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Join us for PART 2 of the Skiff Recycle Build. Life for this Panga started as an old tri hull flats boat and now she's a Recycled ripper! Join me as I walk you through the second part of this project on a budget and see how the boat does in it's final sea trial! The ultimate DIY Panga!
PERFORMANCE STATS w/ 15 Hp Honda 4 stroke
Top Speed: 23 MPH GPS w one adult
Top Speed: 20 mph w 2 adults and gear/cooler
Cruise Speed 17-18 MPH regardless of load
Fuel economy: MIND BLOWING 20+ Miles Per Gallon @17 mph 1 adult
EXTRA INFO not listed in video:
HOT WATER INSULATION used in building the boat. They make various sizes. Here is a link!
under the deck I filled the outer sealed chambers with pool noodles.. yes, the ones you buy at dollar stores. This is in case there is a breach to the sealed area, there will still be plenty of floatation.
-as of the time of filming the last clips I had NOT cut the deck hatches for the cooler up front or the storage in back. This was done after filming
-self bailing: this is a self bailing hull that I added 2 scuppers (one on each side) just forward of the False Transom
I think that's about it! If you have any questions feel free to let me know! Thanks for watching!