Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Review season 2 episode 1 where no-one knows how or why this season returned. 1 hour 15 minute episode where it was supposed to dive straight into the story and kick off the action. That never happened. The first episode is anti entertainment where it's hard to sit through and watch, let alone review. You find your mind swerving away from the content desperate to think or concentrate on anything else. Often I can imagine these shows as second monitor or ironing entertainment. Not with this. I don't know who this is for, at all. That's all without even talking about breaking Tolkien's lore. But what did you think of what you saw? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)
@hcl88363 ай бұрын
As much as i dislike the acolyte and cancelled my D+ subscription because of it … i watched the first episode this evening and it was far from bad. Yes it has flaws and i still dislike arrogant Galadriel but i can’t see the reason for this level of bashing.
@SmithsAndSons3 ай бұрын
It deserves this bashing because it takes Tolkiens story and flushes it down the toilet. If Amazon wanted to make their own fantasy story, then they shouldn't have spent money on the rights for stories that they are not using. Not to mention that what they did create is trash- bad lines, bad characters, etc.
@ahmedeltayb9913 ай бұрын
Ep 2 Please mate 😂😂
@B-TRU863 ай бұрын
Man thank you for this it was hilarious..
@Tamikawashere3 ай бұрын
Orcs are as intelligent as humans. They just happen to be martial. But they arent born evil. I never could get past the idea that it's OK to kill something because it's just evil. So, like murdering orc babies is morally justified? I don know. Im not with that. I still want nothing to do with the show.
@StephenAbootman3 ай бұрын
Remember, they're destroying the lore 100% on purpose. They absolutely can't stand their inability to touch Tolkien's work, so they make a mockery of it and ruin it for everyone else. Exactly like Melkor.
@nilswagner15363 ай бұрын
Read your book, whining about something you are not watching is pathetic.
@nealgrimes43823 ай бұрын
@@nilswagner1536 Almost as pathetic as you commenting on this Video.
@B-TRU863 ай бұрын
@@nilswagner1536I don't have to see flies buzzing around sh to know it stinks
@Puma53 ай бұрын
@@nilswagner1536 I can complain that s**t stinks, without having eaten it.
@cappy22823 ай бұрын
@@nilswagner1536 lol get mad 😡
@sapphiro3 ай бұрын
Watching an episode of The Rings of Power ❌️ Watching 5h+ roasts of an episode of The Rings of Power ✅️
@shaunvduke3 ай бұрын
You are not alone
@draw2death4213 ай бұрын
Only reason why i dont hate rings of power lol. The entertainment from roasting the show is so good.
@Broomtwo3 ай бұрын
I will not be watching Season 2. Season 1 was far too insulting to me and my intelligence and my time. I do enjoy people deservedly taking a shit on the show though.
@StarStuff.3 ай бұрын
the only way to watch it without rage quitting by brute force aka axe (or similar tools) in tv screen
@laffecaffelott3 ай бұрын
this is the way, much more entertaining this way xd
@kilkennyrose70993 ай бұрын
Galadriel was never deceived by Sauron, the Elven rings were not made first, Sauron was never black goo, Mordor was created by Morgoth, this whole thing from the beginning is so far from the lore it is a complete bastardization of Tolkien's work.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
And the explosion that made Forodwaith a frozen wasteland when Sauron dies in this episode? Yeah that was Morgoth. He did that before the first age even started.
@HateshWarkio3 ай бұрын
Rings of Power: based on the book series, Master of the Ring, written by R.G.B. Tekken
@wadenbeisser24913 ай бұрын
@@HateshWarkioi prefer the original by J.R.R. Streetfighter
@SRMoore11783 ай бұрын
The ring bounced to Galadriel. Gravity is always right... as Tolkien said.
@grokeffer62263 ай бұрын
They've turned LOTR into a stupid soap opera.
@ducttapestuff-jonathan95713 ай бұрын
Tolkien is buried in Oxford. I wouldn't be surprised if we start hearing about earthquakes in that area due to him rolling furiously in his grave.
@rutgerkerpel3063 ай бұрын
Wait til he rises from it and sends out a bone crushing scream of disgust what these monsters are doing.
@yurikendal48683 ай бұрын
I don't think he would leave Valinor over these cads
@CrimsonA13 ай бұрын
It shook him, a remake so terrible, dark and cruel, that the very creator has taken upon himself to rise from the dead, and undo evil!
@counter-intelligence79023 ай бұрын
Even Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France, but Sauron would kneel??? Are those writers stupid? He would probably kneel before Morgoth, but not before a mortal.
@codinghusky5196Ай бұрын
Sauron was indeed defeated and made to kneel before Ar Pharason the great. He was taken prisoner and he used it as an an opportunity to manipulate the King and drive him insane.
@DelightfullyMADD3 ай бұрын
Did... did these writers actually try to have the orcs pull a Caesar on Sauron?! Sauron is a f*cking Maiar, basically a demigod, and at this time he is both in his full power _and_ unbound the way the five Wizards were. An entire legion of orcs would not just be able to stab him to death, their crude weapons of mere iron likely wouldn't even be able to hurt him, and he could obliterate the entire lot of them without any issue. God _DAMN_ this season has already gone full r*tard and it's barely started
@anotherhappylanding47463 ай бұрын
Even if power wise it would be possible to kill sauron, it's so stupid because it makes sauron look incompetent
@alzaelnext6383 ай бұрын
At least they're sticking somewhat close to the lore this time. They got it right that the orcs laughed at Sauron and rejected him the first time he approached them. But Tolkien didn't say that they attacked and sort of killed him. Just that they chased him away because Sauron didn't want to use any of his divine powers to smite them because he was still keeping a low profile from the elves.
@johnsullivan9373 ай бұрын
@@alzaelnext638 So in other words... its nothing like the lore then.
@alzaelnext6383 ай бұрын
@@johnsullivan937 No. It's half like the lore. The only deviation is that it's not explicitly said they openly attacked him. The first bit of the scene is fine.
@udontknowhoiambutiknowhereuliv3 ай бұрын
@@alzaelnext638and that they murturd him, i mean c’mon orcs overpowering and dominating sauron? His character never came off as a little bltch b4 rop, thats a big change.
@Hollyclown3 ай бұрын
Remember in LotR when something as simple as Sauron’s voice can make someone like Saruman tremble? Good times.
@B-TRU863 ай бұрын
Right I thought his name wasn't even supposed to be said aloud..
@Donut-fr7is3 ай бұрын
@@B-TRU86 That's because Sauron didn't want the Orcs to pronounce his name. Probably because of some superiority complex.
@dariovirga77113 ай бұрын
@@Donut-fr7is well, he was Morgoth's right hand man, the Orcs were cannon fodder. He was superior.
@SolarisKane3 ай бұрын
All the people hating the Hobbit (which was an amazing trilogy) are wishing to go back to those days. At least Jackson respected and cared about the lore.
@trevorbyrne46683 ай бұрын
@@SolarisKane C'mon, The Hobbit has its moments and yeah, Jackson clearly does love Tolkien, but they aren't amazing films. There's too much nonsense in them to be considered amazing. Not that this means the Rings of Power good in any way - the show is bafflingly dreadful.
@MichaelB-jw5po3 ай бұрын
I absolutely hate this trend in modern entertainment where they try to make every villain sympathetic in some way. It's just a shoddy substitution for actual good writing.
