Do I Need to Give Up Everything to Be Free?

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Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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@Misslotusification 3 ай бұрын
Tasted that same freedom when losing my companion. In the midst of that great loss, all the routines had vanished, the whole frame of my life was gone, replaced by a clean slate, and a new field of possibilities.
@JamesBS 3 ай бұрын
@jilltatehiggins 3 ай бұрын
Amen. Am there now post our life being turned upside down. We couldn’t tolerate the fear and sadness so we decided to live into all of our blessings. And we have many. It’s been life altering. Amen. Amen!
@RWF6390 3 ай бұрын
"To be free is to be without fear." True freedom might be more about our inner state than giving up material things. Your words are a powerful reminder to seek liberation from within. I have myself been living in fear, of my childhood, my memories, and my self-worth. Material items have filled that void, as have status and title within my career. However, in recent months, having lost some of the most important things to me, I now realize that living without fear is the true freedom I have been searching for. I can now move forward and live a new life, showing my family the true nature/essence of who I am.
@LennySchoenbach 3 ай бұрын
@yatutgg 29 күн бұрын
the journey to freedom does not necessarily require the giving up of everything in a material sense, but rather a deeper understanding of what it means to be free. True freedom is not found in relinquishing possessions or external circumstances, but in recognizing the inherent liberation within your own being. The notion of giving up everything often stems from the belief that freedom is attained through detachment from the world. While letting go of attachments can be a valuable aspect of spiritual practice, the essence of freedom lies in transcending the belief that your sense of self is bound by external conditions. It is not about discarding the world, but about transcending the illusions of separation and limitation. To be truly free, you must turn inward and recognize that your essential nature is already free and unbounded. Freedom is an intrinsic quality of pure awareness, the ever-present witness to all experiences. This awareness is not restricted by the presence or absence of material things; it remains constant, unshaken by the fluctuations of external circumstances. The process of discovering this inner freedom involves realizing that the sense of bondage is created by identification with transient thoughts and emotions, rather than with the true essence of your being. By aligning with the awareness that is beyond these fluctuations, you come to understand that freedom is a state of consciousness, not a result of external renunciation. In essence, you are invited to embrace and experience the freedom that already exists within you, rather than pursuing an external goal of relinquishment. The true essence of freedom is a recognition of your own boundless nature, a state of being that is unaffected by the presence or absence of external possessions or situations. Thus, rather than focusing on the act of giving up everything, focus on the realization of your own true nature. Embrace the awareness that is always present, unconditioned by external factors. In this realization, you find that the freedom you seek is not a distant goal, but an ever-present reality within the essence of your being.
@ChristianBuddhist 3 ай бұрын
Being humbled opens eyes and destroys ego, in most cases.
@jbricklin1 3 ай бұрын
The Buddha was a beggar who could fast. He ate one meal a day and slept on leaves. His ongoing freedom was truly linked to "nothing left to lose."
@richieroberts1588 3 ай бұрын
Another great daily morning coffee ☕ Rupert video 'your being is entangled with the content.of experience' a repeated phrase which soothed my soul. Have beautiful days ❤
@aracelicorral1439 3 ай бұрын
Living this way is worth living. It’s as if am a part of the universe and experience no lingering owns me. Expansion of mind and heart…others may think that you are aloof to what is happening but these things just don’t own you anymore. Am free to choose how I feel and making feeling good a habit from here on…wow! It’s taken years to get out of some dark habitats. I love you Rupert! I first felt free in one of your meditations were I just flew through the universe without physical limitation. Sending love back to all of us here and everywhere. ❤
@TejasPatil-z6j 3 ай бұрын
For beginners, experiencing loss and humility can be a transformative process. It prompts them to step back, reevaluate their life, and connect with their inner being - a perspective they may have overlooked otherwise. From a non-dual perspective, this stage allows them to fully embrace their true essence. However, it's important to recognize that this profound connection doesn't have to be limited to moments of struggle. Once you've discovered your essential being, you can integrate it into your daily life, carrying it with you through life's ups and downs. This is the true essence of yoga - a continuous union with your inner self
@hemamalinirs1002 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤, thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@melvinmeju5970 3 ай бұрын
Just what I needed to see just when I needed. Thanks Rupert! I am now living as I am ❤
@sas-lt4qv 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Rupert - from this day forward, I will put down all of my luggage and dust-off the seat of my “inner park bench” and plan to do absolutely nothing.❤❤❤
@Legion6363 3 ай бұрын
At 10:22 this subliminal sharing is exactly what James French in his work with injured animals shows... that abiding in presence in their vicinity makes astonishing changes, and in his videos he shows this
@sohailien 3 ай бұрын
The screen is separate from the movie, but the movie allows us to experience what the screen is capable of expressing. In fact, without a movie all we would know is the potential of the screen without actually experiencing that potential. Our consciousness is capable of a lot more than the current experience, but without the current experience we wouldn’t fully experience the capability of our consciousness. Consciousness is experiencing the infinite capability of itself eternally now through an infinite number of experiences.
