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Gianni Bravo Ska

Gianni Bravo Ska

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 46
@luzmonzon2841 2 жыл бұрын
No tengo palabras para , agradeser a Dimash por este mensaje que da al mundo entero , para vivir en paz. Que todos somos iguales , y si nos unimos y nos cuidamos , tendremos la gloria en la tierra , gracias Dimash .
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
This reaction is meant as a thank you for Dimash's wonderful video and the message it brings, certainly not a criticism.Thanks
@suesullivan-miller887 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Gianni!!👍💕💕
@nancyhashiguchi8470 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutamente impactante!!! lloré de principio a fin !!! Dimash está haciendo un trabajo notable en pro de la paz mundial !!! Absolutely shocking!!! I cried from start to finish!!! Dimash is doing a remarkable job for world peace!!!
@silviasabato4762 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash, the peacemaker has done well with his emotional masterpiece, he is incredible, thanks for your reaction
@trishcanty68 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Sad to see peoples videos getting blocked. The world needs to see this masterpiece. Peace and love, Trish.
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, ciao
@Другаядругая-н4к 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо большое!Вы удивительный человек!!!
@МараСарлаева 2 жыл бұрын
Такое ощущение, что в клип вместилась вся тысячелетняя история человечества. Да, мы люди одного неба, мы едины, нам не за что воевать. Оружие в руки может взять только человек без сердца или человек, у которого сердце переполнено обидой, болью, страхом. Такой человек абсолютно не может быть разумным. Генерал начал войну, т.к. не смирился с тем, что его предпочли другому и взрастил в сердце обиду. Герой Димаша убил своего бывшего друга, т.к. считал его причиной той боли, которая разрывала его сердце от потери близких. Переполненное негативными подавленными эмоциями сердце является причиной всех войн и распрей. Такие люди разрушают окружающее пространство и, в первую очередь, себя. Военные действия в клипе - это наши внутренние конфликты. Поэтому нельзя прекратить войну, убив врага. Прекратить войну можно, только если разрешить внутренний конфликт. Это задача любого человека на земле, который хочет жить в мире. Человек не думающий, находящийся в невежестве, верит красивым словам и посулам и даже не задумывается о последствиях. Подобно овце, такой человек становится исполнителем чужих устремлений, а по сути жертвой. Проглядывается аналогия с приходом Христа. Представители всех пяти религий, согласно предсказаниям, направляются к месту, где рождается следующий посланник Отца-Бога. Посланник, который объединит все религии, а значит и людей. Тогда исчезнут причины для войн. А искаженное людьми до неузнаваемости предыдущее учение Иисуса Христа умирает и его засыпают пески времени. Димаш пришел в наш мир как Предтеча (Иоанн Креститель), чтобы подготовить сознание людей к следующему этапу развития человечества. "Нас ещё можно спасти!"- цитата. "Мы дети одного неба!" - цитата Испытываю глубочайшее уважение к Димашу. Его огромное сердце пылает намерением донести до людей эту простую истину. Если хочешь жить в мире, то, в первую очередь, помирись с самим собой. Я ВЫБИРАЮ ЖИЗНЬ! It feels like the whole thousand-year history of mankind is contained in the clip. Yes, we are people of the same sky, we are united, we have nothing to fight for. Only a person without a heart or a person whose heart is filled with resentment, pain, fear can take up arms. Such a person absolutely cannot be reasonable. The general started the war because he did not accept the fact that he was preferred to another and nurtured resentment in his heart. The hero of Dimash killed his former friend, because he considered him the cause of the pain that tore his heart from the loss of loved ones. The heart overflowing with negative suppressed emotions is the cause of all wars and strife. Such people destroy