I spent hours nickel plating parts a couple years ago. This time took them to a local plated for zinc plating. Cost me £50 for a decent size box of motorcycle parts. I did spend some time cleaning the bits and polishing certain ones which were visible. Wish I’d done it the last time.
@BackGardenGarage19 күн бұрын
@@colinwills4163 Is the nickel plating process the same? I only ever wanted them clean! But the time saving factor alone kinda makes me want to leave it to the professionals
@jamesc578020 күн бұрын
Rust solution. 1 ltr water, 100gms Citric Acid, 40 gms Sodium Bicarbonate splash of fairy liquid. Leave over night or longer
@BackGardenGarage20 күн бұрын
@@jamesc5780 Funny enough I watched that video from beyond ballistics about an hour ago!! I Will be trying it for the next lot of rust removal
@JJs-Garage21 күн бұрын
Did you try ultrasonic cleaning? Great job so far.
@BackGardenGarage21 күн бұрын
@@JJs-Garage No I didn't, as I didn't have one. However, I was curious and I have since bought one, so I will be trying it, there are plenty more bits to clean!!
@JJs-Garage21 күн бұрын
ok, though I saw one on the bench, hence the question. Looking forward to the results
@e30mark21 күн бұрын
Parts look great 👍🏻 What company did you use, was it local or did you post them to a company? Got some bits I need doing for my E30.
@dhilankerai358521 күн бұрын
Also interested in what company used, have some e30 bits I need doing too!
@BackGardenGarage20 күн бұрын
@@e30mark I used a company in Bristol called Bryony metal treatments. I took them in, no idea if they can do it via postage.
@BackGardenGarage20 күн бұрын
@dhilankerai3585 Bryony metal treatments in bristol
@grahambaker937720 күн бұрын
£70 thats very little money in the scheme of things
@BackGardenGarage19 күн бұрын
@@grahambaker9377 That's what I tell myself anyway!