@alzaelnext6383 ай бұрын
The thing is, I get what they are trying to do here, they're just doing a really shitty job of it. The orcs actually are supposed to be, not necessarily sympathetic, but somewhat tragic creatures. The orcs don't serve Morgoth because they want to, it's quite clearly stated that they despise Morgoth and Sauron both. They serve purely out of fear of him and Sauron. This is to highlight the depths of Morgoths evil and depravity. That he took a group of good people, corrupted them into twisted mockeries of life who only know cruelty and suffering and constantly loathe their very existence, (all the time being fully aware of how badly they've been twisted) and then made them thank and worship him for it. The show seems to be trying to demonstrate this, but the writers ideology is getting in the way as they can't seem to grasp that the orcs being tragic and maybe deserving of sympathy isn't the same as them having good in them. Nor does that make the situation morally complex. At the end of the day, they're still murder-hobos.
@BayWa4eva3 ай бұрын
while there are evil people in real life a lot of perceived evil people are trying to be good and thinking they are. sometimes it's just the question on which side the observer is. so i do get and like it when a show manages to show that because it is a very important lesson in life, that you sometimes have have to stop and rethink "am i actually doing something good here?" on the other side that does not always fit. some people simply are evil, strife for power and destruction. those kind of villains need to exist along the modern ones.
@SeasideDetective23 ай бұрын
Perhaps. If you sympathize with villains all the time, it probably indicates something problematic about you personally. You're probably a malcontent at best.
@agauerm3 ай бұрын
@@alzaelnext638 aren't the orcs just magicked into existence with dark/evil magic, like a necromancer's army
@mr.eichhorn40133 ай бұрын
I’m just interested in where you see them trying to make you feel sympathy for the orcs or Sauron. In that one part it was just Sauron using his tricks to convince the orcs. In no world this makes them any sympathetic. It just shows how Sauron convinces them. And I’m also convinced that failing to convince the orcs was part of his plan to be able to get to the elves unnoticed
@jodieholinaty62843 ай бұрын
They just copied Harry Potter for Sauron....Lord Voldemort slunk around and fed off animals till he gained human form. Sad.
@Xanti973 ай бұрын
Pretty sure it's from gandalf in the book
@porkflaps47173 ай бұрын
Also, Interview with a Vampire when Lestat gets dumped into the Bayou swamp. That's what I thought of when I saw this unoriginal garbage
@S1ipperyJim3 ай бұрын
Not Gandalf: "When in doubt follow your nose" Weeks later they're still hopelessly lost.
@BinkyTheElf13 ай бұрын
“Follow your nose! It always knows!” Gandalf the Toucan, shilling Froot Loops? 😂
@cappy22823 ай бұрын
Sauron going door to door kissing orc babies in a desperate attempt to gain some orc constituents
@HateshWarkio3 ай бұрын
_"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or the other guy, then you ain’t orc."_
@Blackstar-yd3yf3 ай бұрын
Adar can't golf 😂
@superfuss19843 ай бұрын
Should have Orc Herpes in the 3rd Age then...
@Anothet43 ай бұрын
My sides 😂
@heavyhebrew3 ай бұрын
"Look, I am offering a down payment on an orc hovel or cavern cistern. Is Saruman going to offer that? NO! Just endless tree cutting. You're Orcs, not landscapers for wizards"
@GenuineLhachwen3 ай бұрын
Orcs are not a species. They are magically warped elves and would show Sauron obeisance and obedience. They would have felt his power and feared him. I get so irritated when even basic canon is ignored. EDIT: Orcs mating to produce offspring will produce a corrupted elf child called an orc. It doesn't make it any less of a twisted creature of something else. Some comments getting a wee bit salty. lol
@JamesAnderson-dp1dt3 ай бұрын
Well, orcs apparently "multiplied" without Sauron having to catch fresh elves to corrupt. So since orcs could reproduce, and the result was an orc rather than an elf, it is not unfair to refer to them as a species. Although subspecies would probably be more appropriate.
@matth22833 ай бұрын
@@JamesAnderson-dp1dt aren't they like grown as shown in 2 towers?
@ishaanhall783 ай бұрын
@@matth2283 those are uruk-hai. saruman's "orcs"
@MetalHermit833 ай бұрын
@@JamesAnderson-dp1dtsauron's absolute chief power is his power of fear, similar to sarumans power of voice sauron has the same but incredibly more powerful and even in that speech alone all those orcs new or old would of been terrified. Plus he can change into a giant werewolf or bat. And even the death goo is wrong dead mair whether evil or good doe into smoke/mist a shapeless form. Not a fucking blob from stranger things.
@matth22833 ай бұрын
@@ishaanhall78 aren't those the same things? Urukhais are a type of orc no?
@ozi6183 ай бұрын
There's no difference between throwing a can of tomato soup over an artwork and distorting Tolkien's masterpiece with unskilled modern writing.
@pepincuatro28653 ай бұрын
In other words, these people at Amazon should be jailed
@user-zq6sz2cr6g3 ай бұрын
Experts at museums can attempt to clean the soup. These people have copyrighted their abomination, so, unlike Tolkien's, their work is protected.
@josephfisher4263 ай бұрын
@@user-zq6sz2cr6g Protected from what? Who is going to want to revisit this?
@CapedAvenger-y7o3 ай бұрын
@@user-zq6sz2cr6g And the only copyright they have is made up from the footnotes at the end of the true story...
@wallyman2923 ай бұрын
Great analogy. 👏
@m13579k3 ай бұрын
A powerful Maiar that even Gandalf feared so much he didn't want to go to middle earth was almost killed from being stabbed...with regular ass knives. I am already done.
@CapedAvenger-y7o3 ай бұрын
Sauron was openly the lieutenant of Melkor since he turned his back on Eru Ilúvatar {God} during the beginning of the first age. ALL orcs would have known him and feared him. He never tried to persuade them like this show portrays. In J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Sauron first approached the Orcs by having all Orc tribes practice the Dark Worship of Sauron. The Orcs referred to Sauron as Ashdurbûk ("Sole Ruler") and Ashdeiavausan ("Sole Deity"), and abandoned their faith in Morgoth.
@AliceBowie3 ай бұрын
I think sauron started out as Aulë's employee first, but he no-showed before he even got his first paycheck and interned at Morgoth's (formerly Melkor's).
@DH-xw6jp3 ай бұрын
I haven't seen anyone point this out yet... They made Gandalf own nothing and eat the bugs.
@darrenchiam24723 ай бұрын
Gotta include all demographics, including the homeless.
@xeldinn863 ай бұрын
@darrenchiam2472 I think his comment went over your head lol.
@jimmyg91863 ай бұрын
Underrated comment
@maveric6193 ай бұрын
@@darrenchiam2472radagast already exists though?
@bricelory95343 ай бұрын
Get the WEF representation
@gerylagrande3 ай бұрын
So what have we learned from rings of power? Sauron is Venom, classic Tolkien 😂
@illyrusemperor92783 ай бұрын
He's a mix between Venom and that dead high priest Imhotep from The Mummy movie
@JackChurchill1013 ай бұрын
That was it. The angelic beings create their new bodies by absorbing animate matter, like The Thing. Maybe The Stranger landed on a cow and absorbed it right before Nori arrived.