the surrounding space and, first of all, themselves. The military actions in the clip are our internal conflicts. Therefore, it is impossible to stop the war by killing the enemy. The war can be stopped only if the internal conflict is resolved. This is the task of any person on earth who wants to live in peace. A person who does not think, who is in ignorance, believes beautiful words and promises and does not even think about the consequences. Like a sheep, such a person becomes a performer of other people's aspirations, and in fact a victim. There is an analogy with the coming of Christ. Representatives of all five religions, according to predictions, are heading to the place where the next messenger of the Father-God is born. A messenger who will unite all religions, and therefore people. Then the reasons for wars will disappear. And the previous teaching of Jesus Christ, distorted beyond recognition by people, dies and is covered with the sands of time. Dimash came to our world as a Forerunner (John the Baptist) to prepare people's consciousness for the next stage of human development. "We can still be saved!"- quote. "We are children of the same heaven!" - quote I have the deepest respect for Dimash. His huge heart is burning with the intention to convey this simple truth to people. If you want to live in peace, first of all, make peace with yourself. I CHOOSE LIFE! Sembra che l'intera storia millenaria dell'umanità si sia adattata alla clip. Sì, siamo persone dello stesso cielo, siamo uniti, non abbiamo nulla per cui lottare. Solo una persona senza cuore o una persona il cui cuore è pieno di risentimento, dolore, paura può prendere le armi. Una persona del genere non può essere affatto ragionevole. Il generale ha iniziato la guerra, perché. non si è riconciliato con il fatto di essere preferito a un altro e ha nutrito il risentimento nel suo cuore. L'eroe di Dimash ha ucciso il suo ex amico, perché. lo considerava la causa del dolore che gli strappava il cuore per la perdita dei propri cari. Un cuore traboccante di emozioni negative represse è la causa di tutte le guerre e di tutti i conflitti. Queste persone distruggono lo spazio circostante e, prima di tutto, se stesse. Le operazioni militari nel video sono i nostri conflitti interni. Pertanto, non puoi fermare la guerra uccidendo il nemico. Puoi fermare la guerra solo se risolvi il conflitto interno. Questo è il compito di ogni persona sulla terra che vuole vivere in pace. Una persona che non pensa, è nell'ignoranza, crede a belle parole e promesse e non pensa nemmeno alle conseguenze. Come una pecora, una tale persona diventa un esecutore delle aspirazioni altrui, ma di fatto una vittima. C'è un'analogia con la venuta di Cristo. I rappresentanti di tutte e cinque le religioni, secondo le predizioni, vengono inviati nel luogo in cui nasce il prossimo messaggero del Padre-Dio. Un messaggero che unirà tutte le religioni, e quindi le persone. Allora le ragioni delle guerre scompariranno. E il precedente insegnamento di Gesù Cristo, distorto irriconoscibile dalle persone, muore ed è coperto dalle sabbie del tempo. Dimash è venuto nel nostro mondo come il Precursore (Giovanni Battista) per preparare la mente delle persone alla fase successiva dello sviluppo umano. "Possiamo ancora essere salvati!" - Citazione. "Siamo figli dello stesso cielo!" - Citazione Ho il più profondo rispetto per Dimash. Il suo enorme cuore brucia con l'intenzione di trasmettere questa semplice verità alle persone. Se vuoi vivere in pace, allora, prima di tutto, fai pace con te stesso. HO SCELTO LA VITA!
@somosomo7735 2 жыл бұрын
,, My tears fall from my eyes,, while i listened to his song. Caused a thrill. Dimash is an art which is more than incredible. Epic MV. Thank you for great reaction. Have a fantastic Day Greetings from Mongolia
@alinamunteanu5187 2 жыл бұрын
Aveți perfectă dreptate. Sunt de acord cu d-stră. Nici eu nu înțeleg de ce blochează videoclipul. De fapt, ni s-a transmis, din partea tatălui lui Dimash, că acest videoclip să-l distribuim prietenilor și la toți prietenii prietenilor noștrii!
