This is a great effect for weddings, brides in particular are huge fans
@ProductionCrate5 жыл бұрын
Grant's got the moves!!
@jokybones5 жыл бұрын
I Love how you always do the extra step that no one else offers!
@RandyBass5 жыл бұрын
Another fantastically done job Grant!!! Glad there ain't no hole in the washtub. We're not birds, we're a jugband!! Great show!
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
Dear god... he remembered Emmett!!!
@RandyBass5 жыл бұрын
Film Learnin It’s a must watch every Christmas season since, like, 1982 for me!!
@JDST5 жыл бұрын
Some of the hand positions Doctor Strange does are: - Fists (Defensive Magic Shields) - Two fingers together while other fingers are down (Portal to another location) - Middle and ring fingers down - Hands wide open (Time Stone) - Ring Fingers and Thumbs together - Ring Fingers and Thumbs together, pinky curled up, both ring and middle fingers touching each other (Activating Eye of Agamotto)
@floris75525 жыл бұрын
This is what i call a good birthday present!
@Elzenitho5 жыл бұрын
i have been following your tutorials, you are amaziiiiiiinggggggggggg
@CrimsonedRenz5 жыл бұрын
Wow! Beautifully done dude! Fantastic as always! 😁💥💥
@sketchytapes29665 жыл бұрын
Thank you grant I was Excited for this effect
@LegendsUniverse5 жыл бұрын
I wish it was as realistic as the movie's but still awesome!
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
The glow is tough to nail.
@Raymedy5 жыл бұрын
@@FilmLearnin still amazing!
@vipulkhattar64134 жыл бұрын
Well Benedict Cumberbatch does not cast spells in bath robes 😂😂😂😂😂
@ixsanta63273 жыл бұрын
Marvel one was made in months with a whole team and a budget with over a 100 Mill 💀 he's solo and almost got it
@Drsnake17s5 жыл бұрын
@kristiyanpetkov15655 жыл бұрын
Amazing as always, Grant!
@ildima60383 жыл бұрын
bro i gotta tell ya, you're the best
@davidedits28585 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah! I’ve been watching for 3 years
@akifdur7025 жыл бұрын
It's a 20 minute video you don't need to watch it 1380 times.
@madtv11555 жыл бұрын
Finally the tutorial is here!
@DebzLife5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing us these sick tutorials that make us passionate. :)
@pixel_vengeur3915 жыл бұрын
This is awesome. You put so much time in those videos, I don't know how to thank you for them.
@yodercaptures5 жыл бұрын
Dangggg! Man you got some pretty good Stuff! Love your videos!
@jonathanedewaard5 жыл бұрын
Love the content Grant! Keep it coming, and keep learnin!
@coolskinanimation5 жыл бұрын
must increase a little the size of the strange disk, very good effect, I love
@byanitaserrano5 жыл бұрын
Very nice!, thank you
@reversezoom84555 жыл бұрын
amazing vid
@5thmindsetllc6105 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!! 💯
@arjunaryan94255 жыл бұрын
@duffy49585 жыл бұрын
Keep your work you are the best
@StWonka5 жыл бұрын
Finally after 2years
@anteodak29655 жыл бұрын
@SandBoxel5 жыл бұрын
Hey Grant ever Since the Contest I've been Grinding the tutorial making myself and have made some pretty cool super hero Tutorials. Thanks For that motivation :)
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
Your Thor landing was pretty boss!
