Everyone is gangster till Eric says “there’s a funny line here”
@joshuakenny5038 ай бұрын
underrated comment😂
@Roberto-nn6kb8 ай бұрын
imagine Eric in Mortal Combat, that would be his line before Fatality
@wahito14568 ай бұрын
@Roberto-nn6kb you're onto sth here
@saber85607 ай бұрын
bahahahahha goated comment
@mannylokzzz8 ай бұрын
Just deliberately screwing with our sleep at this point
@Cube_noob-cr7my8 ай бұрын
Here's me wondering why I woke up so early
@mangaranwow25438 ай бұрын
Oh no, your sleep, call an ambulance.
@justinwerner548 ай бұрын
@@mangaranwow2543 OH NO! MY CIRCADIAN RHYTHM!
@ruthxk78448 ай бұрын
@RealHappyHogan8 ай бұрын
Why not just bookmark & watch later
@ThePckt8 ай бұрын
I feel like as these games get into the higher ratings it wouldn’t be the worst idea to up the time control to 15|10 so you can spend more time explaining and thinking through the moves. Loving the series! Best on KZbin!
@MyBiPolarBearMax8 ай бұрын
Or even just any increment. 100% agree.
@mburg338 ай бұрын
Well it is after episode 40 so it makes sense
@allanshpeley42847 ай бұрын
10/0 is already painfully long.
@Bleuthatup8 ай бұрын
I swear to god this series alone made me go from 500 to 800 rapid rating. It's probably the best chess series out there. Seeing and LISTENING how you reason your moves, how you calculate, your thinking process, and also HOW YOU TAKE AND USE YOUR TIME, made me realize how easier it was to climb the ranks than I thought. I thought I'd never beat some one rated 600 consistently and after watching the series I just climbed with ease. Thank you so much Eric please keep updating this series
@quizzleme8 ай бұрын
I've had a similar experience. In my case, from low 1200's to mid 1300's.
@dooflydetailguuy43498 ай бұрын
@@quizzlemeI've peaked at 1780, no way to get better, that's playing since middle school. I'm 29 now.
@FluxXx77898 ай бұрын
@@quizzleme same here :)
@TheColonelWaffle8 ай бұрын
Shirt change was an instant like😂
@HowNiftyYT8 ай бұрын
Same 😂
@Rundik8 ай бұрын
He shoupd take off the shirt like Magnus does when he wants better performance
@FatUncle-cg3jt8 ай бұрын
@hwhaht8 ай бұрын
@@FatUncle-cg3jt ur just jealous of them gains bro
@justinarnold19818 ай бұрын
Finally......... another installment. I was beginning to have speedrun withdrawal.
@MyBiPolarBearMax8 ай бұрын
I needed my fix
@youdanpatgal8 ай бұрын
I've been watching for a while. I love how the clock is a non-issue most of the time. You know roughly where the pivot in the game is happening and just spend your time in that moment, like moves 5-15. By move 15 you almost always have a clear advantage. And so far it boils down to, of course experience, but also a great deal of patience. So many players go for a quick win (or semi-quick win), and if you simply develop, improve pieces/position, open the center (pawn breaks), look for tactics (skewers, pins, forks ...), and put pressure in multiple directions at once (you employ your queen with devastating power) ... the opponents fall. Simple, but not easy to actually remember all those moves, move orders, positions, etc. Fun stuff and thanks for narrating us through it.
@slowtyper958 ай бұрын
Most players probably will have a better game if they use their time "wisely". Doubt they even draw lines or think about opponent next move like Eric does. That's what makes the difference
@StevenStJohn-kj9eb8 ай бұрын
@11:25 - it's a pretty solid position when you can checkmate your opponent after they make an illegal move.
@wesleybrooks15388 ай бұрын
My shirt should be “Do you even blunder, mate?”
@KingElrosTarMinyatur8 ай бұрын
@nguyenxuanbach90486 ай бұрын
This should get more like
@gristlecassidy34068 ай бұрын
Oh no my break from chess (I am now motivated to queue rapid games until 4 am)
@binbuk28 ай бұрын
Loving the lichess Candidates stream!! You and Irene and Laura and Matthew are great to listen to.