@heiderosekober379 2 жыл бұрын
This is subtitled "Requiem” but it is also a vision and a call to action. Dimash is steeped in sacred music and has a deep understanding of the mystic teachings and symbolism of the major world religions as well as Kazakh shamanism. It is not by coincidence that the first performance of this work took place on September 14, 2022, at the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan. The written statement at the end of the video is directly from the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” signed jointly on February 4, 2019, by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad el-Tayeb. Dimash met and spoke with both men at the September meeting. Everything Dimash does is intentional, and this piece has layers that would take a dissertation to unravel. I only touch on some of what struck me me in the symbolism. The music is a dissertation all by itself. The pendant is an interesting element. It is a gnomon from a maritime compass sundial. This triangular blade is attached to the sundial, casting a shadow on the sundial while the perforated pinhole projects the image of the sun onto the dial. It was used for both timekeeping and navigation, with the gnomon oriented to True North. In the MV, the child who later becomes the military commander never puts on the necklace. After Dimash, the boy, gives his friend the pendant, the camera focuses on his hand and shows that his friend has bent the gnomon in anger over being rejected by the girl. Thus bent, it can never be oriented to True North, and he has lost his moral compass. (Thank you, Snarky Tart for that information). Later, we see a version of the gnomon, but distorted and without the hole that allows light to shine through, as the military insignia on the uniforms of the commander and his soldiers. Contemporary music is also present: With the phrase "We have passed the moment of Imagine," Dimash reminds us that we are past the sentiments evoked by the song "Imagine" by John Lennon. It is time to stop dreaming about a world of peace and harmony. If we choose life, if we wish for peace, if we want a world without war for our children and grandchildren, we must act and take up the long hard path up the mountain towards the light. It is the only way. The storyline is a very human one: we start as innocents until our hearts are broken, we fail, or our dreams are not realized. If in our pain and disappointment, we turn to anger and blame instead of acceptance, power instead of love, greed and envy instead of generosity, hatred instead of forgiveness, and revenge instead of justice, we sow the seeds for conflicts that can turn into war. The Piper's call is seductive as it promises redress for our grievances, control over our circumstances, and power over those who thwarted us, and this appeals to our wounded ego. However, let's remember that the Piper is a symbolic figure of Death from the Middle Ages, often used as a metaphor for trusting and following charismatic but dangerous and malevolent leaders to certain death. Even if we resist, as the adult Dimash character does, we often employ the same methods and weaponry as the Piper, and thus those who fight back betray peace as well because peace cannot be won through violence. That is the dilemma of those of us who did not start the war, who do not support the war, but are forced to respond in order to defend ourselves and those we love. How can we rid the world of evil without becoming what we fight against? The burning sign "Waldenberg" is a reference to the end of WWII when the US Army destroyed the last of the resistance by the German Wehrmacht to end the war in April 1945. As a native German, I have seen the aftermath of war as I was born a few years later when much of Germany was still in rubble. Waldenburg is only 28 miles from my hometown and was completely destroyed as you can see from the picture. Many of the dead in those bombed out buildings were women and children. The good guys defeated evil but at what price? iowaculture.gov/history/education/educator-resources/primary-source-sets/world-war-ii/american-troops-move-through The imagery of the denouement is powerful: The cries over the loss of a beloved child and the cries of giving birth to new life are presented as a call-and-response grounded by a powerful Om chant that creates a sacred space, reminding us that death and life are both sacraments and are interwoven. Dimash's vocalization and the pilgrims representing world religions and religious leaders, past and present, walking together shift the narrative toward the final conflict and finally redemption. When Dimash’s character decides to avenge the murder of his daughter, his state of consciousness is reflected in the darkened sky with lightning bolts of anger accompanying the storm of his emotions that buffet the pilgrims. The fog of war obscures the light. When he is killed after exacting retribution, he is dropped back into the "sacred womb" of Earth, the ocean of love and mercy, and is cleansed of the old hatreds and grievances that only bring more death and suffering. He breaks the wheel of endless war and suffering by choosing life. Dimash's scream of “we’re choosing life” is that of giving birth: the old earthly consciousness of an eye for an eye has to die to make way for a new spiritual consciousness that embraces all life. Soul, our true essence, is breaking free to return to its natural state of love and purity as exemplified by the images of the children and the newborn baby. The blowing of the shofar signals God's mercy for humankind when it turns from wrong to right: in the Zohar, the book of Jewish mysticism, it says: “When human beings repent of their sins, they blow the shofar on earth. Its sound ascends On High and awakens the heavenly shofar, and so mercy is aroused and judgment is removed.” Reborn as a leader for peace and love, Dimash's character in the form of his son becomes a guide for all of mankind on our shared journey up the mountain towards the light of God, however we may interpret or name the divine. We are all on the same path, even if our personal narratives, cultural heritage, and spiritual orientations are very different from one another. By focusing on our common destination rather than on our differences, we can walk together in peace and love and mutual respect. Carl Jung wrote: “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” This is what Dimash has done with this work; he has made the darkness conscious. We can only raise our individual and collective consciousness by bringing to light what needs to be healed in our lives and our world, and then we need to work together to restore wholeness to what is broken and bring about peace and unity, one step at a time. We don’t have to wait. We can start right now. As the hymn tells us: "Let there peace in the world, and let it begin with me." Baraka Bashad.