@paul59183 ай бұрын
@@gerylagrande he was weakened and was assimilating biomass to resolify he is like three tier below a God sauron can literally change his form to be anything just naturally like if you watch the good scene he eats a women and emerges a man
@ninja-mouse3 ай бұрын
@cabalpaxiarch7239 It reminded me of the movie Blob from the 60s.
@ElficGuy3 ай бұрын
THAT'S why he couldn't attack Rivendell with all the singing!
@alexandg4233 ай бұрын
These people destroying beloved IPs is 100% on PURPOSE.
@wadenbeisser24913 ай бұрын
It's like they publicly broadcast iq tests and amazon wants to keep only the dumbest of dumb people in Prime because they will pay for generations on.
@PeanutTerror3 ай бұрын
but why
@superfuss19843 ай бұрын
The Books are written, they only destroy there Reputations and future Job Opportunties... NoOne does watch this Crap anyway besides Disparu & Co... 🤷♀️
@badistbrother83843 ай бұрын
@anon27523 ай бұрын
Especially the racial "diversifying" of everything. "Diverse" elves in LOTR doesnt make any sense yet here they are.
@Jigrup3 ай бұрын
Galadriel had a husband, the eleven rings wasnt made first, evil is not good, sauron isnt meak and defendable. This shit is written by melkor. Not even sauron would make himself this pathetic as to get killed by lowly orcs.
@bad-people65102 ай бұрын
He did get his shit pushed in by a dog once, to be fair.
@DisFantasy3 ай бұрын
Remember all the bits of Saruman played by Christopher Lee raising his army and turning his tower into a fortress? All the showing and the telling? Whether he was talking to Grima, the Orcs, or Gandalf, he had so much gravitas and charisma. He was in control in every scene.
@thefenrisianssweatshop3 ай бұрын
He also met Tolkien. So probably had it from the horses mouth EXACTLY what Saruman was supposed to be like.
@bricelory95343 ай бұрын
@@thefenrisianssweatshop he met Tolkien at least 30-40 years before the movies were made. I highly doubt they'd have talked about Saruman's gravitas.
@DisFantasy3 ай бұрын
@@bricelory9534 My understanding is he had Tolkien's blessing to play Gandalf if the day ever arrived. There's something to take away from that.
@skyevens87563 ай бұрын
@@bricelory9534you never know.
@vortex_13363 ай бұрын
I think the worst thing about this show is what they've done with the elves. The fact that they have old elves is ridiculous. They're immortal. They don't get old.
@kirschakos3 ай бұрын
Good point. And what's with the hairs? Short-haired elves are really bothering me xD
@casualcausalityy3 ай бұрын
Thankfully my annoyance doesn't extend beyond these reviews. Watching the show isn't even an option
@lucamedugno3 ай бұрын
Cirdan is lore accurate. Elves do age, but it’s a very long process. He should not be that old, but he is pretty close. He had actually a beard in the books. And grey hair.
@bloodsports943 ай бұрын
My issue was the BLACK and NATIVE elves. Elves are described as being so fair skinned that they "glow white"
@jarnobrofelt18913 ай бұрын
@@lucamedugnoyeah in third age.
@grumpyweds4433 ай бұрын
Wow, they made Galadriel worse somehow. She was chasing Elrond like an 8 year old and then responds like a petulant 8 year old when called out. Tolkien's heirs absolutely sold him out.
@Gunnerb523 ай бұрын
He don't care...He can't create anything worthwhile so he might as well cash in on the work of his betters.
@f2pcoder923 ай бұрын
Is it possible to sue the heirs for bastardization and destruction of an intelectual property?
@cjerp3 ай бұрын
I haven't watched season 2 yet but Galadriel carried season 1. You're saying they managed to fuck that up too?
@murtangames3 ай бұрын
@@cjerpthe fuxkk do you mean by carried 💀💀💀💀
@StorminATube3 ай бұрын
Tolkiens estate have only ever licensed LOTR and The Hobbit. ROP licenced the rights from the current rights holders (Warners and New Line I believe). So the only rights to historical middle earth information is that in the LOTR appendices. ROP is execrable fan fiction. I say fan…
@alphax47853 ай бұрын
The fanfiction, Sauron had NOTHING to do with the making of the Three which is why they weren't tainted and their bearers could take them off to avoid being dominated when Sauron donned the One Ring...
@berlinlooks3 ай бұрын
Stop using this disgusting thing!! ... logic...
@chriss32763 ай бұрын
You are a bit off... The process by which the Three were forged was designed by Sauron so he did have something to do with their making; they simply were not corrupted by his malice since he never touched them or directly took part in their forging as he did with the other 16 Rings of Power. We only KNOW that the One Ring was forged about 10 years after the Three and it is implied that AT THAT TIME Celebrimbor gave the Three to Gil-galad, Galadriel, and Cirdan for safe keeping after realizing Sauron's involvement and that they were subject to control by the One Ring. This was done in anticipation of Sauron attacking to seize the Rings of Power. {Other versions have Celebrimbor giving two, Vilya and Narya to Gil-galad who late gave Narya to Cirdan.} Celebrimbor held the Three doing the ten year interval and possibly used them before the One was forged but that is never explicitly stated in Tolkien's work. There is a theory that Celebrimbor forged three rings because he intended for each branch of the House of Finwe in Middle Earth to have one (represented by Gil-Galad {Fingolfin}, Galadriel {Finarfin}, and himself {Feanor}).
@veronicab153 ай бұрын
The lore is Christian based. Them destroying it is not coincidental. They pay really good money to do it. Nobody can convince me this is just business or sheer incompetence. It's nefarious.
@Blackstar-yd3yf3 ай бұрын
Didn't you know that lotr is far right extreme 😂 having a good Vs bad is not okay 😂 and saving your homeland against Invaders
@AliceBowie3 ай бұрын
Tolkien was Catholic, but he was a professors of ancient European languages, so it's kind of a retelling of a bunch of pre Christian mythology blended together and retold through a Catholic post WWII lens. The Ring of the Nibelung is the main one, but also Icelandic Sagas and Danish and Old English stuff like Beowulf, too. Tolkien's original idea was that everything in Middle Earth took place before the first Ice Age, and that Eru Iluvatar eventually saves the world through Christ, after the Elves and Valar leave. I think he wanted Aragorn to be the ancient ancestor of King David and Jesus.
@PeoplePleaser5783 ай бұрын
Sauron marches into Mordor at the end of season 1… Beginning of season 2 - Sauron being tortured in Mordor. So let me get this straight - Sauron deliberately walked back to a place multiple times despite knowing they would attempt to kill/torture him. What 🤦♂️
@Will_Parker3 ай бұрын
The first season started by saying Sauron was their lord, now it says he never was? The first episodes of both seasons contradict each other lmao
@ChaniElkin3 ай бұрын
@@Will_Parker I had the same thought although not based on the same thing. Which is: This totally retcons Season 1. At the beginning, Galadriel & the squad found all these misshapen orcs. Meddling in powers of the Unseen World. In Episode 6, Adar says that Sauron experimented on the orcs over & over to gain 'power not of flesh, but over flesh'. Until Adar couldn't take anymore of his 'children' being tortured & killed and 'killed' Sauron. Very 1st episode of Season 2: Morgoth has JUST been defeated. Sauron asks the orcs to follow him, one orc attacks him, and he kills that orc. Then shouts that they should follow him (it's like a teen trying to assert his power at the adults' meeting because he doesn't know how to express it naturally). Kneels to be crowned, Adar wounds him by jabbing the crown in the back of this neck/general head area... and then watches as the orcs all kill Sauron. No time passed, no orcs experimented on or tortured or killed (except the attack orc), and Adar didn't actually kill him. Why can't modern shows ever remember their own story or story lore?!
