Do non Jews have a share in the world to come

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@ricardofranciszayas 2 жыл бұрын
I just heard about this young man yesterday and was impressed with his compassion as well as his knowledge. I read today that he was taken in an accident a few years ago. It’s so sad. He seemed like such a gentle soul.
@MegaCarmen1994 10 жыл бұрын
Uuughh this man is soo wonderful, no wonder God took him so quick. he truly was an amazing guy ... I'm not Jewish but I think it would have been soo nice to befriend him if he was still here, he is truly inspiring!♡
@finnjake6174 4 жыл бұрын
what happend to him
@MegaCarmen1994 4 жыл бұрын
@@finnjake6174 He died but they never really said how he died.
@ricardofranciszayas 2 жыл бұрын
I just heard about this young man yesterday and was impressed with his compassion as well as his knowledge. I just read that he passed away in an accident a few years ago. How sad. Such a beautiful soul.
@CRRWET Жыл бұрын
Hi Ronen, thank you for all you did and can’t wait to see you soon, the world needs people like you
@MrLetmein2011 5 жыл бұрын
This poor man passed away 10 years ago now , God bless your soul . I'm here to honour you , I think of you often .
@MrLetmein2011 4 жыл бұрын
@Jacob Maya I think a traffic accident but I'm not totally sure
@urbanangel13 15 жыл бұрын
i am fortunate in that the god i believe in is tolerant & compassionate & treats all his children as equals & loves them equally too whether they believed in him or not!! we are all of the same blue print. RIP ronen...
@yerushalayim 15 жыл бұрын
That is exactly what he is saying-we do not exclude others just because they do not follow our faith and Hashem. Many people I have talked to said they admire this principle rather than the all or nothing views of Islam and Christianity.
@nefrinhayat 12 жыл бұрын
I am a Muslim and actions is very important in my religion. Actions are important in Islam as much as faith is.
@jaynana7 7 жыл бұрын
When messiah comes, 2800 non jews will serve each jew. The israel sephardic leader Ovadia Yosef said non jews are here to serve jews. That is the place non jews have in the world to come.
@perryweeks4857 5 жыл бұрын
I serve no man
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt. 6) be that he died of something that was very painful for him and would be painful for his family to remember every time they saw his obituary, or they may have wanted to protect his daughters. What if he died violently? Can you imagine the kind of "childhood trauma" that knowing your father died an awful death would cause? Based off your comments on other videos, I think you might be able to. In short: Have a little respect for your fellow humans. We are all created in the image of G-d.
@falcon02012 15 жыл бұрын
as Muslim i was told deed is complementary to faith and faith is build on unity of god to make long story short if you associate anything with God no matter how good of person you are there is no heaven for you.
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
The world to come (Olam Haba) is mentioned in the Tanakh, especially in Isaiah! For example: Isaiah 25:8 Over all the nations: He will destroy death forever or Isaiah 2:17 where it says that the whole world will come to worship the one, true G-d.There is no official conception of Jewish afterlife and it is not the main focus of Judaism, but the World to Come is mentioned and described in the Tanakh.
@marcbiron6006 7 жыл бұрын
I wish you were still with us. I find the one Jew who's sincerely doing outreach and I find out Hashem took you home. I have so many questions.
@selohcin Жыл бұрын
If all Jews were like this man, the world would have peace.
@KikaKika94 11 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear of his death, though I know it is just a passage to another, better world. May I ask what happened to him, why did he die? All the best
@kittykat4458 15 жыл бұрын
Hatorah: I've never attempted to convert a Jew in my life. I have actually thought about searching for a Jewish community in my area so that I could learn how to live by the laws that the modern Jewish people live by. I'm a girl, though. I cannot study with the guys at the synagogue. So what can I do? Do you have any suggestions? I WILL take my Messiah Yehoshua with me and He will teach me what I need to know. Do you know anyone near Gastonia, N.C.?
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
Christianity preaches if you don't accept Jesus as your personal Christ and savoir then you are going to burn in Hell. Judaism says it is perfectly okay to not be Jewish and that righteous gentiles(good people) will have a place in the world to come. What is so horrible about the Jewish view espepcially in comparison to the Christian view?
@ryanweinman7459 8 жыл бұрын
Man wish we could talk now. I hope you're doing well
@brendos444 12 жыл бұрын
I also saw your video on the Jewish notion of hell. It is very similar to Eastern Orthodox Christianty. Your points on the whole world being blessed by Abraham's family is also interesting. I'm a Christian and I think we've often ignored this. I think for us, to follow the commandments of Jesus we would actually see humanity be reconciled. But the problem is that Western Christianity has led to an entirely abstact view of the age to come and therefore the focus is not making the world better.