@grace7952 2 жыл бұрын
Mil gracias desde Argentina Buenos Aires abrazossss y gracias para vez!!!
@carloscastro2386 2 жыл бұрын
gran reacción yo pude verla y se que te emocionaste como todos fuerza amigo
@FinarfinNoldorin 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen the video many times Sir...thank you for your reaction comments. That is what is important.
@Ariel-gh9cc 2 жыл бұрын
Очень важно реакционарам закрывать картинку, если она была открыта, то блокада оргументирована, так как очень много просмотров данного видео и не только, уходят в пользу реакционеров, а на оригинале не отражается фактическое количество просмотров, и это единственная причина, которая может оправдать Ютуб. Но то, что реакционеры действительно проделывают огромную, очень ценную работу для Димаша и не только, это заслуживает всяческой похвалы и продвижения! 🙏✊ Реквиум от Димаша, уже после долгих и долгих просмотров и интропритаций, показывает и задает Направление Новому Покалению, Новой Эры Водолея, только с таким Сознанием мы сможем сохранить Землю и продолжить Человеческие Род, это обьединение всех Религий, конфесий, Культур, под эгидой Ценности и Сохранности Человеческой Жизни и всей Природы на Земле, если ни так, то нам не долго осталось! Люблю! 🕊❤️🙌
@grace7952 2 жыл бұрын
Hola Gianni, es verdad algunos reaccionarios,le han bloqueado algunas partes y también videos,lo qué nosotros sús Dears vemos cómo discriminación, hacía él mejor cantante y mejor voz del mundo, de parte de KZbin, no miro mucho otra música desde qué lo conocí, u he visto eso no sólo en KZbin, en otras redes sociales, le pido por favor siga reaccionando a nuestro Príncipe, somos gente grande y hemos escuchado grandes artistas,pero núnca un Dimash, él es único, es un prodigio,y por muchos años más no creo veamos a otro. Mil gracias por informar, los Dears estamos atentos a todo lo qué se refiere a él
@fatidear1604 2 жыл бұрын
The film is based on a story written by Dimash, with his own screenplay. (He worked on this piece for the last 3 years). The director Alina Veripya told about the creation of the music video for the new song : The clip is divided into several parts. The first one is about childhood. The main character, his 2 friends are connected by childhood stories and symbols of eternal friendship. One day the friend saves the Protagonist when he drowns. However, there is already competition in this children’s story, as the boys are in love with one girl, and she chooses one. The second experiences a kind of psychological breakdown and transfers the children’s problems into the adult world of totalitarianism and struggle. By becoming president, the Antagonist carries the idea of a saving war: “Only war will lead us to peace. Only the strongest can find love in their hearts. You must be strong enough to give the world freedom. A world where every city, every home is one. We will lead all who are ready to begin this new life. Anyone who resists has no place with us. I choose freedom. The world is open before me, and I want to give it to you. War for the people is the way to unity.” The main character also speaks of unity, of peace, but through the lens of kindness and love. While fighting, he is confused, he is in shock, but he has to save his family - his pregnant wife (the very girl from his childhood) and his daughter. Once home, he is horrified by the picture of the dead and realizes that his family is also dead. After surviving this drama, he moves on to the antagonist to seek revenge. However, the Protagonist’s wife survives with the help of people who know that she is the one who must give birth to a special boy who can save the world. These are people of different nationalities and faiths who have united for peace. A parallel line of pilgrims are people of different religions, walking the hard path to some place of power where