@haraldbredsdorff26993 ай бұрын
As far as I can tell, the whole volcano plan from season 1, was not made by Sauron at all. Did I miss something?
@poppi5103 ай бұрын
So they should build Bara dur. And he should rule over the orcs.
@bobhi26683 ай бұрын
In the books, he was already an established general. It wouldn't be a struggle to get one orc to follow him. This pos show acts like he's just meeting orcs for the first time. Mf fought a giant god-tier war with them
@scottybreuer3 ай бұрын
The horse ran away so it wouldn't get murdered on the set.
@stevenirving45973 ай бұрын
Was Alec Baldwin on set?
@AmariLindsey-l5p3 ай бұрын
@@stevenirving4597 Knowing this show, probably yes.
@SeanMendicino-n3d3 ай бұрын
Why is Galadriel in love with the embodiment of pure evil
@humbleopulence3 ай бұрын
Cause otherwise she wouldn't have any conflict, presumably
@IncredibleMet3 ай бұрын
Sauron is a total baddie. Who wouldn’t want to have a go at changing him from his evil ways? Am I right wine ladies with 4 or more cats?
@Adelina-2933 ай бұрын
It's a trashy romance novel trope. Yes, ROP is that "good".
@Reidan23 ай бұрын
@@IncredibleMet urite
@TheVoidIsCold3 ай бұрын
@@IncredibleMet Would be better if Sauron was a hot gal, at least then I'd understand the 'I can fix her mind set' Anyway, Galadriel is supposed to be a good person, I think. And the objective good thing to do would be killing Sauron, but what do I know?
@dragonmaster13603 ай бұрын
"No, they eat and drink, Sam. The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures." - JRR Tolkien I'm beginning to think Tolkien could read the future, because this quote seems to very well fit the creators of Rangs of Puke...
@vcefins3 ай бұрын
This comment has better writing, nuance, and research than this entire disgrace of a show
@aranikar23 ай бұрын
When Sauron was stabbed by orc senators, his last words were: "Et tu, Orc?"
@bring-out3 ай бұрын
"How's everyone at home?" "They're the same." Dialogue of pure gold.
@UsernameTed943 ай бұрын
It's kind of relatable if they've only been gone a couple weeks.
@heavyhebrew3 ай бұрын
@@UsernameTed94 Just once it would be great to have that question and then have the main character just riff "Man, it is lame, to be honest. The missus, she just won't shut up, and I need to get some peace, or I might detonate a volcano"
@bring-out3 ай бұрын
@@UsernameTed94 @UsernameTed94 I guess, but we don't really need to know that they're the same. It's so vapid. She could just skip it and talk about the chore stuff. Or better yet, skip that too and tell her something connected to her personally like "X pretends he doesn't miss you." That would raise the emotional stakes of her being away and the impact when she finally returns. Unfortunately it's a hallmark of amateur writing to use placeholder dialogue instead of grasping every opportunity to develop characters.
@josemanueldetemmer44953 ай бұрын
It's horrible, boring, vulgar. The acting is cringe with every single character, specially Cirdan who is...odd. Galadriel's face looks like she's having a permanent seizure.
@GenuineLhachwen3 ай бұрын
@@josemanueldetemmer4495 I think she looks more like a constipated Karen. 😆
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
"You have not smelt what I have smelt" (it was 💩)
@M240713 ай бұрын
Ate least Ben Daniels has some good acting credits under his belt i highly recommend the exorcist series he is really good in it
@L33Reacts3 ай бұрын
This shit is beyond embarrassing. It’s just the destruction of something beautiful. But, we should be used to it at this point 😅
@nabotpowaa3 ай бұрын
Well technically no. They don't destroy anything, not if you don't give them that power. They have rights to basically fuck all. It's pathetically bad overproduced fan fiction. Tolkien hated adaptations. True fans only like the movies because they tried to keep it as faithful to the books as possible. It's also the reason they dislike the Hobbit trilogy (didn't need to be a trilogy), but it's not ruined for it. You can still enjoy the books and never watch the movies again. Rings of power is not Tolkien, it's not middle earth. It's just a chance for everyone to mock bezos and Amazon for their utter inability to grasp greatness and make something that honours it, because they could never hope to match it
@nilswagner15363 ай бұрын
Read your book, whining about something you are not watching is pathetic.
@Broomtwo3 ай бұрын
@@nabotpowaa More people will probably watch this awful show than read any of the expanded books. It does destroy what the world Tolkien built was, people who watch the show are going to have the incorrect idea of what it is, and it is a huge damage to the entire intellectual property. I agree its not Tolkien, but they really do not make that clear to the average clueless viewer. Now imagine in the future the property is picked up by someone who actually cares about staying true to it and wants to make a faithful adaptation. How on earth are they going to get the funding for that when something like Rings of Power will turn out to be a colossal failure?
@nealgrimes43823 ай бұрын
@@nilswagner1536 Almost as pathetic as you repeatedly commenting on this Video.
@nabotpowaa3 ай бұрын
@@Broomtwo well the good thing is basically no one is watching it. 37% of people finished the show. And from this episode alone season 2 is looking even more unwatchable than season 1... Don't worry about future adaptations, look at what Disney did with star wars extended universe. They just retconned it when they bought Lucas film. Anyone with half a brain would do the same with this moronic show 😅
@cttommy733 ай бұрын
Man, this fake Sauron is so weak. The real Sauron would have walloped everything.
@jonpato3 ай бұрын
Thing is, he's male. We can't have something as toxic as a powerful male.
@stephenschroeder21413 ай бұрын
The English did not eat bugs, and the professor did not think so lowly of any of his people of Britannia to allude that any variant of them would do so. Not only is the IP being defiled, but Britain is being slandered.
Maybe they should return some artifacts as amends?
@Youdontwantnonebyatch3 ай бұрын
I mean it’s a quite accurate portrayal of the uk now with all the migrants Islamists raping and pillaging while the woke Marxist totalitarian Tyrannical government of Keir enprison actual British citizens are jailed for posting memes !!!
@-pressxtostart-3 ай бұрын
No.. You missed the point, they are preparing you for your future. Living in your pod in your 20 minute district, eating your bugs and hooking back up to your machine
@Neogeddon3 ай бұрын
Good chunk of the world eats bugs. They're an animal food source. Perfectly fine if you ain't into that but calling it "lowly" is lmao
@SammEater3 ай бұрын
You are being way too positive if you think they are gonna allow us to eat live bugs. Nah mate, that is still too healthy. It will be a processed ration made out of bugs.
@Darkington3 ай бұрын
They've learned nothing from season 1, oh god...
@MamaMOB3 ай бұрын
Well yeah because the second season was already filmed before they released the first one.
@chasehedges67753 ай бұрын
When all else fails, keep going DOWNWARDS! I guess
@wolfbane74973 ай бұрын
In the words of the clown from spawn " well duh what are you stupid or something. "
@Black_Revue3 ай бұрын
Learning is a Blue Magic Skill... Woke can't Learn
@WhiteYao0073 ай бұрын
The only lesson to learn was to stop.