@mburg338 ай бұрын
Don’t forget Laura’s cat as well
@ruthxk78448 ай бұрын
17:37 that's why I love watching your speedrun, you are drawn to ideas that I would not consider, or if considered, I sometimes struggle to make them work... love it!
@mburg338 ай бұрын
Since this is episode 40, does this mean future games in this series are now going to have additional time?
@pepperwestwood8 ай бұрын
No talking - the arbiter
@Superbri8 ай бұрын
When does it become a draw by 50-video rule?
@FatUncle-cg3jt8 ай бұрын
Not funny
@mburg338 ай бұрын
@@Superbri good question …. I actually don’t know lol
@markwatson30768 ай бұрын
Not sure I could rock that tank top, I think a T-shirt is needed for us older folks 😀
@Shadowwind48 ай бұрын
At 19:00 thats so cool that your queen helped with the checkmate even tho its pinned
@apierce99998 ай бұрын
Keep it up! Can't wait for Season 2.
@darcyhowe73938 ай бұрын
Eric, I’m sure you get this a lot but just want to remind you how helpful your videos are people learning and developing in chess. The fact that you speak aloud all of your thoughts behind your moves I think is one of the best ways someone can learn from a top player like yourself. Keep up the great content (Twitch subscribed)
@StanislavHronek8 ай бұрын
I hate people in the 10 min pool I thought it was just me but I see it happens to Eric too. They queue up a 10 minute game and play like its bullet and then only think when its already lost.
@mikeanderson17228 ай бұрын
9:01 "Oh no, you pinned my queen!"
@DocPsy-fy7nu8 ай бұрын
@ondrejmyslivec17828 ай бұрын
On no my time management😅
@ShamanoftheVioletFlame4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this series, such a pleasure to watch, love your calm thorough approach, doing my best to emulate, steadily improving too 👌👏❤️🔥
@rmendeljacobs28328 ай бұрын
I've gotten out my anger for the day by yelling play d6 for the full 40 seconds you were analyzing other moves. 16:31 - 17:19 such an attractive move for so many reasons, i also really like putting a piece on d5 afterward to really annoy black but the bh6 move was critical and very accurate, nice find
@KancerKowboy3 ай бұрын
I tried 1.5 speed just for laughs. Rosen is even more entertaining at that speed if you can believe it LOL. Great series by the way. This, Chess Brah, Naroiditsky and Alessia Santeramo are all great speed run series 🙂
@Not-You-Tuber8 ай бұрын
I took a break from playing chess but your videos are making me play again.. Chess is really an addictive game.. There was a time when I used to play for 7-8 hours everyday..
@bennyflexofficial93258 ай бұрын
always excited to see a new speedrun video!
@funnyzenverse8 ай бұрын
I just got your Do you even Rook Lift Bro shirt. Nice quality
@millms748 ай бұрын
I love this speedrun so much!
@johnr.49928 ай бұрын
Shirt switch was epic. Thx again for the content.
@djgresearch8 ай бұрын
Thanks Eric. Very instructive lessons such as completing development and not getting carried away burning time trying to analyse ambitious attacks. (I wonder if Anna Cramling is watching!) Also, the habit of taking a little time at the end to review the game.
@freedomsqrd8 ай бұрын
This is the most instructive series on youtube!
@subby1118 ай бұрын
like this speedrun. cause i like to see every win of you! :) but its also very instructive i think. thank you.
@renemarquez4338 ай бұрын
Greatest chess series ever. Thanks a lot Rosen!
@celiane28 ай бұрын
American viewers casually give up sleeping: 😨🥱😢 Me in Japan: 😎
@ArnieAlonzo8 ай бұрын
South Africa too. 9am upload time.
@celiane28 ай бұрын
@@ArnieAlonzo Good morning! 🌞
@GojoSatoruUpperHalf8 ай бұрын
I love Eric because he is so unintentionally funny
@teaflavor89138 ай бұрын
On nights when I feel like a colic baby I put on your videos and fall fast asleep. Thanks Eric!
@kylestueven66658 ай бұрын
Love the content! Always looking forward to a new speed run video! What rating level do you think you can get up to before taking a loss?
