@HaruNatsuAkiFuyu9599 ай бұрын
Great reaction, guys! Now check out his new MV, When I’ve Got You. Something else that’ll surprise you.
@Living_compassion_peace9 ай бұрын
"Be With Me" (MV) and live version "Screaming" (Idol hits) with rap parts. New song: When I`ve got you (MV)
@mesmileitsleo25829 ай бұрын
👏🏻👏🏻 try “GIVE ME YOUR LOVE” you will see Dimash dance!!! Thanksss🎉
@robinlynch19659 ай бұрын
You guys need to check out his video for his song "Give Me Your Love" he dances and it's just one of his POP songs in English. Also check out his official music video for "Be With Me" it's awesome!
@geminitwin11609 ай бұрын
FLY AWAY was premiered at New Wave, where Dimash was on the jury panel, and the dancers were from a well-known Russian group called Todes. Dimash raps (in his native Kazakh) in the great music video BE WITH ME and in some performances of SCREAMING. His latest MV is WHEN I'VE GOT YOU, don't miss it! His last name is pretty easy...COO-DIE-BERGEN. Love your Dimash reactions!
@crisma86849 ай бұрын
Be with me - live and screaming - live. The MV for both are different.
@djoy20039 ай бұрын
With his creativity, Dimash saves many people. All his songs have deep meaning. He encourages people to think.
@joaniejmm9 ай бұрын
check out When I've Got You, Dimashnew release
@EllaSilentDragon9 ай бұрын
Dimash is dancing and you’re thinking about the meaning of life? 😂😂😂 I can’t 🤣🤣🤣 ❤❤❤
@skirk91849 ай бұрын
Be With Me MV he raps in Kazakh. Idol Hits version of Screaming he raps. Dimash has too good a voice to waste on just typical mass appeal empty commercial music. I'm glad you said you like operatic stuff too because it's mind blowing and so beautiful.
@AMLOverDear9 ай бұрын
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾you guys need to be together for Dimash reactions!!😍👋🏽😍👋🏽😍👋🏽🥵🥵🥵🎶🎶
@roca80609 ай бұрын
Keep reacting to the best singer of the world. Good reacting ❤❤❤
@pilar13669 ай бұрын
Reaccionar al último tema rn formato videoclip estrenado el día 26 en su Canal de KZbin. Fantástico y súper cuidado. Una película musical son la voz sublime de Dimash. Os sorprenderá! Un saludo
@brendaguerin54239 ай бұрын
he does dance he has done a tribute to MJ and he does the moves
@TeresaDíazMora-o8u9 ай бұрын
Gracias chicos por su reacción. Saludos 🇲🇽
@janakelnarova68209 ай бұрын
leaving the matrix.......
@nancyhashiguchi84709 ай бұрын
@lokky79 ай бұрын
Funny guys))
@ikonic66669 ай бұрын
reaction to rapper bobby of ikon he was born in korea but he grew up in america he lives in fairfax virginia i want you to check him out against -killing verse -yggr video lyrics -go live concert -devil -u mad -holup
@dawnkhantharasy80869 ай бұрын
He raps in Screaming Idol. Just make sure it says Idol because there's other versions.
@bejewel46699 ай бұрын
That's his original song Screaming, the version he changed for the Chinese tv show Idol Hits guest performance. The version from his 2021 Dimash Digital Show is another great performance of the song with the rap part. He also raps in Be With Me, another great original song either the MV or his live Dimash Digital Show 2021 where he premiered the song. Put the subtitles on as he raps in Kazakh. 😅
@KMS589 ай бұрын
Subscribed. Love your Dimash reactions. 66 year old gma. Dimash loved by all. Suggestions. Dances in this one…. Give Me Your Love (NY concert. departure for him, pop, dances- at end he told fans not to worry about who he danced with…just his job/ friend) Raps, martial arts, etc My Swan (a favorite of mine, heartbreaking)) Know (incredible) Across Endless Dimensions (for a movie)- in English, surprise at end Kazakh Folk Songs (beautiful, sung with love and passion for his homeland. Special. ) Samaltau- story of Kazakh men being forced by Russia from their land to be soldiers in 1916. Countless killed. You feel his anguish. Love love love it! Amanat Qairan Amir Studio/ stripped down versions Ikanaide (listen to it several times every day…love it) Omir with his younger brother
@EllaSilentDragon9 ай бұрын
All very good suggestions ❤👍🏼😊
@ЕвгенияТруфанова-э5н9 ай бұрын
У Шамана очередной 💣 клип Мама 😏 это лучше чем это
@panso1979 ай бұрын
@djoy20039 ай бұрын
With his creativity, Dimash saves many people. All his songs have deep meaning. He encourages people to think.