@georgelooney89493 ай бұрын
You missed the obvious joke that when they mentioned a bottomless cavern that no man can escape, galadriel walks into the room.😂😂😂😂
@Ramsey276one3 ай бұрын
@walterwilliams93723 ай бұрын
Bhaaha... Excellent point.. The jokes are revenge well earned.
@Silversmith703 ай бұрын
" And Sauron meets.... A random swimmer in the ocean" LOL. So good.
@ChaniElkin3 ай бұрын
@@Silversmith70 One who jumped to "Certain Death" by her own admission. 😂
@crispyanakin37983 ай бұрын
"And so the black goo of Sauron actually creeps down through the floor, with all the consistency and evil of Marmite" actually had me dying.
@amidworkin3 ай бұрын
Last one, Sauron was a Mair, probably the strongest of them, attracted to Melkor because he hated disorder (or loved order...you choose). He had trained under Aulë, the smith of the Valar, where he become billy smith badss! He lost when Melkor lost but escaped. 500 yeas after the 2nd age prettied himself up, called himself Anatar, and worked with Celmibors smith, not he himself, to make the rings. He left, went to Morder, did much mischief, almost won, but lost when a bunch of Númenor finest came. He gave up, went back to Numenor, created a cult of Melkor, convinced them to sacrifice and attack the Valar, and got Numenor sunk in the sea by Eru. Fast forward, lEendil and Gil-galad come face to face.with Sauron at Mordor. When Elendil fell, his sword Narsil broke beneath him. Isildur took up the hilt-shard of Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, vanquishing Sauron. Elrond and Círdan, Gil-galad's lieutenants, urged Isildur to destroy the Ring by casting it into Mount Doom, which would have banished Sauron from Middle-earth for ever, but he refused and kept it for his own because he is a douche. Pointi is, Sauron as one f the great Mair is fully capable of looking "good" but he never toyed with the idea of "being" good. As to the goo form, they paid $250 million for the rights. I am guessing this is Amazon lifting the middle finger to the Tolkein estate. You bled us, now we goo you.
@Parasmunt3 ай бұрын
The second strongest, the Herald of Manwe whose name is Eönwë was the strongest.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
The scene where the black goo drips down to th cave with the sunbeam shining in, that shot is a one for one remake of the shot of Gollum in the cave where Bilbo found him and the ring. They cant help but re-use shots from the movies. I also really like how the intro for this episode confirms that in fact Sauron really just wanted to grill and it was miss piggy who set him back on the path to evil, its now not just a theory but they confirmed it. Great writing.
@vexmyth0clast3 ай бұрын
So they turned Sauron into Venom? lmao bravo truly great writing.
@Puma53 ай бұрын
And the mind flayer from Stranger Things.
@yurikendal48683 ай бұрын
@@Puma5And the Thing from the horror movie
@ChaniElkin3 ай бұрын
This totally retcons Season 1. At the beginning, Galadriel & the squad found all these misshapen orcs. Meddling in powers of the Unseen World. In Episode 6, Adar says that Sauron experimented on the orcs over & over to gain 'power not of flesh, but over flesh'. Until Adar couldn't take anymore of his 'children' being tortured & killed and 'killed' Sauron. Very 1st episode of Season 2: Morgoth has JUST been defeated. Sauron asks the orcs to follow him, one orc attacks him, and he kills that orc. Then shouts that they should follow him (it's like a teen trying to assert his power at the adults' meeting because he doesn't know how to express it naturally). Kneels to be crowned, Adar wounds him by jabbing the crown in the back of this neck/general head area - and then watches as the orcs all kill Sauron. No time passed, no orcs experimented on or tortured or killed, and Adar didn't actually kill him. Why can't modern shows ever remember their own story or story lore?!
@Blackstar-yd3yf3 ай бұрын
Demi god gets his Cesar moment 😂 never transforms in his war mode like we saw him in s1e1 and the beginning of lotr
@mathieuwilkens37213 ай бұрын
Lore? Who cares about lore when you can GIRLBOSS HARDER!
@yurikendal48683 ай бұрын
@@Blackstar-yd3yfI'm a little surprised by that.. Sauron let that man stab him
@i.t.52913 ай бұрын
They are making propaganda about how good is to eat insects. Gandalf and the hobbit had spent 20 minutes of trying to sell it to the public.
@beige_projection3 ай бұрын
Galadriel refused to give Feanor a strand of her hair because she felt a darkness in him. She was always weary of Feanor. And he isn't even half as bad as Sauron, but Galadriel supposedly got deceived by Sauron disguising himself as a man? How is is that Galadriel didn't feel anything off with Halbrand?
@humbleopulence3 ай бұрын
The fade to black in the brginning is meant to be "inspired by" Gollum's transformation, which was edited the same way, with similar pacing as well. Their affinity for theft knows no bounds
@silverscorpio243 ай бұрын
In the books, it basically took a magic sword and splitting Sauron's soul in two to defeat him, and even that didn't kill him. In The Hobbit, he had to be evicted by a Wizard out of Mirkwood and back to Mordor. But no, in this show at this time of a relative height of his strength and power he gets turned to goo because of a spikey crown and an Orc gang beatdown.
@grandmufftwerkin90373 ай бұрын
The people who like the ROP have not seen what I have seen.
@chasehedges67753 ай бұрын
“Somehow, Rings Of Power returned.” And worse than before
@IncredibleMet3 ай бұрын
I have seen my fair share - Az
@Silversmith703 ай бұрын
@@IncredibleMet "You have not seen what I have seen" (Said with force and passion this time)
@silverdude38643 ай бұрын
@silverdude38643 ай бұрын
@SpectacleFilms13 ай бұрын
Frodo and Sam never resorted to eating bugs when they were low on food.
@AntediluvianRomance3 ай бұрын
They'd need to be experts in bug catching for that to work. Not many places naturally get many enough and/or large enough bugs to help sustain a person.
@Nopeasaurus3 ай бұрын
"There is only one moral thing you can do when you meet an orc." "The less orcs there are the more moral the world." What did orcs ever do to you? Did they slaughter your family or something...oh right, that's what they do.
@jamie_d0g9783 ай бұрын
To be fair Tolkien never talked about the orcs being incapable of redemption. They are bounded to Sauron and completely terrified of him but at the same time loathe him too. After his death, maybe there is a future for the orcs. The concept is there, it's just terribly handled by the writers like everything else
@fromthecheapseats71262 ай бұрын
@@jamie_d0g978That would be fine IF this show didn’t go with the explanation that the orcs are corrupted elves (which wasn’t the official explanation in the books). If the orcs are corrupted elves, then a good orc should be impossible - any orc who ceases to be evil should revert to an elf.
@zoebaggins903 ай бұрын
Also, the costumes! What are these?! Why do they look so cheap but also so ugly?! Why is Guyladriel wearing these waist chains? Is she a belly dancer?
@Blackstar-yd3yf3 ай бұрын
I love the man boob armour of numenor 😂 stunning and brave
@johnsullivan9373 ай бұрын
I was shocked at how bad the elves armor looks. It legit looks like some plastic painted armor you would find for a halloween costume at party city.
@JamesAnderson-dp1dt3 ай бұрын
@@johnsullivan937with how much they spent on this, you would expect they could at least get realistic armor.
