Do I REGRET Neutering My Dog? (How My Dog Changed From Neuter Surgery)

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Gracie Wells

Gracie Wells

Күн бұрын

This is MY opinion on how OUR neuter experience changed Mochi, and why i am so happy we did it! This is NOT medical advice, and please do not neuter your dog based on potential changes like this, only go off of medical advice from your vet and researching on your own.
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It has been 10 months since my dog, Mochi was neutered, and now that it’s been basically an entire year, the changes that came from the surgery are entirely clear and settled. After the surgery, Mochi was the exact same dog for about 8 weeks unless his hormones leveled out again, then the changes began to show
if you neuter your dogs too early, there’s severe downsides including inability for your dog to mentally mature but also their growth plates not closing properly and some joint and bone issues down the line.
And without further ado, do I regret the decision? No, absolutely not
I’ll start with the few cons of the surgery then get into why I am so happy I got Mochi neutered at the end of this video, because there really are only a few cons I want to get out the way. One downside of the surgery is Mochi’s extreme dislike of intact male dogs. So this isn’t such a downside because it’s hard to say if this would have been any different if Mochi stayed intact. To put it briefly, it’s super common for male dogs to have fights with intact, because of the high levels of testosterone that they exude, so other dogs view them as a threat. Other intact males view them as a threat because they are like direct competition, and neutered males see them as a threat because they feel threatened.
So, Mochi has always had some little issues with intact males here and there before the surgery, so even though now it’s almost 100% that he’s not going to get along with an intact male, it’s not that big of a difference, and it’s hard to say if its definitely because of the surgery.
The only other downside of neutering Mochi is that I feel like his reactivity has gotten slightly worse. Now this happens often in neutered dogs because again, neutered dogs lose a lot of their natural testosterone. And with hat, they actually lose some confidence. Now this doesn’t happen to every neutered dog, and I know plenty of neutered male dogs who are just as confident and are the exact same dog after the surgery. With Mochi, it was clear to me that the surgery lowered his confidence by a bit because his reactivity got worse, and most of Mochi’s reactivity is fear-driven, so of course confidence is important to solving this.
OK, so let’s talk now about why I am so happy I got Mochi neutered and do not regret it. First of all, even though I mentioned the minor conflicts Mochi has had with intact males, it’s important to keep in mind that most dogs we encounter are also neutered. So before Mochi was neutered, he was basically the only intact male dog around. So, when we would go out on walks, Mochi was a target for a lot of other male dogs we met on the way, because again, intact male dogs are often the target of other male dogs. This was awful, because I was always so worried when we went out because so many off-leash dogs would come for Mochi. Once he’s gotten neutered, we haven’t had any of these occurrences, and it’s definitely because other males don’t see him as a threat anymore.
Going off that point, Mochi gets along so much better with other dogs now that he doesn’t try to mount them! Since Mochi has been neutered, he’s stopped mounting other dogs entirely, and before the surgery, whenever Mochi would mount other dogs either because of dominance or because of reproductive desires, it would always result in a fight because the other dog would get mad at Mochi.
Another plus of having a neutered Mochi for me is that I can more comfortably walk him off-leash. HOWEVER, before he was neutered, one major fear I had for taking Mochi off-leash was that he would smell a female dog in heat. If you’re not aware of this, male intact dogs will often do anything and everything to get to a female dog if they smell a female dog in heat in the distance.
But going off that point, another reason going off-leash with intact dogs is scary is because if your intact dog does find another dog that’s not fixed and they do end up mating by accident, there’s a good chance you end up with an accidental litter.
Lastly, I’m just glad that I don’t have to worry about testicular cancer. When we talked to the vet, they told us that testicular cancer is a super common disease that male dogs encounter down the line in their life, and they end up having to be neutered anyways to get rid of the cancer. And, when you neuter a super old dog, that can come with a whole slew of complications because they have a harder time healing and recovering

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@raleemay 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video despite some of the rude comments. I don’t think either way is right or wrong. It’s a personal decision and as long as the owner is responsible that’s what matters. My puppy is one year old and I am really torn on if I should get him neutered. I just want to do what’s best for him and don’t want to mess up his growth or development with neutering.