@moseskoses 15 жыл бұрын
The opening statement that Islam places faith as being more important than actions is not true. Not all muslims are going to end up in heaven.
@Amerikaner25 14 жыл бұрын
What are your thoughts on the USS Liberty? How's that for "actions"?
@brendos444 12 жыл бұрын
@brendos444 I wonder what your views on the resurrection are? What is the Jewish belief about the resurrection?
@cubicedge 11 жыл бұрын
@yaiyasmin 12 жыл бұрын
I think christianity emphasizes on faith and judaism & islam emphasize on action, so I agree with you on that.
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt.5) for (possibly) succumbing to theirs is the antithesis of Christianity. Don't judge people because they sin differently than you. Finally, point of fact, it is very common in the frum world for people not to discuss terminal illnesses, especially in young people. Many are people who still whisper the word "cancer" as if saying it aloud will give it to them. So, no, the fact that it's "hush-hush" does not necessarily mean his death was something that was potentially "Shameful." It may well
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
A Noahide (son of Noah) is a nonjew that follows the 7 laws of Noah and is a righteous gentile. Nonjews are held to a lesser standard of what is considered idolatry than Jews are so I think Buddhists and Christians can still be Noahides
@heartandseoul21 11 жыл бұрын
Wait how did he die? :(
@happypiano4810 2 ай бұрын
Car accident.
@flute4hire 15 жыл бұрын
A good explination on the Messiah and you have kind of answerd a question for me.
@jewishtruthbyavrumelehmela2594 9 жыл бұрын
Righteous gentiles do go to heaven Tractate avodah zara 7b
@Dave76086 14 жыл бұрын
@princessidosayi he passed away a year ago
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt. 3) a man in a way that is so clearly intended to be hurtful is pathetic and despicable. I don't even know where to start with that one. Maybe "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor?" or "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them?" Or "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." That last one is my favorite. Did you know he had daughters? Did it
@medievalman86 15 жыл бұрын
I thought righteous gentile was a noachide.. I.e if a gentile is not a noachide and willfully violates things like idolatry ?? a buddhist is not a noachide.
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt. 2) on other videos is CLEARLY not working for you. How do you hold so much hate against another person that you can muster up a vendetta against him four years after his death?! Since your picture is Jesus/some kind of idol, presumably you're a Christian, and as a Christian, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." While on the topic of the myriad of Jesus' teachings your comment goes against, speculating about the death of...
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
Well yeah, you need to believe in G-d but I still don't understand why you are opposed to the laws of Noah. Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians etc who follow the 7 laws will have a place in the world to come. Those who don't follow the laws of Noah will NOT burn in hell like Christians and Muslims wrongly believe. G-d is forgiving, merciful, and loving.
@simonweiss7785 4 жыл бұрын
Arberry translation: Koran 5:9 God has promised those that believe, and do deeds of righteousness; they shall have; forgiveness and a mighty wage.
@simonweiss7785 4 жыл бұрын
Regarding the start shalom
@princessidosayi 14 жыл бұрын
I know this really doesn't have anything to do with your video but you look so much like jake gyllenhaal to me. and you have beautiful eyes! no joke. shalom shalom.
@WelpeBaumgarten 15 жыл бұрын
Ehm... I didn't write about Ronen. It was about another comment... whatever. Nice night.
@PJGraham3 12 жыл бұрын
I'm still waiting for them to make a tree, or even better a seed.
@kittykat4458 15 жыл бұрын
Jews don't like Christians, do they? Tell the truth. You say the Messiah should bring in peace to all in the world. But that is what you "think." You ways are not G*d's ways and your thoughts are not His thoughts. So how can you presume what it would be like when the Messiah comes? And what kind of secret thoughts do you have against Christians after the conversation is over? :( I wish I had Jewish friends, but i don't think they would want me as a friend.