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
SandBoxel *a hero*
@SandBoxel5 жыл бұрын
Film Learnin thank you grant
@melq0r6935 жыл бұрын
@@ShaneReuter k er gkktwkkrkrrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrjhkrkkrkrkrkrkrkrtkrkrrkwhrkrkkrkrtkrkrşlrkrkrwhkrhkrrekkrtkkrkrkrkrtşlşkrgkşlrtktktkh\ekte k tt kıtlıktan er jojo ırktır te Kurtköy wwkw\\k\wk\[\k\[\[k[ette ekte kkkwkkkkkwkwkkwwkkkwkwwkwkwjwkwjwkwkkkwkwwkkkwkkwwkwwkkwwkwkkwwjkkwkwkkwkkwwkwwkwkwwkwkwwwkwkkwkwwkwkwkww[jwkwkkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkkkwwkkkwkkkwkwkkwkjwkwwkwkkwkkkkkwkwkwkkkkwkwwkkkwwkkwkwwk\\wk\www[\[kwkwktkktkkkkwkwkwjkwwk\\[wkkwkwjkkkkwkwkwkwkkwkwwk[kg\\[ett wk\\kww[ette wkwwwwkwwwwwkwwwkwk[j ett Tweeter wwkw[j ette \w j w w w ette kwşkwkwtr[k\k\w j Tweeter j \e eter e jet jet kwkwkktkktkwkwwwwkwkwtkwktwkwwwkkwkkwkw[krjwkkwkrwkwkkwkkkwkw(rkkkkwkwkwkkkwkw[kwtkjkwkwkwkkwjwkkwk(ww[wkwwkwtrkkwkwwkkkwk[wkwkwkkjwkwkkkrwgkwrkwtkwwkkrkwkwrkwkkjwwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkkww[krkwwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwk[ktkwkkkwkwkwkwkwwkwkwkwkthwwkwktkkwkwkkwkwkwwkkwkw[jw Ke wwkwtkeh\kkwwkwwwkwkwkw[te ett ett w[et \tekerlekten twrjwkrwk\e ertesi \wtjwkwww[ett jelena j er j ekte kkjwwkwwkwkwkwwwkk Wtkkwkwktktwttjwwktwjwkwtkwkkrktrwwkwkwktwwrjwkkwkwwwkrjktrtwkkwwktkwkkkwwwkwwktkwrkwkkwwjwgwtjwkwtkhwjwkwgkhktwkkjkwkwkwkwjjwkwtkww\j tere wwkwjwkkkwwkkwkwkwk|jwjwkwkwkk[tetikte Ke etekte j te j ett kıtlıktan wwk[j ett yatt yatt w te j w ette eker kkkwwktekkwktkwwkwrjhkktwjkwkwwwkkwkhwwtkwkkhtwkwkwkwwhkwtjjkwtjwwktjwtjwkwgwrwkwtkwtkrwkwwkkkhkkwtwkkkkktwtjwwkkrjwktwkwkrwtwkkkkk[joker yeter yeterken kete [jwkkkrwwtjwjtwkwkkkkwkwkwkkwkwkkwjw[evet tkkkwkkwkwkkkwkw[kwtkwtkrkhwkwtjrkwktkwwywkwwrkwktwkwwwwktjwkwkwtkkwkktkwkwkwtwtkkwwwwkwwwwktjwwkhrtkkwtkwtkkhkwtktwkwwwkw[wkkwtkwwkwwkwwkkwkkwwtkwtwtkwktkrkwktkkwrkwwktkrttkkttkwkkwrkwtrjhkwtkhwkkkktrwwktktkretwkrwkwkwkktkwkjrktwktkwkrkwkwjkwjkwwkkkjtjwkwjwjwkwjtjwwwtkwwtwrktkwkwwwkwtwwkwgktetkrkkkwtkktkkkwktwwwrkjyjkhektwwkkwkkkwwkkwkwkwwwwrktkhekwwwkgwwwwtwkww[j w Ke jet wkwwkkkkk[Tweeter ek wekwwkwwwwkwkkwwk[wwtjwhwkwkwww[ettirerek jet j et eke wtkktrktw[j j eve [jwtrwtww\wwwkwwwkjwwwwkkwwkwwjww[kkwkgtkwkgwwk[wwkwwww[wkwkwwwkww[er j ekte ett jwww\wkkkw[jet kıtlıktan wkw[w j ek w kete ekte refet kwttkwkrrkwkkwttkwkgwrrwkrwwwjwkkwtrkwkwwkwtkwwkwtkwkwwwwwwwwwwkwwkwkjwkkwkkwkkwkwkwkwkjwwwtktkwwrkrkttktwrjhtwkwwwkwwkwwwkwkwkwkwwwwwwwwkwwwkkwkkwtkhktwwwkwwwkwwwtwrwkwktwtwtjkwjtkrkjkk] Ertuğrul