Disney's Forgotten Doll Line - Attractionistas

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Anne Elizabeth

Anne Elizabeth

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@pinocchiofan 2 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised they didn’t make an it’s a small world doll, but since you gave me the opportunity, here’s what I just made up: •Her name is Mary (cute inside joke named after the designer of the ride and besides the Disney characters I don’t think the dolls have names) •She’s a world traveler who speaks many languages •Maybe a pet goose because they’re one of the most recognizable animals on the ride. Could have a name in a different language (like another name for goose, idk) or a cheesy word like Peace, Hope, or Laughter. •She might have the same color scheme as the Carousel one (which probably explains why she wasn’t made, but honestly, out of the two, I hear more about it’s a small world that the carousel). That’s all I got.
@austinreed7343 2 жыл бұрын
I had a couple ideas: * Menthe/ReMilla (Journey Into Imagination) ** Names either derived from “mint” as in Figment or “REM” sleep. ** Colors in homage to Dreamfinder, with purple hair streaks for Figment. ** Has a pet tapir/baku named Nigel (reference to the infamous Nigel Channing) ** Also has a JII purse and hat as her main accessories. * Mikan (The Enchanted Tiki Room) ** Name derived from the Japanese word for “orange”, see also the Orange Bird. ** Has a surfboard modeled off one of the Tiki Room tikis, and an attachable pair of wings. ** Her pet is a toucan named “Barker” (as in the infamous barker bird) ** Colors are an inverted version of Uh-Oa’s. * Todd (Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride) ** Token male of the team. ** Pet is a mole named “Ken” (in reference to Kenneth Grahame, author of the original book) ** Colors homage the ride’s vehicles. * Sanda (Big Thunder Mountain Railroad) ** Name derived from the katakana/hiragana writing of “thunder” ** Colors homage the trains from Mine Train Through Nature’s Wonderland ** Has Fox ears and tail. ** Her pet is a tortoise named “Spectrum” (in reference to the Rainbow Caverns. ** Would also have a canteen and other survival accessories themed to the ride. They also really should have given these characters more of a push ala Duffy, or even stuff like Usachin that are entirely exclusive to foreign parks. Meetables, more places to sell them… maybe even add them to the rides in some form.
@KRobinson-ko1ne 10 ай бұрын
I mentioned this but Roger and Gene, two lame male characters in a discount two pack They are two bitter film snobs and their attraction is of course…Superstar Limo No I’m kidding, it’s the Great Movie Ride. They are bitter about the replacement with a shitty projection based attraction that screws up the theming of the park(and honestly so am I)
@rct3isepic 3 жыл бұрын
I think the reason they weren't specific about the versions of the ride is because at the time all the attractions were on both coasts so they could sell them at Disneyland and WDW.
@idunnobutyay2520 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, here’s what I’ve got Roxy (ride: Rock n Roller Coaster) •Roxy is into music, especially rock. She always carries a pair of drumsticks with her and can be found drumming on anything. •She’s also an adrenaline junkie who loves to go fast! •She has a pet cat named Jett (after Joan Jett) •Her color scheme is probably black and white with some red accents and some sort of “rock” colors Theo (Big Thunder Mountain) •Theo is one of the few guys, and he’s a nature person. His interest is the Wild West and loves reading cheesy western novels. •He’s kind of superstitious, but is overall pretty smart •He probably has a pet coyote named Tex and his style is Western wear. Trip (ride: Star Tours) •Trip is a sci-fi fan who loves travel! He also has a good hand with technology, so he can be found working on what might as well be droids. •Trip is always looking for new places to go, and wishes that he could travel across the universe someday. For now, he’s content to ride Star Tours. •His pet is a robot cat named PurrToo (like R2-D2) and his style is kind of like a pilot but mixed with sci-fi
@KRobinson-ko1ne 10 ай бұрын
Ooo, if I can make a suggestion “Janie” is the personification of Rock N Rollercoaster: she’s a raging conceal carry advocate and although she wasn’t born when the song was written insists that Janies Got A Gun is about her. She comes from a broken home, her sense of fashion is shabby chich(like a “Ragdoll”, get it?!) and she once tried to give Joe Perry one of her bras; he ignored her Then you have Roger and Gene, two lame male characters in a discount two pack. They’re the personification of the Great Movie Ride and are bitter that it got replaced with a shitty screen based attraction that ignores the encompassing theming of the park(and so am I honestly) Finally for Star Tours there’s Kathy: she’s super out of touch and her marketing skills get gradually more embarrassing. She wants to announce projects at the drop of a hat but has no direction or sense of context. You see where I’m going with this. She too comes in a discount 2 pack with JJ, a disgruntled fan who thinks everything Star Wars should be the Empire Strikes Back and that George Lucas, the creator, needs to be totally removed from said franchise. He too has no sense of context(or concern)
@onwardlightsunknown2120 Жыл бұрын
I have most of these girls since I was a kid, these dolls are sure are interesting and a fun concept but maybe they could add or change something’s. Like the ability to move more, have alternate outfits based on rides (Gracey could have a hitchhiker ghost look or bride attempt) or similar to them. The animals can have costumes too.