@Starchyyyy288 ай бұрын
Just laid down after a 10 hour shift, so happy to see this upload.
@catac838 ай бұрын
Amazing move with the rook lift and bishop to h6. The last opponent gave up too quickly at 1632..he still had a lot of material and a queen, wish I had opponents like him
@zacharygrouwinkel15348 ай бұрын
Outstanding title Eric. Content idea if you aren’t too busy, can you do some short game reviews of the Candidates games?
@DocPsy-fy7nu8 ай бұрын
Priceless chess advice for free. Eric is the best!
@skrga9848 ай бұрын
Eric, very nice videos so far, i learned a lot , thank you for that u have really good qualities in explaining the moves, n1 coach :)
@TheHeroIsRisingUp8 ай бұрын
I enjoy watching these episodes particularly when I want to sleep
@mfed8 ай бұрын
awesome i'll watch this at 3am :)
@koettelfresser8 ай бұрын
Guys I have a real "logical" question. As I understood, checkmate is defined as "The enemy king would be taken in the NEXT move". But in the checkmate in the second game at 19:20 , If the king moved to h8, it could actually not be taken in the next move because white's queen is also pinned. So the consideration is, white would play an illegal move theoretically as its next one, and basically win the "king" earlier than black. Is that right?
@IAmEki8 ай бұрын
Perhaps a better definition of checkmate is that the king is in check, and has no way to get out of it.
@Carrejae358 ай бұрын
It can be taken before the other king gets taken, thats why the pin doesnt matter when its checkmate
@Carrejae358 ай бұрын
If the rule was “first king to get taken loses” then who loses snd who wins?
@jackiefranken5908 ай бұрын
Best instructional chess series on the internet.
@eclecticexplorer78288 ай бұрын
I have worked on using the Greco Gambit (game 2), but I don't really like some of the complications, beginning with 7.Nc3. Stockfish prefers either Nbd2 or Bd2, and while Nc3 looks like it works well when you look at the full Lichess database, it is absolutely annihilated by black in the GM games (which admittedly is not my level, but I just don't care for the positions that arise). Instead, if black plays 3... Bc5, I like 4.O-O, after which black will usually play either Nf6 (more common) or d6 (better choice for black). Either way, I am comfortable with the game that ensues.
@kruksog8 ай бұрын
Hey! I was watching something else! But when you post I have to immediately watch.
@sebu13018 ай бұрын
Feels like Christmas came early when a new episode drops 🎄
@jrb50778 ай бұрын
6:19 Did you consider Ng6 Re8 Qd5? I think it's winning the f pawn.
@qwe12318 ай бұрын
Remembered the eval bar at 30:37....
@ChinaNumbaOne18 ай бұрын
The thumbnail is awesome 😂😂 never thought Id see Eric in a no sleeve
@WiggTheMobileBarbR8 ай бұрын
At the 30:55 mark he showed the tactic to get the queen but call it a “small miss” 😖 after explaining a brilliant tactic 😅
@Verbalaesthet8 ай бұрын
Nice games. But you won my like with the funny phrase of rook lifting.
@danielalvarez84878 ай бұрын
Greatest chess video title of all time.
@AZ-hg7qj8 ай бұрын
Eric, did it take more than a week to post this because you were waiting for mail to get the Rook Lift shirt?! Great episode. Was worth the wait.
@cannceyhan8 ай бұрын
That atlet is so funny hahahhaha Eric you are something else
@ajm73758 ай бұрын
Suns out guns out! Ima have to get one of ur shirts soon very clever!
@parzingtheasian8 ай бұрын
7:00 instead of nxd7, what about qb3? then ng6 becomes an idea + rooks connected + battery on f7
@Joe-zu7lx8 ай бұрын
this is my first episode but definitely of many!
@martinhorvath62298 ай бұрын
It makes me so mad that 1600 players use an average of 2 minutes of 10 and get a totally losing position
@tharpalan8 ай бұрын
In game 128 at 3:33 move white Q to h6. Game over in one.
@bkokohut19808 ай бұрын
Thought you straight gave up on this... been well over a week since last video.
@jetsyrup4818 ай бұрын
ladder anxiety
@gaaalavant8 ай бұрын
He's been doing commentary on Lichess for the Candidates. I assume he's been busy
@abebuckingham81988 ай бұрын
The title is great. Well done.
