love: O!
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Songtext in English:
In a country
where your vita is even more important than here
and you obey your boss almost like a dog
which they eat in restaurants there
There was a singer, pretty young
who did not like to sing on the radio or on TV
but in front of the audience
Like we do right now - hello
Lets get back to the story - he sang the saddest songs in the world
when he came back from his 1000th concert
everything was silent - cause he killed himself.
He "Curt Cobained" himself in 1996
Enter his name on youtube and cry
We spell him for you:
K - I -M - K - W - A - N - G - S - E - O - K
You've been the Bob Dylan of Korea
you've been Koreas Kurt Kobain
Your voice sounds like eternity
like Tears - please wait
You've been the Bob Dylan of Korea
you've been Koreas Kurt Kobain
Your voice sounds like eternity
like Tears - please wait
After his 1000th concert
he locked up his room
He was only 32 years old
He sang about our hapiness, sadness and our holiness
But nobody understood
because he sang korean
and there was no youtube before 1996
He sang about the little people, like us
And we listen carefully right now
How is your name spelled, Kim?
K - I -M - K - W - A - N - G - S - E - O - K

Пікірлер: 700
@aindig0 Жыл бұрын
I'm South Korean. Thanks for everyone remembering Kim Kwang Seok. Though when he was died, I wasn't born. But He is my favorite singer. I think he is the king of Korean singer. His music which seems like in my families' bosom makes me glad and happy. Thank you for remembering him very much.
@locoloke4586 Жыл бұрын
@etzerdlasgaudistuben5300 Ай бұрын
so beautiful, had to cry
@schmackuskaktus1128 Жыл бұрын
Aus irgendeinem Grund musste ich gerade an die Stelle bei 3:05 denken. Irgendwie macht das was auf emotionaler Ebene mit mir, die Frau, die noch gerade vorhatte, sich umzubringen, herzlich und befreit lachen zu sehen, während dem Hintergrund der besungene Kim Kwang Seok zu hören ist. Höchst unterschätzer Song und vor allem Video!
@TheViralInfekT 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. Ich bin KZbin heute noch dankbar dafür dass es mir Kim Kwang Seok einmal vorgeschlagen hat. Ich wusste nicht worum es geht in dem Lied, doch es resonierte mit mir. Ich höre ihn heute noch sehr gerne und ich liebe das Lied, welches hier auch referenziert wird. Schön zu hören, dass er nicht nur mich zum mitschwingen gebracht hat.
@etzerdlasgaudistuben5300 Ай бұрын
welches lied is des?
@COOKCOOK308 10 жыл бұрын
i cannot understand without translated, but i can understand what you want to mean. he was a healer in our life, like you did in video thanks for making this video
@우찬호 7 жыл бұрын
South Korean here. I'm quite surprised Kim's influence reached Germany to manifest to this extent, but I guess globalization's good side really got going this time. Kim's song are very poetic, and some of them are direct covers of earlier singers - and by earlier - I mean singers directly before him who lived under an oppressive cold-war martial regime. Books were burned like grass, and people were thrown into jail like dogs for "suspicion" People lived very suppressed lives and watched as their children - the next generation - became more and more Americanized by the invisible cultural hand which has now shaped us into an economic client state run by monopolies and pro-American republicans which cater to a group of old voters still believing in cold-war era ideals and voting for a dictator's daughter. Living in this time, Kim was like many others not part of the mainstream. Mkv was just going off about this time - planting the seed of what would grow to be today's sexualized pop music culture - but he played with a traditional style, hence the poetic lyrics and increases in volume inspired not just for vocal climax, but traditional division of volume and rhythm in the reading of poems - a signature of his bittersweet austerity. His songs reflect a lot of what was going on at his time - industrialization, the downsides of rapid modernization, the degradation of the individual, and most importantly the loss of what seemed to be our own culture and unique heritage with influences from the west. To give a few examples, "Around thirty", "At the streets", "Where the wind blows", Although I loved you", "Intending to forget", "The story of a certain old couple", and my favorite "The letter of a private" All these songs always play around the theme of repressive self-abandonment, loss of innocence, nostalgia, romantic disenfranchisement, and the past generations. So