they could unite and discover the Heavenly Eye that would illuminate the world. By uniting, they create a common energy in which the protagonist’s son is born, as Hope and Faith for the Better. Their journey is a symbol of faith in general, because it always goes through trials. When we go to the truth, we go through certain lessons and our way to God is difficult, but only possible if we come together. This clip is not about war, it’s about peace. War here is a means of expressing the contrast of what happens when we lose love for one another. It is about the call to unite, to stop dividing each other along national, social, religious lines in order to preserve life, love, friendship, and the land for our children.(source : dimashnews)"Dimash Qudaibergen’s 12-minute work is dedicated to the unity of people on our planet. We are all divided into races, nations and religions, but we are all children of one planet and live under one sky. Life is the highest value. No sacred book calls for the destruction of people. We must learn to be friends; it is impossible for a few adults to cause millions of children to suffer. The future of our planet, the future of people is in our hands, let there be peace in the world. We are children of one Home, one Earth and one Heaven." P.S. The pilgrims part is still in present day, not in ancient times. It speaks of the necessity of unity in service of Life, the highest value. The Protagonist dies, his daughter died as innocent casualty of war, (possibly his wife dies in childbirth ?), the Antagonist dies. The son (of the Protagonist and his wife) survives with the help of people of all faiths, and in the last frame, he goes on, together with the pilgrims of all faiths, on the path of Kindness, Hope and Faith for the Better.
@zemanoshtronz 2 жыл бұрын
Just a few details: In the perception of some close to Dimash (including the film's director), the final character is Dimash's son born during the war and saved by several people who see him as a symbol of unity between peoples. He had honored his dead father... The name "Piper" has two similar meanings: The first is a reference to the legend of the "Piper of Hamelin" who had the task of hypnotizing the city's rats and drowning them in the sea. But the flutist, unpaid, hypnotized the entire population of the city and took them to their death! It is, therefore, a seductive message that leads to death! The other meaning tells the true story of a World War II battle where insane Canadian soldier Bill Millin, called "Mad Pipper", played bagpipes at the front, dressed in a "kilt", while his comrades were killed. ! The sound of the harmonica served to muffle the shots and motivate the companions and became a symbol of the "madness of war"!
@eachteaartgamer7675 2 жыл бұрын
Ciao, Sir 🙏 Let's watching.
@Ariel-gh9cc 2 жыл бұрын
Благодарю Вас за всю теплоту, что излучаете🙏❤️ Хочу Вам оставить ссылочку на Безценную Речь Димаша, произнесенную в Алматы, она может сказать чуть больше того, что мы можем с Вами прочесть с этой Небесной Рапсодии kzbin.info/www/bejne/mp_YqJKsfN2kf5I есть английские субтитры, если возможно, сделайте на нее реакцию! 🙏❤️🌹✊
@fatidear1604 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Gianni, don't be sad,,, I followed up on your previous reaction yesterday and it has I saw tears in your eyes. I respect you and love your reactions, but I tell you that there are many other commentators who have had the same video of Dimash’s “One Heaven’s Story” because the video is heartwarming and powerful and leads to an important and great message in human life to peace. That is why a fierce war began on Dimash to prevent this work. The big spread?
@slametr0673 2 жыл бұрын
Tetap semangat uncle gianni bravo ska
@samatappasov3248 2 жыл бұрын
Ciao dal KYRGYZSTAN 🇰🇬!Stai facendo tutto bene. Grazie per la tua reazione!