et wtkwwkw[fert j j wwrtwkwwwtwkwkk[w w w yeterken kwkwkwkkkwtwwtwkwttkwktkwkwktwwwkwkwkkktkrtwkwktwwktjwrjktkkwkkwwkwkwkkkkwwkktrwkwkwtwrkkkkwkwwkkwktkwrkkkkrwkwwewtkkwwkwtkwwwkwwkwk[wkwwwww[eke wtwtrr(ette te Tweeter ett ejder jet ett kwkkkkwkkwwtwhkwkwwkwwwk[whwwwwkwwkwkwk[kht\kwkwwwwwkww[ek hukuk eklektik ek ett Ke wkwwkwwwkwttwrkwktkrwwwkk[yoktur kkkkkkkkrkhkwwkwkkywkkwkwwwkwkwkwwkwwwwwkwhwtwkwwtwwwwwwwkkwkwkwwkwkwkkkkwkwwkwwkkkkwkw[twwkwkwktkk(kwkkkwkkkkkkwkkkkkkkwkkkwkwrkkwk[w lt \kwwwkwwwwwkwkkwwwkkwkwkwktktkwtktkwkkkkkk[wkkkwkkkkkkkkwwwwkkwk[j tı kkkwkkkwkkkwkkkkwkkkkkwkkkktwkwtkkkktkhjkwktkkkkwkkkwkkwk[w w \e jw jw kıkırdak kkkw(j j j Ke ette Y jw Y jw tt kwkk[w kıtlıktan uye j jet kete k hukuk wwwwk[jet wrwkkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkwwkkwkkkwwwkkwwkwwwwwwwkwwkwrjkwkwtkkkkkkwtwwkww[wkwkthwkgwttwkwkkkkkkkw[j te j tetikte w j w j jet j te twtktkwkttkhkwtwwwwwwwwgwwwkkwwwk\j kg te Kurtköy k ek kokteyl et w kıkır tkwttkwhwtwttwkhktwktkwktttkkktwtkwtkwttrwkwkwwkwhkwkwtwttkwtkwkwwww\k\ww\e kw(w[j Kurtköy w j jojo ekte wtkkwkkkk[(ek j w Kurtköy w kıkır Kurtköy kwhwkwkwtwwwhkwktwktwtwktkwtwtkkkwtwkwkw[wkwkwtwktkwtwkkwwtrktwrwkwhhwwwkwtwkwkwtww\ww-wkkwkwwtkwwktwrwktwhwwwtwwtkkkkk[ti tetkik THY w t eyt w gayet hukuk kg w uyu [tkkkwwkkwkkkwktkkkkkkkwkkwwkwrwkywww[h ey ett kırk er tut gt t et twhwthwrthhhtwtkwtwkwwwkkwkttwkwykwtwwkwk-ktkwkkwrw[kht\t THY THY wwkwkwkwwwhwk[jw jw Y Y WEB e herkesekoöay the jw the ruh teker kekler j eh jw the Y Tweeter t ett w w THY hukuk j w j kg e e e kuyrukta kuyuyu e Tweeter THY h ett wkwwwwtwhhwrwkwhhtwgwwkwwkwhekwwrywwkwhwhtwhktww+wrwwwtwwttkh[hu erkekte e ettiyse \h h e e kertenkeleler yetr wwwhwwkewwwetwwhrtwwetwkhhwwwthwtwwhwwtwhwhwhwtwhwwwww+w THY THY e e Tweeter h er e e jw heyhat he h ey ghkhwttwhwweth\+e kg eyer Y yemeyecek ekleyerek THY hwhgwhewkhjwhwhwhrtwwhwhwhwwwww+w gt et kere twwhwhwhhwwhhwwwhww+e heyette w er ehe whhtkjh\heyette t h tu ek j et erer heyette h hee h w h Tweeter h Tweeter t j eh e Y yetenekte eter her h egeye tut ırk ktktktjtktktktktktktktktktktktktrjktktktkgkttkejwejtry3ootşototşşlşly32
@melq0r6935 жыл бұрын