@treasuretrovel3816 6 ай бұрын
If you want to do what is best for him then that will be to not remove his hormones. Simple. I agree with you that each situation and each dog is different so it is a personal decision for each owner. But, the problem with owners making the "right" decision is that the veterinarians have been lying for decades and telling owners that the common health problems of dogs are not related to desexing. Many of these common problems are directly caused by desexing or at least greatly influenced by desexing. Lying about that all in the name of reducing unwanted litters as if all owners are irresponsible is wrong. Scientific truth matters regardless of public health ideas. They also carry water for big Pharma and promote over-vaccination (boosting repeatedly despite the dog already being immune), saying mercury in vaccines is of no consequence, promoting the use of heart worm poison even during the winter in cold regions and in regions that do not have heart worm mosquitoes, etc. But, creating sick dogs creates a money making pipeline.
@dt8185 6 ай бұрын
@@treasuretrovel3816 Wish I could give this comment 1000 upvotes
@jimba6486 4 ай бұрын
​@@treasuretrovel3816this was a base read. Exactly.
@EvaA_12345 10 ай бұрын
My boy got neutered yesterday. He’s been abspultest amazing. Of course, don’t let them move around much, and keep them company. They’re ve try sleepy when they get their meds, and are very cuddly and give a lot of kisses. Try to get them a donut cone or something softer because they despise the cones.
@graciewellsdogtraining 9 ай бұрын
@CrayolaCoffeeBean Жыл бұрын
Love the realness of this… I have a Samoyed (a working dog like I believe Mochi is?) who will be 1yo in a few days and I’ve been going back & forth with neutering. I liked hearing this from a real person lol
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Thank u! Whatever decision u make, I’m sure youll do the best for your dog !!
@hannahbanana2942 Жыл бұрын
Wait until atleast 2 to fix your dog. They're not fully grown at 1 and need their hormones to continue growing properly
@rob1nbeelen 5 ай бұрын
Try chemical castration first, that´s what my vet recommended me and i´m very grateful for that. My french bulldog was 3 when i decided to give it a shot since i got more issues with other male dogs and he was also obsessed with licking and sniffing pee from other dogs and not enjoying his walk i would say.. now a few months in.. i m happy its reversible bcs he suddenly starts attacking people out of the blue (in house situations). Castration increases their fear, anxiety etc, they feel less confident and just miss their instinct to evaluate a situation properly. Also he is sick a lot.. I´m starting with a trainer this week but still will let the chemical castration wear off instead of going for the real deal since i never had these issues before and its heart breaking. Rather have him not be ok with all dogs than not ok with people.
@nicoledelieto1735 Ай бұрын
I am having problems with the subject since Freja is 18 months. I know a lot of service dog training organizations require their dogs to be spayed and neutered,in order,to work. I am just having problems deciding if I want to spay Freja or not. I really like this video from your point of view. I do agree we should wait until our dogs are fully grown and have gone through their hormones. Freja is about to go into heat for the second time. I do not take my dog out when she is in heat.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Will Neutering / Spaying CHANGE My Dog FOREVER!? - Before vs. After
@forbrowsingonly 8 ай бұрын
Here researching about neutering dogs. Pros Cons real experiences from dog owners
@gingeeta_creecha3401 10 күн бұрын
I have a 6 pound chihuahua mutt pup that jumps a lot, I wanted to not neuter him maybe forever. But the amount of humping and things I have to keep put away in the house has gotten out of hand.. he’s 9 months old. He also started getting super reactive and aggressive toward other dogs the last couple months.. I just dropped him off for a Neuter.. I’m so anxious.. I’m praying this helps.. I don’t want him to have problems. Or get more reactive. I’m so scared.
@graciewellsdogtraining 10 күн бұрын
Aw i can understand your fear and anxieties!! Now that your dog is in for neuter, trust that u made the right decision, and focus on helping him recover :) Since he’s already 9 months and hes such a small breed, hes prob fully grown or close to it, so its alreadyway better than neutering a young pup. But again, its done, socfocus on helping him recover! If the reactivity worsens, no big deal, training is possible to improve it a ton (i have a bunch of videos on this too :) ) If not, no harm no foul! Let me know how it goes and wishing a speedy recovery!
@gingeeta_creecha3401 10 күн бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining thank you! I’m currently getting his recovery pen and kennel sanitized and ready for him to come home. Going to go get a cone just in case and hope for the best. We will get through it! New normal will come.