although he wasn't a political activist - as no form of politics along those lines would take mature form then and has yet to consolidate today - he did infuse a lot of context and social commentary into his music. So his music has value not only as emotional medicine which soothes a longing heart, and diffuses the buildup of depression, but also as a testament to what people in his generation was unknowingly subjected - being helplessly told to work and adapt to a chaotically changing nation, with little for themselves. This selfless, stalwart attitude would translate into politics and how South Korea deals with problems - by shaking America's leg. No difference today, sadly so, and I hope my generation - the younger, better educated, and culturally aware - thanks to globalization, will not take their privileges for granted and waste it on sex and drugs but use it to reshape our nation .. at least culturally, albeit a nation doomed to be an economic client state of the US. To add, the use of a female partner that the man must abandon, or misses dearly - this kind of theme often personifies the female as what he generally misses - his innocence, his love, the caring and nurturing side of humanity. One must also take note that it's not always a lover, but just a woman - so it could refer to his mother. Mothers are often figures of cultural continuity, hearth, and domestic values. As far as poetry is concerned, this is not far-fetched, as this technique is probably more popular in Western poetry than it is in the long-time patriarchy of South-Eastern Asia. Some people may think I'm twisting his songs to political propaganda, but they don't know that two of his hits were direct covers of political activist/singers. One of them even got arrested. If you want to learn more about how music relates to post-war recuperation, Americanization, and economic reconstruction - Kim Min Ki would be another great example. kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrEipKPnMdlj9E For Germans reading this comment, if there ever would be one, I'm sure they can relate to this a lot, especially so if their parents once lived in West Germany, because our two nations went through a very similar phase. I'd reference a German film that focuses directly on this theme of the past being forgotten and being replaced with rapid change and Americanization - Das schreckliche Mädchen
@bazookab3193 7 жыл бұрын
Holy. First of all, I'm a German so mark that box. :D Second, your Englisch is phenomenal. I know for a fact, because of E-Sports (mainly LoL), that that's not so common for Korean people. Much respect. My parents are from West Germany, but we live in East Germany (DDR) now and I was raised there too. I was born in 1995 so I can barely relate to what you where saying and don't wanna go into that anyway cause I know next to nothing about KKS. Nontheless it was interesting to read and I'm surely aware about all the political and emotional stuff you've talked about. (7-5 years ago I was really into the orsons. Today I thought: "Let's look up this song again", because it was one of my favorites back then. I never estimated to stumble about such a comment.) Always, when I catch up something in media about South or North Korea, I hope that the Korean people will united someday just like the Germans did 5 years before I was born. The only thing they really talk about here are weapons anyway, 'doing dumb jokes about KJU' and stuff. The topic which is way more frightening then that is how the Korean people have to suffer in both countrys and not enough people are reporting on that. I want to give you something on the way. I really like Korea. I wish you guys all the best. Hopefully your 89' will come to break all the walls. One day I will visit Korea, maybe I remember this right here, then.
@우찬호 7 жыл бұрын
BazookaB Thats real nice of you. Korea, like any country, has a deeper, more complex and dirty history than how it is presented in first glance. I just wanted people to know that the situation in korea isn't black and white like how the media sells it - just like they did when they broadcast the fall of the Berlin Wall and post-war Americanozation of Europe.
@mosesderdritte 4 жыл бұрын
I read this and shed a tear, love and peace to Korea.
@헬린이-b7h 4 жыл бұрын
어휴..쓸라면 제대로 쓰던지 문법은 번역기를 돌렸나... 무슨 수능영어같네
@우찬호 4 жыл бұрын
@@헬린이-b7h 오래전에 쓴거라 그래요 ㅋㅋ 실수한두번한거가지고 굳이 그러세요
@nyimachoedhar 12 жыл бұрын
I'm a Vietnamese living in Saigon and I'm a big fan of Kim Kwang Soek and his voice, I think he has such a gentle soul......
