What is this En Fuego club? And what is the meaning of En Fuego club? The word En Fuego means? The word En Fuego club comes from ? Full form of En Fuego ? What are their goal, objectives, motive, reasons and purpose by forming this very club? Areeeeee atleast u should explain all this from the very beginning before u proceed with this content. Because u r simply uploading and making contents without giving proper or details explanation about the video or about the contents. See brother soren. Being a youtuber is not easy, sometimes or in some contens u should be good in explaining the certain things or about something or about someone as per ur contents, simple capturing everything u see with ur camera and uploading randomly non stop without any proper information or without explaining anything about ur video or ur contents is nothing but a foolish and abnormal act, if the contents of ur video and ur explanation or ur words doesn't match then what is the use hoo. Try to be more knowledgeable and have reasoning power because little knowledge is dangerous. It's ok don't feel ashamed to learn anything which is beneficial for us. So u should learn English too. Go for English class m not kidding that will help u alot in ur KZbin journey specially. Because u never change or improve ur mistakes which means u cannot read or understand ur viewers comments those who are commenting in English.' that is why u are repeating the same mistakes in every video, Because I'm sure if u can read and understand people who are commenting in English then u never repeat the same old mistakes again and again. And please please don't repeat the same words or same topic again and again in ur video. Because u keep on saying and mentioning the same words or the same topic over again and again. Still long long way to go Soren.