Direct ink to PCB-Writer talk

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Dirk Herrendoerfer

Dirk Herrendoerfer

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 216
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын I think the making of this video broke something in me, in the previous part my beloved HD-Cam died, now in this part my LCD screen table broke, and the cam I was using just wouldn't focus ....
@Maik_cnc_ru 10 жыл бұрын
не понятный перевод . у тебя сломалась камера . я понял . очень жаль
@Maik_cnc_ru 10 жыл бұрын
Maik Ydahnii я приобрел . Arduino Mega 2560 . буду пробовать . на ней
@Maik_cnc_ru 10 жыл бұрын
Maik Ydahnii и
@esquach 10 жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für dein Opfer!
@leonardorodrigues4045 10 жыл бұрын
Hello Dirk, okay? I build my PCB CNC plotter according to your project just that I have a problem with respect to the nylon. What happens is that the nylon is slipping when the stepper motor rotates, I'm using 28byj-48 stepper motor and there can not make the correct design of the PCB, as tensionei nylon, already spent a sandpaper to get the nylon harsher but nothing works, always in short motor steps nylon slide. Have you had any problem with the nylon while doing your plotter? Thank you for your attention.
@fernandoschaun6033 9 жыл бұрын
Olá irmao, construi uma plotter igual a sua, utilizo o eagle para desenhar, porem só estou conseguindo exportar para modo de fresa pelo PCB GCODE. como você exporta para que a caneta escreva no centro? obrigado!
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
When i use GRBL controller.. Only axis control function is running properly. And when i choose .NC file it stops after executing few instructions
@dherrendoerfer 5 жыл бұрын
For GRBL-Controller, you need to switch off buffer usage and position reporting. Those two options are GRBL-only. There is a very simple NC-sender (called gcodesender) that works very well. That needs to have the GRBL features disabled too.
@varietedigital7567 8 жыл бұрын
Dear Dirk in this video you show how to change de COM port, but I don`t see anything about changing motors pins.Greeting!
@richardpieterse7116 9 жыл бұрын
Hi. Thanks for all your effort. Very informative. I'm having a problem with the g code that is generated. The Z axis does not just go between Z1 and Z-1. There are co-ords higher in Z as well so the pen does not always touch the page because it is too high. Also the pen size seems to be a problem. I can only get something that resembles my pcb if the pen size in eagle cam is set to 0.4mm. Smaller results in lots of extra rubbish on the plot. Also pcb size was a problem. Too big. I had to use "hp2xx -m nc -t test.hp" and that gave me the true size. Any help on the Z axis and pen size would be appreciated.
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
Richard Pieterse Hi. The pen size is ignored by hp2xx, eagle does all the work there. The pen size should match the width of the connections on your PCB. The -t swich is required of course, else it will be scaled to A4 paper size or so. Does your g-code actually have Z coordinates that are not 1 or -1 ? That should not be. I have been updating my work version of hp2xx to produce code better suited for GRBL, but I don't think it should produce any positions outside what is set to be the Z positions.
@richardpieterse7116 9 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer I set the pen size in Eagle to .3mm and re-did the whole process. In the .hp file there is only PU and PD (and the x,y co-ords) but after conversion to G-code there are Z co-ords that are 2.9 and 4.175 and there are 2 tool ups with no tool down in between. I am going to download a fresh HP2xx and try that. Please can you send me a link for a known good HP2xx version?
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
Try this one:
@richardpieterse7116 9 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer Thanks so so much. That works much better. Just doesn't do a Z feed rate and doesn't finish with a pen up and return to zero. Is this normal? Also is it normal that no holes are seen in the pads?
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
Richard Pieterse I send federates with the CNC setup, the last pen up, I had on my list of things to add to hp2xx, but I don't know who's maintaining that code now (And I don't want to do it). The issue about the missing holes is a big one - but that's an Eagle issue, and I can't do anything about it.
@xitrum11 6 жыл бұрын
GcodeWriter not responding, i can't run file .nc to finish. How to fix or continue use GRBL soft???