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
Grazie a te, ciao
@tasyaputru6115 2 жыл бұрын
This is story very very nice uncle to Dimash... Ciao uncle
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
@vitapotanin3736 2 жыл бұрын
Dankeschön für alles was sie machen. Ich mag ihre Reaktione. Dankeschön
@laylasofia3146 2 жыл бұрын
merci pour votre vidéo...vous êtes un homme extraordinaire....vous appréciez et vous donnez votre avis de façon très honnête et très correcte...ça va droit au coeur.
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
Merci beaucoup. Ciao
@marlenemarenco9694 2 жыл бұрын
La mejor canción de Dimash 💯💯🇨🇷❤️
@kris_too 2 жыл бұрын
Nice uncle Gianni 👍😊
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
@murwanta9639 2 жыл бұрын
CIAO,,,Mr,Gianni...Salam Alipers...🙏 JOGJA Indonesia Hader...🙏DAMAILAH KITA SEMUA DALAM KASIH KEBINEKAAN..!🇮🇩🇮🇩❤️❤️🙏🙏🇮🇩👍👍🙏❤️🇮🇩
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
@ЛюдмилаКан-ф6щ 2 жыл бұрын
На фан-встрече Димаш сказал, что вышло видео и чтобы все его продвигали. Странно, кто же блокирует это грандиозное видео?
@natali4ostrov 2 жыл бұрын
Те, кто хотят войны!!!
@biljanakv 2 жыл бұрын
@suesullivan-miller887 2 жыл бұрын
CIAO GIANNI!🥰🥰❣👍 I am SO SORRY that Your Reaction to this IMPORTANT VIDEO was Blocked!!😥😥😥😥 You are Always FULL of PRAISE FOR DIMASH and his WORK!!👌👌 I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS!!😳😧 It was Such a GENTLEMAN (YOU!) Who returned today to speak on this!!🙏🙏🙏👌 Yes!! I AGREE WITH YOU....THIS is an IMPORTANT, INCREDIBLE WORK and ALL PEOPLE SHOULD SEE THIS!! You are a VERY GOOD MAN...💖💖💖🙏👍
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks ciao
@suesullivan-miller887 2 жыл бұрын
@@GianniBravoSka 😉👌
@lovesyoutube8591 2 жыл бұрын
Mi dispiace che il tuo video sia stato bloccato. Dimash non ha nulla a che fare con questo personalmente, è Yoola, una società che gestisce il copyright, e forse Dimash non possiede tutti i diritti per l'immagine del video. I reattori che hanno utilizzato un filtro sull'immagine hanno ancora i loro video sbloccati. Dovresti ricaricare, con un filtro o un testo sul video. La composizione di Dimash e la sua voce non sono un problema di copyright. E lo stesso Dimash ha detto che vuole che questo video sia condiviso il più possibile. Sa che ci sono reattori su youtube che guardano e commentano i suoi video e non ha mai creato problemi per loro. Da quando Yoola è stata contratta, le cose sono diventate strane e sciocche. Ma di solito, un filtro sull'immagine, o un testo su di essa, mantiene il video di reazione al sicuro. ------------------- Il film è basato su una storia scritta da Dimash, con la sua sceneggiatura. (Ha lavorato a questo pezzo negli ultimi 3 anni). La regista Alina Veripya ha parlato della creazione del video musicale per la nuova canzone: La clip è divisa in più parti. Il primo riguarda l'infanzia. Il personaggio principale e i suoi 2 amici sono legati da storie d'infanzia e simboli di eterna amicizia. Un giorno l'amico salva il Protagonista che annega. Tuttavia, c'è già competizione in questa storia per bambini, poiché i ragazzi sono innamorati di una ragazza e lei ne sceglie una. Il secondo sperimenta una sorta di crollo psicologico e trasferisce i problemi dei bambini nel mondo adulto del totalitarismo e della lotta. Diventando presidente, l'Antagonista porta avanti l'idea di una guerra salvifica: “Solo la guerra ci porterà alla pace. Solo i più forti possono trovare l'amore nei loro cuori. Devi essere abbastanza forte da dare al mondo la libertà. Un mondo in cui ogni città, ogni casa è una. Guideremo tutti coloro che sono pronti per iniziare questa