I could watch Dmitry Bivol fight all day. The kind of fighter you show to up and coming fighters, how to move your feet, stay defensive and attack cleanly. An absolutely class Boxer.
@looneyyang13263 ай бұрын
Bivol and Beterbiev brought me here. oct 12. 2024. lets go!!!
@contempris23832 ай бұрын
I'm so ready. True 50/50 fight.
@looneyyang13262 ай бұрын
@@contempris2383 yes
@vaughnjackson62972 ай бұрын
Let's gooooo!!!!!
@ImmyKhan-e2c2 ай бұрын
Me too
@maskedsage28718 ай бұрын
Bivol is simply a top 3 pfp skilled boxer. His footwork is obviously known as one of the best if not the best. But what’s underrated is his high guard defence - constantly active with backhand, two and one hand parries and blocks body shots effectively which the high guard isn’t known to do, he also constantly feints to draw out openings. His ring generalship is amazing as doesn’t waste his movements when going forward or backwards just so he can counter and defend effectively. He to me also has the best lead which hinders his opponents rhythm and timing. And what I noticed is that he was a bit more comfortable fighting on the inside in this fight. I think we have yet to see Bivol pull out his full arensal which I think will be shown against Beterbiev
@Bernard-wv7sr2 ай бұрын
nah, there is Usyk,Crowford,Innoya
@salaminsalamin-w5sАй бұрын
but arthur exposed him he looks beat up
@dangobalango2847Ай бұрын
@@salaminsalamin-w5sMore like Kadyrov exposed boxing officiating.
@jsbpwr8 ай бұрын
Finally I get to watch this fight.
@ImmyKhan-e2c2 ай бұрын
Me too
@meaz72168 ай бұрын
Bivol unlike any other boxer i seen he just makes you feel fulfilled even when not throwing a lot, he is so in tune & his style is mesmerizing which weirdly makes boxing look like art. Its just beautiful which you cant tell easily when watching boxers lol
@JohnDoe-lx5rm2 ай бұрын
I love Bivols punching when moving back, spectacular
@landonrobbins55342 ай бұрын
It’s called the Pendulum Step, some of the most hypnotizing footwork in boxing🙌🏼
@JohnDoe-lx5rm2 ай бұрын
@@landonrobbins5534 yea i know That, i just havent seen anyone doing fighting backwards so nice but him
@Lenomarina8 ай бұрын
You just have to respect Zurdo for getting beat up like this
@user-ov1ps7go4m8 ай бұрын
It was an absolute execution
@NardoBlaq5 ай бұрын
@RAGEINYOUTH2 ай бұрын
@@user-ov1ps7go4mthe mexecutioner
@Bryan_Hernandez692 ай бұрын
Bro actually put up a good ass fight. He put good pressure but never threw some Bombs on n the inside to hurt Bivol.
@garrydavtyan82722 ай бұрын
He did a good job being a heavy bag@@Bryan_Hernandez69
@soulcost10 күн бұрын
Bivols in and out movement is beautiful
@allensastre58918 ай бұрын
cant believe ramirez could ever make light heavyweight
@joaoii10828 ай бұрын
facts, he looks cartoonishly big in comparison to Bivol
@decidingpaper63248 ай бұрын
You’d be surprised to hear he used to be a super middleweight 😂
@abdu70954 ай бұрын
whats ramirez natural weight?
@crutiaga24 ай бұрын
@@abdu7095I believe he said he walks around like 215-220 or something like that. Dude is massive
@Maccarthey2 ай бұрын
@@abdu7095 day by day, 215 or 220 lbs. In this fight 205 lbs.
@joshuapatrick6823 ай бұрын
I am spending September watching Bivol and Beterbiev’s title reigns and this is arguably Bivol’s best performance against high level competition. He has always been the best defensive boxer but these last few fights are just a masterclass where top guys just look baffled at why they cannot seem to land a clean shot.
@rustygear4472 ай бұрын
His fight against Barrera was his best for me followed by Smith Jr and Pascal. Those were intense fights and Bivol's chin was tested.
@glock21364 ай бұрын
Desde q' Bivol y Beterbiev estan en el boxeo, no hay Mexicano q valga y, no a nacido otro.😮
@julietatorres90392 ай бұрын
When zurdo was asked before this fight, comparing him to Canelo.. zurdo said "I'm not Canelo" he should have said "I'm worse" 😂
@АлександрСоловьёв-х4е2 ай бұрын
Были поединки события и позади..и поединок за титул Абс. чемпиона. Да, Были и состоялись и живой и готовится поединок за Абс. чемпиона. А зачем к чему для чего? +++Александр.