@innerlight617 3 ай бұрын
Be totally free from the person,the i am so and so ,job, family,friends etc..the mind identified existence? It isn't very easy in deed.When one has a normal everyday life and is surrounded by people and loved ones that are totally mind identified and interact with you at that level,it is not easy to be free from the person,but it is possible. In general having solitary activities is very helpful. Long walks alone in nature,traveling alone for 2-3 months, that kind of things..
@plumeria66 3 ай бұрын
Let others be identified with whatever as long as you are not doing the same thing they’re doing. I agree it’s not easy. But it’s all just a game we are playing. Or a play on the stage. We are here pretending to be someone we are not for a period of time. Some wake up and know of this pretense, others don’t.
@innerlight617 3 ай бұрын
@@plumeria66 Yea.."a play on a stage.." so true.. Rupert's friend philosopher Bernardo Kastrup wrote in his book "more than allegory" : ""Partake in reality as an actor in a theatrical play: With attention,dedication and an open heart. But never believe yourself to be your character.." Thanks for replying.ॐ ❤ 🙏
@haunteddeandollsuk 3 ай бұрын
we are the here and now ☺️ everything is just an allusion, rupert isn’t really sitting on a chair talking to everyone in the room he is floating 😅
@76livika 3 ай бұрын
I had a similar experience,while someone was telling me that potentially I am loosing my job. There was no sense of dread or doom. It was just 'ok' I will need a new job.
@sujathamaheshwari 3 ай бұрын
@karaanaya 3 ай бұрын
6:23 So beautifully explained thank you. ❤
@julianal.573 3 ай бұрын
@chiptowers1 3 ай бұрын
But the lady admitted she has money and a husband and a family to go to, which means she still has a choice of security or the feeling of being homeless which she falsely calls freedom.. She has only experienced being homeless which is not the same as having no other choice but being homeless. I mean, as soon as one starts to travel, one is homeless. I can see a divorce in the near future because she has had a taste of realised freedom. So she should go forward and take nothing from her relationship. Actually she should go to India for full realisation of freedom and sit around like those Guru's with their nappies on. It's easy to say what the teacher is saying when someone has a choice of BEING with no means of support or with comfortable means. More so, what is the lady doing there at the so called teachers congregation, what is she looking for, for an excuse to be free. After all she did say, " is it that simple", which she has learned there. Thats what congregations do, you are one of us now. Frying pan into the fire.
@sylviamalkahcalderoncourie6561 3 ай бұрын
@csprasadiyer4782 2 ай бұрын
Rupert🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤ pranams to Atmananda Krishnamenon and Padmanabha menon🙏🏻🙏🏻
@alfreddifeo9642 3 ай бұрын
@simonaschmidt 3 ай бұрын
This one was cool 😊
@FinalEyes777 3 ай бұрын
Its actually a really important question, WHAT IF, it really IS about letting go of all property ownership if we are to become perfectly aligned with Truth? Can we own what we didn't create? If not, then we share the earth totally and completely. If that was the case, Rupert quickly ushered her back into the state of mind which normalizes and reinforces the idea of home ownership and the 9-5 that comes along with it to pay for it. Yes we are always free, but how do we actually reflect that into reality through our actions? How do we live with that freedom forever? What does that honestly look like? a 9-5 and a house? Or no borders and people camping by a river fishing and foraging and migrating to live in an eternal spring, tending to the land as they traveled, making the whole earth into a garden? Her heart was pulling her back towards the closeness of earth, and thats important. She was hearing the call back to nature. Back to Mother Earth and Father Sun. The true mother and father of us all.