@musicalmarion Жыл бұрын
I read Testicular Cancer is less than 1 percent, and easily treated with a high cure rate. Have you read about the health problems associated WITH neutering too? I am in a quandary about it but leaning towards NOT doing it, because we don't neuter men in case they get testicular cancer. I read also that Dementia is more common in neutered dogs in later life. Why don't they advocate vasectomy if the concern is accidental litters? I think if you have a bitch in heat you don't take her out unless necessary, and if you do, you pick her up if a dog approaches (which is probably neutered anyway). I do feel there is a severe drive towards neutering because of the business side of it, it's not cheap! You make a lot of valid points, but we don't know if your dog would have matured this way anyway.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
I know what ur saying, but I strongly believe in my decision, and im also super happy that i waited 1.5 years to neuter Mochi. But, i totally respect others’ opinions too!
@simonecheverry1235 10 ай бұрын
U just know your a crap owner if u don’t want to neuter your dog 💀
@Keefer24 2 ай бұрын
Did you really just compare humans to dogs when it comes to this topic ? Wow 😂
@MrGp3po 24 күн бұрын
@@Keefer24 hormones in humans work very similar to dogs....why not?
@jimdye7431 7 ай бұрын
first golden didnt get fixed and he died at 9 of prostate cancer, second golden did get neutered and he ended up passing in an accident. Third golden got fixed as soon as was humanly allowed and he was the most passive sweet boy i had ever met, never had an aggressive hair on him, he passed away at 10 of lymphoma. Fourth golden now is just over 7 months old and i have never heard of wait until they are 1 year to 18 months to get fixed now. I spent decades hearing one thing and now all of a sudden its bad for them to get fixed too early? I have no idea what to do now. I am thinking of splitting the difference and just doing it at 9 months.
@Barty1977 7 ай бұрын
Yes they are doing more studies the last years, and they show so earlier the dog gets the surgery, so more downsides occur. Cancer, joint problems, urinary incontinence and so on. It depends on the breed as well, for big dogs it's recommended to wait at least till 18 month. Look around here, there are many videos about it, some of them say : Don't spay your dog ! In the end you will see the consequences in your dogs health later on, if neutered to young. Good luck with your doggie. 🐶
@jimdye7431 7 ай бұрын
@@Barty1977 I would also consider keeping him intact, but as a male myself, Is that also in humane if he will never have sex or be bred? I don’t want him to have the drive for something he will most likely never experience. Is that a thing?
@yvettenary7850 6 ай бұрын
@@jimdye7431Some people say that. Mine hasn't bred, he doesn't know what he's missing. I think he's better off with a normal hormone balance.
@marsoopilamiii3572 5 ай бұрын
@@jimdye7431for golden revs you should unintact at 3 or 3,5 years of age, that’s the point where they are likely to be teenager and fully grown. It’s your dec to keep him inctact or not but if you do, let him grow fully
@elizabeth414 4 ай бұрын
Our local doggie daycare won’t accept intact males. Since we need to occasionally use their service, we were stuck. Our little boy just had his surgery a few days ago at 8 months. Let’s see what the next weeks bring.
@thejagmohan7121 4 ай бұрын
Me too our 7 month old . We trusted the vet but I wish I didn't
@chriswells2953 4 ай бұрын
@@thejagmohan7121 I wouldn't have trusted the vet and I would have taken to another daycare> I won't let anyone tell me I must get my dog neutered because it's wrong! Ask them would they get themselves desexed or neutered and if they were forced to do it how would they feel.
@jimba6486 4 ай бұрын
​@@chriswells2953they do not think beyond their experience. They are selfish
@x_NB3 Жыл бұрын
I've owned a couple of intact males but never had a problem with them not liking other males but I can vouch for neutered males not liking intact males cause I actually seen it when a neutered male came up trynna fight my male dog due to him being un-neutered i guess 💀😂
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
haha yes, if you have an intact male, you have to basically expect neutered males to come for them, i've been there! :D
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining They are jealous for what they have, lol!!!