@SuperGutshot8 ай бұрын
around 27:07 was Qh6 a good move?
@arnoudh62038 ай бұрын
That hangs a bishop and the rook lift is not in time
@FredPolis8 ай бұрын
Babe wake up, new Rosen just dropped
@jpjpJPJPG6 ай бұрын
Thanks Eric!
@Squilfinator8 ай бұрын
Outfit change went crazy bro lmao
@awekeningbro12078 ай бұрын
27:16 isn't Queen h6 a mate in 3?
@SebastianBohn8 ай бұрын
The series is great but that episode’s title, bro… 👊 😂 Like Eric’s subtile humour.
@tenok81458 ай бұрын
29:15 I am confused, isn't this a wooden shield ?
@dumbledorelives938 ай бұрын
It would be interesting if the rules of chess included making it so that if a piece "controls" certain squares, but is currently pinned so that they can't move to those squares, the king could move to those technically uncontrolled squares. Such as the position that led to checkmate at 19:00
@yanair20917 ай бұрын
You mean "to those technically *controlled* squares"? If so, I find the idea really interesting. I guess it depends on the rule that the king in chess can't be taken.
@Nn-38 ай бұрын
18:35 wow that position
@kmiller20878 ай бұрын
27:08 isnt qh6 basically mate?
@arnoudh62038 ай бұрын
Qh6 hangs a bisshop
@thedigitalnerds8 ай бұрын
How can you not click such a creative title!
@yodydee8 ай бұрын
How did your second opponent get to that respectable rating... I'm baffled by the "quality" of some of the 1,500+ players you encounter.
@Trumpppp20248 ай бұрын
Oh YES my Friday night is saved!!!
@rum34078 ай бұрын
I really want to buy this tank, and some other shirts too, any chance of making tall sizes?
@alessandrodicesare83748 ай бұрын
Eric thanks to you i'm on the verge of being recognised as a senile prodigy!
@gundarsmiks48898 ай бұрын
He plays so good!!!
@chessanthemum8 ай бұрын
I enjoyed you in that tanktop 🔥
@shambolicentity8 ай бұрын
I just ordered a tank top. I couldn't stop myself...
@coreypollington60388 ай бұрын
It's all fun and games until an attire switch happens
@htt25668 ай бұрын
Still catching up on episodes, very much enjoying them , and just requesting a photo update, please. 🙂
@HoloDaWisewolf8 ай бұрын
Nice rook lift bro
@cameronletalien75178 ай бұрын
Easiest swag purchase ever
@jwr19708 ай бұрын
I wonder if it's possible for you to reinstate your former barber 🤔😂
@samsaauce8 ай бұрын
thank u Eric
@TymexComputing8 ай бұрын
19:20 Interactive TV :)
@williamswan37115 ай бұрын
Hey Eric, wow, you missed an opportunity to checkmate. When you could’ve put the queen on H6, and the bishop was on F6, Ask Bishop was on G7. He would’ve been forced to take the bishop, and then the queen could’ve taken the rook on F8 for checkmate. I can’t believe I found a meeting sequence that you missed. I must be getting better for spending hundreds of my hours watching you bro. Let me know if you find it.
@gniewomircioek684520 күн бұрын
24:46 isn't it kxg6 winning?
@rcbooster18 ай бұрын
I saved this for bedtime
@VoidedTea8 ай бұрын
Wish it was one or two games longer.
@jaybingham37118 ай бұрын
Warmer weather? 🤣 Yeah...ok. Totes has nothing to do with highlighting dem guns...right? 💪 Damn impressive. Where do you find the time?
@willejaha46968 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this series and have watched the vids where it’s my ranking multiple times.
@thetransferaccount45867 ай бұрын
speedrun is speedrunning my time.. oh no my time
@ashutoshagarwal85928 ай бұрын
I fear Kramnik would find your winning streak "interesting"
@mikebaker24368 ай бұрын
Shout out to merch.
@HungryScribbler8 ай бұрын
Eric, in last game you said you didn't get to rook lift. But moving it from back rank forward past pawns is a rook lift isn't it?