@robertrhau7342 3 ай бұрын
That's quite the leap you make here to say her heart was pulling her back to the closeness of the Earth. I may be wrong but I think you may be saying that because you want to put your own lens or opinion of how you think it should be when it comes to her particular situation or how it should show up when we aren't mind identified. Freedom looks different to everyone as far as how it plays out. Rupert is absolutely correct here. It's fine to own things as long as you don't let those things own you. Have things without attachment. There have been quite a few people who have transitioned from mind identified to non duality and had regular lives, careers, owned homes and etc... doctors, researchers, scientists. One of them even confirmed with FMRI, the areas of the brain that are active normally with people that results in selfing (I, me, my obsession) completely shut down and he was a researcher managing multi million dollar budget and huge team. (Gary Weber) My point is it may be helpful to let go of what it should look like and allow it to just be what it is. Anytime there's talk of what it should look like that's the mind at work trying to put it into a neat little box when it isn't. It looks different for everyone. Much love.
@FinalEyes777 3 ай бұрын
@@robertrhau7342 I said, “What if”. And then I gave my reasoning for the what if. I am imposing nothing but showing if that were the case, she would have been lead astray. To defuse my question, one only needs to tell me how we can own something we didnt create. Can you do this in a way that doesnt lead to war, and slavery? What is heaven and what is hell? What actions lead to heaven and which lead to hell? Not in the after life, but in the real world?
@robertrhau7342 3 ай бұрын
​@@FinalEyes777 Quoting you here, "Her heart was pulling her back towards the closeness of earth, and thats important. She was hearing the call back to nature. Back to Mother Earth and Father Sun. The true mother and father of us all." As stated your what if applied to the previous content, here you seem to being saying it pretty definitely with the language you used. If you had said, Maybe here before stating that, that changes it completely but now understanding what you meant here we're on the same page. Now as far as the absolute. In the absolute, no one owns anything. But in the relative world we do. You can still own things in the relative that doesn't lead to war and slavery through non attachment. Attachment is what fuels greed in the sense that when I think I need this thing to be happy, it automatically sets the mind up to think that if I want to be happier I need to hoard as much of this thing that I can. And if it gets taken away from me, my happiness is gone so I have to fight for it. It's misguided as happiness is not a product of what we have but what we really are when we aren't resisting. And as far as what actions lead to heaven or hell that's inconsequential. That's just another need to create labels and categories in the mind, saying this is good and this is bad, instead of just allowing and being with whatever shows up. The minute you do that you're back to suffering and being a slave to duality again. All I know is every moment, all that is, arises perfectly. The more I accept that the more peaceful, loving and compassionate I am to others because I am no longer resisting what is which is what creates malicious intent towards others. Much love.
@plumeria66 3 ай бұрын
That’s why Buddha abandoned his palace, wife, children, and all the luxuries in pursuit of that. No one in history of that status and wealth has ever done that. That would be like Prince William becoming a hermit. He would be excoriated for abandoning his family and laughed off. Goes to show our values today.
@FinalEyes777 3 ай бұрын
@@plumeria66 Precisely. You see how important it is to at least be able to consider this as an option? And you see how quickly others are ready to dismiss it? Even those we consider enlightened masters? It is why we must always sharpen our own blade of truth, because it is our first and it is our last defense. The lessons we are due to learn will find us and when they do, we must be ready with as much truth as we can carry and by that, it will need to include both sides of every argument, reduced to what is vs what is not.
@neppson6702 2 ай бұрын
I would say that dhe feeling of "home" has no location nor geography. The feeling of "home" is rather a state. 🙂
@TheHmmka 3 ай бұрын
When I was young, without money and a house - it was the most liberal time…
@dorinamary7863 2 ай бұрын
Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler to sell everything he had, give the money to the poor, then take up his cross and follow Him, in order to have eternal life?
@donotbegullible 3 ай бұрын
There's no such thing as 'continuous unconsciousness'. Even the so-called most evil man on earth can have a spark of light every moment whether he knows it or not. But, when one is absorbed in the world of thinking, all one can see is a 'limited' understanding. The 'realization' or 'insight' (inner sight) that nothing in this world can give us true and lasting happiness, peace, freedom and real understanding, such realization or insight at that very moment gives us the true happiness, peace, freedom and true understanding forever until the end of time. Just one 'insight' can destroy this illusion. It's just like the David and Goliath story. In just one 'stone', David has killed the mighty Goliath. -Do not be gullible
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