@pittymama4500 Жыл бұрын
I always say it's because they miss their stuff man! I cannot imagine doing that to my boys because they are just the best dudes and they are just so confident and well-balanced. Not to say that problems couldn't have happened but I have worked with my dogs and taught them how to be and as long as there's not a female around and heat their perfect now they do kind of lose their mind around that in heat female but I've seen neutered males do the same
@GlockAndARock Жыл бұрын
My sister wants me to neuter my boy ACD just cuz her neutered boy attacks my dog every chance he can get. No play, just straight gang shit and my boy wnt even bark/growl. Which is insane she blames my boy having his little nuts for her boy shitty Aggro behavior 😂
@lilwinged5291 Жыл бұрын
SUBSCRIBED.. Yes I'm concerned about where I live and I think maybe is is my responsibility to take care of it 🤔 .. yeah sounds like alot more pros to getting this done ...tysm ...🥰.. I so appreciated that you covered so much 💕...I guess what makes me sad to how he's so playful with my husband... Fred coming into my husbands life, made my husband a softer more Loving man .. I'm so thankful to God and Fred for that ..🥰
@lilwinged5291 Жыл бұрын
I had to edit so many times 🤣
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for your kind message! I know youll make the best decision for your doggo!!!🥰
@assassinning5340 6 ай бұрын
Super interesting and hopeful hearing about how other dogs might stop being as aggro when I neuter my boy. When we're out for walks i feel like he's super targeted. I thought maybe because he's a Dalmatian he might look off-putting to them 😂
@pittymama4500 Жыл бұрын
I have 2 3 year-old intact males in my home who will stay that way because I'm a responsible owner and I can supervise and manage them and prevent any unwanted puppies. It is beneficial for their health to stay intact until they have passed their prime. Especially for males! I will eventually do it when my dogs are about 7 years old just because it can be beneficial in those later yrs. It is very common by the way for dogs that have been neutered to be triggered by unneutered males. I personally have never had a dog act negatively to my intact dogs but I have seen it a lot with others. Another thing is there activity level goes way down which makes their quality of life go way down and they become overweight and lazy. Edit: Although it's been a year since I wrote this comment I would just like to say I will not be neutering The boys at all. When I wrote this comment I might have just generalized spaying and neutering later in life but for the boys it is healthier to just leave them intact. However for females I do believe they should be spade later in life because they are at high risk for pyometra. I personally have had a dog with it And it's just not something you want to have to risk Plus it's very expensive when it is an emergency spay. My only female currently is a 10-yr old APBT, the mom of both of my boys, I had spayed at seven years of age but she has had a hard time ever since. She puts on weight so fast and easy. We have to be careful of every crumb! She has always been a very athletic high energy dog and before the spay, she was in tip top shape at all times. And although she did not get lazy at all, It doesn't matter it is still a problem. And just in case somebody else like me was not prepare, I never even considered a vet being scared of my dog and maybe not treating my dog so Compassionately. I'm not certain that it wasn't the Hormonal change but I think it was the dr. unfortunately, after that day my girl became fearful of new people and anybody messing with her at all outside of us. She no longer was just a carefree wiggle worm when meeting new people. She began growling and hiding behind my legs when people tried to approach. I had to go back to Basic socialization to repair What we could of her trust in strangers. So we learned a very big lesson about being aware of how somebody feels who is going to be taking care of my dogs. Apparently not all vets are comfortable with all breeds. I am very hesitant on even going to a veterinarian at all But just want to share My learning experience so that others with breeds that might be a little scary to some people need to be aware Of any fear of anyone who is going to be with your dog. Don't ever just trust somebody because their profession And always do your research when it comes to your Animals and their health because veterinarians are ran by pharmaceutical companies And they are going to tell you what's best based upon what will benefit their pocket book the most. Your dog's health is not always going to be their number one concern so if you're prepared for that you can Differentiate between what best for their pocket and what's best for your dogo. Knowledge is power And I continue to learn every day and I doubt that I'll ever know it all but I am always doing the best that I can with the knowledge that I have To do what's best for my dogs, as they bring so much to our lives And they deserve at least that.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
If u can stay away from other dogs and are responsible, all the power to u! I disagree it maks them ‘fat and lazy’, energy levels correlate stronger with breed, individuals, etc. also, once theyre fully grown, i see no difference in neutering at 2 or 3 or 7. Only diff would maybe be healing time. But i respect ur opinion!