@@ShaneReuter k er gkktwkkrkrrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrjhkrkkrkrkrkrkrkrtkrkrrkwhrkrkkrkrtkrkrşlrkrkrwhkrhkrrekkrtkkrkrkrkrtşlşkrgkşlrtktktkh\ekte k tt kıtlıktan er jojo ırktır te Kurtköy wwkw\\k\wk\[\k\[\[k[ette ekte kkkwkkkkkwkwkkwwkkkwkwwkwkwjwkwjwkwkkkwkwwkkkwkkwwkwwkkwwkwkkwwjkkwkwkkwkkwwkwwkwkwwkwkwwwkwkkwkwwkwkwkww[jwkwkkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkkkwwkkkwkkkwkwkkwkjwkwwkwkkwkkkkkwkwkwkkkkwkwwkkkwwkkwkwwk\\wk\www[\[kwkwktkktkkkkwkwkwjkwwk\\[wkkwkwjkkkkwkwkwkwkkwkwwk[kg\\[ett wk\\kww[ette wkwwwwkwwwwwkwwwkwk[j ett Tweeter wwkw[j ette \w j w w w ette kwşkwkwtr[k\k\w j Tweeter j \e eter e jet jet kwkwkktkktkwkwwwwkwkwtkwktwkwwwkkwkkwkw[krjwkkwkrwkwkkwkkkwkw(rkkkkwkwkwkkkwkw[kwtkjkwkwkwkkwjwkkwk(ww[wkwwkwtrkkwkwwkkkwk[wkwkwkkjwkwkkkrwgkwrkwtkwwkkrkwkwrkwkkjwwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkkww[krkwwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwk[ktkwkkkwkwkwkwkwwkwkwkwkthwwkwktkkwkwkkwkwkwwkkwkw[jw Ke wwkwtkeh\kkwwkwwwkwkwkw[te ett ett w[et \tekerlekten twrjwkrwk\e ertesi \wtjwkwww[ett jelena j er j ekte kkjwwkwwkwkwkwwwkk Wtkkwkwktktwttjwwktwjwkwtkwkkrktrwwkwkwktwwrjwkkwkwwwkrjktrtwkkwwktkwkkkwwwkwwktkwrkwkkwwjwgwtjwkwtkhwjwkwgkhktwkkjkwkwkwkwjjwkwtkww\j tere wwkwjwkkkwwkkwkwkwk|jwjwkwkwkk[tetikte Ke etekte j te j ett kıtlıktan wwk[j ett yatt yatt w te j w ette eker kkkwwktekkwktkwwkwrjhkktwjkwkwwwkkwkhwwtkwkkhtwkwkwkwwhkwtjjkwtjwwktjwtjwkwgwrwkwtkwtkrwkwwkkkhkkwtwkkkkktwtjwwkkrjwktwkwkrwtwkkkkk[joker yeter yeterken kete [jwkkkrwwtjwjtwkwkkkkwkwkwkkwkwkkwjw[evet tkkkwkkwkwkkkwkw[kwtkwtkrkhwkwtjrkwktkwwywkwwrkwktwkwwwwktjwkwkwtkkwkktkwkwkwtwtkkwwwwkwwwwktjwwkhrtkkwtkwtkkhkwtktwkwwwkw[wkkwtkwwkwwkwwkkwkkwwtkwtwtkwktkrkwktkkwrkwwktkrttkkttkwkkwrkwtrjhkwtkhwkkkktrwwktktkretwkrwkwkwkktkwkjrktwktkwkrkwkwjkwjkwwkkkjtjwkwjwjwkwjtjwwwtkwwtwrktkwkwwwkwtwwkwgktetkrkkkwtkktkkkwktwwwrkjyjkhektwwkkwkkkwwkkwkwkwwwwrktkhekwwwkgwwwwtwkww[j w Ke jet wkwwkkkkk[Tweeter ek wekwwkwwwwkwkkwwk[wwtjwhwkwkwww[ettirerek jet j et eke wtkktrktw[j j eve [jwtrwtww\wwwkwwwkjwwwwkkwwkwwjww[kkwkgtkwkgwwk[wwkwwww[wkwkwwwkww[er j ekte ett jwww\wkkkw[jet kıtlıktan wkw[w j ek w kete ekte refet kwttkwkrrkwkkwttkwkgwrrwkrwwwjwkkwtrkwkwwkwtkwwkwtkwkwwwwwwwwwwkwwkwkjwkkwkkwkkwkwkwkwkjwwwtktkwwrkrkttktwrjhtwkwwwkwwkwwwkwkwkwkwwwwwwwwkwwwkkwkkwtkhktwwwkwwwkwwwtwrwkwktwtwtjkwjtkrkjkk] Ertuğrul et wtkwwkw[fert j j wwrtwkwwwtwkwkk[w w w yeterken kwkwkwkkkwtwwtwkwttkwktkwkwktwwwkwkwkkktkrtwkwktwwktjwrjktkkwkkwwkwkwkkkkwwkktrwkwkwtwrkkkkwkwwkkwktkwrkkkkrwkwwewtkkwwkwtkwwwkwwkwk[wkwwwww[eke wtwtrr(ette te Tweeter ett ejder jet ett kwkkkkwkkwwtwhkwkwwkwwwk[whwwwwkwwkwkwk[kht\kwkwwwwwkww[ek