@sicanocento1469 10 жыл бұрын
i don't understand what do you mean with the 7 comandaments to Noah...such thing is not in the Bible. The comandements are 10 and was given to Moses, for the peoples. Do you want believe in the Bible or in something else ? You have created an alternative book for the bible, you have forgotten the Bible,
@KabbalahSherry 10 жыл бұрын
WE have created an alternative version of the Bible?!?! Says the man who reads an ADDITION to the bible, called the "New" Testament?! LOL!!! You have some nerve coming on here complaining that Jews don't read the perfect Bible & read other Rabbinical stuff instead...when U know damn well Your entire religion is BASED on books that were written LONG after the original bible was written! U forget that JESUS WAS A JEW! He didn't read this "New" testament that U all read, becuz it didn't exist on his day! Your "new" bible books came WAY later! Long after the man had died! And that's if he even existed at all in the first place! Do a little research for once in Your life on how Christianity REALLY got started, before coming on here to complain about the Jews! They've been reading the SAME bible handed down by God for 5,000 years?! Can U Christians say that?! NO! Becuz U read books that came LOOOONG after the books God himself handed down! LOL Seriously! Your religion started as nothing more than one of the many cults of it's day! Only made popular becuz the Romans finally adopted the religion as their own, after spending years before that killing Christians for the idiots U were! Then in 325 AD they had the Council of Nicea & formally adopted Christianity as their state religion! Had they not done that... Your cult would have died out along with "Mithras" & every other cult that was ALSO around during that time! You'd all be singing the praises of Mithras right now & trying to convince Us all that HE could save our sins! But the Romans chose Christianity, so here U are! Still around to pester everybody! But when christianity FIRST started, it was nothing more than a cult! I wish U guys would do Your history before preaching Your pagan nonsense on the internet to Jews, who have been faithful to their God for over 5,000 years! We don't HAVE to accept Your "man-god" as our Savior! I don't accept Jesus as "God" any more than You accept Muhammed as Your prophet! LOL You know, the Muslims ALSO claim their testament (the Koran) is ALSO the final word of God too! Do U believe them?! Why not?! How come THEY aren't correct in their thinking?! Why don't You go read the Koran?! Face it: BOTH Christianity came *AFTER* Judaism & was started by people! Judaism is the only religion that began in front of millions of witnesses at Mt. Sinai when Moses was given the Torah! Millions of people HEARD GOD SPEAK! What witnesses were around when Mary claimed to be a virgin & claimed She gave birth to God?! What witnesses were around when Mohammed supposedly recited the Koran?! BOTH of Your religions are equally false & yet U both try to claim You're the only true religion! LOL What nonsense! Andi was raised in Christianity! I was a Christian for 30+ years! But I finally learned about how the religion ACTUALLY began & learned the Truth! God doesn't need a "son" (or a brother or uncle, etc.), for Him to save Us! God spoke AGAINST human sacrifice! So He damned sure wasn't going to have His own "son" killed, after preaching that He's AGAINST such actions! *THINK!* You are reading books that came LATER & completely threw away the law that God originally handed down to His people...but U want to complain that Jews don't follow God?! LOL Go READ & learn something! Don't just listen to Your parents or Your preacher! Learn for Yourself what is the truth! Find out when/where/how Christianity actually got started! THEN U can come on here & debate people!
@sicanocento1469 10 жыл бұрын
KabbalahSherry you have added the is your fukin talmud, a book of human#s rules only.
@BertGraef 9 жыл бұрын
+KabbalahSherry cabbalah.....sure.........and you people haven't `added`` to the bible. Hypocrites.
@KabbalahSherry 6 жыл бұрын
Bert Graef - OMG 😒 WHERE have Jews added more books to the Bible?! 🤔 Can you tell me which ones are "extra"?? I'm not talking about Rabbinical works either. I'm talking about JUST the word of God! The Hebrew bible has been handed down in Hebrew for 5,000+ YEARS, unbroken. Even after the Jews had been broken up & scattered all over the World... after WW2, Jews from all over came back to Israel, and guess what?! EVERYONE HAD THE SAME TORAH. Not even one punctuation mark was different from somebody else's Torah. 5,000+ YEARS of unbroken word. But your Christian book has so many mistakes in it, that it's not even funny! It gets genealogies wrong, it gets names of places wrong, it translated words from the Hebrew incorrectly, so instead of it saying Mary was simply a "young maiden"... it said she was in fact a "Virgin". But the two words mean 2 different things in Hebrew! 🤦🏽 Want me to go on?! LOL Look, I get it. I was raised in Christianity for 30+ YEARS ok? And if you would have told me that I would abandon the concept of Jesus as God... I would have never believed you back when I was still going to church. I was dedicated to the cause of the gospels! But facts are #Facts. And once you learn some hard truths about religion, reality, where we all come from, why we're here, etc... it's pretty hard to then just turn around & pretend like you didn't learn those truths. Because deep down, You'll ALWAYS have that nagging suspicion that you're doing the wrong thing, and believing in something man-made & false.
@BertGraef 4 жыл бұрын
@@KabbalahSherry You people have added somany books of your own to Gods word it has become a mountain, and you dammed well know it. Talmud ,Shuchan arech, kabbalah, Maimonides' and Rashis medieval drivel, and could go on and on. You even claim the Talmud is above Gods word. So dont tell me we added stuff. Phonies.