@dherrendoerfer 6 жыл бұрын
You need to turn off GRBL position reporting and cache-use. Ping-Pong communication works fine.
@billnahd6242 8 жыл бұрын
Hello Dirk Herrendoerfer, Thank you so much for sharing your project. I appreciate your effort and am sorry for the broken equipment you had on this project. I picked up my old hobby (electronics) again but have great trouble with making pcb's. That is why i decided to build a small plotter like yours. But i have a few questions, i hope you can push me into the right direction. My set-up now: Arduino Nano (clone), ULN2003, two steppers and a servo. In the ino-file i set the stepsPerMM variables, motor mode = 0 and the COMport in the python script and it sort of works. Sort of... z axis (servo) does nothing, and when i run the supplied .nc file, it sends commands, but only now and then the nano returns something and "line processed" is printed. Clicking "connect serial" button resets? the nano (steppers run a while), but no "ok" appears. When i click the "mm" button some "resends...huh... " shows. And after a while of experimenting the gcodewriter program hangs... Do i mis some settings maybe? Many thanks in advance, -Bill-
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+bill nahd I think motorMode=1 should solve most of your problems, try some commands for each axis through the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE first. That way you get a better feel if it is working as expected.
@billnahd6242 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer Thank you for your quick reply. Yes the motor mode brought everything to life. The only strange thing i still see is that there is a long pause (10-15sec) between a tool up/down action, before the steppers starting the next run... but that is no big deal i think. ^_^ Thanks again and success with the new projects. - bill -
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+bill nahd Have a look at the stepsPerMillimeter and speed for axis Z, these values do influence the movement, because they are emulated for the servo so it acts more like a motor would.
@richardpieterse7116 9 жыл бұрын
Im using universal g-code sender but that will make no difference to the Z axis having Z values other than 1 and +1....I would think. It's the conversion to g-code that is the problem.
@rogerpetri6520 9 жыл бұрын
Hallo Dirk, Dein Direct Ink to PCB-Plotter ist genau das was ich gesucht habe. Ich habe mir deshalb die Teile bestellt aber folgende Probleme: - unter Windows bekomme ich den ardGcodeWriter nicht zum Laufen weil er das Tkinter nicht gepacken bekommt. - die Komplettplatine (ULN2003 mit Motor) angeschlossen an Arduino Uno *blau an Pin8 *lila an Pin9 *gelb an Pin10 *orange an Pin11 (jeweils Arduino) connection wird hergestellt allerdings kommt nicht die Meldung wie im Video. Wenn ich auf X+ drücke dreht sich der Motor kurz nach rechts wenn ich auf X- drücke dreht sich der Motor aber auch nach rechts ?! Sobald ich den Beispielcode mit 'Open file' lade und auf 'Run File' drücke friert das Programm nach der Zeile Send - G01 Z1*13 ein. Was mache ich falsch? Viele Grüße und nochmals vielen Dank für die wunderbvaren Videos :-) Roger
@rogerpetri6520 9 жыл бұрын
+Roger Petri achso, hab vergessen zu sagen dass ich den ardGcodeWriter dann unter Linux zum Laufen bekommen habe. Leider aber mit den oben beschreibenen Problemen :-(
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
+Roger Petri Welche Firmware benutzt du ? Wenn bei einem G0/1 Z-Aufruf der Controller hängen bleibt ist meistens der Teil der die Z-Achsen Bewegung steuert, oder für den Servo emuliert nicht richtig konfiguriert. Es sollten also bei StepsPerMillimeter und Speed für die Z Achse werte stehen die Sinn machen, also nicht 0 oder so. Wenn der Motor nicht sauber läuft, stell erst mal die Geschwindigkeiten ganz runter, evtl springt er einfach über die schritte hinweg. Bei Windows solltest du immer die 32Bit Varianten von Python 2.7, TKinter(falls es nicht schon bei Python dabei ist), und pySerial benutzen, dann tut es auch. Im Allgemeinen empfehle ich die v4 beta firmware zu benutzen, da musst du dich zwar einmal durch die Konfiguration quälen (in der uCNC_controller_v4.ino) danach hast du aber auch die besten Ergebnisse.