hukuk eklektik ek ett Ke wkwwkwwwkwttwrkwktkrwwwkk[yoktur kkkkkkkkrkhkwwkwkkywkkwkwwwkwkwkwwkwwwwwkwhwtwkwwtwwwwwwwkkwkwkwwkwkwkkkkwkwwkwwkkkkwkw[twwkwkwktkk(kwkkkwkkkkkkwkkkkkkkwkkkwkwrkkwk[w lt \kwwwkwwwwwkwkkwwwkkwkwkwktktkwtktkwkkkkkk[wkkkwkkkkkkkkwwwwkkwk[j tı kkkwkkkwkkkwkkkkwkkkkkwkkkktwkwtkkkktkhjkwktkkkkwkkkwkkwk[w w \e jw jw kıkırdak kkkw(j j j Ke ette Y jw Y jw tt kwkk[w kıtlıktan uye j jet kete k hukuk wwwwk[jet wrwkkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkwwkkwkkkwwwkkwwkwwwwwwwkwwkwrjkwkwtkkkkkkwtwwkww[wkwkthwkgwttwkwkkkkkkkw[j te j tetikte w j w j jet j te twtktkwkttkhkwtwwwwwwwwgwwwkkwwwk\j kg te Kurtköy k ek kokteyl et w kıkır tkwttkwhwtwttwkhktwktkwktttkkktwtkwtkwttrwkwkwwkwhkwkwtwttkwtkwkwwww\k\ww\e kw(w[j Kurtköy w j jojo ekte wtkkwkkkk[(ek j w Kurtköy w kıkır Kurtköy kwhwkwkwtwwwhkwktwktwtwktkwtwtkkkwtwkwkw[wkwkwtwktkwtwkkwwtrktwrwkwhhwwwkwtwkwkwtww\ww-wkkwkwwtkwwktwrwktwhwwwtwwtkkkkk[ti tetkik THY w t eyt w gayet hukuk kg w uyu [tkkkwwkkwkkkwktkkkkkkkwkkwwkwrwkywww[h ey ett kırk er tut gt t et twhwthwrthhhtwtkwtwkwwwkkwkttwkwykwtwwkwk-ktkwkkwrw[kht\t THY THY wwkwkwkwwwhwk[jw jw Y Y WEB e herkesekoöay the jw the ruh teker kekler j eh jw the Y Tweeter t ett w w THY hukuk j w j kg e e e kuyrukta kuyuyu e Tweeter THY h ett wkwwwwtwhhwrwkwhhtwgwwkwwkwhekwwrywwkwhwhtwhktww+wrwwwtwwttkh[hu erkekte e ettiyse \h h e e kertenkeleler yetr wwwhwwkewwwetwwhrtwwetwkhhwwwthwtwwhwwtwhwhwhwtwhwwwww+w THY THY e e Tweeter h er e e jw heyhat he h ey ghkhwttwhwweth\+e kg eyer Y yemeyecek ekleyerek THY hwhgwhewkhjwhwhwhrtwwhwhwhwwwww+w gt et kere twwhwhwhhwwhhwwwhww+e heyette w er ehe whhtkjh\heyette t h tu ek j et erer heyette h hee h w h Tweeter h Tweeter t j eh e Y yetenekte eter her h egeye tut ırk ktktktjtktktktktktktktktktktktktrjktktktkgkttkejwejtry3ootşototşşlşly32
@juanvicente10855 жыл бұрын
The best
@EverythingArrowverse5 жыл бұрын
@CanadianVader5 жыл бұрын
Awesome Job, just wish KZbin can do a better job on notifying me for videos like these.
@tousifreza80555 жыл бұрын
You are great
@sanskargupta97035 жыл бұрын
The 3D Shield Is Very Nice...
@95TheToni5 жыл бұрын
Grant I think you should make a Doctor Strange portal effect tutorial. But like the one that you are in a desert for example and you come from a portal where it is snowing I don’t know if I explained myself correctly but all of the portal tutorials on youtube are not this way :’(
@holdennekt1055 жыл бұрын