@Hatorah 15 жыл бұрын
Steph: Mother T. did the mitzvots but on her dying bed, doubted the very existence of GOD. Does she still qualify as a righteous Gentile? Faith is not measured by good deeds...bur Faith is more like "the hope of things unseen" to concretize through our Holy One so we can glorify HIM and not man. Though we all have our opinions, we should stick to the Written Word as our guidance. I don't know how Jews have come up with this doctrine of Noahide Law when in fact, Hashem gave the World 10 C.
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt. 4) ever occur to you that one day they will probably watch these videos because it will be one of the only ways for them to hear their father's voice? Or that his parents, regardless of the cause of death, still had to bury their son? Is it ok to say things that will do the very opposite of "building up" those people solely because they are not your daughters or your parents? No, it isn't. Jesus would knock you upside the head for thinking that! Everyone has struggles. To shame someone
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
Non Jews are held to a lesser standard of idolatry than Jews are. You and I clearly recognize that praying to an image is idolatry but how is someone who has never read the Tanakh suppose to?
@6feetdownedge 15 жыл бұрын
ahh yes i agree with you a hundred and 1 percent.
@DiscoveringIslamOrg 14 жыл бұрын
@ronennachman770 Hello, The person who told in Islam, it is faith that matters is wrong. In Islam, deeds are very important. People are punished for their bad deeds and rewarded for the good deeds. Good deeds help in offsetting the bad deeds. Simply believing in God does not wipe out one's sins.
@CLK128 11 жыл бұрын
(pt.1) What is it with you? I've seen you whining all over the place about him. Aside from the fact that yes, he was attractive, Ronen had a lot of friends in the online Jewish community, so of course he's going to get more attention than others. Moreover, why does the fact that he's attractive negate the importance of what he's saying? If you harbor that much hate towards someone solely because they're attractive, you must really be a broken individual and the therapy you so vehemently tout...
@StephSilvermen 15 жыл бұрын
Hey Video, you should try to not generalize people. Just because Jews do not believe Jesus meets the qualifications of the messiah doesn't mean we hate Jesus and Christians. Maybe the people in the mall were just really liberal or they don't like being approached while they are shopping. It isn't fair to jump to the conclusion that if a jewish person treats you poorly that is because of their faith and therefore all jews hate Christians.
@interseed 15 жыл бұрын
Young man~Perhaps you should listen to the wisdom of your elders. Unless you get the Yetzer hara tamed and submit to the wisdom of those who have gone before you and stop following the Messi-anic crowd... your walk will continue to be tainted. I suggest you go into a cave of learning at the Masters feet and relearn the basics to the pious walk before Ha'shem. Ronen N. has much to share with you. Please sit quiet and receive from him Shalom Shalom It is time to come up higher~~ YesaYAHu 60:v1
@WelpeBaumgarten 15 жыл бұрын
The same bullshit like "People with beards have to hide something" lol. In german that is called "Gleichmacherei"... simply make everybody act and react the same and judge him on this behaviour.
@interseed 15 жыл бұрын
Young man, Considering that I have been in the service of Ha'shem for twice as long as you have been on the planet,..litterely walked out the Scrolls of Adonai' including being used to the Masters' glorification to raise the dead and feed the multitudes as a Tzaddik should do. That is all that Yeshua was, a man who went about doing good...certainly not to be given a title of diety but to be recognized as a Hebrew from the house of Hillel and taught much of what Hillel trusted and believed in.
@dancthegr 14 жыл бұрын
@StephSilvermen some christains believe this but not all. Sure a sacrificial lamb, and I believe jesus is and is needed BUT that doesn't mean that people are excluded from heaven
@sicanocento1469 10 жыл бұрын
P.S but i remember now that St: Paul say..about the peopels like you " if they denied him (Jesus), they do for our advantage..", i have to read better this thing.
@brenosantana1458 4 жыл бұрын
Test Paul if you believe in him as a true apostle.
@tristan9812 12 жыл бұрын
@elikron4ever What do you mean? I'm still alive on planet earth I think.
@missflowers 15 жыл бұрын
I think all muslims (in the broad sense of the world eg those who worship God alone and have accepted their messenger in their time), will end up in heaven eventually. some will pass in hell for a time acording to their sins.
@tristan9812 12 жыл бұрын
@elikron4ever I thought most people referred to heaven and hell as some part of the afterlife though, not earth. Oh well whatever.