@jimmihenry 7 жыл бұрын
2:48 So i do need Python in order to transfer the generated G-Code to the Arduino? Well i see this stuff the first time. Is there a forum where i can get some detailed explanation, thx in advanced.
@dherrendoerfer 7 жыл бұрын
You do not _need_ python - there are other tools that will do the same job. Try gcodesender for example.
@jimmihenry 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reply, just nailed it on point with this GRBL software. Don't have the hardware yet but i am gathering information this will be my next project. Will keep the gcodesender in mind. Would like to use Popolu A4988 driver with an Ardduino Duemilanove 382 Chip and some Bipolar NEMA 17 Motors. Do i need to buy a certain motor model to match the voltage. There is so much to choose from 2.2v up... only a deadly electrocution is the limit.
@ยุทธพงษ์พ 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk Herrendoerfer. I run but it error and show message "", line 10, in import serial ImportError: No module named serial" How can i do. Thank you.
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
ยุทธพงษ์ พ You need to download and install a package called python-serial it will provide access to the serial port, and fix this error
@ยุทธพงษ์พ 9 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer Thank you for your reply
@MarkHeywood2012 10 жыл бұрын
I've followed your project very closely and now I'm at the point of plotting my own pcb. However, the HPGL file does not convert to gcode without errors. While the circuit traces look ok, some pads or part of pads plot in air high above the work piece. The tool path goes out of control during parts of the hpgl to nc conversion. I'm using the free version of Eagle v7.2. I'm looking to try Linux next to see if the conversion results are any better. Also, the coordinate lengths look to triple in size if I don't use the -t option in hp2xx command. I would be grateful for feedback or suggestions.
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, you are right, just tried it - It seems this tool is broken - I only tried it out with some traces. We will need to look for another one.
@MarkHeywood2012 10 жыл бұрын
We could try using the method based on this demonstration to get the gcode: I think you might have looked at this tool before.
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Try this version: I still seem to be able to use a windows compiler ;-)
@MarkHeywood2012 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome, that worked. Thank you. While looking for other solutions I found this awesome gcode & tool path viewer, great for gcode inspection before committing cnc hardware:
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
@vicgem2702 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, how about Dirk, excellent proyect and thanks for the knowledge, could you help me! I have a question if I want to generate g codes in Inkscape, What data(tool library) will be used to generate g codes inkscape? I await your answer.
@dherrendoerfer 4 жыл бұрын
What design tool are you using ?
@vicgem2702 4 жыл бұрын
@@dherrendoerfer hello I am using the orientation points tool, then I select the tool library and in the end I go to Gcode all this I do in the Ggodetool extension, and another question I have is, Can you make figures like circles or drawings?
@juniorRacing100 9 жыл бұрын
hola amigo yo hice ese proyecto tu yo pero no es podido controlarlo con la pc porque no abre la aplicación de la pc te quería preguntar ese programas del arduino se podría poner a funcional con UniversalGcodeSender hice la tarjeta identica como la que tiene tu y otra pregunta esa misma tarjeta como aria para usarla con una cnc de tres motores
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
+antonio sanchez If you use the UniversalGcodeSender application you must turn off all of the functions that report back the position and the status of the Arduino board. That is a function that only works with GRBL. After that you should be able to use the application with the driver board and uCNC_controller.
@juniorRacing100 9 жыл бұрын
hola lo hice como dice y no funciona como hago para poder abrir la aplicación q tu usa por que no abre en mi pc le doy abrir y solo hace un parpadeo y no abre que sera lo que estará mal
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
To open the application I use you need to install python 2.7 in the 32 bit version, and pyserial also in 32 bit. Then you need to edit the file and set your arduino com port in the code.
@juniorRacing100 9 жыл бұрын
gracia por tu ayuda no abria por falta de PySerial pero a hora cuando abro el archivo para que enpiese a trabajar se queda pegado y dice no responde que sera eso y disculpa tanta molestia es que soy nuevo en esto otra pegunta ate un video como se diseña la pcb para generar el codigo G
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
antonio sanchez Did you edit the python code to add the serial port name that your system uses ? ( In my case COM5 for example ) Then you should try to use the move keys one at a time, x,y,z. Sometimes the arduino is not configured correctly and using one axis makes it stop communicating.