omg, i am so excited of the amount of work and the result... thank you very much. and finally, where did you take a sound of shields?
@Technogard4 жыл бұрын
Thanks you for video. I will try too :)
@InvasionMaster5 жыл бұрын
@itamarariel94825 жыл бұрын
@abhijanwasti79915 жыл бұрын
Been a long time subscriber and fan of this channel. Its a great video. I wanted to ask a few things: 1) Why not use some sort of tracking marker to accurately find rotation in addition to everything you've been tracking? 2) Wouldn't it be more insightful if you'd shown how you made the C3D file or some similar effects you could get from these steps? 3) I felt like some of the steps were redundant and didn't really matter in the end result. For example, the PNG file of the circle is barely visible due to that last effect. Is there any other specific reason to include those?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
1 - Honestly, with the motion blur of the hands, getting rotation tracked would have been too hard, I initially track it and the results were - mixed. 2 - I agree and wish I had the time to teach that, but I just don't -the shield took over a week to build and it would take 3 times that to explain. 3 - the circle PNG was added as its included in the effect in Infinity War if you analyze the effect frame by frame.
@isaaka9775 жыл бұрын
Keep up the effects grant!! Love ur vids. How's dexter doing?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
He just turned 3!
@joaoe12315 жыл бұрын
Heyy dude! Nice job (as always)!! Can u make the Iron Man holding the Power Stone's rays effect? Like in Infinity War?
@akilrangrez32115 жыл бұрын
Hey bro you are so nice Love from india
@0ddballanimation3412 жыл бұрын
@warrendavidson57575 жыл бұрын
Does this require cinema 4d?
@redninja69855 жыл бұрын
What do you use to do it?
@Tecosaurus5 жыл бұрын
Mr Grant! Flash Season 5 has been using a new take on Flashtime by having jolts of lightning fading in and out (blinking if you will) around the course of the speedsters body. I believe you could recycle techniques you used in your Zoom Tutorial and Speed Force Bubble to create an 'Entering Flashtime' effect! :D
@bluearrow60075 жыл бұрын
@sathwik-kay5 жыл бұрын
A small question... I'm new to your channel, but as far as i know you haven't done any Harry potter or Fantastic Beast effects! Pls try those cause there r so many waiting for them!!!😊👍🏻 Note: i ❤️ ur tutorials. Totally badass!