@myrrmur 3 жыл бұрын
I wanted to like these. I think the basic idea of a ride themed doll is cute and the box art of the characters didn't look half bad. The actual dolls themselves, though... I'm sorry, for most of them, the color schemes are just ugly and clash. A convoluted back story didn't help, but also not doing something like animated web-isodes or story books added to that. Giving them fun personalities could have offset some of the aesthetic issues. I got into MH because of the cartoons. I loved the personalities those characters had, aside from them being adorable monsters.
@nerdwriterfighter212 11 ай бұрын
The entire premise of this line is something that Disney adults would actually do. I am talking about those who make Disney their entire personality. That sounds like a good sitcom actually or a parody.
@punprincess3214 2 жыл бұрын
I'd honestly want to get Terra and Gracy, I like their designs and I think they're cute. I think a way they could have fixed it is by making them specifically the owners of their favourite rides, maybe to promote the dolls they could have had cast members dress like them to welcome them to their specific attraction. That way the line could be expanded to some other well known rides too like monster high did with including more monsters. Hell you could have a girl dressed as a knight and she's protecting the castle! Or better yet, make them the manifestations of the joy people get from these rides, that the happiness and excitement was so powerful it magically took on the forms of the attractionistas, and they are symbols of the joy parkgoers have experienced on their favourite rides and they act as guardians to keep the magic of their rides alive.
@amorcupid 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t lie i adore these dolls, I have Pearl, Celeste, Nellie, Gracey and Holly so far and would love to get the rest 😭😭
@onwardlightsunknown2120 Жыл бұрын
Same! These dolls to me make me happy, and I wish I had Holly and Briar though
@NatalieFernandez-tb5hw 6 ай бұрын
R.I.P splash mountain you will be missed though I’m excited for Tianna’s bayou adventure
@camrynbrewer2370 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else think that Gracey's bat looks like Fidget from The Great Mouse Detective?
@austinreed7343 2 жыл бұрын
I recall seeing one of these at the 2019 d23 at one of the third party vendors. The HM one to be exact. I think I also saw the POTC one at retail.
@gracecomeau2572 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve first seen/ heard of these dolls back then in some KZbin videos I’ve never had the actual dolls but I absolutely loved them because they looked so unique and fun . It’s understandable why they didn’t last long tho the idea is still interesting
@chaiguy2930 3 жыл бұрын
The Attractionistas were an interesting doll line! But I do think they ripped off the Maddie Doll from Ever After High- (see the feud between Mattel and Disney) Maybe another factor of their unpopularity, is the fact that Disney was in between toy production companies, (these might have been produced by Hasbro) and so they didn't invest much detail in them like Mattel would have. But yes, nice try Disney.
@Emike-nc9ew 3 жыл бұрын
I would wish to see a alt version of the HM and SM dolls for disneyland paris,phantom mannor being a more darker and western take on the HM in frontierland conected to BTM,and de la tere ala lune,the 95 version of SM,based on the jules verne book for the retrofuture land "discoveryland".