@MrByemi 9 жыл бұрын
Hi there Dirk Herrendoerfer, Thank you very much for sharing your ideas and your project. Also I appreciate your effort you had on this project. I've started as well to make one for me, having yours as an example, but I'm stuck at the start : 1st : I can't run the ardGcode ( I can edit the file, but couldn't run it. I double click the file and nothing happens. I've installed the same version of python you had 2.7.8) 2nd : Couldn't download the GRBL controller...the link i found over the internet is not available no more. Can you please tell me if you I have some updates regarding this project ? What software I can use ? Are those files still from the GitHub still available ? For the moment this what I need to start the project. I wanted to see if from the software point of view, will work. By the way, I'm using Windows 7 x64. Waiting for your answer. Kind regards, Emi
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
+Francu Emilian Hello, regarding the python problems, I have had none so far, if there is something missing the python IDE should be giving you meaningful error information. I typically open the file in IDLE and then run it from there. The pyserial lib must be installed and all versions should be 32-bit. I don't know what the GRBL-controller software issue is, they still have their files online.
@MrBlender12 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk, I hope you can help me, I connect with GRBL and arrows of the x, y, z moves without problem, but when I open the .nc file does not work, the red dot stays on the inteface, thanks for your help!
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+Raúl You need to set GRBL Control to not poll for current position and disable all multiple sending of code. The firmware only supports ping-pong mode with ok as the successful reply.
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
Also when i try to use $$ command its not working
@declanfletcher6390 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer Hi Dirk. I have successfully complied and uploaded the Arduino sketch to my Uno board. When I run the ardGcodeWriter and click serial connect I get the following message in the python window, "SerialException: could not open port 'COM3': WindowsError(5, 'Access is denied.'). My Arduino is connected to COM3. Do you know to fix this? Thanks.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
I do not know exactly how Windows manages rights to access hardware ports, but I suppose that running python with Administrator privileges (right-click, run as Administrator) should fix the issue. Also make sure that no other application is using the COM port at the same time.
@komankbobo3944 10 жыл бұрын
now compatible with grbl,nice video dirk,thanks
@MarcelWest97 10 жыл бұрын
Hallo kann man einen Bipolaren Schrittmotor auch mit dem ULN 2003 ansteuern.
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Nein, dafuer nimmt man am besten ein Polulu Modul, so wie es in 3D Druckern verwendet wird.
@MarcelWest97 10 жыл бұрын
Ok Danke
@MarcelWest97 10 жыл бұрын
Marcel West Wo haben Sie ihr Schrittmotoren her? Würde es mit dem IC SN754410NE gehen?
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Ich habe mein Motoren von ebay. Das IC sollte gehen um einen bipolaren motor anzusteueren, ich weiss aber nicht wie dann da die Ansteuerung des Treibers auzusehen hat.
@MarcelWest97 10 жыл бұрын
ok Danke
@mohammedabbas356 8 жыл бұрын
hello MY FRIEND :No data from COM port after connect. Expecting Grbl version string. ? why ?
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know, you may want to try the v4 firmware from the beta branch, or try to use gcodeSender, another application that works very well.
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
Ayuda ¿cuales son tus parámetros del grbl controll o como esta configurado tengo los mismos motores?
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz Which settings are you referring to ?
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer. Hola me refiero a los comandos que tiene el grbl controll para que pueda funcionar el motor porque cuando los conectaba se calentaban y no se movían espero una respuesta.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz You need to disable all GRBL-specific functions like multi-command sending and position reporting, uCNC_controller, only supports ping-pong communication.
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer. Disculpa no te entendí, yo hablo de que cuando pones los signos ($$) en comando que valores le pones para que los motores funcionen. Espero una respuesta gracias.
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz??
@mohammedabbas356 8 жыл бұрын
hello Dirk please when i try to run my CNC by Grbl controller 3.5.1 and open connection the program show this message (No data from COM port after connect. Expecting Grbl version string.) ?