@interseed 15 жыл бұрын
Ronenis leading you on the right path."StoneWall" Listen to him.. in all respect he is being used as a voice of Hashem to teach reverence and Humility. Many have been immersed into the womb of Rome and the Misconstruction that has prevailed down through the protestant daughters of Rome. Your words sound like christology 101 with a Hebrew name change. Messi-anic theology is which is what you are alluding to. please read "The Resurrection of J-sus a Jewish perspective ,By Pinchas LAPIDE.Shalom
@kittykat4458 15 жыл бұрын
What I think is that the Jewish people KNOW something about G*d that noone else does (except the Christians). It makes for a great and powerful feeling when you know the Creator of the universe, doesn't it? :)
@tristan9812 13 жыл бұрын
Why should you have to believe in God to get to heaven?
@oJKBo 14 жыл бұрын
All three are based on faith--all three are immoral, evil, and dangerous
@moelbakouri1409 11 жыл бұрын
Islam emphasizes on Actions more than all Religions.It is very Strict in that theme,For example:Someone who doesnt prays the 5 prayers has left islam.
@nefrinhayat 12 жыл бұрын
Oh my God...this guy died? He was too young to die...why did he die, do you know? :(
@sicanocento1469 10 жыл бұрын
it is not true that you follow judaism, (if for you the judaism is the law of the old testament), i don't really think that you kill animals for sacrifices, or you stone the peoples. For this you use another book and not the Bible (probly you use some kind of talmud).. becouse the Bible sconfess yourself, and all the types like you. Well. you want be subject to the law but you don't follow the law..than you are condamned becouse is true what St. Paul (Saul from Tarsus) say..the law is done to give a condamn. And you will be condamned cause you don't accept the salvation of the Messiah, wich make free from the condamn of the law. What for a non sense, i ..but i believe that you are a good, person, so you don't do this becouse you are evil, but becouse really God have closen your mind and hearth.
@sicanocento1469 10 жыл бұрын
***** Don't try to climb on the mirrors with me. We alll know that the so called "jews" of this days dont do a very big part of the laws of the Old testament. And than what is this Talmud? The word of God is 1 and eternal and perfect, it can#t be mixed or replaced by human's opinions from your Talmud. Good have told Jesus about you and others prophets too... you dont worship God you follow human#s rules. There is not any other temple, like you primitive of the faith think. The real temple, the real israel and the real covenant and etc.etc. all is to see in a Spiritual, way. Not material or pratical for the humans. The reign is not of this world. how can be the reign in this world, if everyone have to leave this world? Your idea of the religion is only political. God dont have nothing to do with human idiotics things like politic. The temple is spiritual and is the "Body" of the Messiah, or his church or sinagogue if you prefer, for this the peoples don't have understood him, when he say "in 3 days i will destroy a rebuild the temple, he was speaking about the resurrection of himself, and the church was born after the resurrection, now the temple is everywhere...and for everyone that want come in it. And every member of it, is in him and God is in them. Yesterday i have seen an interessant documentation, about the first Christians in Rome when Rome the imperial Rome was Babylon with the cults of Mitra and Isis,...It is when the state is above God that Babylon reign,..for this the Christianism wich is the real Judaism was persecuted in the Ancient Rome cause have rejected it.. But God win always, and, from the ruins of this Imperial Neo/Babylon wich was Rome,.. many Churches were born,born from the witness and the blood of the martyrs. Now you want present the real Israel wich is of God and from a political state with a some kind of emperor or political leader as messiah? You are waiting for Babylon and of course for your ruin, repent now, before is too late.
@kittykat4458 15 жыл бұрын
I think the Jewish people have blessed the nations of the world, just as G*d said they would. I love'em! Except I don't think the feeling is mutual since we Christians believe Jesus to be Messiah. I believe in the same G*d that the Jewish people believe in, it's jus that I believe that Jesus of Nazereth was/is the Messiah they had been waiting for.
@SuperHorusra 13 жыл бұрын
This year is very speical , it's encoded in the pyramid ! 481 the height of the pyramid times 12 of the zodiac = the jewish new year 5772, 29th of September 2011 . Spread the good news !
@yeshua9323 9 жыл бұрын
Thats rubbish, they are not circumcised you do not believe that You have no repentence system, there is no-one good but YHWH
@MaryLopez-bv7ks 7 жыл бұрын
LLOYD BROWN this must mean that gentiles don't get even close to the share that a common jew gets
@silentbehn180 13 жыл бұрын
God will save the gentiles as well as long as they are loving people. Indeed you have to accept God through Yeshua the lamb but the lord I think will give you a very clear idea that you need to accept him on judgment day or else you shall die forever but I'm sure all good, loving people will accept him. Even non loving Jews won't find heaven.
@joyarmour1232 5 жыл бұрын
Not in your 3d world. We the real one's will ascend. You will stay with saturn
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