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
@Grace Luque I say don't do it. Keep him in control.!
@leahmarie9926 9 ай бұрын
I’ve noticed neutered dogs always come at my intact dogs crazzzzzyyyyy I keep telling my bf that it’s the testosterone
@yvettenary7850 6 ай бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtrainingIt does increase the risk of obesity and reduced activity. Neutered dogs are hormonally imbalanced.
@Stingiliciouss 3 ай бұрын
Good on u but it’s up to the owner
@crp9347 6 ай бұрын
I heard vasectomy is better for the dog.
@danigirl103 Жыл бұрын
This is unrelated to the video but is the sound you’re using an NCT song 👀 ?? Anyway thanks for the video!
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Idk what NCT is 😂 but its from soundstripe!
@diegolorenzo9861 2 ай бұрын
I need info i about how it affects females
@graciewellsdogtraining Ай бұрын
Hey! Definitely consult your vet for your personal dog’s situation, but for some general research, look up how spaying affects female dogs’ behaviors
@alisaament2418 Жыл бұрын
I just noticed bruises on Ur upper arm, looks almost like fingerprints. Everything ok?
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Aw thanks for asking! Yes those are actually deflated keloids, i have them since 2019 from a jellyfish sting turned keloids, and now theyre flat because i got cortisone shots 😅
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
I regret getting myself neutered.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Wait what
@lilwinged5291 Жыл бұрын
@lilwinged5291 Жыл бұрын
No answer 🤣
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining I was joking. I would not like getting neutered and I doubt my dog would.
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
@@lilwinged5291 I was joking.
@gerdberg4188 Жыл бұрын
It is a fallacy to think neutered dogs do not hump . Males hump males females hump , it is a lot an excitement thing .
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Clearly meant they no longer hump in reproductive nature
@lilwinged5291 Жыл бұрын
@The Good Floof Dog Training all the nay ,people are so funny're a good dog mama ..I'm scared to get my boy fixed but I was watching you to see your experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@BrianK-zz4fk 9 ай бұрын
yup they hump for domanance
@treasuretrovel3816 6 ай бұрын
Neutering is the major cause of dogs gaining weight (despite the owner limiting food. Understand that if you feed your dog half the food he will get half the nutrition). Weight gain promotes arthritis, metabolic syndrome, lipomas and degeneration of many other systems. Also diminishes their immune response. You said that you neutered for "health" reasons in addition to social interaction reasons. Understand that the "health" reasons that American trained veterinarians state as fact is actually propaganda. In other words, the fear propaganda that your male dog will be more likely to get cancer if not neutered is a lie. He is much more likely to develop health problems because of the desexing. Good video. Thanks for reporting your thoughts and observations. Your veterinarians lied when they said that testicular cancer is common in dogs. True, removing the testes makes the risk of testicular cancer zero just as removing his tongue will eliminate his risk of tongue cancer. I for one do my own literature research so as not to fall victim of the fear propaganda. All the propaganda is to guide clients in a way that monetarily benefits big Pharma and the veterinary industry.
@yvettenary7850 6 ай бұрын
I'm choosing not to castrate my dog. I want him to be healthy and energetic. Castration wreaks havoc on humans, so why not dogs?
@treasuretrovel3816 4 ай бұрын
@@yvettenary7850 Exactly. We all know this to be fact based on the fact that lack of hormones and proper puberty in humans (caused by various conditions) is treated as a major, medical problem because of the serious, health issues that will result when the hormones are denied in the first half of lifespan.
@fannydaybreak361 Жыл бұрын
Collies are not fully grown until 2 years . Neutering is cruel and madness. Poor animals that suffer this fate.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Thats just not true
@gerdberg4188 Жыл бұрын
Mochi obviously needs a balanced trainer . You should be able to resolve the reactivity issue relatively quickly .
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
LOL ok. Clearly u dont know this entire channel is very much against the aversive aspects of balanced training. But thanks for your thoughts.
