Does teach salvation by grace, through faith, in Christ, alone? - Podcast Ep 227

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Got Questions Ministries

Got Questions Ministries

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Does teach salvation by works? Why do some people accuse of denying that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?
Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works? - www.gotquestio...
What does it mean that salvation is by grace through faith? - www.gotquestio...
What does it mean that good works are the result of salvation? - www.gotquestio...
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@marcellomorena9156 3 ай бұрын
Great stuff! I pray that this company remains biblical & that it doesn’t waver. Soli Deo Gloria
@Romans8. 3 ай бұрын
This is soooooo good. ♥️✝️👑 God bless you. Follow Jesus.
@robertodelgadotapia 3 ай бұрын
Si tu lengua materna es español (como en mi caso) aunque hables inglés, comparte este canal diciendo que a través de KZbin pueden ver subtítulos en 17 idiomas (incluyendo inglés) y puede ser de bendición para más personas. Gracias al equipo que hace esto posible. 🙏🏻
@LightBeingsBE 3 ай бұрын
13:58 I appreciate the analogy…. Makes perfect sense and it was the best way to describe how the fruits of the spirit should be on full display
@jimlarson7022 3 ай бұрын
My experience is Works are for our benefit. To get involved and see Jesus at work in people and situations is amazing. It teaches you about Jesus, strengths your faith and is very rewarding. Thank you Jesus
@drio258 3 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Thank you so much for your thoughtful commentary. Blessings to you all!
@FightsfromVictory 3 ай бұрын
Once saved, always saved,if saved.
@hyeminkwun9523 3 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as OSAS. No one knows whether he is saved or not until he stands before God for judgment at death. When Our Lord founded His Church on the Apostles (Matt 16:18-19) and sent them to teach people to OBSERVE ALL HE COMMANDED for salvation of souls until the end of the world (Matt 28:19-20) saying, "Whoever believes you and baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe you will be condemned (Mark 16:16)." Our Lord did not say, "Whoever believes you is saved." Why Our Lord said, "Will be saved"? Of course, a believer, who faithfully observe what Our Lord Commanded as taught by His Church during his whole life, will be saved at the end. As Our Lord said, "Whoever perseveres to the end will be saved (Matt 24:13). If a believer does not observe and do as taught by His Church, he may not be saved at all. For one mortal sin (1 John 5:16) will make him to be condemned, if he does not repent and is forgiven before death.
@deanfry879 3 ай бұрын
@@hyeminkwun9523 If we really understand the Lord's love for us, what else would we do but believe in Him to the changing of our lives (1 John 3:1-3, 4:19). Did not the Sanhedrin take note the Apostles had been with Jesus from the way they acted? You are saying you do not know if you are saved. What prevents you from seeing His love? How can one meet Jesus and not know if one is saved? The person who meets Jesus is either going to come to Him or try to run away.
@hyeminkwun9523 3 ай бұрын
@@deanfry879 Ephesians 2:10 says, 'we are created (namely, reborn) in Christ Jesus for the good works that we should walk in them,' which the baptized promises to God during the rite of the Sacrament of Baptism. 1 John 3:8-9 says, 'He that commits sin is of the devil. No one begotten by God commits sin.' And Our Lord said, "Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin (John 8:34). To retain the Sanctifying Grace received, the baptized must not sin; otherwise, he will lose the Grace much the same way as our first parents lost it and death came. 'You are called to be holy (1 Cor 1:2).' 'No one who fails to act in righteousness belongs to God (1 John 3:10).' We have to fight continually against Flesh, World, and Satan and their temptations, and against our fallen nature, so that we do not sin. This fight require assiduous efforts on our part to cooperate with the Graces given through the Sacraments Our Lord instituted in the Church, particularly, the Sacraments of Confession and the Holy Eucharist (John 6:53-54). This fight is not easy, as Our Lord said, "How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to Life, and those who find it are few (Matt 7:14)." That's why St. Paul said, "I chastise my body and bring it into subjection, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should become a reprobate (1 Cor 9:27)." St. Paul was concerned about losing salvation and, thus exhorted believers, "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12)." Do you think obtaining salvation is a piece of cake? Without the Graces from Sacraments administered by the Catholic Church, one cannot be saved. That's why, "Outside of the Church, No Salvation" is a Catholic Dogma (Catechism # 846). If you are interested in this Dogma, please watch Father Isaac Mary Relyea's talk on this subject on KZbin.