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
Hey dirk can you send me your grbl controller software plz.. I have grbl controller version 3.6.1 and i cant find older versions of it.. Plz send me plz
@4Apone 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk:-) I'm ready, but two weeks to try and find a way generate a gcode pcb plot, I would like to convert an image vector gcode, but there is no software:-(, as you generate the gcode? thank you:-)
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
I use eagle, to export to hpgl, I then use hp2xx to convert it. Download links can be found in the description of this video: The hp2xx version there now works with Windows Vista, 7, and 8.
@4Apone 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dirk:-) Now I try:-) Bye!
@leonardorodrigues4045 10 жыл бұрын
Hello Dirk, okay? I build my PCB CNC plotter according to your project just that I have a problem with respect to the nylon. What happens is that the nylon is slipping when the stepper motor rotates, I'm using 28byj-48 stepper motor and there can not make the correct design of the PCB, as tensionei nylon, already spent a sandpaper to get the nylon harsher but nothing works, always in short motor steps nylon slide. Have you had any problem with the nylon while doing your plotter? Thank you for your attention.
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Yes, I had that problem as well. The hardest part is to get the axis to move as easy as possible. When I had slippage problems I put a few drops of glue (Pattex Classic) on the drive shaft and let it dry completely. That gave the drive shaft the extra grip it needed.
@leonardorodrigues4045 10 жыл бұрын
Hello Dirk, I solved this problem throwing away the nylon and using similar printer toothed belt with the figure below. Now I'm looking metal shafts for use as basket to slide the table because I am using pen tube of plastic and often lock the table, with the metal tubes are easiest. Congratulations for the plotter design !!!
@justoneofthesheep 9 жыл бұрын
would it be possible to modify the software to use servo's instead of stepper motors ?
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
+Jason Love Probably, but to what effect ?
@aksdiyprojects1999 9 жыл бұрын
hi dirk ,after spending extensive hours i could reach to the last step where u have created hpgl file n.however the next part changing the com port is also done,where to save it?and after that how u opened ardcode?since on my pc that shortcut doesnt appear anywhere.pls help
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
+avinash khetmali Hello, happy new year! The com port is edited right into the .py file. It is then started directly via python or through the python IDE. For that to work you should have the 32-bit versions of python 2.7 and python-serial installed.
@SattwikJana 8 жыл бұрын
I can't get ard gcode writer or grbl controller for Windows, can you please help me...
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
ardGcodeWiter is in my github repo, I don't know whats up with GrblControl - you can also try gcodesender for windows - I like it and use it a lot.
@romanoonori1755 10 жыл бұрын
Hello Dirk, you can confirm that the board V4 with firmware V4 are compatible GRBL thank you so much
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
No, I can only confirm the most basic functionality.
8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk how 're you? well, I started with your cnc project and all goes very well, I loaded the uCNC_controller in the arduino and when I run the ardGcodeWriter, motor steppers rotates in one direction only... What could be the problem?
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Try reducing the steps-per millimeter significantly for a test, it can also be faulty wiring.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry, the last reply was bunk - reduce the step issue frequency, you might simply be driving them too fast.
8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk, I found the problem, the stepper motors that I bought, have a issue with the cables, I fixed it and now works very good, the only thing that I should to change is the steps per milimeter, thank you Dirk :D
@DeejayGrafixx 4 жыл бұрын
hey sir is it possible to edit the code for a 3rd motor by multi plexing the pins for 3d carving?
@dherrendoerfer 4 жыл бұрын
Yes it is.
@DeejayGrafixx 4 жыл бұрын
@@dherrendoerfer you have made a great discovery that I have just been looking for av been reading into the hpl code and startd from the history of the punch card because am trying to build stepper drivers from scratch to build a small wax 3d printer
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
Hello a question if as I have arduino programming and controll gbrl what is the first thing I run arduino or gbrl ?
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz Not sure I understand the question correctly, you need to program the Arduino once with the Arduino programming IDE, after that you can use GRBL Control without ever starting the Arduino IDE.