@silverlee9018 7 ай бұрын
저는 김광석을 엄청 좋아하는 한국인입니다. 요즘도 가끔 김광석 노래를 들으며 힘들 때마다 위안을 삼곤 합니다. 독일에서도 김광석이 많이 알려져 있나요? 고인이 되신 김광석님을 위해 이런 노래를 만들어 줘서 고맙습니다. 우리 모두 힘내자구요. 화이팅 그런데 요새 한국에서는 개고기 안 먹어요 ㅜㅜ
@Giorgio825 5 ай бұрын
Kim Gwang-seok ist in Deutschland überhaupt nicht bekannt, ich kenne ihn nur wegen diesem Lied. Grüße nach Korea
@luxulee9407 4 жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank, dass Sie ein Lied über Kim Kwang-seok gemacht haben.
@McPheon 14 жыл бұрын
Einer der schönsten Lieder von den Orsons... Tolles Musikvideo, mit sehr viel Botschaft. Nicht so wie die meisten Clips, die nichts mit dem Text gemeinsam haben! Einfach nur toll umgesetzt. Orsons, macht weiter so! Euer Stil ist einfach zum feiern, ihr bringt alle Gefühle zum Vorschein, egal ob Lachen, Weinen, Trauer, Fröhlichkeit. Ihr gebt deutschem HipHop das, was schon lange fehlt: Eine Seele.
@sunglow33 8 жыл бұрын
A real nice guys!!! Kim Kwang-seok song heard in a long time to find them again, thanks to you.
@parkch5145 12 жыл бұрын
I'm a Korean . but i currently live in Montréal, Canada. Kim Kwang Seok(김광석) is my favorite singer. today, my German friend introduced me to this song ...and this song reminded me of his songs again for a long time.
@TheLethargy 10 жыл бұрын
der beweis dafür, dass man über so viel schreiben kann. sollten sich viele deutsche rapper mal ein beispiel dran nehmen
@untergrundbleiben1997 6 жыл бұрын
ich liebe alles; das lied, das video (vorallem weil es in wien gedreht wurde, bisschen stadtpatriotismus muss sein), christopher schaerf und vorallem natürlich die orsons
@youtube-user9875 7 жыл бұрын
the point is that, we feel grateful that you recognized the most valued musician among koreans.
@TheGadaPOWMG 14 жыл бұрын
immer wenn ich die Orsons hör habe ich immer gute laune die typen sind der hammer
@Emgrundt 12 жыл бұрын
Tua´s Gesichtsausdrücke sind einfach krass episch und ich glaub ist auch gewolt das man an das traurige Thema auch mit ´n bischen nicht unbedingt Humor aber mit nem Augenzwinkern rangeht
@RockyNax 12 жыл бұрын
absolut geiles lied, beste videoidee + umsetzung EVER!! allein dafür muss man orsons lieben!!
@leonmoss 14 жыл бұрын
Wer das nciht mag hat echt keinen Geschamck, dieses Lied ist einfach nur geil. Daumen Hoch!
Wie gut das live war... Wirklich sehr, sehr gut!
@UserUnknowable 14 жыл бұрын
Das hat mir von den Orsons bisher am besten gefallen, Lied und Video einfach spitzenmäßig!
@Oldschoolrap91 13 жыл бұрын
Man muss die Orsons einfach lieben.....geile Truppe mit geiler sinvoller Musik, die auch was zu bedeuten hat.
@MrSliipz 14 жыл бұрын
ist echt schade,dass solch großartige musiker soo wenig aufrufe haben. aber zumindest sind die wahre fan's der orsons ihnen treu :b und alle, die die orsons mit bushido,sido usw. vergleichen haben alle kein hirn im kopf.. sowas kann man einfach nicht vergleichen.. orsons sind einfach einzigartig mit ihren texten und das was sie rüber bringen wollen.. und man kann sie den ganzen tag hören und mal bisschen nachdenken, einfach das beste :b kaas,tua,maeckes und plan b. die 4 haben es drauf :)
@MrSliipz 14 жыл бұрын
ist echt schade,dass solch großartige musiker soo wenig aufrufe haben. aber zumindest sind die wahre fan's der orsons ihnen treu :b und alle, die die orsons mit bushido,sido usw. vergleichen haben alle kein hirn im kopf.. sowas kann man einfach nicht vergleichen.. orsons sind einfach einzigartig mit ihren texten und das was sie rüber bringen wollen.. kaas,tua,maeckes und plan b. die 4 haben es drauf :)
@MilianMiles 14 жыл бұрын
Das ist das schönste und lusitgste Orsons Video ever!!!