@nixambros.10755 жыл бұрын
well Done Sir.
@ApeiroProductions5 жыл бұрын
awesome Can you do cinema 4d movie vfx tutorials too?
@BarkersPinhead5 жыл бұрын
No offence meant, but wouldn't the 3D-Part (which I really like) also be possible, if you create the shield from a couple of layers parented to one "main" layer, which is parented to the null object? For those people who don't have cinema?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't be true 3D, in any case - if you have After effects CC - you have cinema 4d
@BarkersPinhead5 жыл бұрын
@@FilmLearnin I do have the CC, and the PlugIn for Cinema. Is the programm itself included? I never checked that acutally.
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
@Dharmatography5 жыл бұрын
Very cool Can you do that soul seperatinb effect from dr strange 👐👐
@philmsproductionsYT5 жыл бұрын
what templates do work in 4d Lite?
@kuantaiyn2 жыл бұрын
Woooow im very luck that I found you. Love u r channel so much! Wish u creative mindset on your content! I have one more question, after rendering there are 1800 something TIFF files, how will do it like in 1 file? after rendering to import it? Best Wishes KK! from Kazakhstan
@FFBpictures5 жыл бұрын
Hey man, Could you ever do a Fantastic 4 special? I reallllly want to do a F4 fan film and was stuck on how to do Human Torch good and Mr. Fantastic. I have sort of an idea for Invisible woman and you don't have to worry about the Thing since I plan on making an eva foam suit for that. PLEAAAASE, cheers.
@bernardocastellanos22965 жыл бұрын
@Ale_ebritoo3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I can't pay for the mocha, so I was wondering if using track motion the effect works too, it's ok if it doesn't stay the same
@Tecosaurus5 жыл бұрын
@Tecosaurus5 жыл бұрын
@Ari Gillies Yeah, quite literally.
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
Tecosaurus I guess they don’t know.
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
Ari Gillies no check his most recent video
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
Ari Gillies yeah. It’s not coming out
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
Ari Gillies if only warner brothers knew *HOW MUCH* the fans wanted this game. It’s a *DISAPPOINTMENT* to be sure. *I HAVE* been waiting *FOR* this game for so long like *YOU* don’t even understand. *RIGHT NOW* will mark a day in history for dctv fans. *TECOSURUS* is a legend. *I KNOW* it’s gonna be tonight for him. *WHAT* do *YOU* think he should do in your opinion. *ARE* you on the side that he should start *DOING* his own game or just give up?
@sofyhassan46935 жыл бұрын
Grant please make Dr.strange Multiple Hands Effect
@Dubs25 жыл бұрын
Still wearing the bath robe. nice
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
5am shooting negates real clothing
@sonicpoop81895 жыл бұрын
Also do a video tutorial on of the Mario star power effect when Mario get the star
@ashwindowney94285 жыл бұрын
Ur r mass grant😍(marana mass)
@membernumber0ne9235 жыл бұрын
*is there a way to do medusa's hair manipulation from marvel inhumans in after effects?*
@WhiteWolf4965 жыл бұрын
WOW, found your channel 2 days ago, and now you're doing the EXACT tutorial that I needed. Have you done a tutorial on the Doctor Strange portal?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
Who knows what the next episode will be?
@ba21915 жыл бұрын
I’m backk I was ice master back in the day
@MouLiPilli5 жыл бұрын
Captain marvel effect plz
@gayathrikrishnan95695 жыл бұрын
Do the “chosen one’s magic “
@bmax59285 жыл бұрын
@anteodak29655 жыл бұрын
Is there a posibility to make it as realistic as in the movie
@REaDComicsau5 жыл бұрын
Please do a portal effect
@Papaboi2265 жыл бұрын
When u gonna do the avenger trailer removing cap tutorial, nice work btw
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
That's depending on Boris FX as they are guest hosting
@SuperClipsEntertainment5 жыл бұрын
Hey Grant...can you make A Captain Marvel title card???? It would be awesome !!!!