@jonbgalindo 3 ай бұрын
@@hyeminkwun9523what about 1 John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that YE MAY KNOW that ye have ETERNAL LIFE, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” ?? God is confirming our eternal life if we believe in His Son through faith alone
@jonbgalindo 3 ай бұрын
I believe we should be confident that we have eternal life. The objective focus isn’t our faith but Jesus, right? It should be on His finished work?? We obey by believing and we start to change inwardly due to being saved by Him
@terrymoffett1356 3 ай бұрын
Continue being FAITHFUL to the whole Word Of God. We don’t live with a dead faith. I hope the evidence of my salvation is seen in the things God desires, compels and guides me to do in this life.
@hectorfairley895 3 ай бұрын
Thinking Christians will invariably grapple with these eternal questions but will, as you gentlemen demostrate, humbly admit their inadequacy to fully understand them. Thanks for the discussion.
@gracepilditch9388 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely there’ll be a change, we’ll bear good fruit, we’ll be generous with all the Lord’s good gifts that He showers on us and share with others. Especially the gospel, the greatest treasure we could possibly share . Most importantly we’ll grow In Christlikeness.
@JanetNewby 3 ай бұрын
@JanetNewby 3 ай бұрын
A believer sins and the Holy Spirit helps them recognize that sin and go to the Lord in prayer confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. That's our humanness reaching out to God with repentance. W hen the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray He told them to pray in this matter Matthew 6: 9-13.
@gracepilditch9388 3 ай бұрын
@@JanetNewby and we hate it when we sin but the Lord who is rich in mercy will forgive us
@justbargelle 3 ай бұрын
Problem is most of the Christians in the Last Days are becoming "Performance based" Christianity. There was a worship leader who said "I wanna make sure that by singing up there is Im making the Holy Spirit come down." In my thought I was like what did I just hear?" with jaw dropped. I know people who are so quiet and living a holy life that just by praying for people, serving God by helping people quietly are full of anointing than those who are pushing the tithes and offering to people before they could be called "obedient" for me RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD through JESUS is so deep that the carnally minded believers do not understand.
@truthnow902 3 ай бұрын
Okay so who are these performance-based Christians never heard of any and I've never seen any? If they're a Christian they're a Christian because they follow Christ and they love Jesus this is why there a Christian in the first place!!! And the second pack is the unbelievers they don't even believe in Jesus they don't even apply here!! So this false teaching and Doctrine does not even exist it's not even biblical!!! So there is no such thing as performance based Christians!!! Need to be very careful with this the devil is very very deceiving!!!!!!
@kevinejiofor1340 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this discussion. There is no such thing as hyper grace. I think people just haven’t come to really understand what grace is. God’s grace has another side of the coin which is found in Titus 2:11-13. The grace of God not only forgives sins, but also empowers/ teaches/trains people to live for God. I really don’t like how people insult the grace of God by calling it hyper grace. Thank God for using you guys to bring out this topic of discussion. I enjoyed it.
@auntsuesue 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so very much for this video!! This info helps so much❤️
@ryanhart3159 3 ай бұрын
Amen brothers!!!🙏❤️
@mikeyvangelism 3 ай бұрын
If you just look at Baptists’ favorite example of salvation through faith alone, the thief on the cross, even he technically did a good work. His two good works were acknowledging he deserved his punishment and reverently asked Christ, “remember me when You enter your kingdom.”
@LightBeingsBE 3 ай бұрын
25:43 examination of yourselves to see where you are in your faith What fruits are on display in your life and are you consistently adding more fruits to your behaviors. Are you following all his commands, decrees or instructions? I didn’t get all m fruit at one time they came as God showing me were I fell short and my surrender and openness to grow and ask for more wisdom, understanding the more I depend on him the more he shows me and use me When God says well DONE my good and faithful servant…, he’s expecting you DO something
@saiphenay 3 ай бұрын
Thank you God you made this video. I have seen a lot of people preaching "Faith Alone" message but don't talk about the new life expected from a born-again Christian. I think they're so so so misleading.
@LightBeingsBE 3 ай бұрын
18:50 there is something required… look at the parable of the talents You are required to use whatever gifts, skills, tools and talents to help others Share everything you have… bread, shelter, clothing Help anyone that asks and ones God tells you to help You are required to do what the Bible commands and what Jesus did and taught. If you believe nothing is required you will be considered lazy and not be rewarded in eternity. There are I think 7 crowns 👑 that can be earned in the Bible.