@guerreiroazul32303 ай бұрын
@@JamesAnderson-dp1dtThey didn't actually spend that money, it's a money laundering scheme
@JamesAnderson-dp1dt3 ай бұрын
@@guerreiroazul3230 well, it's a lot more visible than a chain of "mattress stores", but I guess it can clean much larger chunks of money.
@toothgrinder27603 ай бұрын
When Annatar: Maker of Wigs told Madmartigaladriel “Listen. And understand. Mike Ehrmantraut is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, _ever,_ until you feel thin… stretched - like butter scraped over too much bread.”
@bz60463 ай бұрын
I'm glad someone else caught Guyladriel's sword twirling that looks just like Mad Martigan from Willow.
@TaoScribble3 ай бұрын
And now I want toast. Thanks.
@heavyhebrew3 ай бұрын
@@TaoScribble buttered toast, or hhe decadence of cinnamon toast??
@TaoScribble3 ай бұрын
@@heavyhebrew Extra buttery, extra cinnamon sugary toast. ^_^
@cyberneticshadow55723 ай бұрын
👏👏👏 Well done!
@tranquilthoughts72333 ай бұрын
I'm sure most people already know that but i have to get it out of my system: In the actual lore the development of the rings of power was actually a process. Many rings were created as the art matured. The ones given to the humans and dwarves were essentially failed products. The prototypes for the creation of the three elven rings, fieldtests if you like. And the three elven rings were created in secret and without any help by annatar as the last three rings, the masterpieces of the art, only three rings to rule an entire species. The one ring is in effect only the logical apex of the art of forging power rings. As the inscription on the one rings says: One ring to rule them all. Rings of power bungling this part of the lore is just stupid. It doesn't make even a lick of sense. Also, having the elven rings be the first ones created cheapens them. The only way out that i can see would be if they made sauron forge the rings for the humans and dwarves by himself. Which creates a whole host of other problems of course.
@yurikendal48683 ай бұрын
I didn't know the elven rings were made last. Even with that, what the characters know in this show, those rings shouldn't have been allowed to exist. Odd.."we know it's wrong but we're doing it anyway." That's not the elves at all
@tranquilthoughts72333 ай бұрын
@@yurikendal4868 The important part is not that the elven rings were craeted last but that they were created in secret by Celebrimbor alone with no help from Annatar. That was in fact kind of a miscalculation by Annatar. Celebrimbor was a brilliant craftsman, skilled in pretty much any craft. But he had one large flaw. He always felt his skills as a craftsman to be inferior to those of his ancestor Feanor, one of the if not the greatest elve with the greatest gifts to have ever lived. Celebrimbors only goal in life was to surpass the crafting skills of Feanor. Annatar used this feeling of inferiority to drive celebrimbor to ever greater heights but he also stoked his ego. The crafting of the rings of power was to be Celebrimbors masterpiece, the moment when he finally surpassed Feanor. Crafting the rings for man and dwarves with the help of Annatar was fine for celebrimbor, those were merely practice runs for him. But the rings that count, the elven rings, those celebrimbor wanted to forge all alone just like Feanor forged the Silmarill all alone. And that was what kept the three elven rings out of Saurons grasp. This is a bit headcanon, but arguably the only reason for why Sauron forged the one ring at all was because he was unable to get his influence in the elven rings. And in order to control the elven rings and by proxy the elves he needed a ring of higher order. This arguably also may be the reason for why Sauron had to bind his lifeforce into the one ring. To give it enough power to control the elven rings that were free from his taint. And that of course means that the weakness that ultimatly led to his downfall is a direct result of him being a bit too succesful in corrupting Celebrimbor. But again, this is more headcanon than actual canon.
@chriss32763 ай бұрын
@@yurikendal4868 Actually all the 19 Rings of Power were Elven rings. It was only after plan A failed that Sauron gave them to the other races as a plan B.
@chriss32763 ай бұрын
You suffer from a mistake many have. ALL 19 Rings of Power were originally made for the Elves. Sauron wished to set a hold on the Eldar because they were of the greater power so he disguised himself as Annatar and taught the Elven smiths of Eregion. They made many practice Rings (the Lesser Rings, plain and unadorned- failed products as you refer to them) and finally reached the height of skill to forge the Great Rings. After Sauron/Annatar left Eregion, Celbrimbor forged the Three (greatest of the Great Rings save the One). When Sauron forged the One and wielded it, the Elves knew they had been betrayed so they took off the Rings (this refers primarily* to what LATER became the Seven and the Nine). Sauron demanded the Rings but the Elves refused to surrender them so he attacked and took them by force. Because he cherished the Three most, Celebrimbor had hidden the Three and Sauron did not gain them. It was only then after the failure of "Plan A" that Sauron came up with "Plan B". If the Elves wouldn't wear them and be subject to him, he would give some to the Dwarves and some to mortal men. The Seven and Nine were not failures of creation as they worked as Sauron intended them to (on the Elves) they were Great Rings previously worn by Elves prior to the Forging of the One. Sauron never originally intended for anyone other than Elves (and himself) to wield Rings of Power; giving them to Dwarves and men was a consolation prize attempt. *I say primarily because there is no indication that the Three were ever wielded prior to the defeat of Sauron and the loss of the One. Celebrimbor may have used one or each but Tolkien never explicitly states that, only that Celebrimbor hid their existence and only gave them to Gil-Galad, Galadriel, and Cirdan for safe keeping after it was learned that Sauron controlled them (all the Rings of Power).
@markenetube3 ай бұрын
HOW DARE YOU! Disparu. I live in London, and I'll have you know I have only been stabbed twice this week. I live in in Stabminton Green, just north of Tottenstab.
@sollygratia3 ай бұрын
The stranger is Arthur Dent, complete with bathrobe, gone back to Earth's past, wandering around until he returns to the colony.
@grandmufftwerkin90373 ай бұрын
My favourite part of The Rings of Power was when the wizards Cheech and Chong taught Galadriel how to make a stone float.
@Adelina-2933 ай бұрын
I loved it when Sam confronted Garak and got him to quick draw revealing his draw speed, all while Sam was drunk. Say when.
@vardamir03973 ай бұрын
''You gotta teach the stone to look up at the bright side, dude, then it floats high up...''
@craigjewel45393 ай бұрын
stone ER float
@whitbyabbey48303 ай бұрын
I'd unironically watch that movie
@porkflaps47173 ай бұрын
"Do you want to get high, man?" "Does Pinocchio have wooden balls, man?"
@jollyroger1953 ай бұрын
So... the orcs ganked what is basically a god? The guys who only know how to dig holes, brew grog, and shank folk with poorly made weapons?
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
and bake magotty bread
@archstanton90733 ай бұрын
@@TheSuperappelflap They have restaurants with menus, apparently.
@randomaccountwithmusic42063 ай бұрын
Ah my favorite show, an English bloke shitting on horrible American bastardizations of beloved IP's. Godspeed my man
@kingdomrains3 ай бұрын
37:38 If Discworld taught me anything, it is that the worst magician on the disc, can defeat the strongest sourcerer, with nothing but a half-brick in a sock.