@Eq_katie 2 жыл бұрын
I guess I can say I got lucky this one time in Disney world in 2019 in memento Mori I saw a whole shelf with Gracie dolls and 2 of them were 30 dollars
@jilliantavares8249 Жыл бұрын
I managed to get all eight of the dolls. It's a shame they didn't make more of these. I would've loved to see some characters based on rides like Soarin', It's a small world, Rockin' Rollercoaster, Expedition Everest, and so on.
@lyn100 Жыл бұрын
i collected a few of these!! i have pearl, gracey, and carrie, and thankfully i was able to get them for decent prices on the aftermarket. it might be a pipe dream, but i'd love to have the whole series someday, it's like a perfect intersection of all of my niche interests, haha.
@valkyriecatt 2 жыл бұрын
The fact your a Monster High collector means you’re instantly cool
@williamswonderland3636 3 жыл бұрын
Oh let me try uhm... First I need to pick a ride.....hmmm....the Chinese theater ride were you go through the history of film. No wait that would be rehashing the tower of tarrors personally darn!
@cqntralls 5 ай бұрын
Gracey looks like Mal from Descendants, it’s the face and purple hair
@briarvalley8309 11 ай бұрын
Honestly the concept was good but the art and the fashion need a WAAAAYYYY more fashionable update. Its obvious disney was just trying to get a quick buck off of the Knock off
@sharonthompson672 2 ай бұрын
Explain in one sentence: "There's Magic in the World."
@harmonetheanimationaddict4419 3 ай бұрын
Maybe that wish the girls made turned them into magical girls who have abilities based off whatever attraction they love? Idk I’m just spitballing here guys.
@alexandru18 2 жыл бұрын
nice picture of da bride but wait did you say spidey sens? your a marvel fan?
@AlexandruCatrina-bk6jg Жыл бұрын
5:43 ディズニーワールドZ
@thefouranimationproduction 9 ай бұрын
They have ily dolls but they look like disney store dolls
@joeydahl9594 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't like the look of most of these. The one I did want though was Gracey. I'm a sucker for a goth/emo look and while not a favorite doll in my collection, I do still have her. Now that I think of it. I may consider making a BJD of her. Cause one of the reasons I got her was that I really like the artwork on the box. So the design at least I seem to like.
@claratarte1875 10 ай бұрын
Still sold at world of Disney
@Marissaiscool53 Жыл бұрын
0:57 2010
@ImperiumSilverCrystal Жыл бұрын
Aw, I think these are cute. But I'm a doll fan so.....
@KRobinson-ko1ne 10 ай бұрын
This idea clearly is trying to make a quick buck on the cosplay/Disney-bound scene. It’s hard to pad out into a universe unless these are kids that are obsessed with the park and/or are ghosts of people who’s ashes were tossed in the middle of the attractions(I’m not racist but some of them are grey or blue and I thought they were ghosts) On a side note I can’t really judge Maddie: my infatuation with Alice in Wonderland is my personality too(as well as my alcoholism). And in Briar’s defense this new Tiana attraction is supposed to be dominantly screen-based as opposed to animatronics.
@MeanThread 3 ай бұрын
Cool i have ones like these ! From : Temu .
@kayleighbrown459 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE the idea but the execution is a little all over the place. These are supposed to be REAL girls? Like, actual park visitors? That's such a strange design choice. I really think these should have been designer dolls instead of play line dolls. It would have fit the niche better. There's a line of dolls from japan that are based on different famous streets. THAT'S the target audience they should have been aiming for.
@donnahanna10565 Жыл бұрын
Wow you're narrating this video like you're really bad AI. These dolls are adorable in anybody who loves Disneyland understand I just bought Gracie and now I want the Pirates of the Caribbean girl. You seem like one of those wet blankets and tries to kill the magic out anything that makes people happy. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully someday you'll find something that makes you happy🎉🎉🎉
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