@yoskiUCy_TfipEEJ9f2 ай бұрын
He did better than canelo based on stats and won more rounds than canelo
@jasonbourne13382 ай бұрын
Eres tontito, Zurdo dio mejor pelea, mil veces mejor que el canelas.
@jorgebautista-ql2kzАй бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 así es la gallinita ciega de Bivol, terminó con la cara madreada, cuando peleó con Artur, no hay duda alguna que su padrote Artur Betervien le dio una cátedra de boxeo. 💪
Bivol shows how important the basic fundamentals are.... Good foot work and a strong 1-2 over and over and over.
@derecktorres5108 ай бұрын
Upload Bivol vs Canelo
@12_3s8 ай бұрын
Its on KZbin already How? Idk because it sure not matchroom
@derecktorres5108 ай бұрын
@@12_3s for some countries is not available
@yz23743 ай бұрын
art in motion
@darwinsalas3600Ай бұрын
Buena pelea del Zurdo.
@jeraldoguerrero49463 ай бұрын
Zurdo with that built up record of tomato cans wasn’t ready for bivol
@No_jews_allowed3 ай бұрын
Watch it with the commentary off, zurdo did excellent
@Ricard000002 ай бұрын
zurdo is a champ at cruiserweight now
@salvajeasp7572 ай бұрын
Literally went up in weight and once again became a world champion 🤣 clown. Tomato can nothing!
@luisdaroczi81812 ай бұрын
@@No_jews_allowed zurdo did well he wasnt bad at all, bivol just better, but respect to zurdo very nice fight to watch, they must have enjoyed the battle.
@arc7xangel8972 ай бұрын
@No_jews_allowed Zurdo git his ass beat man. It happens. This loss made him a better fighter if you ask me, though.
@EdTorres-lf3zt2 ай бұрын
Los mejores boxeadores mexicanos siempre pieldenchaveenp le ganó alos técnicos Taylor elarvitro lediolaa victoria
@YanjuL-y5n2 ай бұрын
good win. but beterbiev is different level
@yoskiUCy_TfipEEJ9f2 ай бұрын
@radhouanearfaoui42842 ай бұрын
I rewatched all bivol fights the guys is very skilled ain't no way dimitri gonna get the ko on this guy his guard and foot work is next level this will end with decision.
@radhouanearfaoui42842 ай бұрын
Nice 👏
@BoxingGOATEdits2 ай бұрын
@@radhouanearfaoui4284 good call
@Bryan_Hernandez692 ай бұрын
Ramirez was good at putting Pressure which was a great game plan because it made Bivol react with a with a high guard but he never let his hands go to the body like a Mexican with power and volume.
@Ryan-qq9qe2 ай бұрын
Great gameplan lol
@Bryan_Hernandez692 ай бұрын
@@Ryan-qq9qe great indeed👌
@joaoii10822 ай бұрын
I mean Bivol blocked damn near all his shots to the body, with the high guard no less
@maciejkoziol72182 ай бұрын
in which division were they fighting? Ramirez looked as he was much heavier than Bivol
@Ryan-qq9qe2 ай бұрын
@joaoii10828 ай бұрын
finally, Jesus
@209boxing82 ай бұрын
I had 117-111 bivol Look forward for bivol vs beterbiev 🇷🇺
@gremlingaming166 ай бұрын
zurdo vs callum smith would be a fun fight to watch tbh
@richardknott20213 ай бұрын
Zurdo has great potential..
@Ricard000002 ай бұрын
do you guys not keep up ? hes a champ a cruiserweight
@saulwest82542 ай бұрын
Bivol is around 182lbs and Ramirez around 205lbs. Equally as impressive as his win over Canelo imo.
@reinaldoandresmartinez5163Ай бұрын
Ramírez no tiene golpes potentes amedia máquina lanza los golpes
@megalepivolos2 ай бұрын
now Zurdo became more Zurdo he is totaly deaf now hahahahah
@LittleBobbleProductions3 ай бұрын
Sorry Zurdo, but if Bivol in the animation World, is Beavis, what would that make you in my theoretically tenuous equation? 😄
@Defender_9288 ай бұрын
These hit and run tactics never works against beterbeve,Artur is on another level...💪🤛👊
@gloved.warriors8 ай бұрын
Hit and run? Where do you see him running? It is called in and out, and it means that he can enter the guard of the opponent everytime he wants, while preventing the opponent to do the same. It is an amazing style and that day it will be a tough night for both fighters, also for Beterbiev. May the best one win between these great talents
@Ryan-qq9qe8 ай бұрын
@randomx42896 ай бұрын
You're not supposed to get hit. You get in range to hit and exit out of range so your opponent can't hit you back. You've clearly never boxed or you have but was taught by an idiot.