@WiseOwl_14082 ай бұрын
I thought it was they would rather use a rock than perform magic to solve problems
@StarWarsomania3 ай бұрын
“Pick a direction, and go straight. You will never go in a circle.” Umm, yes, yes you will. If you do not have good experience with orienteering, you will ABSOLUTELY start going in circles. That is why the advice to those who are lost in the wild, no matter how close you *think* you may be to a road or town, is to SIT YOUR ASS DOWN and wait for search and rescue. My day job is basically just orienteering out in the woods, and even with years of experience, a compass and GPS in my pocket, I will routinely find myself veering off of my intended track one way or another (which is why I never leave the work truck without my GPS and compass, no matter how short of a distance it is to my point, because getting turned around is very easy and absolutely no joke). I always check every few hundred meters that I’m actually going the way I think I’m going. And that’s putting aside the two main issues with traveling in a desert: dehydration and heat exhaustion/heat stroke. Both cause confusion. You stop being able to think clearly. You’re not entirely sure what’s happening. Again, absolutely no joke. I’ve had heat exhaustion twice, and your mind gets muddled incredibly quickly.
@jaymeU23 ай бұрын
Well then it’s a good thing girl boss Sam came along and just happened to see the landmark two feet away.
@BinkyTheElf13 ай бұрын
You go in circles for a reason of biology: for almost all humans, one leg is slightly shorter than another. 🦵 ⭕️
@YouTubalcaine3 ай бұрын
I lost it when the not-hobbits kept complaining about being hungry while wearing _giant freaking acorns_ in their hair. Like, dudes, you have _food_ on your _heads!_ And then not-Gandalf drags them across the desert on a blanket until he's ready to pass out and instead of doing something actually helpful like, I dunno, getting up and walking, they just look at him and say "maybe you should take a break". Yeah? Maybe you should stop acting like spoiled little shits and expecting wizards to magic up every worldly comfort for you. If the goal is to get me to sympathize with Sauron they're doing a pretty good job.
@skyevens87563 ай бұрын
Yes lol. This is what they want they will cheer at the apocalypse. And roast marshmallows on the flames.
@gianna5262 ай бұрын
Why didn't he take off the frickin blanket like that looked like the warmest thing you could possibly wear. He even kept his arm warmers on.
@moseszero32813 ай бұрын
They literally made Sauron into fkn Farquad. "Some of you may die but its a sacrifice im willing to make!"
@haku81353 ай бұрын
Remember everyone, the people that defend this show look at the Orcs and say "That's black people, you can't be mean to them." Remember though, WE are the racists here.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
Thats why they made the orcs in this show white, then its okay for them to be evil
@HateshWarkio3 ай бұрын
As we all know, black people are inherently evil Apparently
@Tamikawashere3 ай бұрын
Honestly, I have always thought Orcs had kind of a bad deal. I mean they dont ask to be born as orcs. But anyhow, I still hate the show. And Tolkien dealt with that. Aragorn didnt seek to eradicate them after the fall of Sauron.
@desertmammoth31593 ай бұрын
@@Tamikawashere It would have been cool if there were some "good" orcs, ya know, living as nomads away from the troubles just chilling on a hill somewhere. I imagine they would just sit around chewing tobacco and roasting meat all day. Meat on the menu all day long.
@Lilrob063 ай бұрын
@@Tamikawashereno. The orcs are corrupted elves. They are naturally evil.
@justthinkingoutloud25383 ай бұрын
For all the nitpicking you've done in this video, just looking at the events of the episode as a whole is enough to reveal the stupid writing. Absolutely nothing is accomplished, near the beginning the elves are in Lindon and Elrond takes off with the rings to stop them from using them, but at the end they all end up in the same place deciding to use them anyway, so everything he spent the whole episode doing accomplished absolutely nothing. Then Sauron spent most of the episode in prison when he could have made that deal with Adar in the first scene they met, and of course nothing happens whatsoever with the Stranger and the Harfoots. Absolutely nothing happens to progress the story in this episode, the important moments could have been combined into two or three scenes. This show is almost entirely filler. I haven't even watched the show, and I'm almost bored out of my mind just watching you review it. Thank goodness you keep it so entertaining!
@chrisjohn853 ай бұрын
Remember when Sauron was the lord of vampires and werewolves?
@Tinyfangs-xyz3 ай бұрын
The scary part is, there will be people who will really like this and think it's great story telling and makes perfect sense. Now imagine these people also drive cars and you have to share a road with them...
@clairelucy56673 ай бұрын
Elronde falls, survives "super easy, barely an inconvenience" 😂, I just kept hearing pitch meeting guy in my head 😂
@dah30713 ай бұрын
From what i remember sauron is the middle earth equivalent of a freaking demi god, not to mention the whole single handedly fucking up an army at the start of the first film bit so him being ganked by orcs is enough for me to instantly know these people still know nothing
@jaylebo20253 ай бұрын
When Elrond leapt off the cliff, my video cut to commercial and I audibly went “yeet!”. When the commercial ended and you said the exact same thing, I just about pissed myself laughing.
@CursedKelpie3 ай бұрын
honestly the scene where Sauron is trying to convince the orcs makes no sense, 1. Sauron has magic and is extremely powerful so the orcs would stand no chance of defeating him, 2. the orcs were made as cannon fodder and made to serve so Sauron would never care about their opinion, 3. why would Sauron tell his servants he's going to kill some of them like lord Farquaad?
@Darkington3 ай бұрын
Sauron is evil, he looks down; like a stone.
@Me-pe5xl3 ай бұрын
Best part is Sauron giving Farquaad vibes and telling them that 'some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.' I haven't laughed so hard.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
Dark Lords are like onions. They have layers.
@zoebaggins903 ай бұрын
I think they repurposed the whole Gollum living in a cave scene.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
That shot of the sunbeam shining down into the cave was a straight up copy of the scene where BIlbo steals the ring from gollum in the cave at the start of the third movie, so yeah
@Lowflyingmoose3 ай бұрын
Why is Sauron having to win the Orcs over to him. He is a Demi god and his teacher/master Morgoth created the Orcs. Sauron doesn't have to win their obedience they will imediatly give it. How is it this show can't even get basic world lore correct 😢
@spectreranger89973 ай бұрын
I swear the writers just plugged in "write a cheesy soap opera with names of Lord of The Rings characters" in to an AI program.
@chrisdolan95793 ай бұрын
The writing is reminiscent of a child trying to act like an adult! Except here it's the ROP writers trying to sound like Tolkien! It's god tier cringe.
@Kross4153 ай бұрын
''Oh shºt, here we go again...'' 🤣
@devereuxbirdzell3 ай бұрын
Why do a lot of the elf actors have such WEIRD looking faces!
@Blackstar-yd3yf3 ай бұрын
Why do all men either look like twinks or old confused men 😂
@Gunnerb523 ай бұрын
Guyladriel has the weirdest. I don't know how to pin it down. It's like the upper lip is tied into the nose and the nose has to rise up to move the upper lip...
@GaudiaCertaminisGaming3 ай бұрын
@@Gunnerb52Apparently it’s called 'bunny nose' a side effect of the over use of Botox.
@lotharrenz46213 ай бұрын
@@GaudiaCertaminisGaming that would explain her empty expression and larva-like face.