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer Hola en verdad muchas Gracias pero no se mueven los motores no se que pasa.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz Well, what did you try yet, and which software are you using ?
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer pasame un correo para que te pueda explicar ll que he hecho. Por favor
@tobivaz9409 8 жыл бұрын
+Tobi Vaz hola lo que he hecho es conectar los motores al arduino con los pines dados en la programación de arduino, después conecto el arduino corro la programación que das y después flacheo el arduino para que pueda reconocer el grbl controll y después me reconoce el programa e arduino pero cuando lo corro en el grbl no funciona solo eso he hecho.
@peterwebb2224 10 жыл бұрын
Hello dirk, excellent videos, I really like your Robin printer. I've been having a go to get some motors turning but a couple of problems this end. I downloaded your code and got it onto arduino uno ver3 I want to use it with the L298 modules off ebay I have also installed Python 3, I am using windows 7, when I run ardgcodewriter I first get an error (ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter), if I change the Tkinter to tkinter the next error ( File "C:\demo\", line 10, in import serial ImportError: No module named 'serial') I not sure where to go from here , have you experienced this and can you possibly assist. Thanks...............Peter
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Look into the description of the Software talk video, the links to the software and the required versions can be found there.
@1Torchit 8 жыл бұрын
Hello, having a few issues with getting the Grbl controller 3.6.1 to connect with my Arduino Uno. Baud rate is 9600 and i can recieve com via arduino serial monitor however when i attempt to connect it gives me the error "No data from COM port after connect. Expecting Grbl Version string." i can also connect via Gcodesender.exe. i have tried to get your Gcodewrite working with python as well but it just throws me an error "Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python35\", line 9, in from Tkinter import * ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter'" I have currently plugged into my Arduino uno 8,9,10,11 with power Whenever i hit open Grbl controller or reset it turns the stepper motor. Also tried with an arduino nano both running Atmega328P-PU Any help would be amazing. Cheers!
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Hello, Grbl controller is not the easiest to get to work, but if you see the welcome message through the Arduino IDEs serial monitor it should look like "uCNC_controller (compatible: Grbl v0.81, Repetier 0.80, E3D v1.00)". These are required to satisfy Grbl controller, I believe. To get ardGcodeSender to work you need python 2.7 in 32bit as well as the pythonSerial library in 32bit. (No matter wat your OS is). Tkinter is usually a part of the full python 2.7 install.
@1Torchit 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer i gave up trying to get it to work it would have been nice.... i replicated your exact design with an arduino nano and the same servos. ill just upgrade my servos and run the standard config
@1Torchit 8 жыл бұрын
+Dirk Herrendoerfer ill also try the older python.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Cool - I understand that the g-code writer software tools can be quite enervating - I did not author any of those tools, I just fix and maintain them as well as I can in case of the python script. Unfortunately there is no one-size-fits-all solution, or I haven't fount it yet.
@1Torchit 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Dirk, When was the last time you done a fresh install and tested your design instructions? on a clean version of windows. Today i have done this on 3 seperate windows computers. steps are as follows Windows 7 and windows 8 and 10 step 1 install arduino software on pc Step 2 plug in arduino uno original upload untouched standard uCNC_controller (others dont compile or throw error) Step 3 check serial monitor com4 (uCNC_controller (compatible: Grbl v0.81, Repetier 0.80, E3D v1.00) ready) Message appears. download fresh install of GRBL controller from link - GrblController361Setup.exe - installed Run as admin - Com4 selected Baud Rate 9600 (nano or uno) Always get the same error ">(CTRL-X) No data from COM port after connect. Expecting grbl version string. As you see above it is sent the code in arduino serial port but it doesnt work with the gbrl controller.
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
Hey dirk can you tell me what are different libraries except Pyserial are required to run file?..... I install Pyserial library but still this file is not opening
@dherrendoerfer 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing besides Pyserial is required AFAIK. Pyserial must be the same (64/32)bit version of python. You need to manually set the COM port in the python code.
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
@@dherrendoerfer i done everything but its not opening. One black window is open and close after some times
@dherrendoerfer 5 жыл бұрын
It works for me, I'm using python2.7 with tcl/tk and pyserial, both in 32 bit. I did not write this piece of software, I just fixed some of the bugs.