@이민규-b4e 9 жыл бұрын
I was glad that I was not the only one who missed Kim Kwang Seok.
@Muckrackerz 12 жыл бұрын
Das wirklich schöne an diesem Text ist, dass er ehrlich ist. Keine Schnulze oder sob-story, sondern glaubhaft das, was die Orsons über einen Mann denken über einen Mann, dessen Werk sie schätzen. Top
@Zerado0r 12 жыл бұрын
Gut zu wissen dass es sie gibt irgendwo da draußen......die Orsons.
@강도깨비-n9o 8 ай бұрын
@chrismbauer1857 2 жыл бұрын
wer gönnt es sich 2022 ? 🔥
@MainJayReed 14 жыл бұрын
Echt super...Lied ist gut, Video ist gut...so wie es sein muss!! Eines der besten Musikvideos die ich kenne!!
@황당-p4n 11 жыл бұрын
It's so impressive that people in other countries still memorizing him.. Danke, Deutches
@tecktonicize 14 жыл бұрын
Hätte nie gedacht das ich Kaas mal gut finde ;) Komplett Orsons sind gut! Danke Kurt :D:D
@Kanischta 12 жыл бұрын
das video ist einfach nur traurig und wunderschön zugleich gemacht ! man weint fast innerlich muss dennoch lachen :) genial - danke dafür
@집사케이K 3 жыл бұрын
Danke schon!! From. Korea
@audfkd 12 жыл бұрын
I'm Korean. And I love him too. Thank you.
@kingkamasu 14 жыл бұрын
mein lieblingslied vom Album sehr geil das es jetzt auch nen video dazu gibt
@서지훈-f7j 8 жыл бұрын
김광석의 노래를 듣고있으면 작은것에도 행복을 느껴보고 싶다는 생각이 든다
@MrTrashpackTrashmann 14 жыл бұрын
Toller Song, tolles Video! :-) LG Phil :-D
@vinni1234567 14 жыл бұрын
Eines der besten Videos, das ich je gesehen habe :D
@dasschnutenpitzel5827 2 жыл бұрын
Schon etwas älter, aber ich liebe es immer noch so sehr 💜
@crashlyne 14 жыл бұрын
Richtiges schönes Video und richtig schöner Song
@Contraproductive 14 жыл бұрын
Das ist das beste was ich seit langem gesehen hab! Die Idee ist zauberhaft, die Qualität ist extrem gut und wie Tua immer mit diesem 'Was machst du hier für eine Scheiße'-Blick schaut! Ahahaha! Perfeeeekt♥♥ Hoffentlich versuchen jetzt nicht lauter Orsonsfans sich umzubringen weil sie denken Maeckes kommt dann und küsst sie.. =D
@aikodono66 13 жыл бұрын
das video ist einfach soo geil!! ich könnte mit den tausendmal ansehen^^
@esthertadesse132 7 жыл бұрын
Ich liebe Kim Kwang Seok! Schön zu sehen das auch andere seine Musik geniessen. Danke für den Song!
@uybfi 14 жыл бұрын
Man merkt echt das Tua bei den Orsons ist. Die Beats sind immer sau geil!!:D!
@BeroBaer 12 жыл бұрын
meiner Meinung nach das Beste von den Orsons
@MSFentertainment 13 жыл бұрын
Heee, das is ja in Wien :D,...wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass das hier abgedreht wird^^
@Schubi961 12 жыл бұрын
Eines der besten Lieder/ Musikvideos was ich in der Deutschen Hip-Hop Szene kenne! Glückwunsch dazu! :D
@icylakepaxphile 14 жыл бұрын
vielen danke! from an korean. there are really many korean students lerning Gernman as the second foreign language in high school. encluding me... but.. yes i almost forgot it after i entered university..;)...