@BrimstoneSociety-js6po3 ай бұрын
They want you to worship the ugly and the freaks over the beautiful and the normalm
@SwiftNimblefoot3 ай бұрын
07:00 - according to the wiki, he just sat there as black Venom goo for thousands of years. When in the books, Sauron could super easily recreate himself even after he was destroyed by the Valar (though he could never take a pleasing form after that)
@TheNefastor3 ай бұрын
Just for everyone's education, snails are not gooey. We cook them. The texture / firmness is similar to beef steack well done / medium rare. No trace of slime at all. Not much taste either, which is why you need to cook them with butter and herbs.
@mcfmcf40383 ай бұрын
this is how i feel about 98% of ads. they are so dumb that i am offended that companies think i will buy their product because of their r****ded ad.
@TheSuperappelflap3 ай бұрын
the word you are looking for is "restarted"
@mcfmcf40383 ай бұрын
@@TheSuperappelflap oooh I like that. That will be my replacement word from now now!
@jonpato3 ай бұрын
The ads aren't there to make you buy a product. They're there to make you buy into the idea of Wakandans in the west being normal.
@bettinanielsen63363 ай бұрын
I am a woman. I understand power relations/moves. ... Then again, they would never hire me as a writer. Being dumb is not gender specific. Just look at the showrunners........
@xeldinn863 ай бұрын
He was joking...
@tractordamage52723 ай бұрын
'Woke' Covert Narcissists would never hire a Female Empath anyway....only fellow Leftist 'Female Narcissists'. They would clock you don't have a 'Cluster B' personality disorder. Empaths literally trigger 'Woke' Narcissists by their Logic and Empathy....hence all the Narcissist Abuse and Gaslighting towards fans.
@bettinanielsen63363 ай бұрын
@@xeldinn86 Miss Sarcasme here - wellcome
@MrMacavity3 ай бұрын
Having more fun watching the review than watching the actual show 😆
@StarWarsomania3 ай бұрын
Wait, I thought that the elves were ALWAYS speaking Elvish, and we were just *hearing* English just as a way to avoid subtitles for the entire thing. Like how we get that in Tom Cruise’s “Valkyrie”, everyone was obviously speaking German, but it’s filmed in English so we don’t have subtitles for the ENTIRE thing. But no, the Elves are just randomly speaking Common to each other…
@lmahu66272 ай бұрын
I think that the show is trying to have the Elves do code-switching, but they can't even do it right. I'm Filipino, code-switching is common, and at its most balanced form, English and whatever language is being paired is in equal parts. There's also the fact that this is more common in young people, older people stick to one language. The Elves, especially characters like Galadriel and Cirdan, are very old, elusive, and rather rigid in their ways. They would not resort to code-switching among themselves.
@Tiamat9513 ай бұрын
My favourite line in this one was when Elrond told Galadriel "He became exactly what you needed... the lost king who could ride you to victory..." 😂😂😂
@cappy22823 ай бұрын
Season 2: "Orc lives matter"
@Mister_Clean3 ай бұрын
Considering how Tolkien used orcs as the most literal representation of evil, I'm beginning to think the showrunners are intentionally stepping all over his works
@MajorSmurf3 ай бұрын
Sauron... the Maia who had a great infinite with fire... turns a land into an icefield YET let's not forget the great amazing plot from S1 that he also planned or ordered the construction of trenches to fuel a volcano explosion. Or was that all the orcs planning now? But didn't they say that Sauron made the key for the dam but if he was out of the picture than he didn't order the trenches? So what was the dam for? Shit and giggles? Also as Maia he gets killed in the lamest possible way, Sauron was not a being to be trifled with. If he was that easy to kill, he would have died during the first age. A strong enough elf would have blasted him to dust. He also held sway over the will of orcs and they were completely and utterly terrified of him. They would never ever go against him, NEVER! Now we have it that he can become sludge. What a perfect description of this show... sludge.
@MetalHermit833 ай бұрын
It's despicable isent it
@flabbergast_se3 ай бұрын
Sauron isnt even his name. It was a nickname the elves gave him.
@petriew20183 ай бұрын
@@flabbergast_se Mairon. A Maiar of fire. chief liuetenant of Aule, Vala of the forge, who sung the very earth into being during the creation of all things... with the help of Mairon. yup, Sauron was there for the creation of the world. And somehow he needs a rube goldberg dam to simply make himself a volcano explode... because these people have totally read the books, honest....
@UnknownHC3 ай бұрын
There are maybe thousands of brilliant writers, hell there are hundred of thousands of average ones from which they could've chose from, yet they chose to hire from the bottom of the barrel Let that sink in.
@josecanal75563 ай бұрын
Women and activist must be the important feats.
@zimmy95993 ай бұрын
I think the only error in your statement is that there are, apparently, zero brilliant *TV* writers. And for whatever reason, getting "actual writers" to write for TV is a FUCKING IMPOSSIBILITY, probably because of some Hollywood labor union or guild bullshit, I don't know, but it's ridiculous. The reason all these IP's are ruined is because they let hacks do the storytelling and writing.
@jed29503 ай бұрын
If i wrote something like this in elementary school, I would have been given an f
@thrrax3 ай бұрын
Sauron is now Venom and The Thing? Ok... Also, "How to fill run time with what Sauron did after he became Halbrand when no one actually cares 101". Also, why does Adar look like Sean Bean?
@DeanCalaway3 ай бұрын
This series truly is, LotR: Tumblrs of Power.
@superfuss19843 ай бұрын
Lewds of the Realm?
@fingolfin72953 ай бұрын
Putting aside the absolute embarassment of Sauron, a Maiar and a primordial being that waas alive before the formation of the world and that took part in the song of the creation, being stabbed and pounded by orcs, a mere corruption of a blending between elves and man (keep in mind that tolkien changed several times the origin of the orcs), the fact that Sauron refers too himself as Sauron is stupid cuz no one (except later for the Mouth of Sauron) is allowed to call him that, cuz that's elvish for "abhorrent". That's why in PJ movies the orcs often refer to him as The Eye, wich is also their banner in battle. This show is simply dumb, hoping it gets Acollite'd soon.
@bo73413 ай бұрын
Me: Season two couldn't possibly be as bad as Season one. Disparu, probably: You have not seen what I have seen.
@Neckstabba3 ай бұрын
I tried for 8 minutes to not laugh at your commentary, but I broke at the eating rat Sauron and the New York sentence 🤣🤣🤣. I'm dying of laughter man, thanks for the good morning 👌🏻
@anainasen3 ай бұрын
This fanfic of a show is disgusting garbage, horrific mutilation of the books, and subversion of morals and objective truth. We are supposed to feel sorry for evil, to change our perceptions of good and evil, and think that there is no such thing as evil, it is just a matter of perspective. Makes me sick. I won't waste my time on it, I don't even what to hear about it anymore.
@grokeffer62263 ай бұрын
They've turned Tolkien's work into a stupid soap opera.
@theboy16253 ай бұрын
Lmao oh god
@heavyhebrew3 ай бұрын
This week on Rings of Power, on the CW Network
@DeanCalaway3 ай бұрын
The best thing about Rings of Power is watching these videos reviews.
@couldnotbereachedforfurthe26473 ай бұрын
Holy shit. KZbin ran a Rings of Power ad ahead of this video :P
@funkydiscogod3 ай бұрын
based economy
@StarStuff.3 ай бұрын
shameless taunt
@lbhish3 ай бұрын
I think those fades to black during Sauron's time in the cave was meant to call back to what Peter Jackson did when Smeegal turned into Golum in "....The Return of the King" ....didn't say they did it well LOL