Рет қаралды 50,275
Loved the diagram of the harness in military style, and I hope You enjoy the materials and tools used in the master class:
1. Seed Beads Color 18549, 59145,13780, 47115
2. Thread denim beige.
3. Double needle for beads ali.pub/e0nv2
4. Magnetic limit switches ali.pub/n4d3b
5. Mesh-harness ali.pub/f84lj
6. Tools 3 in 1 ali.pub/lip4e
and other goods for needlework:
ali.pub/rtg4p magnetic limit switches 18 mm 2 sets
ali.pub/nuf1c glass beads 4 mm
magnetic clasps silver
ali.pub/4lxys magnetic clasps gold
ali.pub/37q14 bead caps 150 pieces
ali.pub/j3r1e pearl beads
ali.pub/8p1rh jars for storing beads
To purchase the harness, Lariat and other decorations of beads, please contact: www.livemaster....
Like-minded people are waiting for video: formruk
Development of corporate identity: arishka...
Want to be remembered online? It is not possible without the brand! You can inexpensively develop branding of channel and the VC group, to address in a personal message arishka...
Channel craft Formula You will find lots of master classes on manufacturing of exclusive jewelry from beads own hands, thanks to the accessible and visual step-by-step instructions video tutorials you will produce for yourself the most beautiful and trendy jewelry. They will be happy to wear, proud to give or even to sell.
For the development of the channel requires no small investment, so publish a number of purses for caring sponsors:
Yandex Money 410011035673640
WebMoney: Z981718108485
VK group: formruk
Thematic playlists:
Beading: • Бисероплетение
Knitting with beads: • Вязание бисером
Bundles of beads: • Жгуты из бисера
Beaded bracelets: • Браслеты из бисера
Bead earrings: • Серьги из бисера
Choker necklace and beads: • Колье, ожерелье и бусы...