@VirtualHolocaust Жыл бұрын
it blows my mind listening to a girl talking about erhm one of the cons is cause hes agressive to other dogs. but i dunno if that actually caused it. Listen lady i have had dogs my whole life and i will never neuter my dogs ever again. They just dont bond the same when you clip them. my cooper is the sweetest dog in the world. And clipping a dog doesnt make them less agressive. Sorry it just doesnt.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
I literally never said it makes them aggressive - but the hormones do in fact make it harder to meet with other intact males. Its just a fact 💁🏼‍♀️
@VirtualHolocaust Жыл бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining yes your cons was 2 things. and the one thing you said like 15 times you didnt know if that was the cause. the other is he lacks confidence. you completely destroyed your dogs endocrine system and ur like. oh well hes just not confident.
@VirtualHolocaust Жыл бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining you are missing the point of what i said. You said there was two cons and one you said that wasnt even backed up. the other one was "confidence". you dont understand the idea of being a male without balls because you arent a guy. Which i can get but you literally did no research before you made the video. What about prostate cancer in dogs? its just how flippant you are about cutting off something that makes him a male. If you wanted a female dog just get a female dog.
@bonzita23 Жыл бұрын
How selfish to neuter your dog without any health issues requiring it.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Lol ok soo u didnt watch the video to learn all the other reasons
@gerdberg4188 Жыл бұрын
Neutering is not a “big” surgery . Pay attention to what you could be passing as misinformation . It seems there is some here , sorry
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
It doesnt mean a big surgery it terms of logistics, but because ofthe emotional aspect for us as their owners
@candicemcneil5854 Жыл бұрын
Hi I’m a medical professional and I’m here to tell you that any surgery that removes an important sex organ is indeed a “big surgery”
@gerdberg4188 Жыл бұрын
@@candicemcneil5854 ya ok
@SpitfireComposites 4 ай бұрын
As someone who is an expert in hormones & testosterone health, neutering a dog is extremely inhumane and destroys the quality of their life, mentally, physically etc
@Keefer24 2 ай бұрын
My dogs 14 years old, been fixed since he was 2. Still healthy and happy. Everyone on KZbin is a “expert” because you don’t have to prove it 😂🤡
@christinew333 Жыл бұрын
We had a beautiful male German shepherd who died as a result of testicular cancer at the age of 12. Prior to that he had two surgeries that were extremely painful for him. We didn’t know back then about the risk in the 1990s. I would never want to watch a dog go through that again. 😢😢 I now have two male German shepherds who will be neutered at some point soon. We may breed one of them first. Also, a female who has been spayed after having one litter of puppies because females also have a risk of reproductive cancer. Her personality hasn’t changed at all. What did change her was having puppies, as she became more protective, and therefore a little more aggressive with other dogs and got booted out of every doggy day camp program.
@Dupstan Ай бұрын
Intact dogs have a higher risk of reproductive cancers and neutered dogs have higher risk for many other cancers
@LTT4053 Жыл бұрын
My dog was intact and he still had really big dislike for intact males.
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Yes - intact male dogs often do not get along because of a feeling of competition / threat
@yesli...879 Жыл бұрын
I neutered my dog because we couldnt go on walks there is always a female not spayed We have a female spayed at home and he never leaves her alone. And he would mark everything in and out the house
@CHEECHMUN Жыл бұрын
Well, if you would have threatened him with cutting his nuts off, I'm sure he would have acted appropriately.
@Leftyone78 Жыл бұрын
I regret neutering my dog 😔
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear! Why do u regret?
@yvettenary7850 6 ай бұрын
Well all do the best we know how.
@BrianK-zz4fk 9 ай бұрын
I think its a cash cow for vets. Mine which I wont go back to has sent me 2 messages about neutering my pup when I specifically said to the vet Ill think about it when he is full grown. I can see the point in doing it if they are an out door more rural dog that is not supervised but no way I will mutilate my boy.
@chriswells2953 4 ай бұрын
I agree with you and I would never do this to my dog. I love him to much and this is inhumane. When you do this to your pet not only are you destroying their reproductive track but they also loose all the pleasures that goes with it. I bet no human would do this to themselves. A vasectomy isn't the same thing as getting neutered. If the vets did that to the animal I would be more willing to accept it but this is cruel and a sin.
@jennifercogzell748 2 ай бұрын
My vet advised me not to have my dog neutered until he was at least 18 months. I had him neutered just after that age a month ago. I have always had the dogs I've owned spayed or neutered. Over the years I have had quite a few. This is the last dog I will ever own because of my age. My dogs all lived to good ages and never had any health issues. Maybe I have just been lucky but years ago it was encouraged. The problem is there are a lot of unwanted puppies and dogs in shelters because of people not acting in a responsible way. The shelters here always spay or neuter before they let their dogs go to their (hopefully) forever homes.