@payalbugalia87225 ай бұрын
It's called in and out and there is no way to break soviet style if fighter know what he is doing
@malemasterrace4783 ай бұрын
bivol doesnt fight like those black american outboxing fighters ...yes he relies on distance ..but his style is far from 'running'
@itsmedaley3 ай бұрын
Beterbiev will TKO/KO Bivol... I love Bivol but he cannot fight a dogfight and in the pocket. Beterbiev will cut that distance, will land lots of right uppercuts and right hooks, and break Bivol's body and knock him out maybe mid-late rounds. STILL depends on Beterbiev's age though, IT IS a huge factor. But if both are in their best, you heard it from me.
@TheCambobsherwood3 ай бұрын
It’s gonna be one of the best fights ever
@swp-hype73073 ай бұрын
Bivol is too fast for beterbiev.
@TheCambobsherwood3 ай бұрын
@@swp-hype7307 I wouldn’t say that Arthur has beat usyk before
@СергейМанько-ж7л2 ай бұрын
Я ставлю на Бивола Хотя люблю обоих. Возраст и травма Артура не позволит ему это сделать.. он сильно просел по скорости и много пропускает.
@_KotMulder_2 ай бұрын
@@TheCambobsherwood Артур дважды дрался с Усиком в любителях. Проиграл, но там были равные бои и очень неоднозначные решения от судьи. Уже тогда Усик пропуская чистый удар в корпус любил соврать и пожаловаться на якобы запрещенный удар. Так у Дюбуа украли нокдаун, так у Артура украли нокдаун, только у Артура удар был чистым без всяких вопросов.
@JohnDoe-lx5rm2 ай бұрын
The Mexicans have been getting bigger and bigger 😃
@christianjocson55092 ай бұрын
They have more access to food. More food means more calories and nutrition, which means bigger guys. That is thanks to NAFTA.
@JohnDoe-lx5rm2 ай бұрын
@@christianjocson5509 but i dont mean just big, I mean Tall in a first place, likes of Cane Velasquez
@boogieman65292 ай бұрын
Velsquez is small for a heavyweight @@JohnDoe-lx5rm
@musicclassic59388 ай бұрын
Bivol is hittable and he is stepping on the foot of Ramirez all the time, not a fair play I'd say.
@JohnnyComelately-eb5zv7 ай бұрын
Ramirez is by far the bigger guy and must weigh more than a stone more in the ring
@jugz91306 ай бұрын
You’re not looking at the ground to see where you’re stepping bro
@_KotMulder_2 ай бұрын
Обычное дело для боя левша против правши. Постоянная борьба за позицию, кто за чью ногу зашагнёт тот и имеет преимущество. Посмотри бои Пакьяо - Маркес, там это просто канонично.
@QuillanJacobson2 ай бұрын
Bro, what? First off, Ramirez is a weight bully that probably comes into these Light Heavyweight (175) at 200 plus where Bivol is small for the division and could easily fight at 168 if he did the same thing. Second of all, there are precisely 0 rules in boxing about stepping on your opponents feet. Literally nothing is stopping Zurdo from doing it too.
@ronbuckner81793 ай бұрын
Ramirez is a pitti-pat puncher. This fight must’ve arranged by the turky. Sad really. I will wonder who wants watch him fight in the future. Beterbeiv is a far more interesting fighter, he gets hit but he has a granite chin and when he does, he destroys anyone who he has in front of him. And Bivol never gets hit, and he always wins, but usually on points. The fight between them should be a good one.
@miguelacostagastelum98992 ай бұрын
@vanessajasso-jl9qq2 ай бұрын
Bueno estuvo mejor esta pelea que la de bivol vs canelo!! La verdad la del canelo estuvo muy aburrida!!
@RubizeeDontMiss23 күн бұрын
This was a draw.
@RudyT2DU3 ай бұрын
great fighter but a bit boring tbh. Ramirez is a bum like Munguia was vs Canelo. Like people say, Canelo has only fought bums apart from GGG, Bivol has only fought bums until Beterbiev, cant wait for that fight, should be great
@manny58393 ай бұрын
He beat Canelo, are you saying that he's a bum too??
@CarlosCFC922 ай бұрын
@@manny5839 He is for quite some time now
@enriquesfs11 күн бұрын
@danpricop66703 ай бұрын
...in this match Bivol cheating,very clear. Nothing special,same figures,...friends.
@UnknownBoxingFan3 ай бұрын
Your mad he beat your favorite fighter
@eternalnik65782 ай бұрын
Just a fucking touch game 😢
@paulazzar89364 ай бұрын
Crap, both sides.
@Livinlivin8362 ай бұрын
Ramirez was robbed
@nancylove83602 ай бұрын
In his dreams
@GambinoToro-d3m23 күн бұрын
Thats an embarassing defeat, but in zuldos defense bivol is a technical master full stop.