nuova vita. Chi resiste non ha posto con noi. Scelgo la libertà. Il mondo è aperto davanti a me e voglio darlo a voi. La guerra per il popolo è la via dell'unità". Il protagonista parla anche di unità, di pace, ma attraverso la lente della gentilezza e dell'amore. Mentre combatte, è confuso, sotto shock, ma deve salvare la sua famiglia: sua moglie incinta (la stessa ragazza della sua infanzia) e sua figlia. Una volta a casa, è inorridito dall'immagine dei morti e si rende conto che anche la sua famiglia è morta. Dopo essere sopravvissuto a questo dramma, passa all'Antagonista per cercare vendetta. Tuttavia, la moglie del Protagonista sopravvive grazie all'aiuto di persone che sanno che è lei a dover dare alla luce un ragazzo speciale che può salvare il mondo. Queste sono persone di diverse nazionalità e fedi che si sono unite per la pace. Una linea parallela di pellegrini è costituita da persone di diverse religioni, che percorrono il difficile sentiero verso un luogo di potere dove potrebbero unirsi e scoprire l'Occhio Celeste che illuminerà il mondo. Unendosi, creano un'energia comune in cui nasce il figlio del protagonista, come Speranza e Fede per il meglio. Il loro cammino è un simbolo di fede in generale, perché attraversa sempre delle prove. Quando andiamo alla verità, seguiamo determinate lezioni e il nostro cammino verso Dio è difficile, ma possibile solo se ci uniamo. *Questa clip non parla di guerra, ma di pace. La guerra qui è un mezzo per esprimere il contrasto di ciò che accade quando perdiamo l'amore reciproco. Si tratta della chiamata ad unirsi, a smettere di dividersi lungo linee nazionali, sociali, religiose per preservare la vita, l'amore, l'amicizia e la terra per i nostri figli.* (fonte: dimashnews) "Il lavoro di 12 minuti di Dimash Qudaibergen è dedicato all'unità delle persone sul nostro pianeta. Siamo tutti divisi in razze, nazioni e religioni, ma siamo tutti figli di un pianeta e viviamo sotto lo stesso cielo. La vita è il valore più alto. Nessun libro sacro richiede la distruzione delle persone. Dobbiamo imparare ad essere amici; è impossibile che pochi adulti facciano soffrire milioni di bambini. Il futuro del nostro pianeta, il futuro delle persone è nelle nostre mani, che ci sia pace nel mondo. Siamo figli di una Casa, una Terra e un Paradiso". PS La parte dei pellegrini è ancora ai giorni nostri, non in tempi antichi. Parla della necessità dell'unità al servizio della Vita, il valore più alto. Il Protagonista muore, sua figlia muore innocente vittima di guerra, (forse sua moglie muore di parto?), muore l'Antagonista. Il figlio (del Protagonista e della moglie) sopravvive con l'aiuto di persone di tutte le fedi, e nell'ultimo fotogramma del video prosegue, insieme ai pellegrini di tutte le fedi, sulla via della Bontà, della Speranza e della Fede per il Meglio. Traduzione del testo alla fine del video : "Il dialogo, la comprensione e la diffusione diffusa di una cultura della tolleranza, dell'accoglienza dell'altro e della convivenza pacifica contribuirebbero in modo significativo a ridurre molti problemi economici, sociali, politici e ambientali che gravano così pesantemente su gran parte dell'umanità".
@zeljkakrzak 2 жыл бұрын
Video blocked by Yoola. Blur Dimash's video and re-upload it to your channel. Many people watch the reaction and do not go to watch and support Dimash on his official KZbin account. Thanks for the honest reaction. All the best
@dannybuyse 2 жыл бұрын
Gianni, volledig met je eens. Zo een boodschap video blokkeer je niet.
@GianniBravoSka 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, ciao
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