@chriswells2953 2 ай бұрын
@@jennifercogzell748 I appreciate your response and I know you didn't have it done to harm your pets but I just think it's morally wrong Who are we to decide that? We have animals on the endangered species list as a result of mans decisions including insects like bees. I don't think you're a bad person for doing it because society said it was the right thing to do but I believe it's wrong.
@angelinacamacho8575 2 ай бұрын
my dog was the result of an accidental litter and i ended up getting him for free. he owner told me what had happened and did all of the other things that come with breeding properly. I wasnt allowed to get him until after 8 weeks. found out he is a shih-tsu/basenji/yorkie/poodle and got to see he parents. he is now 4 years old and is very healthy and well behaved.
@FredaFlynn2008 Жыл бұрын
Even neutered dogs will still be interested in a female on heat AND will mate her. Obviously there won’t be puppies but you still have to be careful with your neutered dog because both the female and the male can suffer injury during a tie.
@revengenerd1 11 ай бұрын
Been 2 weeks since my girl has been done, for first 4/5 days she was so calm in fact her toilet pattern was the best it ever was, rather than want out every hour or two it was only when I did, and she happily slept in a dog bed, which was sitting there for 6 months before and she ignored it, she also has started licking my hand a lot and wanting me to touch her face. She has been attacked or at least barked at by male dogs including a few that were friendly with her before, but overall so far she calms in one way but more hyper in others like when shes calm shes calmer if that makes sense but something that kicks the adrenaline in like on a walk she sees another animal and she jumps at lead to point she can nip me, she did this before but rarely hard enough to hurt when nipping in fact she seemed to know to avoid my hand, she is less reactive around cars but still wants to herd them sometimes (shes a collie) again its the adrenaline thing, i.e if one passes now she ignores it but if she sees something that makes her happy then she will pull me towards them, still thats nowhere near as bad as before. But shes pacing more and also gone back into I have to close my kitchen door as she jumps on the cooker and sides licking them. Shes very sensitive to noise again especially phones, she can be sleeping and then barks/gets restless when I am on phone.
@diegolorenzo9861 2 ай бұрын
my female dog is 6, she scapes a lot, energetic and reactive to some females, will spay help to calm her down??
@dadachaung9551 Ай бұрын
There are some research studies showing the side effects of neutering the dog after about 6-7 years. Honestly, hormones do a lot of things in humans, as well as dogs. Like a woman who went through menopause, how many problems it would cause in a woman body afterwards. Similar idea in dogs. I also have a friend who is a veterinarian, she said she regrets on asking her patients to spray and neutered their dogs. One thing I just don’t understand, humping, peeing everywhere, being aggressive is what dogs are supposed to be, people should know this better when they get a dog. By neutered them, doesn’t really help them, but just helping selfish lazy human to make things easier. Also you are lucky, I have two friends, their dogs passed away on the surgery table.
@graciewellsdogtraining Ай бұрын
These are valid points!! I am making a followup video soon to better articulate the reasons for neutering, but i agree the health reasons are pretty clear that neutering comes with more risks especially beforebeing fully grown
@by1591tanker Жыл бұрын
This is really funny to me because I took my English bulldog when he was 1 and still had his 🥜 to a dog park and another dog owner told me I couldn’t have my boy in the dog park because the other ones would be jealous and I thought he was just crazy. 7 years later and now I just got him neutered because his urethra was coming out when excited. I thought this whole time the guy was crazy 😂😂😂😂
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
Hahhaha yes, an intact doggo should not go to a dark park!😂😂
@alexanderg8466 Жыл бұрын
I do regret it
@graciewellsdogtraining Жыл бұрын
🥲🫢 oh no! Its definitely a personal choice
@alexanderg8466 Жыл бұрын
@@graciewellsdogtraining well, messing up with hormones that will impact the body in the long term.. Sure keep doing it for yourself and not for your dog
@yvettenary7850 6 ай бұрын
@@alexanderg8466You are correct. After knowing what physical and chemical castration does to people, I'd be hard pressed to do it to my dog.
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