@stephaniemartinez87 13 сағат бұрын
I have a spiritual question: Is it considered an unpardonable sin if i get intrusive thoughts or thoughts that would pop up out of fear and nervousness with thoughts that are blasphemous that call Jesus or the Holy Spirit what the pharisees did in scripture? Like these thoughts calling the Jesus or the Holy Spirit satan? Is it unpardonable? I'm concerned. Prayers for me. I've had an intrusive thought a while ago and ever since you explained shared about the meaning of the unpardonable sin and then i had an intrusive thought that said was saying the Holy Spirit was an imagination and then immediately prayed to God to try to say I didn't agree with it and caught myself saying I do because I was praying fast. I tent to pray fast because intrusive thoughts come into my prayers too. And I instantly felt quilty and caught off. Like I was beyond hope and forgiveness. I've been praying 1 john 1:9 and went it comes to intrusive thoughts that have to do with the unpardonable sin and trying not to think anything bad like I've shared before it feels hard to cling to his promise in scripture. I feel quilty and my heart grow hard. And I don't want my heart to feel this way or end up in this state. I want to care for Jesus and the faith. I feel concerned to fall away, not care, and drift away. Please pray for me to give me hope and peace.🥺 🙏
@generosodeleon3605 3 ай бұрын
Salvation is by grace through faith alone, good works is the purpose of salvation. Ephesians 2:8-10.
@anitapendleton7420 3 ай бұрын
I have a Bible study question and don't know where to ask it. What parameter of time makes up the 40 years in 2 Sam. 15:7, when it says, "after 40 years, Absalom". I have NKJV. Some other translations say just 4 years but both can't be right if the Bible is 100% God inspired.
@ryanhart3159 3 ай бұрын
If you change your mind your actions will change also. All this is only possible after one is born again but the Spirit of God. Only then can one repent and truly trust Christ alone.🙏❤️.
@deanfry879 3 ай бұрын
Doing good works cannot save because it is impossible for an unbeliever to do good works in the eyes of God. Unbelievers do "good works" to bring glory to themselves in the eyes of humans, but those works cannot bring glory to a God they do not know. Nor can good works bring glory to a God one only thinks one knows from what they have heard about Him but have never met.
@LightBeingsBE 3 ай бұрын
29:10 sanctification or salvation Does this come with being called, being sent, having assignments that God design to bring him glory? Thank you I’m hope I’m not a keyboard warrior 😅
@JudeenGarza 3 ай бұрын
Lordship grace has enormous Biblical evidence, whereas free grace is simply a matter of human opinion...and we all know where human opinion gets us.
@leavell53 3 ай бұрын
Well I seen that thing the other day to go through the Bible and circle all the IFS I think salvation has some conditions to be met 💥
@deanfry879 3 ай бұрын
Yes, either one believes the promise God made or one does not; either one believes God has the power and will to make good on His promise or one does not. The conditions are not that difficult except in one's own mind.
@Sgomes-is4or 3 ай бұрын
Great discussion. I believe in once saved always saved but with salvation the mind changes and so does the will of a person. This was a balenced take on the issue
@debbiekling6065 3 ай бұрын
Smile 😊 doesn’t the Bible say that if they leave they never were of us 1John 2:19 kjv
@tomw6271 3 ай бұрын
and you were dead in your trespasses (Eph ch. 2)...dead men can't do work, God saves by grace alone...SDG
@jamesharman7266 3 ай бұрын
Has there been a large number of your subscribers accusing Got Questions of promoting works based salvation?
@gotquestions 3 ай бұрын
Not very many subscribers, but a few other KZbin videos and websites/blogs.
@Badkharma21 3 ай бұрын
If you fail to rightly divide the word of truth you will be confused. Please don’t take on scriptures meant for the circumcised to apply to the uncircumsized
@edg3211 3 ай бұрын
Do not waiver brothers! You're discernment is Biblical. You preach and present the Biblical Jesus on your channel, not the western culture Jesus. Hyper grace preaching will lead many to destruction- Matthew 7:21-23. 😢
@Badkharma21 3 ай бұрын
My biggest issue with your channel is your on the side of replacement theology
@gotquestions 3 ай бұрын
We are absolutely not on the side of replacement theology! We completely reject replacement theology!
@dank2476 3 ай бұрын
Works is not necessary for salvation but it is proof for salvation as stated faith without works is dead.
@grantbuchanan5749 3 ай бұрын
2 Corinthians 6:14Do not be fnbound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
@RT-qz5ci 3 ай бұрын
Oh boy, here come all the sinless perfectionists who think they never sin and thats why they are going to heaven. This topic always brings them out 🙄
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