@muddassirazmi3059 5 жыл бұрын
@@dherrendoerfer thanks dirk.. Its only work on python 2.7 version.. I was using python 3.7.31 so im getting problems
@rawux1228 8 жыл бұрын
How to create nc files? Any tutorial? I'm using eagle pcb
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
I think it's part of the software howto video.
@TheGuyWithASolderingIron 7 жыл бұрын
Hi dirk. Little help. Servo is not simulating the Z axis. So servo is not working. I can see the code saying tool down and up for Z axis. But not working. Please help
@dherrendoerfer 7 жыл бұрын
Depending on the version of the software you are using, you may need to set the motor_mode variable in uCNC_controller.ino to another value. Still make sure you also have a correct setup for the Z axis in the software, as the Servo only emulates the Z axis behaviour and therefore needs to be properly configured.
@TheGuyWithASolderingIron 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you dirk. One additional question. I converted the hpgl to nc using the hp2xx. But after conversion and when i open the nc file with UGS the length of the board in more bigger than actual it is. Actual size is 30mm but now it is 200mm. Any suggestions??
@dherrendoerfer 7 жыл бұрын
You probably did not use the -t ( for true size) parameter when you converted the hpgl.
@TheGuyWithASolderingIron 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much dirk. Now everything works fine
@spoderman15 8 жыл бұрын
With the grbl controller can you set your pen line thickness to avoid overlaps or "under" laps? or will the g code need to take care of this. ty
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
The controller and the machine have no concept of knowing the actual line width, so it must be taken into account when the g-code is generated.
@kal2thik 10 жыл бұрын
Hi again Dirk, I am getting a 'port is already open' exception when I try to connect serially. I've tried some things like closing the port before it is reopened, but can't get it to connect. Any ideas?
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
What tool are you using ?
@kal2thik 10 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer I am using the 'Gcodewriter' that is in the Github. I have a suspicion that my Arduino Nano is being connected, however for some reason the text that you have put into the code(Connection to Arduino Established) is not appearing as it does in the video. I am suspecting this, as the error described as 'port is already open', only flags up after I have pushed the button more that once. Ill look into it :)
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
kal2thik Which firmware are you using? The software might just be waiting for a response from the Arduino that never arrives.
@kal2thik 10 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer I am using the firmware and the python tool that is attached to the github within this video. I can upload the firmware to my Arduino Nano fine as I have tested it using the serial monitor as you have done. It is just the connection with the python tool that I can't get to work properly. The tool seems to freeze after I click 'connect serial' aswell, so maybe you are right in saying the software is waiting for a response that never arrives.
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
kal2thik Either the port is in use by another program, or you have the wrong port set. You can try to insert a line with a xxx.close() before the open() call.
@reinaldoaltamura6898 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk 1) i downloaded GRBL Controller but i cannot use it because it read only .nc files , i'm using a DipTrace Program (not Eagle) it generate me a .Dip files. There's some file-Programs convertion File ? 2) what about your plotter mechanics have you the the drawings with all the measures of the pieces? thank you.
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Reinaldo, for some reason all your comments are declared as spam by YT, possibly because you included links and email addresses. For those messages I do not get notifications - sorry about that. As I say in the video - sizes and layout are up to you, the software does not care about them, as it will always start from the zero position you set at the beginning of the plot process. So you can build it any size you like. The theoretical range is within several kilometres. I don't know about .dip files, and how they work - there are converters available for image files like hpgl and so on, or vector formats like gerber. All these generate .nc files in the end, and that is what my firmware supports. Cheers, Dirk
@reinaldoaltamura6898 8 жыл бұрын
hi Dirk, thank you to your reply , before make the plotter's mechanics i want undestand what program-controller i need!!!! In your videos you explained the hpgp-converter(jpeg files) and the grbl-controller-program(vectorial). In my circuit board there isn't a simple lines-connection beetwin components (i don't know if i can use this vector-image-controller) i need to fill-in the area connection-component. If you want understand more about my problem there's follow link: this is my circuit-board: and this my circuit using grbl controller project: here there's Circuit-board exported-files for grbl program:(i used bottom.gbr file) there's something wrong? Thank you (to your patient :-) ).