@hawnky287 14 жыл бұрын
genialer song, geniales video.. Die Szenen von TUA gefallen mir persönlich am besten:P
@Pihnes 8 жыл бұрын
RIP Kwang-Seok
@altenburger 14 жыл бұрын
geniales lied, der gesichtsausdruck von tua ist immer wieder herrlich :D
@FrauRenz 14 жыл бұрын
Wundervolles Video *-*
@McKiddeL 14 жыл бұрын
das video ist einfach übergeil
@fifagamingecke 9 жыл бұрын
2k16 und immer noch bleibt das lied noice
@donatmanzockt4173 12 жыл бұрын
die prsons,top seit drei jahren :))
@computername 14 жыл бұрын
Perfekt. Alle Auswege erklärt. Ich bin einer von den Typen, die sich in ihrer Werkstatt aufknüpfen. Allerdings mit mehr Erfolg (- Publikum, + Fallhöhe)
@jaejunlee3377 8 жыл бұрын
약력이 다른곳보다 중요한 나라에서 상사에게 개처럼 굴복하는 나라에서 개들을 식당에서도 먹는 나라에서 어느 한 꽤 젊은 가수가 있었어 TV나 라디오에 잘 나오지 않았어 그러나 관객들 앞에는 항상 나왔지 우리들처럼 말이야 - 안녕하실테죠? 다시 본내용으로 돌아가자 - 그는 세상에서 가장 슬픈 노래들을 불렀어 그가 1000번째 공연으로 돌아왔을때 모두가 조용했었지 - 자살했기 때문에 그는 커트 코베인처럼 자살했었지 그의 이름을 유튜브에 검색하고 울어봐 너희들을 위해 이름을 알려줄게 K-I-M-K-W-A-N-G-S-E-O-K 그는 한국의 밥 딜런 그는 한국의 커트 코베인 그의 목소리는 영원함 같고 눈물 같았지 - 기다려줘 그가 1000번째 콘서트를 한 후 그는 방 문을 잠궜어 아직 32살 밖에 되지 않은 몸 그는 행복, 슬픔, 우리의 신성함을 노래했지 그러나 우리(외국인)는 몰랐어 그가 한국어로 노래했기 때문이지 1996년 전엔 유튜브도 없었고 그는 우리같은 약자들을 노래했지 그리고 난 조심히 노래를 들어 김광석씨, 당신의 이름은 어떻게 적나요? K-I-M-K-W-A-N-G-S-E-O-K [너무 아픈 사랑은 사랑이 아니었음을]
@moonlylime962 7 жыл бұрын
Jaejun Lee 우리나라가 개같아서 자살했다듯이 가사를 써놨네요 정확한 사인을 알고 가사를 썼을까요?
@thecynic_ 7 жыл бұрын
어떻게 읽어야 개같아서 자살했다는식으로 이해한건지 모르겠음. 누가봐도 식당에서 먹는 개처럼 상사들이 수하에 있는 사람들을 낮게 대하는 나라였다는, 그다지 은유적인 면도 없는 직설적인 표현인데. 그리고 경찰이 공식발표한 사인은 급성폐렴이지만 위키피디아 영어판에 가보면 사인이 자살이라고 써있네요. 아마 그거때문에 자살이라고 생각한듯..
@moonlylime962 7 жыл бұрын
Ted Nam 맞네요 가사 제대로 다시읽어보니 우리나라를 위하다 노래하신분이 자살로 죽었다라는 의미긴 한데 굳이 우리나라을 첫 3소절같이 비유한거 보니 우리나라를 부정적 영향으로 본거같은데 그 다음에 자살이라고 말하니 좀 이상하게 느껴져서 말입니다
@thecynic_ 7 жыл бұрын
아마 우리나라 역사를 위키로 배운듯해요. 솔직히 90년대 직전까지 민주주의란게 말로만 존재했다고 해도 무방한 나라였으니까요. 급진적으로 발전해서 현재는 비교가 안될정도라는걸 표현하려고 일부러 가사에 표현한 걸수도 있구요.