@XpressStudiosforyou5 жыл бұрын
Does the c4d file work in cc 2018 as well??
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
@itsjustashish5 жыл бұрын
Does mocha work in cc 2018?
@lopsangdlama5 жыл бұрын
Do I need Cinema 4d installed in my system to use the file in after effects ?
@shiizui2465 жыл бұрын
Hey Grant. Can you maybe do me a favor?^^ I wanted to download the reverse flash sfx but the Channel "The Blast" is deleted. Do you maybe still have them? And can you maybe send them to me with for example google drive?^^
@doivocs5 жыл бұрын
Can you do how to make the flash In power director like the trail and everything
@tousifreza80555 жыл бұрын
Plz make a video on captain america shield effect
@atahantetik78415 жыл бұрын
well just downloaded AE wanted to try this out but for nearly for 3.5 hours Im trying to adjust the shield (5:17) but no matter what I do it rotates around something and doesn`t freely move(when I try to drag it to my hand it just rotates around something and stays sideways) and I can`t adjust the size of it can anyone help me what do I have to do
@marcusholloway935 жыл бұрын
As Always "My Gaahhdd"
@archeranbu39905 жыл бұрын
Please post how to edit surrounding effects in Doctor Strange movie
@jokybones5 жыл бұрын
I always wish there would be an tutorial About cgi envroiment for movies since you are a green screen master
@rahulacts73403 жыл бұрын
Doctor strange soul effect tutorial please sir...
@andrewsimon99435 жыл бұрын
Hey, Filmlearning. Is there anyway that you can replicate the Mysterio spell effect in the Spiderman Far From Home trailer? THANKS!
@ShaneReuter5 жыл бұрын
Andrew Simon I’d say wait until the film comes out or at least a better look before he does it. But it’d be a month month and a half anyway since it’s kinda like this one.
@itsjustashish5 жыл бұрын
Can I do this ae 2018?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
Should work fine!
@itsjustashish5 жыл бұрын
@@FilmLearnin how did you made another timeline for the camera in 6:18 . What you did after that to animate the rotation
@mauriciojosecontreras43755 жыл бұрын
Maratón de efectos de Marvel 😅
@joaquinnaborramirez98964 жыл бұрын
where do you get the sound effects?
@FilmLearnin4 жыл бұрын
I made these ones
@joaquinnaborramirez98964 жыл бұрын
@@FilmLearnin Wow! and there is a way to acquire them
@sonicpoop81895 жыл бұрын
Film learning can u guy do a tutorial on the super smash Bros final smash effect like link final smash)#keep learning
@brightgarinson30995 жыл бұрын
@gayathrikrishnan95695 жыл бұрын
Please do the time effect from dr.strange
@insanewolf_yt61285 жыл бұрын
Can you do a iron man nanotech suit effect
@rohanimations5 жыл бұрын
Notification squad
@philmsproductionsYT5 жыл бұрын
Can this work in cinema 4D Lite?
@FilmLearnin5 жыл бұрын
I think it should
@philmsproductionsYT5 жыл бұрын
i tried it but it said something about cinema 4D and how it doesn't work. i was really disappointed. is there a way to make it work?
@66RStudios5 жыл бұрын
Please do dr strange portal effect
@felipebitencurt49805 жыл бұрын
como se faz o efeito de voz dowrench do jogo what's dogs 2, efeito meio robitoco mt top
@19LOVEMJ3 жыл бұрын
Song used in the background please?
@REaDComicsau5 жыл бұрын
Great effect but I’ve seen it before in gift shops
@kof1371225 жыл бұрын
I like Magic~~~~~
@Arsertijo5 жыл бұрын
Mob Psycho 100 Effect plz
@SharpDesign5 жыл бұрын
Badass in a bathrobe.. yup
@h6wie5 жыл бұрын
anyone know the song for the film learning avengers intro?