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
I've never worked with gerber files this way before, but the g-code file looks fine, it is just missing the pads, which might be in a different file. But saying that - I have never done this myself, so I may be wrong.
@jinlimbaga2890 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for redirecting me here sir, I really encounter some problem in using, when i run a gcode file,, the program goes not responding,, is this floooding? what is the possible reason and solution for this?
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Are you using the newest version from github ? Possibilities are that the com port is not correct in the python file, or the arduino is not responding correctly. What operating system are you using ?
@jinlimbaga2890 10 жыл бұрын
Dirk Herrendoerfer yes, im using the newest version, i've also changed the com port in python to my arduino port,, im using windows 8
@dherrendoerfer 10 жыл бұрын
Jin Limbaga I can't recreate the issue here, strangely it just works for me. Could it be that another program is using the serial port of the arduino ?
@LeimanGoVlog 7 жыл бұрын
good job sir sir please help me, inside your github there is a lot of code, which code do i input to my arduino?
@angeldelgado9947 7 жыл бұрын
Buenas tardes amigo, que version de Grbl usas? porque yo tengo la version 3.6.1 y no me funciona. Gracias desde Venezuela.
@dherrendoerfer 7 жыл бұрын
It works if you turn off all grbl caching and position reporting features. I've switched to gcodesender for now, and that's working fine for me.
@jasperbesmonte4121 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dirk! I just want to clarify this, is the "stop" button in the GRBL controller the same as a "pause" button? By pressing "begin" again, will the machine start with the next code after wait or it will start over again? Thanks!
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
For GRBL, I believe that is true, it's more of a pause, than a hard stop, that's what the emergency stop is for.
@jasperbesmonte4121 8 жыл бұрын
So it will still continue to plot the pattern even if I paused it for some time like if I want to add more ink to the pen or even replace the pen and it will continue the plotting from the point where I stopped it?
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
I just tried - and I must admit being wrong - apparently pressing stop aborts the sequence and does not pause.
@jasperbesmonte4121 8 жыл бұрын
I have read that there is a software pause (!) and resume (~) and also a hardware pause using two switches to control the Feed Hold and Cycle Start command (at Analog pin 1 and pin 2, correct me if I'm wrong) but I don't think you have implemented that in your work. I would be glad if you happen to also check if the software pause exists in your system. Thanks again Dirk!
@dherrendoerfer 8 жыл бұрын
Hardware pause is not an issue to implement, but it does have some implications towards the machine handling - normally the machine goes into power-save, releasing the stepper hold current after a while, would it do that on pause ? I'll look into it, but I'm not sure that that is a good idea.
@t3du 10 жыл бұрын
what about a kickstarter with paypal or bitcoins to keep going i can send to you a few satoshi, beacuse is hard mines the big ones
@axodarap 7 жыл бұрын
FIrstly, amazing project! Currently replicating it. I'v enoticed something strange so I thought I'd share i t (it cas esomeone runs into the same problem). I just couldn't get die grbl controler to work with the arduino uno. Once I switched to a nano though, it worked flawlessly!
@MultiBwee 7 жыл бұрын
i am using an uno , everything works except that i get bigger pads , what was your errors , maybe i may have to switch to nano too
@jeruelmorales349 9 жыл бұрын
where did you download the gerber controller software?
@dherrendoerfer 9 жыл бұрын
Jeruel Morales Which one is that ?
@mechatron1632 7 жыл бұрын
first of all great work sir I have one question is it run .gcode file which is created using 'Inkscape'
@dherrendoerfer 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, yes this works with code generated by inkscape for cnc machines with X, Y and Z coordinates. It won't work with g-code generated for laser engravers or engraver-plotters, they use a different syntax for lowering the tool.
@shinaskhan123 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dirk
@Maik_cnc_ru 10 жыл бұрын
крута спасибо
@burnashev13 6 жыл бұрын
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