@Gunnar11833 6 жыл бұрын
google übersetzer: Biographie ist wie anderswo, war mehr Unternehmen in den wichtigsten Ländern ist eine hübsche junge Sänger Hunde in dem Land, in dem Land, in dem Restaurant erliegen Hund zu essen, kam nicht heraus im Fernsehen oder Radio, aber immer nawatji uns vor dem Publikum -. Hallo zwischen verschiedenen Rassen sein? Lassen Sie sich auf die Rückseite dieser Informationen zurück - er kam in der Welt, um das traurigste Lied sang er an der 1000. Aufführung haeteotji zurückgekehrt ist alles ruhig - er Selbstmord wie Kurt Cobain, weil Selbstmord Blick auf Suche seinen Namen auf KZbin haeteotji und rufen Sie einen Namen für Sie ich werde Ihnen sagen, KIMKWANGSEOK er Bob Dylan Korea, er Kurt Cobain, seine Stimme von Korea das gleiche ist, ob die Tränen für immer schienen - gib mir sein 1000. ein Konzert, nachdem er die Zimmertür Körper gesperrt gwoteo noch nicht nur 32 Jahre alt war er glücklich, traurig, wir die Heiligkeit des Songs tat, aber wir (Ausländer) wusste nicht, bis ich nicht, weil ein KZbin-Seite, im Jahre 1996 hatte er koreanische Lieder singen musste und er hat wie unsere Stände und ich, Herr sorgfältig für den Song Kim Kwang-seok, haben Sie jemals tun, ist Ihr Name? K-I-M-K-W-A-N-G-S-E-O-K
@ghostchris93 14 жыл бұрын
Ach du scheiße wie geil is das Video denn bitte :D Also Tua is einfach der Hammer :D:D Am Ende bei dem Bild wie der da guckt :'D
@user-maisamba 6 жыл бұрын
thank you so much.
@mucholderthanyou 12 жыл бұрын
tolles video!
@stnsn1 14 жыл бұрын
verdammt geniales video... wahnsinn.
@Kaichen93 14 жыл бұрын
ein göttliches video!
@equble 14 жыл бұрын
Das sind Talente die auf Gangster Lyrics verzichten... Wem Musik von Morgen gefällt, tja dann Thumbs up !
@XLMaddin 14 жыл бұрын
Ich liebe dieses Video! Vor allem wie Tua bei 1:58 guggt :D Kim, ruhe in Frieden. Mögen viele Menschen noch deine Musik kennen und lieben lernen!
@littlestepdsr 14 жыл бұрын
Jeder einzelne von den 4 ist schon ne wucht. Alle 4 zusammen... ORSONS 4 EVER HAMMER!!!!!!
@GruseligerZigeuner 10 жыл бұрын
Maeckes' Frisur, alter Schwede... harte Nummer ^^
@mugnuz 5 жыл бұрын
Richtig gut! :)
@whiteheart9218 5 жыл бұрын
So hübsch und süß :3
@lXlsarslXl 14 жыл бұрын
Einfach Hammer, die Jungs! Fetter Track, freshes Video... Live einfach unschlagbar!! Formt das O!
@ThisIsNeffit 14 жыл бұрын
auch mal ein geiles musikvideo...Tua ist einfach der coolste
@kwhuce4y 14 жыл бұрын
WIEEEN nice! warum hab ich davon nix mitbekommen
@simonschuetz 14 жыл бұрын
klasse video und klasse song. samstag war einfach nur geil als vorband von fettes brot!!!
@BeroBaer 12 жыл бұрын
nicht jeder besitzt eine ausreichende Auffassungsgabe dies zu erkennen. sehr sehr traurig, aber da kann man nix mehr machen. ich hingegen arbeite an den 1 Mio. Klicks die dises video mehr als dreifach verdient hat. so genial
@equble 14 жыл бұрын
harte Nachricht die die Orsons rüberbringen wollen. Hab erst beim zweiten Hören mitgedacht und es ist wirklich traurig, was gemeint ist. Wenn man merkt, dass ein Mensch am Leiden ist kommt die Hilfe zu spät...
@Bobbyclo92 14 жыл бұрын
I don't understand but it sounds good and it is nice how you guys made this song for Seok. I like it :)
@XBLCRaaNK 13 жыл бұрын
Wenn man sich anguckt, wie du einige Sachen kommentiert erkennt man schnell welch Genius du doch besitzt.
@Nobody_Cares913 7 жыл бұрын
oh man was vermisse ich diese Zeit um 2010 ;D
@rm_hobi_rules6915 8 жыл бұрын
In a country where your vita is even more important than here and you obey your boss almost like a dog which they eat in restaurants there There was a singer, pretty young who did not like to sing on the radio or on TV but in front of the audience Like we do right now - hello Lets get back to the story - he sang the saddest songs in the world when he came back from his 1000th concert everything was silent - cause he killed himself. He "Curt Cobained" himself in 1996 Enter his name on youtube and cry We spell him for you: K - I -M - K - W - A - N - G - S - E - O - K You've been the Bob Dylan of Korea you've been Koreas Kurt Kobain Your voice sounds like eternity like Tears - please wait You've been the Bob Dylan of Korea you've been Koreas Kurt Kobain Your voice sounds like eternity like Tears - please wait After his 1000th concert he locked up his room He was only 32 years old He sang about our hapiness, sadness and our holiness But nobody understood because he sang korean and there was no youtube before 1996 He sang about the little people, like us And we listen carefully right now How is your name spelled, Kim? K - I -M - K - W - A - N - G - S - E - O - K
@sasan3196 9 жыл бұрын
geniales video
@1tannenbaum344 4 жыл бұрын
고맙습니다... 제 영웅을 이야기 해주셔서.,.! 10 년전 이네요.
@SanctumDesert 14 жыл бұрын
Tua is der beste in dem video =D Thumbs up (Y)
@sharkz13373 12 жыл бұрын
ich stimm dir zu, ich gönn chimperator den erfolg, den sie mit cro gemacht haben. orsons sind trotz des erfolges immernoch die geilsten!
@D.Heinrich 14 жыл бұрын
Orsons sind die besten !!!!!
@PerPleX_1 14 жыл бұрын
3ter höhö... ^^ verdammt gutes video =)
@SkatePacman 12 жыл бұрын
spätestens nach diesem song bin ich mit haut und haaren ein Orsons(fan)
@lukasnamebeiutube 14 жыл бұрын
so ein tolles Video :) Formt das O!
@mrsdanju857 9 жыл бұрын
ich liebe dieses lied
@ORSON4LIFE 14 жыл бұрын
des video is sooooo genial!!! des is des besde video des ich je gesehen hab :D "sorry is des dein grafitti?" xD
@LeeGwangJo 14 жыл бұрын
I remember him.... thx for your respect..
@KimmenKruemel69 4 жыл бұрын
Die Zeit vergeht unfassbar schnell. Es gibt Videos auf KZbin, die 10 oder mehr Jahre alt sind. Einfach irre...
@babamuhs 14 жыл бұрын
die orsins sind einfach hamma... auf jeden fall mal guter rap und nicht so ein möchtegern gängster scheiss die sind einfach mal das was sie sing und das finde ich hamma... respekt
@ilovecookies3o 12 жыл бұрын
Tua ist einfach der geilste! ♥
@dirkcules5447 9 жыл бұрын
cool ich kannte die gruppe oder musik nicht aber hat was ein fettes like^^
@Badehozze 13 жыл бұрын
Die orsons sind einfach hammer^^
@LSMegaMaster 14 жыл бұрын
Hammer Video *Daumen hoch* lg.
@DennisHartmann 14 жыл бұрын
ruhe in Frieden! Bruder im Geiste. Seine wunderschöne Stimme erfüllt meinen Körper und auch meinen Geist immer wieder mit Liebe. Danke an die Osrsons für dieses Lied!
@rootdownrec 14 жыл бұрын
@먐몸미-y8b 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@JoneZzii 14 жыл бұрын
große klasse ..astrein .. hab mich in den beat veliebt ^^
@Zplinta 14 жыл бұрын
nice ... sehr schönes video ...
@skaterboy7712 11 жыл бұрын
Respekt an die Orsons !!
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